I never seen St. Valentine's Day Massacre either however I seen this one from 1987
The Untouchables was scored by the legend, the late Ennio Morricone
When I get the time, one day I'll do a major spotlight of 1990's Dick Tracy
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
That had a great cast. There was actually a syndicated show based on the film a few years later. I remember it mostly for William Forsythe but John Rhys Davies was in it too and he'd appear on Sliders a few years after that.
"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
I never now about 1973's Sssssss Williams Forsythe & John Rhys-Davies are also good and attention grabbers. The intro was great. As I said before, The intro for any TV show is important especially if it has a great theme. I just hate it when a TV show just shows the title, not who's in it and that's it. It feels rushed and incomplete which I really dislike rushed things and being in rush period. I feel the same with wrestling entrances as I've also noted previously. If their already in the ring with no entrance & no theme then there's just no connection there. That's why many jobbers had no theme & already in the ring back in the 80s & 90s. My Mom feels the same about all this as well. Like I said in My Alien Romulus Journey, she knew Jerry Goldsmith long before I did, she loves his Blue Max score. Her fave part of wrestling is the entrances with their themes. We talk about it all the time.
I actually never knew about The Untouchables TV Show, if I did, it completely escaped My Mind Gosh, that was 1993, yet another reason why 1993 was so good I had to look it up. The first thing I do when I look up a movie/new movie/TV Show/whatever is who did the music. That's always been My #1 priority because since long ago as it's very important. To My surprise it was by the late great Joel Goldmsith, the son of the legendary Jerry Goldmsith. Remember he composed a superb score for Maniac Cop 3 also in 1993. He also did the Stargate TV show as well. Here's his great theme for The Untouchables TV show
Here's an expanded version of it
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
Ssssssss was on Svengoolie last night. I'd never heard of it either. I used to watch The Untouchables here and there, it used to be on Saturday afternoons on Fox.
"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
How about Well that 's very good, yet another fun memory I don't know The Last Race but that cool seeing the late great Harry Dean Stanton
Okay, now here I go with a big one from 1990 that has it's 35th Anniversary this year...it's name is Lionheart
As you see, it stars Jean-Claude Van Damme. This is arguably My fave JCVD movie ever and one of the last of the classic kind. I love the posters of this movie too.
Now, the movie also goes by other titles in other countries such as Wrong Bet, Full Contact, A.W.O.L: Absent Without Leave and Leon.
So, JCVD is part of the French Foreign Legion stationed in South Africa. Crap happens to his brother and must leave for New York. George McDaniel is JCVD's commanding Officer along with a young Billy Blanks
SLEDGE HAMMER'S Harrison Page (YES, that same GREAT, Forgotten TV Show) is JCVD's trainer & promoter Look at THE RIGHT. That's the late great Tony Halme...you know him as LUDVIG BORGA He's a security guard. This is THE ONLY scene that he's in so if you blink you may miss him
A very classy hot Deborah Rennard is THE villain of the movie and Brian Thompson is her assistant goon.
A nice looking Lisa Pelikan plays JCVD's sister-law which is big part of the story.
Also in the film is the late great Vojislav Govedarica (Sylvester Stallone's big friend) and Michel Qissi who I posted not that long ago in Bloodsport and that he also played the maniac Tong Po in the Kickboxer movies. I've expressed that he is Van Damme's best friend. These two guys are after Van Damme after he fled the Legion. Look at them
Now, Michel's real brother, Abdel Qissi plays Atilla, the big bad fighter that must stop Leon
I always thought he looked like a mixture of Andre the Giant & El Gigante/Giant Gonzales.
He was inspiration of Andore from the superbly fun Final Fight Arcade Game by Capcom in 1989
Here's the Trailer
Here's this wonderful suite by John Scott. Scott is one of the last of original greats. He wrote such a dynamic score for the film. It was one of the rarest soundtracks ever to obtain. I posted a big special about this a couple years ago in My all-crucial Odds & Ends. I just love Scotts sound. If you know King Kong Lives then you will have no prob knowing this as you watch the great graphics as you listen to the masterpiece
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
Lionheart is a very memorable one. It was really one of the last classic street fighting movies of the kind. Just another great example how cool 1990 was
I never seen Hockeytown which looked decent. Since you posted that Perfect Strangers in your Zen that was a special Laurel & Hardy, here's this...
Stan & Ollie came out in 2018 and stars John C. Reilly & Steve Coogan. It was a fairly good film. The production company that made it was e-One which is actually a company of Hasbro
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
There was a lot of parodies of them. If you see the movie, you'll how it was then which i think it was done pretty well. I never seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Here's 1953's Shane. My Grandpa loved the movie but it really depressed Me
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->