Oh, that's neat that they used that legend. I actually saw that Powerwolf song yesterday but didn't know it tied into the show.
For today's Monster o the Day let's head up to the Great White North...
The origins of this urban legend come from a 1979 article in the Toronto newspaper The Sunday Sun. The article, titled "Tunnel monster of Cabbagetown?," evokes some pretty interesting imagery.
The article purports that a Toronto resident of the Cabbagetown district named Ernest was searching for a missing kitten when he came across a tunnel near his apartment building. He encountered a monster roughly 10 feet in and was so shocked and frightened by it that he fled. The article notes that “he saw a living nightmare he’ll never forget.”
The creature was so unbelievable to Ernest that he barely told anyone about it. He said to the reporter, “If I tell you what I saw, people will think I was drunk or crazy. They’ll never believe me.”
"It was pitch black in there... I saw it with my flashlight. The eyes were orange and red, slanted... It was long and thin, almost like a monkey... three feet long, large teeth, weighing maybe 30 pounds with slate-grey fur."
Sounds like Ernest was...scared stupid.
Personally, I think the scariest thing in Toronto are delusional Leafs fans.
The monster could've been a Memegwesi creatures from Native American lore that live in or near rivers and lakes. They’re mischievous pranksters and thieves, and they'll tip your canoe if you don’t give them a proper offering, such as a pinch of tobacco.
Myth says that although they steal from fishing nets, they can also be helpful. According to stories, they live in hollowed-out rocks, are about 3 feet tall, are very hairy, and have high-pitched, nasal voices. Perhaps centuries of living in Toronto’s underground rivers has turned these simple Memegwesi into subterranean predators.
What was it? Like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop...