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Video Games

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Re: Video Games

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:54 am

Yeah, the game was insane and yes, you could bust guys open and even cripple them. You could bite people or stab them with a knife. Set them on fire. Do the Muta mist. I did a four man Battle Royale and someone superkicked me through the ropes and I couldn't get back up and then I realized that when I fell out of the ring, I "botched" it and got crippled. The match continued with the 3 CPU players. Ordinarily, in my adolescence, I'd be like this sucks! I can't play! but my eyes were glued to the TV and all I could think was Coooooooooool!!! I know they made some new games but I never got to play any of them. :batshock: You're absolutely right it played like a THQ game. I couldn't believe you could do a tombstone or a powerbomb off the top rope. I remember my eyes went wide even being able to do the Jackknife with Diesel in RAW, but a powerbomb off the top rope was just ridiculous. The N64 THQ gameplay especially reminds me of Super Fire Pro like WCW/NWO Revenge and No Mercy.

Rage in the Cage looks crazy. I think it had... 20 wrestlers in it? I think IRS was in it as well as the Headshrinkers for the first time. Big Boss Man. Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags from the Nasty Boyz. Very unusual roster.
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Re: Video Games

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:57 am

AcidDragon wrote:Yeah, the game was insane and yes, you could bust guys open and even cripple them. You could bite people or stab them with a knife. Set them on fire. Do the Muta mist. I did a four man Battle Royale and someone superkicked me through the ropes and I couldn't get back up and then I realized that when I fell out of the ring, I "botched" it and got crippled. The match continued with the 3 CPU players. Ordinarily, in my adolescence, I'd be like this sucks! I can't play! but my eyes were glued to the TV and all I could think was Coooooooooool!!! I know they made some new games but I never got to play any of them. :batshock: You're absolutely right it played like a THQ game. I couldn't believe you could do a tombstone or a powerbomb off the top rope. I remember my eyes went wide even being able to do the Jackknife with Diesel in RAW, but a powerbomb off the top rope was just ridiculous. The N64 THQ gameplay especially reminds me of Super Fire Pro like WCW/NWO Revenge and No Mercy.

Rage in the Cage looks crazy. I think it had... 20 wrestlers in it? I think IRS was in it as well as the Headshrinkers for the first time. Big Boss Man. Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags from the Nasty Boyz. Very unusual roster.

I love the wrestling games. The early ones on NES were ok but the Royal Rumble & Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game were My favorites on Genesis and RAW on 32X was also great. THem WCW and WWF games by THQ ruled in My opinion.

Yeah, Rage in the Cage on SDC was really good, loved the vids on it. Don't forget that Kamala for the first time was on that roster too you know :)
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Re: Video Games

Postby beastovjudgement » Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:13 am

Wrestling games... I used to love wrestling in the classic era. But, I haven't watched it in over ten years, and in fact actively dislike what it has become. That said, I will still play some recent wrestling video games, for one reason: the character creation modes. I played one a year or so ago, and the roster was like, The Rock, Triple H, and then a whole bunch of dudes I have never heard of. But, my buddies and I had a blast making our own guys. We made pretty good representations of ourselves, and a bunch of comic book characters. I think my saved game has myself and Thanos as the tag team champions, if I remember right. Then, there was my brother's character - a big, fat dude in an American flag costume called Nation Wide. I remember one of the games required you to play through story mode to unlock everything. I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, so I replaced the entire roster with "Defaults", the generic blonde guy with blue trunks that is the temate for created characters. I had around thirty of them, all with nothing for stats and only the most basic moves. Default and his clones had an arm drag for a finisher. The unexpected hilarious side effect to this tactic was the story mode itself. "On his way to the ring, accompanied by Default... Default! And his partner... Default!" At one point, I was forced to team with Default versus Default and Default. It's probably not as funny in the retelling, but I was laughing the whole time.
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Re: Video Games

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:31 pm

AcidDragon wrote:Yeah, the game was insane and yes, you could bust guys open and even cripple them. You could bite people or stab them with a knife. Set them on fire. Do the Muta mist. I did a four man Battle Royale and someone superkicked me through the ropes and I couldn't get back up and then I realized that when I fell out of the ring, I "botched" it and got crippled. The match continued with the 3 CPU players. Ordinarily, in my adolescence, I'd be like this sucks! I can't play! but my eyes were glued to the TV and all I could think was Coooooooooool!!! I know they made some new games but I never got to play any of them. :batshock: You're absolutely right it played like a THQ game. I couldn't believe you could do a tombstone or a powerbomb off the top rope. I remember my eyes went wide even being able to do the Jackknife with Diesel in RAW, but a powerbomb off the top rope was just ridiculous. The N64 THQ gameplay especially reminds me of Super Fire Pro like WCW/NWO Revenge and No Mercy.

Rage in the Cage looks crazy. I think it had... 20 wrestlers in it? I think IRS was in it as well as the Headshrinkers for the first time. Big Boss Man. Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags from the Nasty Boyz. Very unusual roster.

Tombstones of the top Rope!!!!!! Now thats insane! As far as the the N64 games, Which I think are the best. No Mercy has the best gameplay, And the absolute best Ladder Match, butt I i think I like the create a player on WM2000 more. As far as Revenge goes, There is like what, 100 people on that game. If that game had more match types, it would be my favorite.
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Re: Video Games

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:33 am

Thoroughly excited today, found a used video game shop in my area, they had some pretty cool stuff. I didnt want to go overboard, so I just got two genesis games. Marble Madness andRen and Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention. They both took a little getting used to, but im gettin the feel for it.
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Re: Video Games

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:34 am

Marble Madness? There's a classic. I had the NES one, though. Loved it. :batgrin:
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Re: Video Games

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:06 am

yea i wasnt familiar with the genesis version either, but Since I dont own a nintendo, this was the next best thing. It actually feels harder than the nintendo version, because of how much looser the genesis d-pad is.
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Re: Video Games

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:15 am

I still have my Genesis but I haven't played it for a long time. I have Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Streets of Rage, Evander Holyfield Boxing, WWF Wrestlemania, Sonic 1,2,3 and Shadow Dancer. I used to have the Phantasy Star games and the Shining Force games which were some of my favourite games ever. The last time I got to play a Phantasy Star game was on my XBox 360 when I bought and downloaded it from their retro arcade selection. Did you ever play any of the games I listed above?
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Re: Video Games

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:28 am

Yes, I had to rebuy all my genesis collection, and then I bought a genesis from TRU. It had 50games on it(25 of which were actually real) plus two 6button controllers, and I can play all my old genesis games on it. (except SSFII for some reason.)
Anyways, because of that, I now have all three Streets of Rage, And all the Sonics. Sonic 2 is one of my favorite games ever, the Streets of Rage games are great, Holyfield Boxing I remember being ok, Wrestlemania is decent, and I dont know what Eternal Sun is. I know all about Shining Force 1-2. Im not really into RPGs that much. But, I remember a kid down the street had it, and he was always talking about getting more and more people into his group. I was like, I gotta see this game, and I went and saw it, and I was Like "Wheres the Fighting'? lmao, Now, I would probably like it.
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Re: Video Games

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:37 am

Warriors of the Eternal Sun was one of the most frustrating RPGs I've ever played. It was insanely hard and there were glitch areas that could cause you to save in a place where you could never survive and essentially make you stuck forever. I still haven't passed it to this day. WrestleMania was way better on the SEGA than the SNES. At least it had the finishers. The SNES version didn't have any at all which was just crap. :smheat:
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