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Music (Recommended Listening)

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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby Rasoul » Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:41 am

I saw Jimmy Eat World tonight. I didn't know they were still playing together! It was pretty good, hadn't seen them before and they surpassed expectation. Well after the show it was still pretty early and went to a local (Tulsa OK) bar/venue that had a few bands playing and we saw this band called Gooding. I was so impressed I'm posting it here since there's an applicable "Music" section of the forum. :) Really though... some of the best guitar playing I've seen in a while. When I got home I started YouTubeing (verb?) videos of these guys. I'm really glad I randomly stumbled upon them. Check out this video, amazing jam! I think I'm going to be on a Gooding kick for a while. Anyone hear of them or see them before?

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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:14 am

Awesome, I really liked Jimmy Eat World back in the day and it's awesome that they're still rocking hard after all this time.

Cool video, dude! I should've said, you can embed the videos directly using a youtube bbcode. Just put the part that's after the v= in the link usually a jumble of letters and numbers between the youtube bbcode. :smgrin:

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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby secondwhiteline » Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:59 am

Oh yeah, I saw Jimmy Eat World (the one band you can't abbreviate) back in July and they were great. They're one of the only bands I loved in high school that I still listen to regularly (others: Replacements, Ramones, Mazzy Star).
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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby AcidDragon » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:52 pm

I've been listening to a lot of old videogame soundtracks lately while I work. I particularly can't get the Silent Hill 2 song out of my head. :batlol: Anyone else listen to game tracks?
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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:18 pm

AcidDragon wrote:I've been listening to a lot of old videogame soundtracks lately while I work. I particularly can't get the Silent Hill 2 song out of my head. :batlol: Anyone else listen to game tracks?

I love the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack. Thank you for posting this; it reminded me I have not listened to it in quite some time. I especially like the "hallway to the boss/boss fight" themes on the soundtrack. How much do I love this CD? Enough that I actually, physically set foot in an anime store to buy it. Trust me, that takes some serious dedication on my part to do such a thing. I dig some of the stuff on the Chrono Cross soundtrack, as well. That CD set (I still buy physical copies of all my music) is way too expensive, though.
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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby AcidDragon » Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:28 pm

Yeah, I've been listening to the entire Silent Hill 2 soundtrack. The intro song "Promise" is so catchy and I also really enjoy the Pyramid Head boss theme. Haha, actually I've been listening to the the older Chrono Trigger tracks as well. For some reason, no remixed/orchestrated/covered version has ever topped the original digital intro track for Crono's theme. When I hear the original digital track, it's just insanely uplifting and I remember all the cut scenes at the beginning of the SNES game like when Crono jumps on the mechanical dragon and cuts into it with his sword, Ayla's running through the jungle or Frog drops the giant frog on the enemies even though I haven't played it for years and years.
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Re: Music (Recommended Listening)

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:43 pm

I just looked at the track listing for SH2; "Betrayal" and "Black Fairy" are the themes to which I was referring. Perfect Halloween music. There is a band called Megaptera which records a similar style of "music" to that of the Silent Hill ambient stuff. Also, a UK band, The Axis of Perdition, plays a mixture of black metal and ambient, with a very heavy SH influence in sound and aesthetic.

I really like the parallel world's "overworld" theme in Chrono Cross. I used to load the game on that screen, turn off the TV display with only the sound on, and fall asleep to that music on a regular basis.
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