I know, I know, lists are boring sometimes. But I just binge watched all the SW movies and I've been in a Black Series mood the last few weeks, so I was thinking about what figures I'd like to see made still but there are soooooooo many background Star Wars characters that the line could go on forever (especially since it's not Mattel, lol).
So here it is, you get one more costume specific character per movie, and as an added bonus, even though I'm not super-familiar with it, one character from the Expanded Universe (TV, books, video games, etc.--yes, even Jaxxon). Feel free to include images, too! This was harder than I thought because, while I prefer Padme's look from ATOTC, I'd really want a Christopher Lee figure and he only appeared in ATOTC (at least until George Lucas redoes them in 20 years and puts Dooku in TPM). We're already getting A New Hope Luke and Leia eventually, and I thought Old Ben Obi-Wan was also revealed, but if I'm wrong with him than he'd be my obvious choice for ANH.
The Phantom Menace--Padme--meesa not want jar Jar? No, just no. Not my preferred look for Padme but it was her or Liam Neeson here. If I had to choose one Padme it'd be her white Leia-ish look from AOTC.
So I altered my own rules...PRAY I DON'T ALTER IT FURTHER! Or don't.
Attack of the Clones--Count Dooku
Revenge of the Sith--General Grievous
A New Hope--Grand Moff Tarkin
Empire Strikes Back--Lando--yeah, I want Dengar and the other bounty hunters, but Lando's Bespin look is the one I always liked as a kid
Return of the Jedi--going to cheat here and make an Ewok 2-pack of Wicket & Teebo, though Jedi was always my favorite movie for action figures and there are a lot I'd consider getting like Akbar, Nien Nunb, and some Royal Guards. Also still like my Build-an-Ewok idea--four figure wave each with an upper or lower body for an Ewok, that's two Ewoks per wave, plus more incentive to buy!
The Force Awakens--Captain Sidon Ithano--didn't know this guys name so I was calling him the "Devil Vader Mask Guy" but recently found out he's a pirate called Captain Ithano, the Crimson Corsair. I'd buy this guy in a second. At least he was in the movie, unlike Constapegwarmer Zuvio
Expanded U.--Mara Jade Skywalker--I don't really know much about the EU, but the two characters that stand out most to me are Mara, and recent Marvel addition, Aphra who looks pretty cool.
So that's 8 total figures which would be two waves by Hasbro's current standard, which could be 8 figure and four Ewoks with my BAE idea, lol.
Anyone else want to try?