Genre Name: Progressive Rock or Prog Rock
Where did it Originate from?: Mid - late 60's United States and United Kingdom.
Main Bands / Musicians: The Who, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, King Crimson, Sabre, Rush, Yes, Genesis, Marillion, Jethro Tull, Tool, Frank Zappa + Millions more.
Related Genres: Progressive Metal (Prog Rock invented Prog Metal), Kruatrock (Germany's Prog Rock), Psychedelic Rock (many Prog Rock bands perform both genres).
Small History / Overview.
Prog Rock began around the mid too late 60's with band's from United Kingdom and United States, Europe took alot of inspiration from these bands and formed there own styles such as Kruatrock in Germany, Zeuhl in France / Belguim and Italian Prog in Italy.
To this day many bands still perform progressive rock while some metal bands perform progressive metal, the main chartaristics include longer riffs and manly lyrics not starting in songs until 30 seconds too 1 minute, many progressive rock bands performed psychedelic rock since both grenres of music have similar length in songs. The only difference is that Psychedelic was influnced by drugs, progressive music was not.
By the 70's Prog rock was a very popular style of music and one man changed the tone of Prog Rock, he was Frank Zappa, known more as an experimental musican he would perform in his earlier career Progressive rock, he added a much more Jazzy sound to his songs with influnced the Krautrock scene.
Prog rock did full in popularity due to the rise of the Punk movement still there was hundreds too thousands of progressive rock bands, the form has a massive influnce in Progressive metal along with many new bands today.
Lets see what eveyone else thinks / share you favoutie song band or any information about a local scene.
Goblin - Aquaman (An Italian Prog band)