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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 10:38 am
by packerbacker180
So we went to see Sonic 2 yesterday and before the film there's a montage of Sega games and there was one who's name I can't recall and it's bugging me. It was a view from behind the character who was flying and fired a big gun. I can't for the life of me remember the game but it was probably a very early SEGA game.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:17 pm
by AcidDragon
Space Harrier!

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:37 pm
by packerbacker180
Yep! That was the game.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:40 pm
by AcidDragon
A great game based on a SEGA arcade classic which was among SEGA's Astro City line of arcade machines.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:28 pm
by packerbacker180
Yeah, they quickly showed multiple games like Road Rash that I loved, but when they showed Space Harrier, I was like, Oh man, I remember that game, but I couldn't remember remotely what it's name was. Road Rash was a fun game.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:31 pm
by AcidDragon
Yeah both Road Rash and Space Harrier are on the Genesis Mini and the SEGA Astro City Mini which has the arcade versions of both. I love those games! Very innovative. With Space Harrier, you really got the sense that it was "3D". Road Rash had a similar vibe with the forward scrolling track and I loved the idea of getting to attack the other riders. It felt very Mad Max.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:45 pm
by packerbacker180
I could've sworn I had a SEGA mini around here somewhere but can't seem to find it. Even though I had a Genesis, I have a greater fondness for NES games. By the time I got a Genesis it was mostly buying sports games and renting everything else. With Nintendo and Atari I owned a lot more to choose from to play daily.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:32 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Couldn't tell ya PB :roll: Oh the NES was great too :)

Cool...Space Harrier! Say, could you spill the beans a bit here on the movie? I didn't do any research on this one and at this state I don't care if I'm spoiled and since you saw it PB so I thought I'd ask you :) I see that Tails is voiced by a woman, did they ruin him and turn him into female now or did they do that to match his voice from the games and stuff ONLY? Also, is there any other characters in there perhaps Knuckles :?: What about Shadow or Amy? Oh and does Jim Carey go full Dr. Robotnik or Eggman, ya know, bald, fat and big mustache :?: Anything else worth mentioning like maybe other game cameos other than Space Harrier :?:

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:18 am
by packerbacker180
I haven't played many Soni games after the first couple and my knowledge of storylines are virtually non-existent, but my understanding with Tails is that Colleen O'Shaugnessey voiced Tails in many of the more recent Sonic videogames, but I wouldn't say there's a real sense of gender. The main plot I'll put in spoilers

After the first movie Robotnik was stranded on a mushroom world where he has now grown his infamous stache. He's developed a way to use a quill he got from Somic to send a signal into space which eventually leads to Knuckles finding him and agreeing to take him back to Earth to find some all powerful emerald. So at the start Knuckles is a bad guy, and Tails arrives on Earth to warn Sonic. Eventually they all find their way to the emerald and Robotnik betrays Knuckles and takes it for himself where he becomes almost omnipotent. Then the three creatures team up to stop Robotnik and agree to protect the emerald together. In the post credits scene, the military reveal they found a 50 year old hidden lab and the scene cuts to it to reveal Shadow in some sort of suspended animation.

Not knowing much storylines, and after the whole fiasco of them having to redesign Sonic to look more like a little hedgehog and not that horrific long-legged monster they had originally planned, I wasn't sure what to expect with the first film, but I gotta say, they're both really good. I can't say if they're faithful to the games or cartoons, because I never watched any of the cartoons, but as movies, they hold up and my kids liked the first enough to want to see the second as soon as it came out. And I kind of liked the bigger feel of the second more.

But they're both worth seeing.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:00 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Thanks for the spoilers PB, it actually sounds good and logically faithful to the material. I really never watched the cartoons but I had kept up on the story a bit since the early days and even when SEGA put their games new on Xbox & Wii U. I never really kept up who the voices were, I just know how their in such a craze to change things :roll:

Sounds great PB, did your kids know the characters already and the games or were they new to it and do they like them better than Mario or they a big Mario fan too :?: