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The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

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The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:22 am


So, a long while back I was going to make a Topic about various things of Star Wars :!: So what is the purpose of this new Topic...for anything that is on your mind of SW from any year, any era, any subject, news, favorite & least favorite stuff. Post pics & videos...anything SW related is welcomed here :!:

NOTE: I want to make separate Topic for Fan Films, there's so much of them out there so I think it's needs it's own topic soon ;)

I'm doing this now because PB posted this in My WWE PLE Topic when he mentioned the new SW Acolyte show which I thought needed attention elsewhere and that is here :)

packerbacker180 wrote:See, that's the spin the media and the people with their agenda running Star Wars want the story to be. The fact, I watched the first two episodes and found it boring at best. The dialogue is bad, even for SW. The best actor in it is the one guy who doesn't even speak English (the guy from Squidgames) who apparently reads his lines phonetically. But most people that are heavy into SW and the lore, don't like it because it contradicts a lot of the original 6 movies, and kind of craps all over the idea of Anakin being the Chosen One and special from being born without a father. The basic idea is that there's a coven of space witches (heavily implied they are lesbians because they're a coven of only female space witches), there are two Mothers who use the Force (they call it the Thread) and a whole lot of awful space witch chanting that is laughable, to create not one, but two children. When the good child wants to leave to train with the Jedi, the bad child tries to kill her by locking her in her room and setting the castle, made of stone, on fire. And all the witches die in the fire. It kind of looks the witches don't die from the fire, but the fact that a stone castle burns is, as Palpatine would say, unnatural. I don't know. I decided after the awful space chanting in the 3rd episode that I was just going to read the reviews instead of sitting through anymore of it. Most people dislike it for various reasons, but the people who are actually into SW and not just driveby knuckledraggers, dislike it for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with the actresses sexuality or lesbian space witches. But it's easy to spot the usual agenda driven nonsense in this. A male Jedi commits suicide by taking poison because of whatever happened that led to the death of all these space witches 16 years ago, which seems so antithetical from anything a Jedi would do when they're whole purpose is to preserve life. But you can see it like a freight train barreling down in the distance that the Jedi are going to come out of this dreck looking like the bad guys. At one point there's even an morbidly obese Jedi, which actually made me laugh out loud as they try to check off every box on Disney's DEI bingo board. It's just drivel. Like I said, I'm not watching anymore because I found the story boring and nonsensical (in the first episode, the main character who is a mechanic, goes outside her spaceship IN SPACE, to put out a fire IN SPACE where there is no oxygen IN SPACE, and the DEI slapping you in the face at every turn.

This is actually the best thing to come out of thism and the acting is much better, lol...

To be fair, two of the semi-main characters of Andor were a lesbian couple and nobody batted an eye. The Acolyte seems more interested agenda first and then building some kind of nonsensical story around it. I realize this probably isn't the thread to get deep into the woods over Star Wars, but I just wanted to counter the media led idea that people hate The Acolyte because of lesbian witches or a non-binary actress or something instead of considering the possibility that it's just a badly written show with bad acting and pedestrian dialogue that contradicts a lot of the lore that precedes it. Consider how much time and research Darth Plagueis and Palpatine spent, as two of the most powerful Sith, to try and create and prolong life but now space witches on some backwater planet already created not one, but two lives, 100 years earlier. Anakin's not really so special anymore.

But just like so many things today, if you disagree with or dislike something, you're racist or a bigot or whatever name they want to label people with.

Now here's My response. Yes, everything is racist especially doing your own research :!: I thought you were joking about Lesbian Witches but I had to look it up for Myself and your not PB :o I'm really behind on the Disney SW stuff. I've only watched the first season of the Madalorian and that's it. Its because of many factors. I haven't seen Squidgames. Now I know that Hollywood is really pushing the gay stuff & trans, LGBTQ down our throats with everything. People hated this about the cancelled Batgirl movie that was finished that was supposed to be on MAX but it was cancelled because of the backlash of the trans stuff. Disney is pushing it too, kids is really gotta watch out about it. I didn't grow up with gay stuff when I was little immediately I knew I liked WOMEN, there was and still is no doubt about it but I knew Disney had some really dark stuff in their movies because so much they made was tear jerkers :roll: For example, there's female nudity in Fantasia and sexual stuff in others like in the clouds in the Lion King not to mention Bambi :o There's videos on YouTube that documents this, I was pretty shocked when I saw some of this :shock: If you don't believe Me, just look up Disney sexism on YouTube, it's all there :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I recall Katherine Kennedy threatening fans about making Finn, Poe and even Luke Skywalker gay :roll: That South Park video you posed PB isn't far from the truth :shock:

Now there's always been sexual hints in SW like Jabba and his slaves, the sexual nature of Falleens & Twi'Leks and so on but nothing like this w0k3 stuff. Now back in 2005 when I first saw Revenge of the Sith, I was amazed about the big boobed Twi'lek Koyi Mateil at the Opera House and I was like oh, their putting in big breasted women in SW now, now that is sweet...


I never thought that gay and all that would be in SW in the androgynous era. I found this clip of the Acolyte...How is this SW :?:

Here's this video :shock:

Yes, this makes Anakin seem less special indeed :roll: Like I said before, watch the old SW and fan films, their way better :)
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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:05 pm

I'm not going to talk anymore about The Acolyte because it's pure drivel that I'm relegating to some alternate SW universe alongside the awful sequels. I only saw The Rise of Skywalker because I'd taken my sons to see the first two, and they had asked to see the last one. Neither has shown any interest in Star Wars since, and I honestly can't say I blame them since they're almost as bad as the dreck Disney is currently putting out. Which is a shame because Andor was really good, and The Mandalorian has been great to mostly good at times. Ahsoka had it's moments but some of that was badly written characters as well.


Honestly, I'd rather talk more about EU. I finally finished listening to Fate of the Jedi and it kind of saddens me there's nothing in the timeline beyond that and Star Wars Legacy.


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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:25 am

OK PB, we won't talk about the Acolyte anymore ;) I'm behind on the new stuff anyway and at times I just didn't care, if it isn't classic stuff then many times I'm not as interested but I will make exceptions however. I'm not familiar that much with Fate of the Jedi story wise, I only know a tiny bit of it but what I do know is like you said, it's sad that there is nothing after that :roll: That's because they ended it in 2011, Disney had already taken Star Wars over, making their plans and scrapping so much SW fans loved and making so much into Legends and not Canon :roll: Since day 1, I've been talking about SW and the Disney takeover here and how horrible it was and the things that became of I think you see what I've been talking about for all of this time. If you've noticed, compare how many times I've done anything about the Disney stuff compared to the original :shock: Now, you know how much I love Shadows of the Empire, it's still arguably the best EU story and the biggest multimedia project of the kind, there's never been anything like it of sheer size of memorabilia & magnitude since to match it, not even Dark Forces and that one was wonderful. I've posted enough of SOTE in My SW Collection Topic and showed enough classic SW stuff to whet anybody's appetite, I'm one of the few last people on the entire Internet that does what I do :!: Now just imagine back in the day when I found out that most of SOTE was now placed into "Legends". I was extremely bummed. I knew that story for well over a decade and then all of a sudden it's not canon anymore :x It really bums Me especially since it has arguably the greatest SW musical score ever composed and one of the funnest video games ever :!: Now there was others too such as Dark Forces and The Force Unleashed. I was bummed about them too as they were tremendous stories as well which I'll see about talking about them in the future. I've also showcased other great EU stuff in My Topic such as Rogue Squadron, that one is very special to Me and while there has been flying SW games after it, none of them can dare compare to it, EA tried but their games lack most of the views that you can do in RS. Now speaking of EA, really only 2015's Battlefront is most satisfactory entry of the Disney Takeover as it feels, looks and plays almost completely classic.

Now I mentioned Dark Forces, when I originally wanted to make this Topic months ago, it was to make it similar but not like this. I got caught on other stuff, personal reasons and whatnot and just working slow. I'm still working on a very special Dark Forces Entry that will blow your mind but that will be in time :)

Okay, so here's this, Mana-LORE's Top 10 Expanded Universe Novels. I'm disappointed that SOTE and The Force Unleashed was only a Honorable Mention at the climax of the video but this is pretty good :)

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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:40 am

So far I've listened to The Darth Bane Trilogy. I did the first two adult High Republic books but didn't care for the characters or the story, so I left it there. I did one KOTOR book, can't recall which. Then I wanted to go beyond ROTJ. I skipped the Yuzhan Vong books because I felt like I knew a lot of that even, if I didn't know everything that happened. I really wanted to get to the Mara Jade, Lumiya, Vestara Khai, and Abeloth stuff, so that's when I jumped to Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi.

There are dozens of characters I'd love to make customs of, I've just found it hard lately to focus on customizing. That's not even counting all the characters from Star Wars Legacy I'd love to get to as well.

It's a shame Disney chose to ignore these stories because while they may not all be perfect, they're better than 80% of what Disney has put out. Though you're starting to see stuff start to seep back into canon. They had great blueprints for films beyond ROTJ, but chose instead to do their own sequel story which at its best was mostly a cheap facsimile of the OT, and awful at its worst.



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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:57 am

I can't say I'm familiar with it that much as I never got the Bane Trilogy. The Mara Jade stories are good. they should have kept that going. I'm sure all of what you said is plenty fun :) Yes it is a shame. Their also doing the same to the Alien Franchise too :o Instead of following the events after Alien Covenant to finally bridge the gap to the first movie, their coming out with a film that takes place in between Alien & Aliens called Alien: Romulus :roll: I know you don't follow Alien but if you did and if your like Me that's followed the movies as early I did with SW arguably even more, you'd be pretty POed about fact I've been POed about how Ridley Scott has handled the franchise for over a decade now :x I'm sure the new film will be good, it's not what I want and what was needed though :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Yeah, Disney is and I was surprised that they left elements of Dark Forces in 2015's Battlefront but it will take much more than that to forgive their poor decision and making Legends :roll:

Okay I want to continue two things, #1 back to Koyi Mateil. I don't know what you thought of her when you saw her in the Opera House but she got My attention for the very brief moment ;) Here's this video of this guy talking about her and how cool that even the most minor characters has a back story :)

Now, here's this. Remember I posted this in My recent showcase :?:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:
Here's the Sith Wars :!:


When I got this book, this was the first time that I saw the Sith brothers Ulic & Cay Qel-Droma whom turned to the Darkside. That picture there is still of the most emotional SW scenes to date IMO :shock: It really caught My eye when I first glanced at it :)


I always thought that was such a deep story. Go here for more on that ;) --->
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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:42 pm

To be honest, I don't think I ever noticed her in the film. I mean, there's so many background characters, I didn't even recall seeing Aurra Sing until I later saw her in Clone Wars stuff and looked back. A lot of characters are blink and you miss them, lol.
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Re: The VARIOUS SW Topic!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:46 am

Oh now Aurra Sing I noticed but the thing is I didn't recall seeing her in My DK Visual Dictionary that I showcased recently ...I had too look her up in My book then and I'm like oh there she is...her name is Aurra Sing :shock: Blink and you miss'em is so correct PB :shock: Oh yes, I've missed characters too but Koyi was obvious to Me because of her big boobs, I wasn't used to that in SW :o I'm going to show you the very short clip of her, you can see she's well endowed :batwink: :smwink: Now, the thing is, there is a major, I mean MAJOR cameo that happens right after that...who is it you ask :?: It's Baron Papanoida :? Who is that :batconfused: :wwhuh: :smhuh: It's actually the name of George Lucas's character played by him :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: That there is another example of those background characters that if you bilnk, you'll miss it :o Here's the clips with some bonuses :shock:

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