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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:13 pm
by packerbacker180
Cast Awaay was good, saw it in the theatre but haven't seen it since.

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:21 am
by BrandonDaCollector
OK Cool PB :)

O that was was pretty good, came out 40 years ago this year believe it or not :o Really one of the best either icon was in :)

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:59 am
by packerbacker180

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:10 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Ah Tango & Cash, one of the first movie hero cross overs of the 80s. As you know when I was a youngster I already knew Stallone so I knew him from First Blood/Rambo & the Rocky films but I wasn't with Kurt Russell all that much because Big Trouble in Little (thanks to My Dad Buddy, it was actually a good time there :) was the first movie I saw him in (I didn't see The Thing, Escape from New York till later) and I really liked Kurt and instantly became a fave. So when I first saw Tango & Cash it was a bit of a childhood thrill for Me because of the hero duo. It was part of a great 1989 movie lineup. It was an overall good film. I have the combo DVD pack of it with Stallone's Cobra which was really cool getting.

NOTE: One day I'll really talk about Big Trouble in Little China cause it's one of My faves of ever of all-time. I have a few more I'll detail soon and I love the action hero, buddy cops and movies like that so I may contribute to the topic soon cause I'm working on a lot so we'll see but continue on PB, this is good :)

Composer Harold Faltermeyer (The Running Man - another great one) made a pretty good theme here :)

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:12 pm
by packerbacker180

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:02 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Ah the good'ol Waterboy. This was an OK film from 98, another one 25 years ago from this year :o There is some moments in this that I must mention like...

I had a childhood crush on Fairuza Balk when she was a little girl as Dorothy in 1985's Return to Oz and even when she grew up. She's a bit older than Me but I don't care, I've always liked the mature/older girl/woman. She looked quite different and has a unique beauty/coolnesss to her, I'm always for the women that others don't find attractive and so on :) Here is some cool stuff of her in The Waterboy :batsmile:

Fairuza Balk n The Waterboy 1.jpg


Now here's a another and boy is it a BIG ONE. First Bill "Hugh Morrus" DeMott has a bit part in here but the one that was hugely hyped at the time in 1998 was Paul "The Giant" Wight :shock: He was hyped up more than he was for 1996's Jingle All the Way and he was still in WCW and he was huge, way way bigger than he is now. He was about 7 feet 4 and around 550 pounds, he was arguably bigger than Andre the Giant during this time. His character name is Captain Insano. He is interviewed by one of Chris Farley's brothers (Bill Murray isn't the only comical legend that has had brothers!) and you can clearly tell this :o Take a gander at this :!:

The Giant in The Waterboy 1.jpg

Here is one of his scenes :batlol: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

NOTE: In the last pic on the lower right of Fairuza Balk, you can see Captain Insano in the background :shock:

Now the funny thing is, after all of this time AEW & Paul Wight has been granted the rights to this fictional character wrestler and Paul wants to bring him back in real life :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:42 am
by packerbacker180
Not really a fan of The Waterboy. Adam Sandler films tend to follow the Law of Diminishing Returns since he's mostly played the same character in all of them, and The Waterboy isn't one of the better ones. I was expecting Captain Insano in the Casino Battle Royal, but it didn't happen. But it was Super Bowl Sunday and I needed a football film...

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:17 am
by BrandonDaCollector
I see. I'm not either, it just had it's moments. Like I said before, when Chris Farley died, so did comedy :roll: Adam is ok but yeah, he is a bit repetitive in his films.

I never saw Little Giants, only clips, I really wasn't interested. This was one of Rick Moranis' last films before he disappeared/retired.

Speaking of all of this giant stuff here's this one inspired by the true story. I thought it was pretty good and yet is another from 1998, that year was a huge movie year :batsmile:

My Giant 1.jpg

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:25 pm
by packerbacker180
Ah, I remember when Gheorghe Muresan was a thing.

Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:45 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Yeah and stuff like that should still be but nope, almost forgotten :roll: Oh My Bloody Valentine, I thought you were going to post this. That one was so-so. I posted 2001's Valentine in My Horror topic cause it's horror :blww: :blbat: :blmm:

I don't know if know or not but there has been three train derailments in the last several days in different states, one is in Ohio and because of all the chemicals the town & wild life is in ruin, it's uninhabitable there now due to all of the toxic waste on the ground & air :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Well, just last night I came across this trailer by Netflix, amazing pr3dect1ve pr0gramm1ng and of course it's a comedy :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

Soon I'm gonna post the space movie special I talked about ;)