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The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:53 am

Ive been watching with the obsession of an addict. Everything's been bloody brilliant. Though the final giant spirit battle threw me. I felt that went too far... Until i remembered aang did basically the same thing when fighting the fire nation at the north pole.

Though, i think the Korra/Mako/Asami love triangle felt really forced and out of place, this season.
And I'm getting really tired of the 13 episode seasons.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby secondwhiteline » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:15 pm

Yeah, it threw me for a bit too, but I liked how different it was from battles we've seen, even though giant spirit/Avatar hybrid creatures were established before in the show.

And it did seem like this season veered off from the original intentions - the saboteur/war profiteering stuff was pretty bold for a kids' show, but the whole Detective Mako thing fell by the wayside once the Spirit World plot really kicked in. Same with the love triangle, although that quiet Korra/Mako breakup in the season finale was pretty moving, down-to-earth stuff - I thought it was a nice contrast to how abstracted and huge the main plot was. I feel like more's gonna happen next season with some of the grittier city and industrial stuff, although there's a ton of changes to the Spirit World and the Avatar lineage that are likely to be addressed.

More should be done with Asami. She's basically the rad version of Carol Ferris.
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