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Re: My Odds & Ends: Timeline VHS & CD Special!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:01 pm

Ah, I remember those red Blockbuster stickers. I bought many a used DVD there back in the day. I honestly can't say I remember Timeline, though.
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Timeline VHS & CD Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:34 am

How about that, well that is great that you had experience at Blockbuster PB ;) Really :?: It was Paul Walker's breakout film and really set the pace for Gerard Butler. As you saw in My showcase it has a ton of history. I'll do a special in your Movie Trailers topic in time. Thanks for checking it out PB, I appreciate it ;)
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Cliffhanger & The Omen Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:12 am

Here's My next showcase, this will deal with two movies scores that My Grandma MiMi got Me for Christmas in the mid 2000s and the big reason why I'm doing this is because I didn't appreciate it when she got them for Me :roll: She was quite sad when I didn't show My appreciation and that I was disappointed about it...I look back on this nearly 20 years later and I'm like how in the heck could a movie score collector nut like Me be not happy with getting any soundtrack for a special day :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I was such an ungrateful bloody b@ast@rd. I don't know if anybody can relate to this especially since it has to do with movie music but follow Me if you wish. First she got Me Jerry Goldmsith's The Omen from 1976. This is the film that he won an Academy Award for Best Score for. It's a great score but it's not My favorite of his but that't not the reason why I wasn't pleased...they had just released a special deluxe edition of the score with several new tracks and this is the original one with less cues. I was being quite picky and downright stupid and I kick Myself in the bloody @$$ all the time about it to say the least :x Now over the last few years it's different with Me because I've wised-upped as now I realize that hey, this is the first issue of it from the 80s. Too bad I didn't have this frame of mind and show this to her when she was still here :( So here's a special Logo I made with Varèse Sarabande's Logo which if you read My recent Timeline special that I just recently presented then you know that I said they release a lot of Goldmsith Soundtracks.


Here's the front of the Jewel Case with the iconic Omen Poster that I guess most people know :blbat: There you see that this is conducted by Lionel Newman whom's brother Alfred Newman wrote the 20th Century Fox Logo Theme and is part of the Newman family. This is different because Goldsmith usually conducts his own scores which this was a big deal back then and My Grandpa was pretty excited about this back then as well :)


Here's the back of the Jewel Case. It's performed by the National Philharmonic Orchestra, produced by Goldsmith and is prepared by Robert Townson. As I had noted in My Timeline special, he was a good close friend of Goldsmith. Now note the Price Sticker on there, she got this and Cliffhanger that I'm about to reveal in a few short moments at The Record Exchange that I first talked about when I posted My House special around Halloween time right here in this very topic but more about this at the climax. There's only 12 cues here, running a little over a half of a hour which both Timeline scores were over 45 minutes.. Jerry's wife Carol Heather Goldsmith sings the great The Piper Dreams song :)


Here's the inside of the Jewel Case as you see the Color Pictures of the Booklet as well as the CD itself :blww:


Here's a close up of the Compact Disc. This is how Varèse Sarabande's CDs looked back then in the 80s & 90s which it looks basic but yet it shows you how classic it was back then in them days :)


Here's inside of the Booklet with a nice write-up by Kevin Mulhall who was the head of the company at the time :blsm:


Now here we go with Cliffhanger which is My favorite of the two. Now I kick Myself in the @$$ really hard about this even more so than The Omen because We had rented the movie from Star Video, Schnucks or Blockbuster which was a good times back in 93 which this one has its 30th Anniversary this year as I type this. I just wasn't enthused about it because I had on a custom-made CD-R during the Peer-To-Peer Sharing days which it seems hardly anybody knows what this is anymore, again check out My Composer Topic for a great showcase I presented...I mean this time was a big part of My life. So I barely listened to it, I just downloaded it and made the CD-R, I just didn't get involved with it and it seemed like I just didn't want to :roll: So again, this made My Grandma sad and this time has always been with Me in My mind :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So I have since made up for it as I have listened to My Cliffhanger score a lot and I'm not talking about on YT, I'm talking about directly from the source, the source that she got Me :) So here's My Cliffhanger Logo that I made plus the Scotti Bros. Logo as well as the 1993 Copyright :)


So here is the front of the Jewel Case. By looking at it you'd think that this is by Alan Silvestri because of the way it's designed (no that's not a complaint and it could be just Me there which there is more to that which I'll get to in bit) but it's not, the score is composed Trevor Jones who did wonders such as Jim Henson's 1982 epic The Dark Crystal and 1990's wonderful Cryptozoology-inspired Arachnophobia :o He's South African and is one of the first of Hans Zimmer's colleagues in his Media Ventures/Remote Control Productions group and he is one of the very few of the huge group NOT to adapt that sound movie score fans have been used to since the 90s which his style is more orchestral than synth.


Here's the back of the Jewel Case. There is 18 great cues. Now here's this. To Me many of these cues has parts that sounds like other composers. I mean there is some obvious amounts that sounds like James Horner & Alan Silvestri whom If you know their writing and sound which I've posted a lot of them in My great Composer Topic and you listen to this then you'll hear what I'm talking about...I'm not complaining about this, there is many times from other composers that sound a like. Many people don't do their homework about this at all which they don't know what their missing cause it's actually fun to point out who is who, how & why you know it plus you feel good about it in the process :) I've learned over time how decent this score is and that I was such a stupid dumb@$$ b@st@rd then but now I'm not and I think that this is truly one of the best action scores of the 90s and really has one of the sweetest themes as well :)


Here's inside of the Jewel Case as you see the Booklet & CD...


Here's a closeup of the CD which it looks really cool :) It runs about 50 minutes which is a bit over the average mark for a score's timetable length to be. It's a generous amount really and the time goes by really fast :)


Here's inside of the Booklet with many pictures from the film. Now there is one major thing I will complain about and I will never change My mind about it is that 9 times out 10 they never include a picture of the composer that wrote the music your listening too. That's always been an issue for Me since day one I mean this could really help one relate and get to know them which this is one of the reasons why I set out to know what they look like and so on ;) Now this record label is by Scotti Brothers Records. I follow these companies like I do Movie, Action Figure, Video Game, Comic companies etc. If you don't know them...they were Tony and Ben Scotti and created their company in 1974. They would eventfully be owned by Sony. They were James Brown's home for a big while. They also propelled the careers of Survivor, Felony, David Hallyday, Leif Garrett and of course "Weird Al" Yankovic to name a few. Unfortunately they went out of business in 1997. Now the two movie companies that made the film was Carolco (Rambo Trilogy & Total Recall) & Sony's newly acquired Tristar Pictures (The Running Man & Groundhog Day). Carolco went out in 95 but Tristar is still going on strong. Now here's a very important note here. notice that there is a Slit Cut Punch that is on the back of the Jewel Case and there is one in the Booklet but that is actually is doubled. What this is a O.P. Punch. Companies do this when items are Out-Of-Print so this is quite a special one that She got Me because this is THE original version and I'm quite thankful that I have it :) Also, look there as there is the 1993 Copyright :!:


So here's The Omen & Cliffhanger together, that is so cool :)


Here is the Record Exchange's Store Price Sticker. It looks very good and classic. Yes, The Omen was only $8, I do believe that Cliffhanger was a bit more but darn it I don't recall how much she said however.


So as I said before I would do another special of The Record Exchange when I did My House Movie Score special so here it is. This is where My Grandma got Me The Omen & Cliffhanger for Christmas in the 2000s. Now this building their in is used to be Buder Library, they moved further down the street across the street from Target then The Record Exchange from the other way toward the great little Comic Shop moved in there and it's a huge building and they have so much stock. Believe it or not their still in business and their still one of the finest in the state. Their quite nice over there and really their old fashioned. I pity anybody who doesn't know or just doesn't give the chance of how fun it is going to record stores and finding such great stuff like this because it's such a fun experience and I'm thankful that I know it and have experienced it many times over there on Hampton at The Record Exchange :)


So there's that of My Omen & Cliffhanger Movie Scores showcase. So after many years, I see that this is one of the best duos of presents My Grandma MiMi ever gave Me and I hope that somewhere wherever She is, She knows this :) I hope any spectator that sees this liked this special presentation. If your just now seeing this then you skipped the whole thing of the reason why I showcased this together, get to the top before you get any further ;) We shall see what is next for My all-crucial Odds & End, until then I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Garfield Holiday Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:02 am

So here is this special showcase that I planned for this Christmas/Holiday season...


Yes, I have the classic Garfield Specials on DVD. I bought them a long time ago. Here's the front Covers, I love how they look especially how they mixed Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas together :) :scbat: :blww:


They include 3 episodes on each DVD. The Garfield Travel Adventures are as follows: Garfield in the Rough, 1984, Garfield in Paradise, 1986, Garfield Goes Hollywood, 1987 and the Garfield Holiday Celebrations is Garfield's Halloween, 1985, Garfield's Thanksgiving, 1989 & A Garfield Christmas,1987. I know we talked about some of these on the board every so often. My two favorites are In the Rough & Halloween Adventure which I always associate with each other to watch back to back during Halloween Time. Me & My Mom recently watched these together for Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas and I reminded her that she recorded the latter two for Me when I was a youngster which this was kinda cool after nearly 40 years of this history :) Here's the back Covers :scsm:


Here's inside of the DVD cases as you see the DVDs themselves.


These actually included DVD Scene Selection Inserts before companies went cheap and less creative :o


Also there was a Advertisement Insert with the Travel Adventures. It's really cool with more Garfield, Ice Age, Strawberry Shortcake, Bratz plus more :scww:


Here's the 2004 Paws & Twentieth Century Fox Copyright :!:


So that will do it for this little Holiday special that covered all three main ones and I hope you liked it and maybe even surprised a bit...a big special is coming to Me all-crucial Odds & Ends very soon, until then I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Garfield Holiday Special!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:33 pm

I have that holiday DVD somewhere. The Christmas one is pretty good. Not as great as the Halloween, but easily the ne
xt best one.
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Garfield Holiday Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:57 pm

That's good. Yes, the Halloween one is one of the best but so is In The Rough. Thanks for replying PB :)
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Anniversary Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:40 am

So here we go with a massive showcase that will be deal with Anniversaries this year, it will be such a wonderful visual journey like you've never seen before and there is so few people out there anything like this. I wrote be detailing this in commentary as much and on most of what I'm presenting here I show the Copyrights which I always say look for those Copyrights on all of your collectibles ;) Let's get to My big one for the closing of 2023 :batwink:

1988 - 35th Anniversary!

Here's My VHS of one of My all-time favorites...Bloodsport. This was given to Me by My Mom's friend Rich in 1997. He was known as Drillballs on AOL because he drilled holes in Bowling Balls at his shop. He was a really big guy and was very nice. He got Me an exclusive WWF Jakks Pacific Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart 2-Pack when i asked him if he could find it out in the county for Me which he did...I'll showcase that sometime later :)


Here's the DVD I believe I got at My Holly Hills Walgreens back in the day. It has the old fashion cardboard Case :)


Here's My wonderful Bloodsport Score


The man on the left is Robin Esterhammer whom is the producer of this mighty fine soundtrack/score and is really the head of the company, Perservnecae Records. I actually spoke to Robin many times back in the day. It was nothing personal, just business and he'd e-mail Me personally with newsletters and a whole bunch of stuff. He was tremendous at his job and he wasn't like one of those big shots with assistants, he did it himself :!: You can check out My other great score he helped see a release of 1989's The Punisher in this awesome showcase of Mine in My Marvel Topic here --->


Here's more of the great Booklet including an interview with the singers plus more :!:


Like The Punisher, this is a complete score release and I'm quite thankful to have this masterpiece by Paul Herzog :)


Here they are together :)


Here's My great Japanese release of the Who Framed Roger Rabbit score by Alan Silvestri from 1988. Back when I got this on eBay in the 2000s, the soundtrack to WFRR was out of print, extremely hard to find and was extremely expensive and this was the only way I could have the new reissue :)


Here is with My Roger Rabbit VHS I showcased before :)


Here's the rejected score to 1988's Alien Nation by Jerry Golsmith. This issued by Varèse Sarabande in the mid 2000s as it was part of their Club like the Timeline score I showcased a while back and has since gone out of print. This is truly a great score and a must have for fans of Goldmsith as well as the movie itself :)


This was a release of only 3000 Copies. I always find it so pathetic how there's only a few thousand collectors out of a world of 9 billion plus plebeians that like movies think of how awful that is :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I know I'm glad that I'm part of that 3000 and that I know how much fun this hobby is :)


Here's the movie Dead Heat. My Grandma surprised Me with the one day she went to Save-A-Lot without Me in the mid to late 2000s. She thought I'd love it and I did and I miss Her surprises so much too :)


1993 - 30th Anniversary!

While I couldn't find My VHS at the moments, here's the score to Demolition Man by Elloit Goldenthal. Thsi is one of My all-time favorites, I probably listen to this more than any ther score that I have :shock:


Here's My VHS of the big iconic Blockbuster of the year...1993 which again, 93 wa ssuch a important year for so many's Jurassic Park. I was with My Grandma at the old Target when I got this :)


Here's the great score by John Williams. My Mom got Me this when she was a member of BMG Music :)


As a bonus, I got the VHS of The Real Jurassic Park as well :shock:


Here's they are together :)


Here's one of My most cherished of all My movie scores...Original Soundtracks: Arnold. This is a great compilation. I briefly presented this before when I showcased Peaches/Sound Warehouse/Blockbuster Video Music. I recall it like yesterday when I was with My Mom there and she got Me this :) I listened to this so much over the years :)


It has a good selection of cues from his films by various great composers. I've noticed how action stars like Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme & Seagal has their own sound...whomever is composing the scores for their movies, they write a certain way to show you whom is the star's very fun to know this :)


Yep, 1993, what a year this was which I can't believe this was 30 years ago already :shock: :)


1998 - 25th Anniversary!

I bought the VHS to Lost in Space in the early 2000s over at the old Schnucks on Loughborough . I never opened it :o This is an alternate Family edited version. The copyright says 2001 which was a major year of change :shock:


1998 was such an exciting year, you saw a while back how fanatastic it was when I showcased My Mark McGwire Collection. Godzilla 98 was also a huge deal for Me as well as My Family. Me, My Mom & Grandparents all saw it at the AMC Esquire which it was a very memorable night. Here's My awesome VHS I got over at Holly Hills Blockbuster...I have always loved the look of the VHS Box Sleeve :)


I believe I got this Godzilla 98 Button there at Blockbuster Video as well.


Here's My great Soundtrack that My Grandma got Me as a sweet gift when she joined Columbia House :)


Actually a Soundtrack with songs which most are pretty good, It only has 2 cues by the great composer David Arnold :)


Here's My cool Godzilla Starlog Movie Magazine over at the old Schnucks on Loughborough in their newsstands. I have always loved these types of books anticipating the movies ;)


Here's My only VHS of the Godzilla Animated Series. I found it more funner than the movie. I bought this over at the Record Exchange that I have introduced when I did My House, The Omen & Cliffhnager Scores showcases recently ;)


Here's this special Edy's Ice Cream Carton that was a special Godzilla themed one. I have always found this so gorgeous and there's no way in heck I'd ever throw this away :!:


Now finally in the later 2000s, La-La Land Records released the complete, 2-CD Score to the 1998 Godzilla with a great booklet with a ton of pictures. I love how they show the composer David Arnold and the other work he's done :)


Like many special Movie Score editions, this was only a release of 3000 Copies, again I'm very thankful that I got this and that I was part of that 3000 ;)


While I have a ton more, here's My selected Godzilla 98 items I just presented all together in this wonderful display :)


Another huge movie of 1998 was X-Files: Fight the Future. Both Me & My Grandma were anticipating it. We bought the VHS at Walgreens in South Town before they moved across the street where Famous-Barr was. It's arguably one of the most perfect movies. Here it is :)


I love that little insert inside of the VHS Box Sleeve :scmm:


My Mom got Me the absolutely exciting movie score by Mark Snow for Christmas in 2004 along with many others. I just love how it looks. It's truly a prize to own especially since it runs over an hour :)

Here's My X-Files: Fight the Future VHS & CD together in this really rad looking display :batwink:


2008 - 15th Anniversary!

During this year a ton of great films came out. 10, 000 BC was one them. I saw this with My Auntie Wanda when it came out to the theaters. I was huge about seeing all the prehistoric animals and all that and I always tried to help her learn all of this cool stuff. Here's My DVD of the film :)


I really dislike how the companies cheapoed-out by not putting booklets in the DVD Cases, see My recent Garfied DVDs for what I mean about that.


Here's My Score by Harlad Kloser & Thomas Wander. It's such a dynamic one in sound & visuals :batwink:


Here's My 10,000 BC DVD & Score together :)


Now here's another one, this was a little big big event for Me and My's The Day the Earth Stood Still :!: It was the first movie We ever saw on the IMAX screen which it was so epic at this time. Here's My special DVD.


The Insert is for your Digital Copy that's already included :shock:


This just doesn't include the new movie, it also includes the original, 1951 classic too which is great for people who love to watch the first material...I love two-for deals like this when you get so much more for your buck :batwink:


The Movie Score is really good, it's very different on a grand scale.


Here's My The Day the Earth Stood Still DVD & CD together :)


2013 - 10th Anniversary!

This year was pretty good. Here's My little Collection of Oz, When I saw this Entertainment Weekly Magazine with the Wicked Witch of the West on the front Cover from the new prequel of The Wizard of Oz I had to get it. Here's all of pages that focuses on the new film & franchise.


I loved that one of My favorite actresses Rachel Weisz plays the Wicked Witch of the East and is featured here :wwwink:


Here's the wonderful score by Danny Elfman. I love how this looks with it's great artwork :batwink:


Here's My Oz EW Magazine & Score together, so cool looking :)


So that will do it for this special Anniversary showcase and I hope you liked it. I have a lot more coming up for the New Year, until the next presentation I'll see you around :scbat:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Odds & Ends: My Science Project Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:03 am

Here we go with a very special showcase that is one that I've been wanting to do for quite a while and it is...


That's right, the 1985 classic My Science Project :batwink: If you recall I introduced this favorite obscure of the past of Mine in My Glory Days of Movie Rentals here within My all-crucial Odds & Ends plus I made a special spotlight of My Science Project in PB's Movie Trailer Topic which he and apparently everybody never knew about it which didn't surprise Me one tiny bit in this limbolic age. If you haven't seen My great spotlight of the film check it out here because it's a must ---> general-discussions/this-thread-has-not-yet-been-rated-movie-trailers-t1254-620.html. This is has always been a childhood favorite of Mine since I discovered it over at Rainbow Video which I explained the whole history in My grand Glory Days of Movie Rentals which is one of My most imperative showcases I've ever done and you will see very few like this anywhere :!: Oh and what an apropos day to present this as it is My Birthday which is usually the day I watch My Science Project but sometimes for Halloween because it fits either time right on for Me :)

My Science Project was a Touchstone film which is Disney. So here's My VHS that I got of My Science Project back in the early 2000s. This is the reissue from 1999 by Ancho Bay Entertainment. I shown them before when I showcased My House DVDs around Halloween Time. They were known as Video Treasures, Starmaker Entertainment & Starz Home Entertainment that became owned by Lionsgate. The Box looks mighty impressive as it should. I would hope that this intrigued at least one child's imagination like it did Mine when I was youngster or perhaps even an adult would be interested because it's such a fun movie with so much in it :)


Here's My DVD that I got in the middle 2000s. During these days it was a pretty rare film to buy so the obscurity was even happening then :roll: The DVD Case is equally impressive compared to the VHS with superb graphics :)


This was released during the early days of DVDs when companies still put additional times within them before they became cheapos. This includes a Scene Selection Insert which is always cool & helpful to have ;)


Here's a close look at it front & back. It has a couple cool pictures of the film and the scene's titles are named pretty cleverly. Notice Adventures in Babysitting is there which is another 80s classic.


There's the Movie Showcase & Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Disney) Logos. Here's the New To DVD Sticker. On Movies, Games & Soundtracks I usually cut the stickers off of a package & stick it within the case. I've done that since who knows when plus it looks really cool :shock:


Here's the DVD's info including the Touchstone Home Entertainment Logo. Also it says it's a 2004 release so this version has it's anniversary as well this year...20th Anniversary to be exact...WOW :o


Now here is the big feature of this presentation and it's the score CD which as always the soundtracks are funnest part of any film but this one has a very special story. As you see on My special Logo the 1985 Copyright as well as the 2014 Copyright. Yes, this was released 10 years ago this year so it's another anniversary but NOT only that, this is THE FIRST TIME EVER the score/soundtrack has ever been released on any media and for somebody who loves the movie as much as I do this was an absolute huge accomplishment I mean right away when that first scene appears you hear that haunting alien theme by Peter Bernstein which this hit Me at such a young age when I first saw & heard this when the movie begins when you see the Title Logo and the camera shows the eerie but gorgeous mountains with the sun rising. The theme is present within the film a few more times. Hopefully I'm NOT the only one that was anticipating this magical score for nearly 3 decades :o


This masterpiece is by Peter Bernstein whom is the son of Ghostbusters composer Elmer Bernstein. Peter also did the great scores for the Star Wars Ewok movies and is a top guitarist. There is some moments that he sounds like his Father during his fun score of My Science Project and there is some super good tracks as he can do Rock and Roll as well The front of the CD Jewel Case is great looking just like it's VHS & DVD counterparts. I love the newer effects that is has as well as it looks more modern to fit the age it was released in yet still fits with that rad Vintage appearance :batwink:


The inside of the Jewel Case is really neat when you open it up. If you know Intrada then you know what to expect. First there's an insert that I put in there as a keepsake which was from Screen Archives whom I bought this crucial piece from and I'll get to them in a short moment :)


Here's a close up of the Compact Disc which it's really cool...


You take the CD out and there's a very neat picture of the special effect team with their great model of the Tyrannosaurus/Allosaurus that is in the film. This creature is one of the key points that I attracted Me to this movie when I was a youngster because I was getting into so much then and Dinosaurs was one of the first subjects ;)


Like most if not all of these special releases from Intrada as well as other companies such as La-La Land Records & Varèse Sarabande as seen in My recent showcases, they include really nice Booklets with a ton of info about the score, movie and more. This is a must for anybody who cares about the stuff they like. There's very few pure movie score fans out there like Me but those part of the small faction all know how special this is. Here's a grand look at the Booklet :)


I love that they included the awesome Volcano of the Mesozoic which is such a wonderful scene :)


I love how they kept the records of when the score was recorded in 1985. You usually only see this type of thing in special editions. It's also rad that David Spear was part of this score as well. He had composed the excellent music for the great Dinosaur shows on the Disney Channel that My Grandparents recorded for Me that I grew up with in the mid 80s which still are very fun classics to watch IMO ;)


Now the back of the Jewel Case is really good. There's 33 tracks here with a lot of bonus cues. The disc only runs 64:03 which a decent amount of time. The longer the better IMO just not because it's more for your money but also because I like everything to be included. With regular commercial releases you don't get all the music that is in a film and/or that a composer wrote, with a special limited edition such as this you get it all plus with bonus tracks/cues that maybe are unexpected which there was a few here that surprised Me. they included both versions of the title song by Bernstein & The Tubes. It's extremely satisfactory because it has all of the music that is in the film and then some extras. If you've seen the film as much as I have, pays attention to the music then you'll recognize that all of the music is included here right on this very special set :)


Here's the 1985 & 2014 Intrada, Touchstone & Disney Copyright. Yes, My Movie spotlight I mentioned & shown that there was some Star Wars nods in it. Amazing how Disney didn't own SW then :? :o


Now here's Screen Archives Entertainment, the great soundtrack store that I bought the score to My Science Project from ten years ago this year in 2014 which they have since sold out of it, in fact I believe they sold out rather quickly and I got it just in time so there was some other people that wanted it beside Me ;) Here's their Logo :)


Here's a close-up of the insert that I got from Screen Archives.


Recently I got an e-mail from them as their spotlight Composers. This spotlight is John Scott. I have talked about this legend many times and last year I showcased My great King Kong Lives Cassette Tape within the topic which is one of the best score ever and Scott is one of the all-time greatest :!:


There he is alongside his wonderful The Final Countdown score plus many more of his history :)


Now here's a great look at their web site. This is from just a few short days ago. It still resembles how it looked like it did when I got My Science Project. If your a movie score fan then you know how fun it is to shop for your hobby, if your not then take a good gander at it because this is just a sample of how exciting it is :) This is just their front page. They have a ton to choose from and one of their new main stocks is the special edition of Jerry Goldsmith's Hollow Man which I expect won't last long because it is such a tremendously fun score, one of My big-time favorites ;)


I recommend Screen Archives over just about everybody. Sure, you can find some great deals on eBay 7 Amazon which I have many times in the past and sometimes you gotta go else where as Screen Archives doesn't have everything but there but their a true sound track place and I prefer to support them as their legit as they come. I got this special Screen Archives Magnet a long while back. I'm not sure when. It is possible I got it in the mid 2000s perhaps when I ordered John Powell's X-Men III: The Last Stand & Varèse Sarabande's Club special of Elmer Bernstein's Ghostbusters (I'm going to do a special GBs showcase later on in the year here in My Odds & Ends) but possibly got it with another order. As you saw in My very special restoration of BijouFlix, the first streamers before today's streaming was a thing, Magnets are quite cool and fun to have so here's My Screen Archives Magnet that I'm thankful to have :)


Here's My entire Collection of My Science Project together :) Gosh I just dig how wonderful this display looks, you won't see many people on the web as proud as Me doing this for this great movie ;)


So that will do it, I hope you liked this special My Science Project presentation that I chose to showcase on My B-Day and maybe were even surprised :) I have another great entry coming up shortly in My Odds & Ends that has an anniversary this year, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Watch the Skies Soundtrack Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:23 am

You just saw My special showcase of My Science Project which is one of My favorites of ever of all-time that had to do with Aliens :blhal: Now here we go with another special anniversary showcase that is the subject of Aliens & Extraterrestrials which this indeed is a unique's...


This a special compilation of /cues tracks from movies & TV shows that is called Watch the Skies that deals with Aliens, Extraterrestrials, UFOs etc. :!: In My Cryptozoology Topic and in My Signature at the climax of every post I make I say "ALWAYS Watch the Skies and I seriously hope people is heeding this for numerous reasons :blmm: So I bought this great album long ago. It has it's 25th Anniversary this year as I type this from 1999, really the last of classic times. You saw the Sonic Images Logo above. Their a great Label. The fine record company was founded by Christopher Franke in the great fun year of 1991. He is really a good composer and he was part of the wonderful Tangerine Dream who made many classics in the 80s. He's done wonders like 92'S Universal Soldier & 93's Walker: Texas Ranger :shock: Here's the front Cover of this superb looking one of a kind CD :)


As you open the Jewel Case up, it get's even better. You see the super cool inside of the CD & Booklet :scmm:


Here's a close up of the Compact Disc which it looks really cool.


As you take it out, the Jewel Case is clear as this was beginning to be a fun trend by this time in the 90s as I have explained in My other showcases. On that there is many thanks to many composers including Richard Band, Alan Howarth, Elliot Goldenthal, John Beal plus many others for making this project a possibility.


Most of these cues are re-recordings however there is some that has only had a commercial recording and some that has never had a release of any kind. They give asterisks noting which ones which is great that they did that. I'll get to them in a short moment. Now this unique compilation runs at a very impressive 73:31, that's 1 hour & 13 minutes + :o That's great for people who want more for their buck. The longer the better for Me just not for that but also because I want as much material & entertainment as possible. I'm impressed with this one because it actually tells the track times as well as the total length. Many companies usually only gives you the former and usually once in a blue moon the latter much less both of them combined. It's kind of a rushed and lazy job/tactic that companies do that many people never pay attention to nor care about so that's how they get away with that. I've always wanted both on My Soundtracks & Scores and even the ones by Rock Bands and so forth. I've always wanted more info & detail in just about everything I'm interested in :batwink:


Here's a detailed look at the rad Booklet with all of the Cues included plus Info & Copyrights. These are performed by: The Cincinnati Pops, The Orchestra of the Americas & the The City of Prague Philharmonic. The tracks as follows:

1. The Day the Earth Stood Still (Bernard Herrmann) Prelude (1:46) For the end of 2023 before I posted My great presentation of My Science Project just recently on My Birthday, I showcased the DVD of the 2008 reboot of The Day the Earth Stood Still because last year was it's 15th Anniversary that also included the original film. This track is decent.

2. Mars Attacks! (Danny Elfman) - Introduction/Main Title (3:58). This is a great one.

3. Species (Christopher Young) - End Title (7:45). This was only released as a promotional/promo CD meaning you'd have to get it at a special event from the composer himself. This is a pretty good version of it.

4. E.T. (John Williams) Medley (piano solo) (4:13. This is really good, any fan of E.T. & Pianos should check it :)


5. Contact (Alan Silvestri) - End Title (3:48). This is a sweet sounding version.

6. They Live (John Carpenter and Alan Howarth) - Main Title (3:33) Really cool, sound almost like original recording.

7. Men in Black (Danny Elfman) - Main Title (2:59) This does as well, they did this one rather well.

8. Predator (Alan Silvestri) - Main Title (3:20). This is a tremendous version, it's arguably as engaging as the original version is and that is saying something :smgasp:


9. Aliens - The Ride (Richard Band) - Main Theme (6:29). This was the first time that this cue was ever released. Aliens the Ride originally was brought to the public in 1994 and how apropos that this year marks it's 30th Anniversary :blmm: :blhal: this I found it amazing that horror master Richard Band did this and yes he incorporated James Horner's theme and even his sound which is great as it pays homage to and continues that Aliens canon that fans love :)

10. Alien (Jerry Goldsmith) - End Title (2:47). Alien is celebrating it's 45th Anniversary this year :blmm: :blhal: 79's Alien has always been one of Goldsmith's finest and this one is purely amazing. It sounds very much like the original recording :!:

11. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Denny Zeitlin) - Main Title (original recording) (4:13). It's good just like it is on it's original 1978 Soundtrack.

12. Roswell (Elliot Goldenthal) - Main Title (original recording) (3:12) This was the FIRST TIME EVER that this was released on ANY CD. It's a great one by a master of great sound :)


13. The Tommyknockers (Christopher Franke) - Suite (original recording) (7:54)[/b]. Another that was released FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER just for THIS CD COMPILATION :!: This was by Christopher Franke whom I said earlier is the founder of Sonic Images Records, the company that made this superb collection of Extraterrestrial Music. It's a great one that is spooky with that cool 1993 feeling that had it's 30th Anniversary last year :blmm:

14. Dark Skies (Michael Hoenig) - Epilogue (3:20). This also was a first time ever release which this is great as well.

15. The X-Files (Mark Snow) - Main Theme (4:24). This such a different version of the X-Files but it's excellent :)

16. Independence Day (David Arnold) - End Credits (8:59). This is a tremendous version, arguably the best cue on the entire CD. It's performed as well as the original version and man-o-man that choir is outstanding :!:


Here's the back of the Jewel Case with all of the Cues/Tracks plus the info :)


Now here's the 1999 Copyright of Sonic Images Records. Like I said, this year marks this magical Compilation's 25th Anniversary and there's probably very, I mean very few people on this planet that is celebrating which is a big shame yet I'm quite proud that I'm part of those few that knows how fun this is :)


So anybody that just read & saw My showcase of My Watch the Skies Soundtrack/Score Compilation and is totally unfamiliar with it for whatever reason, it's a great one for anybody that's into Alien Films, TV Shows & Ufology as no person that's into Extraterrestrials should skip this nor be without it IMO :blmm: You'll be wanting to listen to it again & again because it's so exciting. Heck, it's even a great piece to play for Halloween Time as well :blbat: I hope you liked this special Watch the Skies CD presentation, next I will have yet another Anniversary special, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Cyborg & JCVD Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:52 am

Here we go with another anniversary special and this is one of My favorites, it is none other than...


Yes, Cyborg, the awesome apocalyptic dystopian sci-fi actioner that stars Jean-Claude Van Damme :!: As you saw last year I featured Bloodsport's 35th Anniversary which was 1988, well Cyborg has it's 35th Anniversary as I speak as it came in the great fun year of 1989 :o This was the second film that I saw JCVD in and I was equally impressed. This is also the film that he legitimately hurt one of the actors and had a huge court case :o My Grandma recorded the whole thing on CourtTV when it aired :shock: Now arguably the biggest story of this movie is that Cyborg is also known as Masters of the Universe 2/MOTU 2 :? I had explained the reasons in My great MOTU 1987 Movie The Official ULTIMATE Thread I posted over 10 years ago here --- :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: So in short Cannon/Golan-Globus went bankrupt and was forced to changed the MOTU sequel to Cyborg. If you watch the film and pay attention, you can clearly see that this looks like MOTU as there is still some remnants there including the backgrounds being redone by William Stout :shock: It's one thing when you know this but it's incredible when you see it for yourself :batwink: So this has really been a great yet bittersweet part of Cyborg for Me. While people watch films and don' give the details the time of the day waiting for it to be over, I watch'em to see all that is there and believe Me the first time I saw this film knowing it's history was kinda unreal. Ever since Cyborg has been My unofficial sequel to Masters of the Universe :batwink:

So I bought this VHS long ago in the early 2000s at a local Walgreens which I'll get to in a moment. This is the Movie Time reissue by MGM/UA. Here's a look at the front & back of the VHS Box Sleeve plus the VHS itself as well as little brochure that was included within the Tape.


Here's a look of the Brochure titled Contemporary Classics. It has many selections and it says "Remember when a movie made you laugh, cry, dream or think?"...I like that. When I watch a film or TV show (wrestling too and even video games) it's usually more than entertainment now, I'm always thinking outside the box as it is and since Holliweird shows us their predictive programming...well I hope you get the picture :o So it's a nice little fold-out booklet which stuff like that is so lacking in this pathetic modern era but I'm glad to know that this stuff was around during better times :)


Here's a close-up of the VHS Decal as well as the Box showing you the 1989 Copyright plus the 1996 Reissue Copyright. I always say check those Copyrights on all of your collectibles no matter what it is to see who made it and when...heed this as not even the experts tell about it which amazes Me because I've been doing since I was a youngster :)



So here's where I got My Cyborg VHS. It was at Walgreens on Chippewa & Hampton in Hampton Village. I've showcased this wonderful area a lot here in My all-crucial Odds & Ends as well as My other topics. I was with My Grandma as We were doing Our rounds. As always loved to looked at the toy, newsstand & movie isles. I saw Cyborg there and I'm like holy cow, they got it, I need it for My collection :batwink: I recall while We were there We saw My Auntie Wanda and her Mom. We were like what are doing here and all that stuff :) I recently posted a special Birthday tribute for My Auntie Wanda, if you want to go and pay your respects to can do so at this link here love & miss you My Auntie Wanda :( So I briefly presented this location in My huge Go-Bots & Rock Lords showcase that is a special one. I got many things and have many memories at that store since I was little. They moved across the street. What took it's place is a store called 5 Below that I never been too. Across the street there, that used to be a great Hollywood Video. I loved to go in there and see their huge decorated walls of Batman Forever on there as Two-Face was always looking at Me and I loved it :batwink:


Now further down the street as you go there is many locations. There's a Domino's Pizza. They remodeled the whole complex so it's still there. We never used that location however as it was too far away for delivery.


Right down the street just really feet away there used to be a Dunkin' Doughnuts that went out of business in the early 90s. I only went there a couple times when I was a youngster so I only recall a bit of it. It's now a Panda Pavilion which is a Chinese Takeout place that I never tried before.


Now when you turn right from Dunkin', Movie King was just down the street and boy I really liked going down there :)


I expressed about them a lot in My wonderful Glory Days of Movie Rentals which if your a person who loved renting movies & games and stuff like that is still important to you then it's a huge ginormous must-see because there is such few people showing & talking about things of their past and by doing so it allows it fall more in limbo to complete Oblivion which is something I'm avoiding :!: That showcase is arguably My most crucial I've ever made :o You can see it all on Page 5 here in My Odds & Ends. This was Movie King's first location on Macklind Ave...


and just a block or so down the street on Macklind Ave was their second location. Back to Domino's, I recall seeing My Dad's friend delivering to them there so he had to work at that Dominos Pizza seen above which Me & My Grandma avoided him because of Buddy, My Father which is a shame it had to be that way. Back to Movie King, oh I recall it like it was last week renting movies & games for a week and I miss those days very much however with My showcases like this and My Glory Days of Movie Rentals spectacular I & whomever wants to can reminiscent those great times :)


Just a bit aways down was ToyLand. they were a place of Vintage times where a Parent could take their child for a photo-shoot for their family album. They've been gone for a while which I'm not sure how long...I believe it's been quite a long time unfortunately which this is the first time I've spoken about them here so this is a new bonus entry :)


So here we go with a special part of this showcase. I have the Cyborg movie score and boy it's a dandy :shock:


The music is composed by Kevin Bassinson which this is his biggest score that he's known for. Here's the front Cover.


This is released by Silva Screen & Edel. Here's a look inside of the Jewel Case :)


A close-up of the Compact Disc.


Here's a close-up of the Insert Booklet.


Here's the back of the Jewel Case with all of the Tracks/Cues. The soundtrack has really good sound. It's filled of wonderful action packed 80s tracks. This is just a regular edition unlike the Bloodsport special I showcased last month, Cyborg is as equally fun and you can just hear and envision the good times of that decade when you listen to this as well as the horrific things that was going on in the film :batwink:


Here's a close-up of the music being written by Kevin Bassinson as well as the 1989 Cannon & Edel Copyrights :)


Next up is another special of Cyborg however this part is My Best of Jean-Claude Van Damme soundtrack :o


Yes, as you saw last month I showcase a special compilation of music from Arnold Schwarzenegger films. I love action movies and these heroes & music that I grew up with. Many action star films has some of the best movie scores you can listen too. I've known this since I was a youngster. So I got this with Cyborg which was a must for Me especially since there was a huge special exclusive of Cyborg on this edition which I'll get to a moment :) Here's the front Cover. I have always loved this picture from Bloodsport :)


This one also is released by Silva Screen & Edel. Here's a look inside of the Jewel Case :)


Here's a look at the CD.


Now Mine has two identical Booklets which are really inserts. I don't know if every copy has this or if I lucked-out and got a little special bonus for My hard earned moolah :)


Here's the back the of the Jewel Case. Take a good gander at the Track List. It has tracks from Bloodsport, Cyborg & Lionheart which are three of JCVD's best films not to mention My favorites. Now the two songs from Bloodsport, Fight to Survive & On My Own Alone are actually different versions as to what is on My Bloodsport Score as well as in the actual film. These are recordings with a different singer. I never knew if this was exclusive to this compilation for whatever reason or not however they are very good versions. The rest is the same by Paul Herzog. Now a big reason why I wanted this is because it has three cues from Lionheart by John Scott whom I just spotlighted a while back when I showcased King Kong Lives Cassette Tape as well as just a few weeks ago My Science Project & Screen Archives. This is such a tremendous score with such great sound. He's one of the best ever and so is the score. At the time when I got these fantastic gems in the early to mid 2000s, Lionheart was out of print/oop and was fairly expensive if you could find it on the secondary & tertiary markets so I mean this was quite big for Me and I would imagine and would hope that was for others who loved the movie and it wonderful score. Still today the soundtrack is quite a rare one. Now the music for Cyborg is the same as it is on My Cyborg Score by Kevin Bassinson that you just saw above which is ok, sometimes you gotta get duplicates of some things, that's the way it goes of being a collector ;) Now the major and I mean major aspect of this whole soundtrack as to why this was an absolute must for Me is that they included a long cue of Cyborg's rejected score which I'll get to in a second :o


So as I showcased Timeline & Alien Nation last year, both are rejected scores by Jerry Goldsmith and it's not uncommon but a rarity for record labels to release rejected/unused music on CD. If your a movie music fan and collector then you know how important this is as well as how exciting too because it gives you something new you never heard before :) So why this was rejected is this. When the film was originally going to be Masters of the Universe 2, Bill Conti was going to do the music and continue his epic score he made for the first one but since Cannon had their unfortunate financial issues, it was all scraped and late great director Albert Pyun had to rework it into Cyborg. So he got great duo James Saad & Anthony Riparetti to score the film. Then Cannon had more problems and the production went haywire. Sometimes this happens with movies such as the ones I mentioned above and ones like Rogue One: A Star Wars Story which that was even a much larger debacle than even Timeline and it too had it's score rejected :batshock: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So when the movie was back on track jack, they hired Kevin Bassinson who wrote some fantastic music. Now I have listened to this countless times and I must say in ways the duo's have a similar sound and really I find their cue to be more creative and even a bit on the spooky side when it begins. This still has that wonderful 80s sound and you can clearly tell that this is for a JCVD film cause every composer gives that action hero in that respected film their sound that makes the film more dynamic. Here's a close-up of the most important part of this whole special compilation as you see it's 9:56 which is fantastic and that it was never released before :)


Here's the Pathe Collection Logo plus the info of Edel. Notice the information that the titles are from, Bloodsport (1988 Cannon), Cyborg (1989 Cannon) & Lionheart (1990 Intrada). Also notice the 1991 Cannon & Edel Copyright. Like I always say, heed them Copyrights as they can help you identify who made what and when. I hope you people are doing this for all of your collectibles cause I've been doing it since I was a youngster. As a quick note, Edel also published the WWF Full Metal: The Album which is really cool. You can view that plus a whole lot more Wrestling CDs in My Vintage Wrestling Collection here ---> See, I keep up with these record companies like I do action figure & video game companies. It's quite fun and exciting :)


Now here's a bittersweet story that has a good ending about where I got these fine soundtracks. I bought these from For a while I thought that they were a great place. I saw their true colors when I went for their offer in the early-mid 2000s. they had a clearance deal of some sort where if you buy $70 worth you can get several free CDs of your choice. I thought it was one heck of a deal but was it too good to be true :?: So I bought many scores from them (keep in Mind YouTube doesn't really exist yet as it it barley is a thing at this time and Peer-to-Peer Sharing is basically gone and would be a major obscurity of the past as nobody ever talks about it anymore). Well, I got the scores I bought but not My choice of freebies. I wanted to fix this and deal with them but they kept on giving Me hell :x So I didn't know what to do. I asked My Grandma if she had any suggestions and she knew what to do. She usually always knew how to fix a problem one way or another. She called John Ashcroft, who was Missouri's Attorney General, Governor & Senator. See, like I said before, My Grandma was something else and not like other people, she never let anything slide especially for Me because I was/still is her Angel :( She knew him a bit. She was successful about him before which was My Universal Monsters debacle, he fixed that for Me :) So she told him My ordeal with BSX and well, apparently he gave them big trouble because about a week later I got everything plus a whole lot more in the mail :o I was quite a happy camper then :) I never dealt with BSX ever again and I stuck with Screen Archives, eBay & Amazon Marketplace Sellers and of course The Record Exchange locally. Now very recently I got an e-mail from Screen Archives and they are spotlighting BUYSOUNDTRAX/BSX. When I saw this It made Me feel very bitter. For one that's their competition and they have a partnership selling their product :!: I was like gotta be freakin' kidding Me :x This is a similar scenario like when Sideshow Collectibles was selling Hot Toys Products though there was no bitter-sweetness there. Seeing that e-mail was quite disappointing to Me especially since I just showcased Screen Archives just a few short weeks ago :o So here's BUYSOUNDTRAX/BSX's Logos and the man that came through for Me thanks to My Grandma...John Ashcroft :)


So here's My little but great Cyborg collection of My VHS Movie & CD Soundtrack as well as My special Best of Jean-Claude Van Damme soundtrack compilation together. Now this is really cool :)


So there's My special showcase of Cyborg & Best of Jean-Claude Van Damme and I hope you liked it :) Next will be a special movie showcase of one of My favorites of ever of all-time, Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
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