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Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Discuss the ever popular character comprehensive line "DC Universe Classics" here! This also includes DC Superheroes, DC Universe Classics, DC Unlimited, Batman Unlimited, Club Infinite Earths, Movie Masters, 1966 Batman TV Series, Club Black Freighter, Total Heroes and any other DC figure line utilizing the 6" scale.

Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Havok1891 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:33 am

Worst looking figure for me off hand:

5) This will probably be controversial but I will go with 90s Superboy. Sure, they did a nice job making him look like he should. But he is so era specific (and for an era with bad fashion taste) that the figure itself looks horrible, like it should.

4) Starman (the late 90s version). He looks way too big and not quite DCUC. Looks closer to DC Super Heroes or something. As far as the figures on this list go, he may be the "ugliest."

3) Kamandi. He is made well, resembles what he should, but come on . . . it looks like Axel Rose without a shirt and torn jean shorts. Where is the fun in that look for a DC super heroes display? It's no wonder he didn't sell. Combine that with his obscurity (and a few episodes on Brave & the Bold doesn't counter that) and you have a peg warmer.

2) Kid Flash. He by himself is ok, but with any other DC figures, especially Teen Titans figures . . . he looks really bad. He looks like he is from another toy line.

1) Cyclotron. All things aside like he being a "Super Powers" redo only figure, this thing looks ugly. I literally saw him in a Kmart yesterday at $16. I think I'd have trouble buying him for $5 if offered for that.

Note, I am not putting Jemm or Omac on this list because there issue is obscurity and not nec. being ugly. I should mention that the 4 figures I do own on this list, all are either hidden in the back of the shelf or not even on the shelf (Kamandi).
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Havok1891 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:35 am

Bo-rilla Grodd wrote:I was just talking about this, and Im so glad someone else agrees on the Huntress. Very off, to say the least. besides her..

Rocket Red. SCALE.

wave 5 Riddler. I hate his arms, where the shoulder meets the jacket. Its a problem, cause he just looks like he is wearing a big vest. Also, he head seems too small.

the little version of Elasti-Girl. I have seen quarter machine toys look better. Even Dollman came with a face.

Just the goggles on Eradicator. I personally dont like them, I think they look dumb. Maybe smaller.

There is gripes I have with characters I own, With paint marks here and there, but I guess I cant hold it against them
I really dont have a problem with OMAC, his figure is a unfortunate looking as he was in the comics.
Now, as a side note, ML has waaaaaaaaaay more crappy looking figures than DCUC,I really had to search for figures I considered ''UGLY", and really its mostly just parts of them, anyways. But, while I was in the toy room, I just kept thinking "Wonder Man! Wonder Man!"

Ah, I did forget Rocket Red. I also forgot Riddler, but the one I dislike is the later wave one. The one where he has the classic spandex, but he is all roided up. He looks way way way too big.
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Truwe » Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:16 pm

Well, I am late to the party so I won't try to repeat too much.

5: Wave 21 Superboy Prime - This figure is all kinds of suck. Doesn't help that the paint on the figure I got was pretty jacked.
4: Eradicator - Glasses suck balls
3: Mary Marvel - So many horrible comments on that face
2: Wave 21 Superman (nu52) - Did they use two dead caterpillars for the eyebrows?
1: Sinestro Batman - Does Bruce have really bad constipation?
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Webslinger » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:09 pm

My picks...

1. Mary Mary (hate the face)
2. Shark (head wasn't in scale with body)
3. Harley Quinn (her face looked like it was pushed in)
4. Supergirl (face looks like she is too old)
5. Bizarro (should have been more blockier and less zombie-like)
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby loolar » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:13 pm

Avalon wrote:5. Lead - They really phoned this one in.

Wow, I love Lead - that goofy grin perfectly captures his personality.
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby loolar » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:25 pm

1. Captain Atom KC
I can't believe none of you picked Christmas Wrapping Paper Captain Atom from wave 4. That figure is so hideous that I never got it, and never will. Many of the other figures you all talked about we may not like, per se, but we still want the character enough to put up with it. KC Captain Atom, though? I will very happily do without!

2. Ocean Camo Aquaman.
Another "wuh?" moment when I look at that costume.

3. TEEN TITANS TIE - Kid Flash's tiny size definitely annoys me every time I see him, but modern Starfire's lame painted on costume and bizarre uni-boob infuriate me.

4. Creeper.
That headsculpt is just wrong. Far more of the Joker in it; not enough Ditko goodness.

5. TIE - Ra's al Ghul & Superboy
The worst headsculpts to come out of the 4H studio. Ra's remains boxed; I doubt I will buy Superboy.
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Havok1891 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:22 pm

loolar wrote:1. Captain Atom KC
I can't believe none of you picked Christmas Wrapping Paper Captain Atom from wave 4. That figure is so hideous that I never got it, and never will. Many of the other figures you all talked about we may not like, per se, but we still want the character enough to put up with it. KC Captain Atom, though? I will very happily do without!

2. Ocean Camo Aquaman.
Another "wuh?" moment when I look at that costume.

3. TEEN TITANS TIE - Kid Flash's tiny size definitely annoys me every time I see him, but modern Starfire's lame painted on costume and bizarre uni-boob infuriate me.

4. Creeper.
That headsculpt is just wrong. Far more of the Joker in it; not enough Ditko goodness.

5. TIE - Ra's al Ghul & Superboy
The worst headsculpts to come out of the 4H studio. Ra's remains boxed; I doubt I will buy Superboy.

Oh, well played on the variants like Captain Atom. Forgot all about him. I even have that figure, but I couldn't tell you where it is other than . . . it isn't on the shelf. I got it solely for the Despero piece. Ocean Aquaman is pretty bad, I excuse him because . . . I understand why they did it. I still don't know why they made that before Aqualad?
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:09 pm

5) The Pedophile Trio: Kamandi, El Dorado and Samurai (even though I like the Super Powers, those are just gross)

4) Amazo: got his look right but wish he would've came with an extra accessory/appendage to showcase his copying ability

3) Red Arrow: his face sculpt doesn't make any sense to me; did he get a dose of Joker gas, or did someone piss in his cereal?

2) Ra's: inexcusable

1) the constant reuse of Superman, Batman, Flash and GL where Mattel could've made a few more figs with the same body parts
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:23 pm

Dishonorable Mention:

Mary Marvel
Kid Flash
Captain Marvel Jr
Red Hood (what a let down)
Hard capes
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Re: Top 5 Worst Looking DCUC Figures

Postby Havok1891 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:31 pm

Idiot Savant wrote:5) The Pedophile Trio: Kamandi, El Dorado and Samurai (even though I like the Super Powers, those are just gross)

4) Amazo: got his look right but wish he would've came with an extra accessory/appendage to showcase his copying ability

3) Red Arrow: his face sculpt doesn't make any sense to me; did he get a dose of Joker gas, or did someone piss in his cereal?

2) Ra's: inexcusable

1) the constant reuse of Superman, Batman, Flash and GL where Mattel could've made a few more figs with the same body parts

Ah, Red Arrow doesn't deserve that much heat.
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