That's some great stuff there. Darn, you never knew about USA's Werewolf
I may elaborate on that later
Don't forget that I showcased My Fisher-Price Disney Movie Viewer with Lonesome Ghosts and on the same page I posted My huge Gremlins presentation too
Only PB has said something about. OK PB, I watched that Boogieman episode of Quantum Leap. I watched it on Peacock instead however. They have the WHOLE SERIES ON THERE
You did know they rebooted the series right
They got that too
Anyway here is My brief take on it. This was My first one I ever saw. I remember the series being advertised on TV especially USA during WWF Prime Time Wrestling in the early 90s and even through Monday Night Raw during 93 and years after that possibly even on Sci-Fi and so on. When I started to play the Boogie Man episode, right away I got the old classic feeling of late 80s/early 90s TV, a feeling that so lacks with today's stuff. The theme music is by Mike Post who's done a lot like Law & Order's most episodes so I knew how his style goes. The actual score by Velton Ray Bunch is very good as he's done a lot of stuff too like Star Trek episodes. Another thing I liked was the spooky sound effects and howling wind. I have always loved that. It can be as important as music especially when we're dealing with horror
Now since I didn't know much of the story or what the series really is about, the prologue & intro helped a novice so I got the drift of most of the crucial parts of the series to know what is happening in the episode. It had Me going for a while about the mystery and so forth. I loved the Black Cat, he reminded Me so much of My own that I had at this time in 1990, I miss him so much
Scott Drakula
was the same old as before, he's one of those actors that really never changes no matter what he's in. Dean Stockwell is kinda like that too but their both good, I have always liked him. I was kinda surprised at the climax with the Stephen King scenario. the sets and everything looked fine too. Overall the episode was fun. I'm not sure If I'd want to get involved with the series, for one I have so much to do and there isn't enough time in a day for it all. Thanks for bringing My attention to this PB
NOTE: As you know I have posted some Stephen King stuff, I just watched the episode yesterday morning and I had no clue with the King homages within the epidsode...what is going on here PB