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Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:08 pm

And oh goddess, its even worse in World War Z, lol.

All things given, the Zombie is the easiest and most preferable of the Apocalypses to survive. What always bothers me in zombie movies are the images of rotting flesh tearing apart healthy humans, when that isn't an easy task FOR healthy humans.
Depending on their level of rot, they'd tear themselves apart trying.
Also always wondered why doesn't anyone travel to the arctic? Corpses would freeze solid there, while you wait for them all to rot away, with the Inuit.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:28 pm

It is best to chuck science out the window when it comes to enjoying zombie fiction. Even taking into account the suspension of disbelief to accept reanimated corpses, these things would be all done in a matter of days. In cold climates, they would quickly freeze solid due to lack of body heat. In warm areas, decomposition, and insects, would render them useless very rapidly. Also, why does everyone try for the headshot right away? It would be much easier to take the legs out, then pickaxe the skulls at a leisurely pace. That is, discounting things like everyone's unerring aim, and Herschel's infinite ammo code shotgun.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:37 pm

These extreme weather conditions wouldnt just be harmful to the zombies, though. they would affect the survivors also.
Not trying to be a d1c% just trying to further the conversation. :)
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:49 pm

I'm not talking necessarily arctic or rain forest extremes. Normal summer temperatures would be more than enough to facilitate speedy decomposition. Writing as someone who worked on a garbage truck for two years, even the northern US summers will turn dead things very bad, very quickly. By the same token, the first winter frost would be enough to destroy an ambulatory corpse's tissue matter. Once the temperature gets low enough for water to freeze, no zombie is going anywhere. Living humans can put on jackets and gloves, and be perfectly fine.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:53 pm

Thats a solid point, you are saying by January, they would all be too screwed up to even move, right? I think that sounds pretty realistic. Now If we talkin "outta the grave'' Zombies, different story.

I always felt, in the movies, the Z'eds that were recently dead were always less of a threat then the movies when they come out the grave. Zombie, Return of the Living Dead, and Children Shouldnt Play with Dead Things, They are like Unstoppable!!!
I would think the other way around. Like, in NIght of the Living Dead, if they woulda just got along and worked together they ABSOLUTELY could of survived.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:06 pm

Getting way off-topic of The Walking Dead, but I generally prefer the supernatural zombies a la The Beyond. Once you accept dead people are animated by magic or whatever, there are no rules. The medical or science based zombies, like those in The Walking Dead, sometimes seem even less plausible than voodoo. Now I am starting to sound like the jerk who tries to shoot down everyone's entertainment. No, I love the stuff as much as anyone. It gets a little goofy when they try to explain things, though. I think the Night of the Living Dead method of "Here are zombies. We don't know why or how" works best. I wish the whole CDC thing was left out of the show, honestly.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:11 pm

If you wanna get real off topic, we could start talking about Werewolves instead. lmao, just kidding.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:14 pm

Heh. I don't think poking holes in the plausibility of zombies is destroying anyone's fun.
To me, I think it's half the fun!
And to be honest, until the next episode, there's probably not much to talk about for Walking Dead itself, lol.

I had the theory for a while that the WD apocalypse was started by Walter White, and that was going to be the big plot twist ending for Breaking Bad, lol.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:48 am

Lmao. "Walking Bad"...... I dont know. But I actually wonder, with the walking dead spinoff, are they gonna keep them separated, or maybe build towards a crossover of sorts.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:58 am

I didnt know there was a spinoff coming.
Also, i found this evening on youtube (with my phone) a video called Breaking Dead, and someone edited the two really well to connect the two series exactly like my gag theory!
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