That was a super good Hills commercial from 1995, great stuff that seems so distant now. They had good effects there too
Here's one more of Showbiz Pizza, now this one is very fun as well
Now this is what I'm talking about...back again to the gal that reported about Hills the other don't call that stuff junk and especially you don't throw it keep that special time & memorabilia as close as possible to you As a reminder, here's the three items that I showcased from Showbiz Pizza Place a while back in My all-crucial Odds & Ends, a Key-Chain, a Token for the games and a Eraser...I was very lucky that I found these
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
I want to introduce you to Schweig Engel aka The King of Credit, I saw their commercials for years when I was a youngster & teenager and I always got a kick out of them how silly they were. The commercial is low quality, low sound and a loop but it's still good.
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
Yes they are. I found a couple of their commercials that isn't Christmas that I saw a ton of times when I was a youngster, I'll post them in the Zen Topic in time A great Brick...amazing that it was a 1996 commercial yet the customer pays in 1998 that is 25 years ago this year
OK, yesterday I showed you Schweig Engel, the "King of Credit". Well now meet Becky Rothman, The "Queen of Carpet" She was another one that I saw tons of times since I was little. I was sadden to know that she past away just a few short months ago, she was such a familiar local celeb She was overweight most of the time I knew her but this is from 2005 and she was much slimmer here and really she looked quite nice as well. Her commercials were very iconic in My area and most Missourians and/or St. Louisans My age & older (I hope) know her, she was always on a flying carpet next to The Gateway Arch in Down Town St.Louis This is the only Christmas one I saw on YT
I'll show more of her in time in the Zen Topic
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
Was Showbiz Pizza actually the inspiration for Five Nights at Freddy's? I've heard conflicting stories.
"Finally got all the way through that 'Death of Superman' video Steel. Play Superboy and you're history by level three, right? But Steel..." - Kon-El AKA Superboy
That was a nice Gulf Furniture commercial from 1985.
Acid, I believe so, I'll post a video about that after Christmas so be on the look out for it either in the Zen or Movie Trailer Topics
I found this little great Christmas commercial of Ben Franklin. I have talked about them many times. They had such an incredible display of DC Super Powers in glass cases that would make even the most hardcore DC collectors' go oh My gosh and I recently did a wonderful mini presentation of them in My special MOTU showcase I did for Halloween. Here's an example of their price sticker tag
Now here's their commercial
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
5 and 10's are a nice throwback. We have one nearby called Vidler's that I talked about before. They have some interesting items you can't find elsewhere.
"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."