I never seen nor knew about Toughest Man in the World, that look cool.
Okay, now listen up. there will be NO TRAILER TODAY because of this. I've said about how many movies I saw in 2010 which this year celebrates it's 15th year

It was an enormous one, arguably bigger that 1983 and even 1990 which in ways, 2010 reminded of 1990 because of the variety, the violence and sheer coolness & fun. As I said before, 2005 thru 2010 was like the 80s in movies, they were so cool yet very dark & violent then the tone down year of 2011 happen and it all ended to where we are now. Sure, The A-Team remake didn't have the magic of the original but really what remake & reboot does

I know what you said a while back PB that it's been 20 years or longer and there's needs to be a remake but I disagree...as My Grandpa PoPo always said around the house for a long time, if it ain't broke, don't fix it

Like I said, before about the TDK Trilogy & The Fog, we don't need an explanation of the characters & story for 2 hours when the originals just explained it in minutes, this generation just simply needs to look back because it's already there with that history, it's that simple. Now, even though I was thinking this, I did think it was very cool that 2010 had this nostalgia feeling to it which I was very excited about the whole year. Now, here's THE LIST of EVERY movie I saw in 2010. I saw 31 of them


Keep in Mind I saw two a month but was more when My Mom wanted to see one. LET ME KNOW if you want Me to spotlight & post any of these soon which some of these I already have but sometimes I feel I need redo them because there was very little that was said about them. I will briefly have a small description for each so so pay attention this Packer
A Nightmare on Elm Street - REBOOT - It had a very cool feeling of nostalgia to it.
Clash of the Titans - REBOOT - I loved this one. Me & My Mom saw this together. I plan of spotlighting this and it's sequel in My MosterVerse+ Topic since it's made by Legendary.
How To Train Your Dragon - We already did this one recently.
Inception - This one was something else.
Iron Man 2 - This was huge. Me & My Mom saw this on the IMAX screen
Jonah Hex - A good DC/Vertigo movie.
Knight and Day - Really cool.
Legion - We've talked about this a bit a couple years back. It was a must see for Me.
Machete - I just wanted to see this so bad, it was awesome
Disney's Oceans - This is one of the most superior animal documentaries ever
Paranormal Activity 2 - I saw this before the first one to see how it was since I love Found Footage movies. It was pretty good.
Percy Jackson & The Olympians - This was great but so far different compared to Clash of the Titans.
Piranha 3D - I loved how insane this was. The women were really nice and Elizabeth Shue was THE star with Christopher Lloyd & Richard Dreyfus
Predators - Me & My Mom went to see this. It was arguably THE most anticipated movie of the whole year. I just loved it
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - I posted a bit of this good one before.
Resident Evil: Afterlife - This was so good. Milla Jovovich was tremendous
Robin Hood - This was Ridley Scott's epic that Me & My Mom saw.
SALT - This was decent and shows you what is really going on.
Shrek Forever After - This was good.
Skyline - This one was THE surprise of the whole year. This is one the best extraterrestrial movies I have ever seen. I will never ever forget that absolutely shocking ending that was complexly unexpected. This movie spawned 2 sequels that made a great trilogy.
The A-Team - See above & previous post.
The Book of Eli - I saw this fantastic religious movie along with Legion. It was such an unforgettable time.
The Crazies - This was superb. I loved this.
The Expendables - This was stupendous. Seeing Stallone and all of these action heroes together including Stone Cold Steven Austin was a dream come true. The second one is My fave of the franchise.
The Karate Kid - Another remake that I found similar like The A-Team.
The Last Air Bender - This was pretty good.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - It was a live action version of the classic that starred Nicklaus Cage so it was a must see.
The Wolfman - Me & Mom saw this. This was a gore fest and We loved it.
Tron: Legacy - This came out in December 2010 but I didn't see it till around My B-Day in 2011 in January on the IMAX screen. This Disney epic was so tubular, any video gamer should see it. It was so superb in many ways and I loved the father & son storyline of it with Jeff Bridges.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Me & Mom saw this one together. It was a so amazing seeing the story unfold so long after the first one.
SPECIALGhostbusters - 25th Anniversary - Blu-ray Projection - I actually saw this along with three other films that I spoke about just a moment ago which was Shrek Forever After, Paranormal Activity 2 & the shocking Skyline. For THE first time ever, Ghostbusters returned to the big screen. It was such a treat seeing this again on the big screen since My childhood. I will never ever forget the small audience including Me ALL CLAPPED when the movie ended, it was such a special moment
So, there's ALL of the movies I saw in 2010. I know this many seem ridicules seeing that many movies but hey, when your a big movie goer, that is what you do

2010 was a great year to say the least. That's all for now