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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Lego & Duplo!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:14 am

So now here we go with a very big and special showcase and it will be...


Yes, Lego & Duplo :o While it's extremely hard to get to My storage, I found these two small Booklets. These have many kids of different ages when kids were kids like Me and anyone close to My age ;) My Grandma & Mom got Me many of these set that is seen with them. Unlike most of My great showcases, there will be very little commentary here as I will let the pages of the Booklets do the talking visually so here's Booklet #1 ;)


Look at that 1985 Copyright, those were such good times ;)


Off to Booklet #2 ;)


Here's the 1986 Copyright, like I always say and I hope you are heeding this because it's very important to check for those Copyrights or any collectible you have whether it be Booklets like these, Action Figures, VHS & DVDs, Soundtracks & Music Albums, Video Games among anything of this category to see whom made it and when :) I've done this since I've been a youngster and I haven't stopped since ;)


I hope you liked that, next will be another one like this but that will Zaks :o Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:

UPDATE ON 12/11/23: I just found this Lego Booklet just the other day and I thought instead of making a new showcase, just edit this one that was already done and put with it :) If you've already seen My Lego & Duplo presentation and your revisiting this then this means your looking back so big kudos to you because other than Myself, your one of the so very few people anywhere that looks back and checks out what they missed :batwink:

So this one is formed differently being really only one doubled-sided insert than the others and kinda smaller as well but it features a bit of the same stuff as the other Booklets however :wwwink:


Again this is when kids were kids and cared about toys :smwink:


Here's "The Toys You Grow Up With" slogan that Lego was famous for back in the day and you see the age range there as well as the 1986 Copyright ;)


That's the climax of this update, if i have more I'll be sire to update this once again :batwink:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: ZAKS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:38 am

Here we go with My next special showcase and it will be similar like My recent Lego & Duplo one. If you recall months ago I posted a special Bozo the Clown episode that was on it's home channel WGN where a boy won a contest and one of the items that he won was a box of Zaks that is was in October, 1988, 35 years ago this year :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

Bozo-Zaks 1.jpg

If you don't feel like going back or if you never seen it before for whatever reason, here's the video in it's entirety :)

Also if you recall I said that I would post a special about it in time...well that time is now :!: While I cannot locate My actual toys at the moment, I was able to find a Zaks Booklet however which is enough to show that brief but wonderful history. Zaks is a building toy and is truly an almost forgotten obscurity of a gem that was a great alternative to Lego :)


The line was made by Novation & Ohio Arts. Look at the great 1987 Copyright, always look for those & pay attention to those Copyrights on your collectibles as they are always important for many reasons as I have always known since I was a youngster ;) Here's their great looking Logos that is seen within the Booklet.


My Grandparents got Me these cool babies for Christmas in or around that time possibly from Venture in South Town. Here's inside the Booklet with info, a picture of kids when kids were kids and cared as well as the starting of many cool creations that ZAKS has to offer. In fact I built many of these back in the day :)


This Dragon is really cool but I've always thought he looked like a Dinosaur however if you believe some of theories in recent times out there then they are one in the same so :o


Here's the back of the Booklet which there was plenty of creative designs here and I even came up with a couple Me Myself long ago as well ;)


I hope you liked this one and were surprised that you didn't know ZAKS or perhaps I brought the memories back to you ;) We shall see what is next for My Vintage Action Figure Topic, until then I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: ZAKS!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:30 am

I don't really recaall Zaks. I was never much into LEGOs, but Zaks are totally unfamiliar. They looked interesting enough.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: ZAKS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:53 pm

Yes, I didn't expect you or others to recall them as I said in My showcase that their very obscure. That Bozo the Clown show I provided was showing them when Zaks were hot and new really so that's one of the reasons why they were there. Thanks for your reply PB :)
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Bone Age & Dino-Rid

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:11 am

So this showcase will be a big special one. It will deal with two similar properties that both has their 35th Anniversary this year that so very few people are talking about...the first one is Tyco's Dino-Riders and it will be a great flashback full of My history with a major update and the second is Kenner's Bone Age which I have never shown before nor really mentioned about at all so it would be a surprise so let's get to the first one now shall we :batwink:


Here's a flashback the very first premier 1988 Dino-Riders Marvel Comic and how I got it :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Dino Rider Marvel Comic: I had featured Tyco's Dino Riders long ago in this topic as well as My Dinosaur topic. If you have already seen it then you'll know what it is and that I only had one set. Look back for that. So, I found a whole bunch of comics and one of them was Dino Riders! Since I had featured them before I had the idea to do it once more. Here is brief look at it, it was the first issue ever in 1989 (it can go for a pretty penny at eBay) :o I believe My Grandma got it for Me at Paramount Drug Store (they were great, every time we needed meds and waited, I'd look at the nice comic section and they even had some cool toys...they would even deliver your items to your house but like so many they've been gone for about 30 years or so) :!: I haven't seen this book in ages :shock: Look at the classic art and cool video games ads too, oh these were some of the best times to be a kid :)


Now here is the back cover and boy-o-boy is it a beauty :shock: I was actually surprised that the G.I. Joe mail away personalized figure was on it. I mean back then something like this was huge and really radical for a youngster. I have also showcased My Brandon The Brigadier prior as well and coincidentally compared his size with My Dino Riders :shock:


BrandonDaCollector wrote:Paramount Drug Pharmacy: Ah, I have actually been wanting to talk about them for a long while now. So this store became a memorable one for Me because of a few reasons. We were still at our old house that I have spoke about in recent times, there was so many fun places to be in this general region and most of it is all gone :smsmh: :wwsmh: :batsmh: Thank goodness not forgotten by Me :) They were just blocks away from us. They were on Grand & Arsenal Street. Grand is good but has it's ups and downs which I have just talked about it when I just showcased National. I loved Arsenal. The Schnucks where I got My LJN Iron Sheik was down the other side and I may showcase this great area that I love later on down the road :o Both streets are huge, they go on for countless miles literally :!: Tower Grove Park was across the street where My Grandpa PoPo took Me all the time as we always walked down there (many times on his shoulders) during this era which they had a terrific playground and public pool, its a ginormous park :( One day a news crew came down there for whatever reason and we were on film for a few minutes, I recorded it on VHS not to long after that in the 80s :batshock: So back to Paramount, My Grandma MiMi would need medicine for her high BP and instead of going to Walgreens she always chose Paramount because they were very local and very friendly with such great service. So great in fact they would DELIVER it to your door if you chose it...long before any modern delivery service like Uber, GrubHub or EatStreet was ever a thought :o The owner of the store was a short and quite bald man with glasses that in My youngster mind looked liked Roy Scheider. He & his Wife whom was also his co-worker was so nice but I do not recall their names...darn it :roll: They would even deliver to our new address when we moved in 1990 which was further away until they went out of business :roll: Many times she would wait out her prescriptions and while We would wait I would be at the little toy section. They never had anything big like action figures mind you, just stuff like My Jaks To Go, however, they did have a really cool comic stand with DC & Marvel comics. I got a ton of comics there of all kinds from Batman to the X-Men and even TMNT :batsmile: One day I may showcase them and especially this really special Marvel one I got, its one of My most fondest comics I have ever gotten which that is a must to present here in the near future so be on the look out for that later on. I have briefly mentioned this also when I recently brought back Judy's Superstore than after we were done with Paramount Drug, we would go to Cherokee Street and go to her and many of the other stores I talked about recently including Woolworths, Walgreens & the Bazaar :!: It was such fun times. However, before she had that location, she had a small store around the corner of Paramount, Her store was in the same building with a guy who had his own unique outlet which I called him "Weird Guy" because he looked like Harvey Whippleman (which I didn't see Whippleman until a few short years later) with thicker bushy hair & thick beard that had really strange items including a very deranged tin pirate that I for some odd reason liked and My Grandma got it for Me. So if you haven't seen My super special of "restoring" Judy's SuperStore then do so, it's in My Voltron showcase as well as My first part of My Transformers in My Vintage Action figure topic as well as in My SW: ESB Presto Magix in My great Star Wars topic because I tell all about her because she was the best...I am so darn bummed that she has been forgotten about, there is NOTHING on the web about her...NOTHING :batrage:) This is of course a modern look at the complex which now is Jade Room but this was her original store here along with the "The Weird Guy" and that's where I first met her in the mid 80s :(


So just like the other day when I showcased My Karate Figures and presented Tru-Buy in My great Vintage Action Figure topic, there is absolute BUPKIS mentioned about them online which is so pathetic in My book and really the same goes for Paramount Drug which is really even more so pitiful because they were so good :roll: There was only one classic vintage picture I could find of them when they first built the building way, way back in the early 20th Century :o


Here is pictures of the building now which is Tower Grove Creamery. I guess its doing good business :? One important note is after We were done with Paramount Drug, I would want to go to Woolworths which was only doors down in the gray complex bulding. I had many good times there as well which I will be talking about both Woolworths locations in time :batsmile:


Here is more of the building that used to house Paramount Drug. I loved to go under there in the entryway where the Pillar is :!:


Here you can see a bit of Tower Grove Park on the right side. This is from a winter shot so you cannot see the beauty it has when the trees are full during the Summer Time :)


BrandonDaCollector wrote:OK, just a just a sweet bonus, I felt that this had to be a part of Mt Vintage Action Figure topic one way or another. If you want see the entre post then please see My Dinosaur Figure Topic!

OK, now the Dino-Riders. It was a great but very short-runned animated TV show 87-88. These are My only Dino-Riders, they were part of a great series made by the legendary company called Tyco! Unfortunately I never collected them for whatever reasons (I remember seeing tons of them at Grandpa Pigeons) and I really, really regret that as I think they were just awesome. The Dino-Riders are kinda scarce over the years and can be really expensive online as they are a top collectible series with good meaning. The characters were called Pteranodon with Rasp. I loved the sculpting and the realistic approach they tried with the animals. I love the flying reptile's eyes, it was really an old school technique that I really miss these days. They are well made. Sadly I didn't take care them as I have misplaced their saddle, armor, weapons and trap. They have some POA and if you press the button in on the Pteranodon's back, he flaps his wings!

Here they are displayed using the ultra-cool MattyCollector flying stands (man do they come in handy)!


Here is a comparison of My Dino-Rider with My previously seen Larami T-Rex in My My Dinosaur Figure Topic! and the soon to be revealed (SPOILER! Check this section soon!) Brandon the Steel Brigader from G.I. Joe from 1987 :shock:  :!:


I posted that a couple years if anybody is keeping track. My style has evolved quite a bit since then. I was looking back like I always do (I ignore that invisible rule of not going back, you miss so much that way) and I'm like dang, I need to show them more instead of just pics from a distance like that, So here's is an updated look of them two in much better detail :batwink: First here is Rasp, Tyco made him really cool. He was part of one many of the properties that focused so much on reptilians...I've said it before that the 80s was obsessed with robots, cyborgs, rock people, mutants, swords & sorcery, war and such but reptilians was in just about everything and it still is and I just wonder why :? It was more than a thing that they are "cool"...maybe My sig will give you a hint :o So this was before the days Tyco was taken over by Mattel, they still had their own identity & freedom and they were quite good. In fact they made their toys unlike any other company that was very realistic. So Rasp is a general of the Viper Army who looking like he could fit in with MOTU & Joes which again were heavy with reptilians, I love his eyes and wide hood. He has a good amount of points of articulation as his neck turns, has cut shoulders & thighs and bends at the knees. His quality is top-notch :!:


Now his Pteranodon ride has great as well. I love how Tyco put so much realism into these guys. His eyes look real :shock:


I love how his mouth opens...he's darn near like a puppet which i really dig this aspect :batwink:


Asp rides him good. He has a button you press on his back to flap his wings. As I said prior, I got him on a Matty Collector Stand and like the McFarlane Stands that I showcased before, they are quite necessary t have and to have many of them because they make the figure stand up without toppling over and if you have a flier like him they work wonders :batwink:


Here's the 1987 Tyco Copyright that is on Pteranodon's wing, like I always say, it's very important to check for those Copyrights on your collectibles for many reasons including to see who made it and when. I've been doing this as a youngster as I always thought it was great to learn plus it's very fun to do ;)


Now here's My very small collection of Dino-Riders together with the action figures by Tyco and the first ever Dino-Riders Marvel Comic Book. It's not bog but it sure looks narly :batwink:


Now here's Grandpa Pidgeons, They were one of My favorite stores to go to There was many great stores that My Grandparents and Mom took Me too when I was a youngster like the previously showcased Venture & Ben Franklin's! Of course there was Target and My great local K-Mart that I have mentioned many times. There are another handful of stores that I absolutely loved too like Woolworths, ah man we had two great ones. My Grandma's friend Judy's huge store down the street from My fave of the two Woolworths which I gotta one day talk about her awesome store and of course the Bizaar all on the same street but this is for another time :!: Anyway, GrandPa's was a terrific alternative to stores like Venture & K-Mart. They had everything they had and then some. We had 2 locations: 1 was at Chippewa/Watson and the other was in South County. They were taken-over by Value City (see more about that in the vid below in a little while). They are still in business as I speak. My Mom worked at the Chippewa/Watson location of Value City and it was extremely hard on her because of darn commissions :roll: It was so sad because not long before this it was GrandPa's and we just shopped there :( They would only have a tiny amount of toys while some figures were actually Jakks's WWF/WWE nWo after they had just acquired WCW. This was no where near to warrant Me to even remotely like them over GrandPa's......not by a LONG SHOT :x I'm probably the only one in St. Louis or even Missouri for that matter that's talking about them or even thinkin' about'em...such a pathetic shame :roll: I first remembered GrandPa's from the middle part of the 80s. The Chippewa/Watson store was kinda close to Crestwood (I have talked about that great area in very recent times - unfortunately now a ghost town). Across the street was My Grandparents' fave BBQ restaurant called Hayden's BBQ (I remember going there many times because I loved their BBQ hot-dogs and I told the pretty short-blond haired waitress/co-owner that My Grandparents was gonna get Me My GB Ecto-1 & Firehouse at K-B in, I was only about 7 or so ---Hayden's went out of business only a few short years after this)! There was also a big railroad track next to GrandPa's that they removed sometime later in-between 89 - 91 or something like that :roll: They had one heck of a jewelry department, it was so bright and colorful with reddish glass cases. Oh the toy isles were wonderful. I remember the Chippewa/Watson had the Dino-Riders...a ton of them! I had mentioned this before when I showcased Mine months ago. They had a lot and I believe they had the Raptor, the T-Rex and maybe even the [/b]Brontosaurus :o I got some cool WWF stuff here too. My Grandparents had already gotten Me the WCW figures by Galoob at K-Mart and possibly other places but they had'em too. In fact, there was 1 lonely Arn Anderson (check him out in My Vintage Wrestling Topic) in the corner in 1990. He would stay there for years...I believe till 94 if I recall correctly :!: I mean talk about unwanted :roll: They had Kenner's Ghostbusters and so much more. Here is a SPOILER cause I'm gonna showcase them in the near future :shock: and they are Kenner's MEGA FORCE :!: They had a ton of'em and My Grandparents got Me what they could :) Thsi is where i discovered Kenner's Terminator Series then My Mom got Me My very VERY FIRST Terminator Endoskeleton figure by Kenner elsewhere (I will showcase them in time, that was so cool!) so yeah, they had the Terminator series as well! Also they had a tremendous selection of video games :shock: One day My Grandma took Me there in 94 and got Me several Sega Genesis games when they had a big sale! Now at the South County store, it was a bit different, I believe it was also a larger building too. They had a ton of stuff. Me and My Mom would go to stores after dusk/twilight ad especially there late at night...loved shopping after dark :wwshock: :smheat: :batsmile: They had tons of action figures from most lines in the early to mid 90s like G.I. Joes but some big memorable moments there was that they had Trendmasters' Tarzan figures. I stayed there for a long time looking at the them on several occasions and couldn't put'em down because I just adored their packaging and how they looked. I never got any back then cause I was foolish but redeemed that stupid decision in 2020 when I finally got the special 9 pack, you can see them in My Recent Acquirements Topic! I just loved going to both locations, I have extremely fond memories of both'em. I may have not told everything but that is all that is on My mind at the moment. They were huge stores and were really a Walmart-like store before all of the Walmart craze obsession of what was yet to come but arguably even better in so many ways :)

I still recall going there getting Tommy Lasorda's Baseball...


In fact I recall many things which I've talked about this before including a figure of Galoob's WCW Series AA Arn Anderson which I believe he was there from 1990 - 1994, possibly even till 1995. I always found it weird that nobody wanted him and they just kept him there on the peg on the far left of the action figure isle :o I never wanted him because I already had him along with the rest of this great series I already showcased :) This was such a great store and this what Grandpa Pidgeons looked like :)


Now the thing is GrandPa's was taken over by Value City. After My Mom decided to quit Sears in the very early 2000s. She then chose to work at Value City on Chippewa. It was always very bitter sweet for Me to go there because I never forgot all those times I went to GrandPa's, it was never the same :roll: Now here's a recent picture of it. Notice the empty building on the right, that used to be Shop 'n Save which thanks to the P!amDemic, they went under, taken over by Schnucks & took all of their locations much like they did to National 2 decades prior :roll:


Now in this picture you can see a closer look at Value City and even see a bit of Shop 'n Save which this is back in 2015 here. Now here's something I really liked when i was a youngster going to GrandPa Pidgeons. See all of those pretty trees on the left :?: That's a big hill that forms a plaza were Dierbergs,(the Kenrick Theater was right down the street from there!), it used to be a large Railroad and when I get to the parking lot and near the entrance doors of GrandPa's I heard many Train Horns there. Oh it was such good times especially at night time :)


So this here is My main attraction and I saved this for this very time because it is the 35th Anniversary of...


Like My 35th Anniversary of Boglins that I made for Halloween, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to do this either. Like Boggy these guys came from Venture as well and man I recall it like it was yesterday seeing them in their boxes on the shelves was a very exciting time back then :)


So Kenner's Bone Age came out in 1988, 35 years ago this year and around the same time Tyco's Dino-Rider did. It was an original series much like their awesome yet severely obscure Battle Brawlers that I showcased earlier on. Like them and unlike Dino-Riders, Bone Age really had really backstory, no cartoon nor comic to tie it together similar like Kenner's original parent company line, Tonka's Super Naturals that I showcased, really a series doesn't need all of that media, sure it helps it thrive with exposure but really what did that do with others that nobody talks about like their Go-Bots & Rock Lords, Centurions & M.A.S.K. :? Really nothing...people will be people, be they way they are and like what they like. IMO you really don't need all of that exposure to be fun, take a look at look at Remco's DC Warrior Beasts, I instantly fell in love with them yet they had very little exposure :) While Bone Age is not as obscure as Battle Brawlers, they are a line that seems that has really faded away in limbo as many collectors don't talk about them and for a long time I'm like how in the heck can you not about Kenner's Bone Age....the things that people should be mentioning :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So I don't have many of them as I believe I got in on this late as I believe Venture was clearenceing them out because apparently they weren't good sellers which was such a shame but I do have enough to present in order to have a good presentation and to show what they were all about. It was a rather simple series really as it dealt with clans of cavemen and using skeletons of Dinosaurs as their allies & vehicles. There is no Prehistoric Mammals within the series. These are similar like their M.A.S.K. figures that I showcased as they are about the same size and even have a similar gimmick with removable helmets/masks as well :shock:

So here is 1 of three cavemen that I have. This is Brog - Ice Clan Hunter. He looks like the usual concept of a blond warrior or ancestor of Norsemen. He's sculpted well but there really isn't much paint applications here. I have misplaced/missing his Helmet/Mask but if I ever find it I'll update this showcase when I do cause I always go back ;)


They move with a neck twist, cut shoulder & hip joints. They don't bend at the knees like M.A.S.K. does.


Here is Tund the The Thunderous Chief of Ice Clan whom is in the same group and has a similar look.


Now I have his Helmet/Mask and it's a great looking one. It's an Ankylosaurus Head :o


Here is Crag the Clubber, Chief of Stone Clan whom is their enemy. He has a different appearance.


Here's his Helmet/Mask. It's a superb one as it's an Amargasaurus. This is so radical because only 4 years before this great series came out, that Sauropod was just discovered in about wasting no time whatsoever :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So here they are Together :!:


So here is a Size Comparison example of Tund with Kenner's SW: POTF1 R5-D4, M.A.S.K.'s Matt Trakker, & DC's Super Powers' Superman, Mattel's M.U.S.C.L.E.'s Kinnikuman and last but certainly not least, Mel Appel's Weird Ball Wrestler Brain Ball which is all previously seen within this very fine & important Topic of Mine :)


Now here we go with the Dinosaurs. Now this is going to be bittersweet because their not in great shape. Perhaps this is the reason why they weren't a success :? I had problems back then and even now with them as the quality isn't that good. Since you can take them apart and assemble them in many ways, it's a great concept but the clear plastic pegs material is very thin thus making them weak over time so I did what I had to do. Here's the T-Rex the Tyrannosaurus. He has a great design but his pegs broke off so the picture that I took of him is correct, he just doesn't looks strange as he has a short neck and tail but it's either that or discard him and I didn't want to do the latter :roll: Crag came with him.


Here is Tritops the Triceratops. He is extremely wobbly but I was able to take a picture of him before he toppled over and fell apart. He looks decent and his horns shoot out like missiles. Tund was included with him.


Now Tero the Pterosaur whom is not a Dinosaur is actually in pretty good shape and because of that he became My favorite of the three. He has a very wide wingspan which his wings move up and down. They included Brog with him.


Here is a Bone Age Group :!:


Here's this Bone Age Dinosaur Size Comparison as here is Tero & Crag with Kenner's Bettlejuice, SW's R5-D4 & Centurion's Ace McCloud. Look at that wonderful history of Kenner :)


Here is the 1988 Kenner Parker Toys I always say it's very important to check for those Copyrights ;)


Now here is 2 of My Kenner Action Toy Guides that I edited to focus on Bone Age only with the 1988 Copyrights ;)


In these you can see how the promotional pictures were which only a handful of companies would do this and Kenner was one of'em. Here's My first one with Tund & Crag leading the way :batwink:


First you see the figures that I have just shown here within the showcase. Now your gonna see the other figures that I don't have that Venture and others either sold out of or never stocked including Stegus the Stegosaurus with Org.


Deitron the Dimetrodon (not a Dinosaur) with Brac, Dynacus the Deinonychus (the Raptor that the Velocioraptors in Jurassic Park were inspired by) with Zur, Anklor the Ankylosaurus with Tuk, Plesior the Plesiosaurus (not a Dinosaur) with Molt were all really cool :batwink:


Here's an example that you could put the Creature's Skeleton together and make an custom ultimate ride for the figures. Now they made three packs with additional Characters which was a clever idea for Kenner plus they also made Vehicles as well which added even more fun to the series :batsmile:


Here's the 1988 Kenner Parker Toys Copyright, look at that :)


Here's My next Kenner Action Toy Guide. Gosh, it was so fun when you'd get these, there's nothing like having these physical treasures in hand :) All three Cavemen are standing guard :batwink:


On the first Page of the Bone Age section is two new big entries, ones that I would've love to have back in the great simpler fun times :) The first one is a huge one, it's Brontus the Brontosaurus with Volc and the other is Codus the Deinosuchus (Giant Alligatoroid Crocodylian with Thog. The rest of the section is the same as the previous Booklet.


The 1988 Kenner Copyright is different as the Kenner/KPT is gone as they were unfortunately abandoning this as you see that they are a division of Tonka Corporation :)


And here is the big bonus that I would think you were waiting for which this special would be incomplete without it because you know I always go the extra mile...the size comparison of Tyco's Dino-Riders and Kenner's Bone Age. While both are superbly fun in their unique ways I prefer Tyco's superbly detailed realistic approach plus their quality is much better however the scale is pretty darn good with each other :)


That will do it for this special showcase. I hope you liked it and were surprised about this 1988, 35th Anniversary of Tyco's Dino Riders as well as Kenner's Bone Age. Next will be a very special 1988, 35th Anniversary flashback, until then I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Bone Age & Dino-Rid

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:11 pm

Wow, I have never even heard of Bone Age. Those look awesome. They look like He-Man figures that were compatible with Tyco's Dino Riders. Very cool!
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Bone Age & Dino-Rid

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:34 am

I didn't think many people would, like I said, their very obscure and falling in limbo to Oblivion. Yes, a bit like MOTU and which they're quite cool and yes they are compatible with Tyco's Dino Riders as you saw in my picture, that was an important part of My showcase...thanks for checking this out Acid, I appreciate it :)
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Willow 35th Special

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:51 am


Here we go with My flashback special, the one that started it all for this great Topic[/] of Mine. If you have been following Me faithfully since then you know that I started it with My totally wonderful [b]Tonka Willow action figure collection because they are one of My most favorite line of ever of all-time. It was so fun during this period of time which there has never been one since. So over the lat few months I have posted a ton of new material in all of My topics that is a must see including My Vintage right here but rather than make a completely new showcase I thought it would very apropos to just quote Myself and post what I already did because I'm happy with My pictures and I as My Grandpa PoPo always said, if it ain't broke...don't fix it ;) Now you'll see that My style has evolved since I did these a long while back so I didn't edit much here as I wanted to leave it alone. You will not see many people doing what I do on the web since times have changed especially this so get ready for the 35th Anniversary of Willow :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Oh boy, here we go, here is the first of My vintage action collection and I thought that it would be very apropos that is would be none other than WILLOW, the 1988 fantasy action adventure like no other! IMO it was like a medieval Star Wars and you can clearly tell it was Lucas and I loved the musical score by James Horner, one of his absolute best IMO! When I was really young I loved all that was greatness about the 80s which was action, fantasy, sorcery, monsters, horror and the fun stuff. So, I knew the Willow movie and its action figures was coming out soon. My Grandparents & Mom got Me all of them but two which I will post about that in time as well as some of My memories of the great series.

So, the series was made by Tonka, the then owner of Kenner. The figures IMO were beyond their time as they looked so realistic with great sculpting and looked movie accurate. They were real scale towards each other which I always love in action figures. They were only about 2" tall with metal stands however with exceptions some were different as you will see shortly. So, here will the lineup with many pics and features. I still have all of their cards which you will see in their entirety and so much more :D


The Death Dog: He was My first Willow figure EVER :shock: The stock @ My great Venture store was sold out of them at the time and it seemed like this poor figure was thrown around all over the toy isle as his card was so beat up. He was so torn that he was put on clearance time & time again and nobody was interested in him but Me! I was so happy that I got him and a Willow figure because Me & My Grandparents were going to see the film later THAT night at the show! They loved it especially My Grandpa. Yep, I took My Death Dog with Me and was playing with him in front of the screen. Such a great memory indeed.  


Death Dog: So, stock was coming in Venture as well & K-Mart & K-B. Me was lucky enough to get the whole collection. First, I wanted a another Death Dog because of the scene in the beginning of the movie there were two of them so I had to get one more for an army builder to make that scene. He looks identical like the other one which is a really gruesome looking dog minus the torn-up card.


Queen Bavmorda: Ah, the true baddie of the film. Still to this day, IMO there has never been a villainess like her. I loved her character and her figure is really nice and detailed just like in the movie. I was really happy when I got her.  


Sorsha with Horse: This is the version with a horse. She looks really good and much different than other standard figure as she was a bow & arrow riding her steed.


General Kael: Oh man, My favorite character in the whole movie (he reminded of a medieval Darth Vader so much). I loved his voice. He was played by late great wrestler Pat Roach and he was one of My favorites. His figure's helmet, armor and sword looks so authentic. He is also the largest of all the standard figures as he should be.


General Kael with Horse: A variant with a steed as part of the horse series. He looks nearly the same as his other version except that he is in a different position.


Nockmaar Lieutenant: He looks really good, I love the armor & the stance.


Nockmaar Lieutenant: Got another one not too long after the first for an army builder.


Nockmaar Warrior: Great looking soldier, I love his stance as well.


Nockmaar Warrior: Got him again for the same reason as the Nockmaar Lieutenant.


Nockmaar Warrior on Horse: Yes, he was My first Willow figure on a horse. This is how I originally found out about this steed series and I was tell'n My Grandma I gotta get the rest of them and I did. I only got one of this guy though, I think he was harder to find? I'm not sure. Anyway he looks really good and I love his sword.



Willow: Yes, the little man himself of the Nelwyns. He looks really good. Its such a great representation of the title character. I love the wand he has, again, it looks just like an actual miniature prop. Yep, a company related to Kenner made another Warwick "Wicket" Davis figure in the 80s!


Madmartigan: Man, isn't he a great looking figure? I think the figure's resemblance is really great and his armor is dandy.


Madmartigan on horse: Basically the same greatness as the standard figure but this time with a horse as part of the steed series.


Sorsha: Now, unlike the other main characters that has standard & steed figures, Sorsha is the most unique because this time she has her great ridged blade sword and not her bow & arrow. I really like this difference as it brings a nearly totally new variant to the beautiful female warrior.


Rebel Trooper: Ah, one of the rebel soldiers. I loved their armor and style. Such a great looking figure indeed.


Rebel Trooper: A duplicate as the other one for an army builder.


High Aldwyn: Yes, a another of little Nelwyn people. He looks so much like the movie version.


Willow with Alora Danan: I didn't even know about this little figure set existed till the mid 2000s! I got it at Toyzz (I believe their still in business but has totally changed), a characteristic web store that had really rare things but was really good as I had bought many items there that is quite rare nowadays. So, the Willow figure is the same exact figure as the other one but the absolute major difference is he includes a removable backpack/harness with a baby Elora Danan in it! She herself is removable and has a really good likeness to the infant seen in the movie. When I got them it really brought back the nostalgia of how great it was then and what I had been missing all of this time!



The Troll: This little creature is arguably one of My favorites of all the standard figures. His figurine depiction is very movie like and his sculpting is really nice as his body looks furry and smooth in the parts it should. I love his little pose ready to scare & grab his next victim.


The Eborsisk: Oh WOW! The malevolent troll mutated & transformed into an two-headed evil dragon known as the Eborsisk! Now, much like the Willow figure with Elora, I didn't know that this awesome figure even existed! OK, let's go down a little of trivia lane. In the mid 2000s I was searching on eBay for figures, probably MOTU 200X figures from the original line but I'm really not sure if that is the case though then I came across some Willow figures and there he was, the Eborsisk! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I'm like is this legit? So I did My research and yep, its a legit & official figure that I had no idea that was ever made till now. It was the only one that was available there and it was an auction for $19.99 with no bids. It was ready to be over I believe in about a day or so and I was so hoping that nobody would mess Me up and snipe it. Holy cow I won it with NO BIDS for $19.99 + shipping!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy that I did it. So I got him within several days and I was so pleased because he was basically brand new in the box as the previous owner took very good care of him for all of the years prior. I was so stoked to get out My Willow figures after over a decade of them being one of My all-time favorite action figure series'. So, he has a really nice box with some great new artwork of the creature on it plus some stills & info of the actual figure within it. I like how the there is a child playing with the figures to show you examples of the playability of these great figures and too show you how it was then. Also, it has a brief cool story about the dragon on the back with some of the figures to get as well as some vehicles with steed (I didn't know about the rides too but really I was never really interested in them after this). OK, Eborsisk was just in the box loose but he is in such great condition. I love everything about him. Out of many of My vintage figures across many. many lines, the Eborsisk is one of My favorites of all as I feel his design and overall quality overshadows most and is even arguably give the most impressive modern figure a run for their none IMO! Now, his sculpting is just tremendous. It's so life-like and near movie accurate. His necks are articulated swivels. His material is of a soft plastic nearing kinda rubber. He has little patches of fuzz on both of his necks down to his back. His heads & faces look so great with little ear holes (I've always thought he looked like a strange Parakeet(s) ever since I first saw them in the movie) and the paint applications are crisp with no bleeding as his teeth & eyes look clean. His front limbs both move up & down at the shoulders. Now, here is the cool bonus thing about him. Tonka went the extra mile here with extra designing him a lower body! Yes, in the movie he is seen very immobile as it appears his has no lower half and smoke is just coming out of his body like a hot steam pipe. I love his big, pudgy belly and his new additional six limbs & tail along with a big engraved Tonka logo. He is now an octopod. Well, the Eborsisk for about a decade in a half has been one of My most prized winnings/purchases of ever of all-time on eBay or on the web for matter!





Card Example: Note how good it looks. This is from My Willow & Alora set. I learned to "clean-cut" the bubbles to rather just rip them open so they look good!


Price Sticker/Tags: A lot of people don't want nothing to do with with'em but I beg the differ. I am a man whom loves the past and seeing how all of the insanely priced figures are in this current era, these remind Me of a much more affordable & simpler time when stores like Venture, K-Mart, K-B & K&K toys was the funnest places to be back in the 80s & 90s.


The Horse Riders



The Rebels


The Nockmaar Army



High Aldwyn, Willow and Alora


Madmartigan & Sorsha


Madmartigan & Airk


Airk vs. General Kael


Madmartigan vs. General Kael


Mother vs. Daughter


The Armies of Willow


Willow vs. The Troll


The Rebels vs. The Eborsisk!


Super Group Collection Shot!


Now as I said above with My SW associations with E.T. & Indiana Jones, I do have another which is 1988's Willow. If you saw how this topic actually started and elsewhere then you know how much I love the film & the figures by Tonka. I have said before that the story was written by Lucas and many of the characters seriously reminded Me of his SW ones just set on Earth in a medievel time of Myths & Legends. The music was on similar par by the late great James Horner. So here is Willow meets Wicket. I was so amazed that not only did Warwick Davis play both characters but Tonka made the Willow figures too :o :batsmile:


Now another thing I had about Willow was that how awesome the villains were, one of'em was General Kael :batsmile: As a youngster and really even at this moment he was like the Dark Lord of the Sith and here is General Kael as he meets Darth Vader himself :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


I remember it like it was yesterday when Me and My Grandparents saw Willow at the show and I took My figures with Me at The Kenrick Wehrenberg Theater :shock: they took Me to other great ones like Suburban Commando, Backdraft, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. My Family which was My Grandparents & Mom all went to The Kenrick Wehrenberg Theater near Crestwood. We usually all went together for epics like 1993's Jurassic Park & 1996's Independence Day. I had other great moments as well there so here's a pic of what that great fun show looked like back then :)


Well, I thought i'd show this bonus...the original Willow 1988 VHS Cassette Tape! (IMO it was the most truest and class way to watch movies) Yes, My Grandma got it for Me right away when it first came out :o


SPECIAL BONUS: Willow and Ghostbusters on VHS: I am showcasing both of them because she got both of them at the same time. I had her rent Me GBs countless times from the video stores and she got tired of it so she just bought it for Me along with Willow :!:


From My main SW topic, here is My collection that I have always associated with each other (I explained it & showed it visually before in Part 3!). Here is My VHS & Book collection. My Mom got Me the Books possibly at Venture which is E.T., SW: ROTJ, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom when they came out (these are the books that I use as My BACKGROUNDS :o She also got Me the Indiana Jones VHS Trilogy for Christmas in 1994. Now My Grandma got Me the VHS Tapes which the E.T. at Televideo for Christmas in 1990, the awesome Star Wars Trilogy Box Set over at Walgreens in the great year of 1995 years before they moved across the street on Kingshighway (this is THE absolute BEST SW OT you could get before the 1997 Special Edition as it looked so great with the boxes and screen quality plus a special interview with George Lucas & Leonard Maltin on each VHS Tape!) and the Willow VHS My Grandma got Me at BMG Records when they had their Video Club and the background is of a Tonka Willow Blister Card (I showcased this before when this topic was young!). Look at all of that classic Lucas & Spielberg stuff and all of that wonderful Vintage history, IMO you cannot get any better than that :!:


As new bonus here's a sample of My Willow Collection with the figures, VHS & CD Movie Score :)


I hope you liked this year end 35th Anniversary of 1988's Willow special :) I have a lot more in store for My Vintage Action Figure Topic so until the next presentation I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Willow 35th Special

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:48 pm

Some of those figures look familiar. I'd bet I owned a few of them though seeing the packaging doesn't jar any memories. Cool that you still have all of these.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Willow 35th Special

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:31 am

Maybe you did have them before PB. Oh yes, I'm so grateful that I have them all intact. Thanks for your reply PB, I appreciate it ;)
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