So today's monster of Mine is the Thetis Lake Monster in British Columbia, Canada
Here's a cool brief video of it that has much info.
Now could this Cryptid be a real life Gillman I mean they got that idea from somewhere
Back to the Lizard Man, The Gill-Man in the Monster Squad has more reptilians featured. He was design ed by monster master the late great Stan Winston, he kinda resembles The Predator & The Kothoga which was both created by Winston and were reptilian. I think there's some sort of connection here
The Gill-men and Fish-Men have been featured in Castlevania games many times. Here's the first two games which the second is Simon's Quest.
When the TV show Grimm was on, it had some cool monsters, could this show be explaining what The Lake Thetis creature and others are
So here's a special feature, way back in 2013 I posted a lot of kit-bashes of My MOTUC. The original topic is here ---> You can tell how different things was them. Anyway I made a figure bash and wrote a fan fiction story that was totally inspired of the monster of Lake Thetis back then so here's My quote
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Well, here My bashes of some characters that i made up. the first one Is My favorite, i hope you will please take the time and see what it is all about I didn't detail the others yet. Any questions you please ask
I recently (and finally) obtained the blue Mer-Man from the DC vs. MOTU pack with Aquaman. I decided that I wanted this Mer-Man as a completely new character and just not a Mer-Man variant. I had a big idea and went with it. I took pics and wrote a nice story for him. Please read it and let Me know what you think especially you guys that love the Horde like I do, I will appreciate very much guys:)
NOTE: His name as well as parts of his story have "Easter Eggs" and references, see if you see what I'm talkin' about if you can figure it out;)
Cranator: The Evil Fishman Warrior of the Horde!
Real Name: Cornish Pup
Bio: When he hatched he immediatly loved to play in the corn and wheat fields instead of the water till he was no longer a youngling. Has always been a unique individual turning to be a misfit and out of place. During his teenage era he was a menace for his family and the wild life. Begging to be part of the exoworld he was reluctantly invited to take part of a ritual that is sacred for Moraturians. After disturbing his elders he was banished from the water ways never to return. Saddened on a long journey across Eternia, he sees a mysterious light he knew could only be one thing. He is abducted by an alien race. Suddenly he awakes in a foreign land but sees a pleasurable lake ahead, he jumps in it but must take precaution because he knows nothing of the liquid nor what is in the new ocean. He decided to make this home. A couple days after getting used to his cozy new home he sees some beings that strangely look like humans back on Eternia. He hides in the deep water but several people jump in forcing him to take action roaring and scaring the teenagers away. Many people have visited the Lake Thetis in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in North America on this planet called Earth. Being depressed that his new habitat is being invaded by possible Eternians, Cornish Pup finally attacks one person. They report this new, unknown creature they dubbed "The Lake Thetis Monster" to the police but the authorities find no evidence of any large humanoid fish man or mer-creature. These sightings and incidents only occurred a handful of times during Earth's later part of its 20th century. All of a sudden during a cold night, Cornish sees something he has seen before, a bright light moving toward him high in the sky but unlike last time he is ready for anything. He is beamed aboard a space vessel, he meets Hordak, leader of the Horde armies. Instantly Cornish wants to attack him but Hordak pulls a force field stopping the merman in his tracks but no further action is taken. Hordak says he is looking to recruit great warriors from other worlds for the upcoming war and he sees that he has great war blood in him. The angry fishman introduces himself and explains his life and that he is actually familiar with the Horde Empire hearing many myths and legends of them. He asks Hordak if he abducted him before and Hordak replies "no, if I did, you would have served Me as a warrior or been My slave". Hordak realizes that this Moraturian is smart, angry and totally ruthless due to his family abandoning him and tells Shadow Weaver and Modulok to disregard plans.
As his true nature has now been unleashed from decades of hatred within, Cornish is now Cranator, ruthless fishman of Horde Empire. Hordak now has a great fighting recruit that can handle any weapon and cares about only one thing: WAR!
NOTE: I've been thinking of it for a while, I might do something about My fan fiction later