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The Great Comic Purge

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Re: The Great Comic Purge

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:27 am

Marvel, in my opinion, is a mess. Way too many teams. I cant keep track of it. That being said, Ive been buying spidey since rite before "Big Time" and I think Slott has done a great job with the book. He takes chances with the storytelling, and it usually pays off.
If you want excellent quality issues, Daredevil is out there, and it seems like it kinda gets put to the side. Its consistently the best superhero book out there. (I would say batman is its close 2nd.) And this is coming from someone who NEVER picked up a daredevil book before. Ive always thought of DD as a 2nd tier hero, and picked up Issue 1 on a dare. Its the best 2.99 Ive ever spent.
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Re: The Great Comic Purge

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:14 pm

I haven't been into my LCS in about a month...every week I check out the comic for the new books and if nothing piques my fancy then I don't bother going in; as I said, it's been a month of not seeing anything worthy of me stopping in.

I still have about 14 titles on my pull list but that'll be whittled down more next time I go in. I haven't been getting that "feeling" lately when I eagerly go in and just see what's out...don't like feeling like this but I think it's time I took a break from comics.
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