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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:11 am

Really? Well I would check it out simply because of the surprise of Donal Logue. The Fox Gotham show was OK, I never finished it...yet another reboot with many same old characters that's been done before and Catwoman is a teenager :roll:

Lake Placid was a fine horror film with comedy in the right spots. I recall seeing the trailer in 1999 at the show right before I saw The Phantom Menace and I was like what the heck is this :shock: Oh it was cool. This was Bill Pullman's first big film since ID4. It had a cool cast including Brenden Gleeson, Oliver Platt and a very nice looking Bridget Fonda that's a Paleontologist, I love to see Paleontologist characters in film especially if their women :batwink: :wwgrin: :smgasp: Betty White's character was good and she's the one that started this fiasco in Lake Placid to begin with :o The CGI is dandy and some really great horror scenes. This spawned some sequels that lacked the fun of this one but they were still ok.

Now the movie has a tremendous score by John Ottman, If you don't know who he is...He's a great one and one of My favorites. He's a horror, comedy & super hero action composer. He's done many Marvel films like the X-Men & Fantastic Four and even DC's Superman Returns. I love his sound and how he writes he writes his themes. He's partners with director Brian Singer. He's one of the most versatile composers there is because he's also a movie editor too :!: Now his Lake Placid score is superbly fun, I love how he made the wilderness sound come alive with terror...this is My favorite track on the whole CD...listen to this :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:34 pm

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:30 am

Oh Milo and Otis was really good, a lot of great & fun animals there. They made several animal films like that back then :)

OK, here's this Shark movie...47 Meters Down :!: I saw this twice at the show back to back in 2017. This was really good. It stars Mandy Moore & Mathew Modine. It's superbly filmed and is really horrific however it's not like any previous Shark film that I saw before. The CGI and pretty much everything is very realistic. They made a sequel but I haven't seen it yet.

Here's the score by Tomandandy whom is a horror duo, they did the Mothman Prophecies which is also a tremendous score!

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:14 pm

Think I heard of that one. The CGI animal attack movies just don't really interest me, to be honest.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:09 am

Even though I'm not a fan of the CGI which I've said time & time again, the movies are still ok, it's like anything else in this day and age, you just gotta accept how the times however I still prefer the past effects like practical effects and all that, like for example I would rather have Muppet Yoda over CGI Yoda because Muppet Yoda is actually there and even better Muppet Jabba than CGI Jabba. I still love that ROTJ Jabba now as I did when I first saw him :!: That's one of the things that made the 80s and years prior so cool because those creatures & monsters and all that are real as you see their props and all that instead of looking at a green screen...most movies since the 2000s do not however I give huge kudos to Stan Winston because the way he combined practical effects & CGI when it first began with the first Jurassic Park in 93, he truly was the best next to Ray Harryhausen, Jim Henson & Frank Oz. His students Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff jr. continue this trend as much as they can.

Ah Idle Hands, how about that! The music was good by Graeme Revell who I just posted that did Shark Night 3D, it's so fun following composers, you find so much more that that they did cause sometimes I'm still surprised ;)

OK, I got one more Shark movie and this one is is really a's THE MEG! This came out in 2018, I saw this twice back to back at that show too on the IMAX screen, it was awesome. Really this is like a Cryptozoology movie rather than just another Shark 8 Monster film even though it's kinda like Legendary Titan/Kaiju type of Godzilla & King Kong. It's based on the Megalodon, the largest marine predator ever known from millions of years ago! If you know Cryptozoology then this real life monstrosity shouldn't be any stranger to you. So When I see this the Jaws & Shark flick aspect leaves Me and I'm like holy crap, this Shark still may exist because there's been so many recent reports of it being seen and teeth of it found that's ONLY HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS of years old...NOT Millions meaning THEY DIDN'T DIE OUT when scientists say they did :o So the movie stars Jason Statham whom is a tremendous martial artist & fighter. I've seen most of his movies, he's really incredible. Also it stars Li Bingbing, Ruby Rose, Robert Taylor, Cliff Curtis & Rainn Wilson. I love the story of it that on a rescue mission they discover an ecosystem never seen before and that's where The Meg survives. I love how it has the mystery of the deep!

The score is a tremendous one by Harry Gregson-Williams (no relation to John), he was one of Zimmer's first major recruits back in the day and has really become a great composer over the decades, he made a great Wolverine: X-Men Origins score for example. He wrote a really decent theme here for The Meg too!

Now as bonus, here's the trailer of the sequel that comes out next month, it has a really cool prehistoric time of the Mesozoic era and a apocalyptic vibe of it which is great. I would hope this franchise would make people especially kids like in My day want to explore in Cryptozoology and Dinosauria and all that fun stuff and study the wonders of it as a whole :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:30 pm

Yeah, that commercial for The Meg 2 is everywhere on TV right now/ I think I caught the end of the first one before AEW one night. Never saw the whole thing, though.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:58 am

Oh that's good their hyping The Meg 2 up, a movie of this size & nature needs it. Oh yeah I recall many times when I used to have a DVR I'd set it early about 10 minutes for AEW and at least a couple times there was the Meg. I'd check the whole thing out, if your kids like Jurassic World I'm sure they'd like this too and it would cool for them to learn that this monster once lived and may still exist in Cryptozoology :)

I actually never seen that Race for your Life, Charlie Brown, that was quite good there PB ;)

packerbacker180 wrote:Well, I'm going to do a newer M. Night movie. Honestly, I stopped watching his films long ago because it seemed like he was more interested in big twists than actul good movies. But about a year ago my wife asked me to pick her up some books to read on her lunch break, so I went to a local thrift store and looked around reading the back covers and grabbed like 3 or 4 books. Later on, I asked how they were, and she told me about this one that was pretty strange sounding but was also really good. Come to find out a few months later that M. Night was making a move from the book and it was starring Dave Bautista. I haven't seen it yet. She wants to when we can find the time, but Dave Schrader from Paranormal 60 (and numerous other paranormal shows) recently reviewed it and said it was surprisingly good. So I probably will watch it eventually.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:That's an interesting story there PB :)

I haven't seen Knock on the Cabin yet, Peacock has it and they've been hyping it up for a long time. It looks ok and yes Bautista is in it so I might see it soon.

OK as you can tell I'm done with the Shark movies for now, those are really the most iconic and important ones for a big list. So it was a little while back We saw Knock at the Cabin on Peacock. I didn't say it sooner because I didn't want to interrupt the momentum of the Jaws & Shark & Anaconda films and all that. Did you & your wife see it yet PB? Well either way I'll briefly talk about it with no spoilers. OK, Batista's character is quite good then really it's usual Batista but he looks really puffy in the face and seems to be bigger. The story is religious with a Armageddon Apocalypse side with some horror & mystery and you don't know what to believe till the very end. It's all up to a male gay couple along with their adopted little Asian daughter to decide the fate of the Earth (It's amazing how the story is however that the new norm of two gay guys has the most pure love for each and that not 1, not 1 male & female or even a lesbian couple in the world that has true & pure love for each other...gosh that's quite pathetic and very sad to be honest and oh, these guys remind Me of My two gay neighbors across the alley, they resembled them a lot!) according to visionary Batista and his band of random visionaries. It's a very good movie and keeps you going. It's a bit violent in parts put the camera turns away at most of it, like so many movies in recent times is toned down. M. Night did it good and he doesn't waste anytime whatsoever to get to story, I mean it happens within the first few minutes of it :shock:

I don't know if M. Night & James Newton Howard had a falling out or not because this is the second film that I know of that Howard didn't compose the music for which the other was Glass...I don't know yet...I hope they didn't have a break up :roll: So the score is quite dandy and it's by a newer female composer named Herdis Stefansdottiris. She's from Iceland. She's only 32. Look at Ludwig Göransson who I talked about before thanks to you PB ;) If she's serious she really could go places however she's got a lot of work ahead of her if she wants to be as legit as Shirley Walker & Nerida Tyson Chew because they're two of the all-time best women composers I mean you heard how awesome Nerida's music is when I posted Anacondas the other day, still when I play that I'm like wow that's a woman that made that :o So Herdris' prologue starts good but @ 1:23 it get's deep and ends with a haunting choir :batwink:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:24 pm

I still need to watch Knock, just haven't yet. You never saw Race for Your Life? Man, that's a classic. One of my favorite movies as a kid.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:35 am

Well just recall what I said about it when you do ;) Nope, I never saw that Bon Voyage either PB. Like I said before , I've seen a lot but you maybe surprised what I haven't ;)

OK, so the night after We saw Knock on the Cabin, We saw Cocaine Bear on Peacock :o It's based on a true story but most of it is fictional. It's directed by Elizabeth Banks. It's a thrilling horror comedy film. Some of the stuff in it is pretty nuts. It takes place the actual year of 1985 so it's yet another nostalgic movie that is based from the 80s. It has an OK cast. This was Ray Liotta's film and there's a tribute to him in the end credits. Banks said you could look at this movie as The Bear getting revenge :!:

Here's the trailer.

Here's the score by Mark Mothersbaugh. He's quite good, he did Thor: Ragnarok. Like that one, it sounds very retro :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:54 am

I wasn't sure what to make of that movie when I saw the previews for it.

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