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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu May 04, 2023 7:21 am

Oh yes, I'm quite familiar about that Orwell. Maybe PB ;) I never seen Moulin Rouge, it never interested Me or My Family but who knows later on ;)

Remember when I said leave Captain America & The Punisher to Me a while back PB :?: Well I just posted a special in My Marvel Topic that is heavy on the 1990 Captain America movie which is really a good showcase I just presented but now I'm going deeper here with My movie spotlight like I do on films I deem necessary :)

So I explain a lot of it in My Comic Scene Showcase about how I found about the film at this link --->

When I seen it way back then in the great year of 1990 I was pretty excited about it cause I only saw Captain America in My April Comic and of course My ToyBiz Marvel Super Hero Figure which was way less than I had & saw of Batman. The feeling of the film as a 9 year Brandon just didn't hit him like Batman did. Could it have been because it was a limited theater release and I just saw it on video cassette or was it because I was still really adjusting to Marvel compared to DC :batconfused: It could be a mixture of both but it was probably the former because when I see a film at the show to it makes it so much more grander. Now as veteran of Marvel Comics and seeing the reboot of Captain America in the entire MCU I was always for him along with Captain Marvel. I look at this 1990 film as a forgotten predecessor that is really great on it't own in it's own right but really there's one factor to Me and that is the music which I will get to that at the climax of this spotlight. Here is the cool posters from the film. They have really good graphics and for a noob like a was at the time it was quite enticing because I knew who he was and I really wanted to get to know him like I did with Batman. I was really liking how his nemesis The Red Skull was looking too cause I was always for scary looking villains and this was the time when I was understanding real life war and thanks to Indiana Jones I knew who Hitler & the Nazis were too so knowing that The Red Skull was part of this terrorizing scheme it made it more exciting for Me :blbat:


Here is another cool poster. Here is the 21st Century logo. It was produced by Menahem Golan of the Golan-Globus-Cannon Group whom made some of the most action packed films ever. The film is directed by Albert Pyun who directed 1989's Cyborg and 1991's Kickboxer II: The Road Back. I have spoke about him before in My MOTU Movie Topic because I really liked him. He was a great director, a genius of martial arts and I almost had the opportunity to meet him online years ago when one of his assistants was asking Me to buy his Director's Cut of Cyborg but I opted out on it which was really a stupid decision of Mine :roll: I have the original picture as it was in My Comic Scene Book which you can see that in My good showcase in My Marvel Topic :batsmile:


So the cast is really good yet quite different. We have Matt Salinger as Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Scott Paulin as Tadzio De Santis aka The Red Skull, Darren McGavin as General Fleming, Ned Beatty as Sam Kolawetz, Melina Dillon as Mrs. Rogers, Michael Nouri as Lieutenant Colonel Louis, Francesca Neri as Valentina De Santis, Kim Gillingham as Bernice Stewart/Sharon and Ronny Cox as President Tom Kimball. All of these were decent. Salinger really maximized his effort here as the hero. Now Paulin does a number with The Red Skull especilaly since they changed & twisted his character for the future on the timeline in the film so he isn't Johann Shmidt and his daughter isn't Sinthia either. You can always count on H0lliW3rid to change and alternate things from any given media :roll: It's strange we just talked about Ned Beatty :? He's quite unique here. McGavin was good and this was the first film i saw Nouri in. The late great Melinda Dillion whom recently passed away is pretty good as Steve's Mom, she was always likable, look how she was in Close Encounters of the Third Kind & Harry and the Hendersons. Now the thing is Ronny Cox just played Cohaagan in 1990's Total Recall as a major bad guy yet he's the President of the USA here...go figure :?


Here is an opposite look at when Captain America fights his arch rival. I did that so it would look logical instead of his accurate transformation.


Here is the Trailer, you can tell they wanted this to be big, at least on the scale of 89's Batman but really it seemed like people was more behind DC during this period of time. Did 86's Howard the Duck & 89's The Punisher have anything to do with it :? Possibly but look how it is now, since 2008, 15 years ago this year people are just craving Marvel Media over DC... My-o-My how the tables have turned :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

Here is the actual FULL LENGTH MOVIE. Now watch it whenever you want. Remember at the beginning of the showcase I said that music was a big factor :?: Well I said before in My Composer Topic how the music in a film can make it or brake it...well this is a perfect example of what I mean. Mind you it's a not bad score by Blues artist Barry Goldberg but it just doesn't have the sound that the film needs and IMO that is the movie's biggest downfall. I've always said for decades that the music is the most important part of any film. I mean compare this to previous films how Danny Elfman did Batman 89, how John Williams did Superman or how Jerry Goldsmith did Supergirl...those legendary composers gave those films major personalty and it's all because of their music. Now much later on to the MCU, Alan Silvestri did a wondrous job on his Captain America & Avenger scores while Henry Jackman did an arguably even better approach than he did with his takes on the CA films his did :o It's all about the music. Still to this day the score for this movie hasn't been released and that's a pity because it may have helped appreciate it more by sound and when you see the film after listening to it :roll: I don't have a prob that they had a song at the end credits cause they played Prince at the end of Batman which really fits the tone of the film IMO, the one they chose for Captain America just really was plain and bland because it takes place in two time periods and should have been more. That's My biggest gripe of the 1990 Captain America... when you can watch it, listen and compare, you'll see what I mean :batsmile:

So there you have it. I hope you liked that. Your thoughts :?: When I get to a special Howard the Duck & The Punisher Movie showcase in My Marvel Collection Topic which is really going to be a great one soon. I will do the same and post My take on those two films here in this very topic. Later :batgrin:
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu May 04, 2023 12:58 pm

I never saw that Cap trailer before. Maybe had it aired more back then it may've done better. It's not a bad movie for back then. Moulin Rouge is a pretty good film, good music, and Obi-wan Kenobi is in it.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri May 05, 2023 5:07 am

Maybe and I'm glad you liked the film. I'm sure Moulin Rouge does have good music, it was by Craig Armstrong which was My Grandma's favorite.

You too :)

Here's this for Rogue One!

Also, here is the Imperial Suite by Michael Giacchino. He's one the best of the recent composers over the past 15 years. He's one of My favs of the newcomers and but really now he isn't that new anymore as he's quite established as he has a tremendous amount of great ones under his belt like. After I heard his Cloverfield in 2008 was that was great. He's done John Carter of Mars, Rogue One, the Dawn & War for the Planet of the Apes, the whole Jurassic World trilogy and the whole trilogy of the Star Trek reboot, Super 8 plus many movies of the MCU plus much more. He has such great sound and he is one of the most clever composers I've known. I plan on talking about a lot in the future :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri May 05, 2023 9:25 am


Today of course is the Revenge of the Fifth!

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat May 06, 2023 6:13 am

I actually really liked Rogue One, I think it filled in the gap pretty good. I remember when Me & My Mom saw it the show We were really surprised about the Princess Leia scene then when We came home We found out the sad news that that she passed away that very was quite bittersweet there :roll:

Oh indeed it is Revenge of the Fifth. Thsi was huge for Me. Me & Mom saw this too and she d it so much she wanted to go again a week later. We saw both of the prequels together as well as the sequel trilogy like this too. She really the Palpatine scenes and she really digged the music in this one. This film is tremendous, I really loved how it was and really it was the last of the original SW with the classic SW feeling IMO. It was really bleak however when Order 66 happens, the Boga cries, all of the Jedi are betrayed & slain including Aayla Secura whom I really liked and I hated seeing her get shot and even younglings fell to Anakin/Vader :roll: IMO it's on eof the most emotional scenes you could ever watch and if people can watch that and not have a tear in their eye or even cry and feel no emotion then something is wrong :batconfused: :wwhuh: :smhuh: Look in your Toy Commercials for a more detailed special of this that you may not expect :o I don't know if you know about this but since you don't collect movie scores you probably don't. When they released the score for ROTS in 05, I was so excited. I listened to it non-stop. The thing is they included with it was a special DVD with special videos actually hosted by Ian "Palpatine" McDiarmid himself and some were music videos of the score which is really a rarity for score much less a DVD of this kind to be included in a soundtrack release :o I really recommend to see about obtaining it if possible, it's always handy to have a physical copy of media than just relying on the net of this digital age plus it makes for such a great collectors piece. I will showcase it in My SW topic in time. Here is the main video of it, it is Battle of the Heroes, it was John Williams' third major theme of the prequels (TPM's Duel of the Fates & AOTC's Across the Stars where the others) and this truly made the epic battle of Anakin and Kenobi even more grander and I love the choir, there is nothing like 50 people all singing in unison with something like this spectacular. Check this out :batsmile:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat May 06, 2023 9:23 am

Yeah, Revenge of the Sith is probably the nest of the 3 PT movies. It's the only one I actually went and saw in the theater. Like I said, I just wasn't into SW in the late 90's and The Phantom Menace didn't look that great to me and it got a bit panned so I didn't go to see it. When I finally rented the video, I thought it was mostly ok though too kid friendly for me at that time with the silly podracing and everything. So I didn't even bother seeing AOTC. But the birth of Darth Vader I needed to see, so I went with a friend to the show to see it. Good stuff.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun May 07, 2023 6:34 am

I see, well I think it have been a major no-no if you didn't catch Vader in ROTS on the big screen :!: Like I said before, I don't listen to critics, I use My own feelings about what I want to watch :batsmile:

Mrs. Doubtfire was pretty good. 30 years ago this year, 93 is when they were really changing the way movies were filmed via new types of cameras. Really started in 92 but it was full blown here. I recall asking My Grandpa when We watch 93's Rising son and I asked him how do you like these new cameras and the way it's filmed in these movies and he's like I don't! This is really the first time I saw Pierce Brosnan then the next year of great 95 he'd be known as Bond 007. Robin Williams was excellent and really one of his most famous roles. This was still during a time when men in drag was still funny. Field was pretty good but never did anything for Me at any time. The older girl was also been know 3 years later in ID-4 in 96. They were supposed to make a sequel sometime in the 2000s but director Chris Columbus & Robin Williams didn't approve upon the script so it was never done nor apparently got a second chance as they didn't go the route that Aykroyd & Ramis did for Ghostbusters where they kept on trying & trying.

Here's the most iconic scene of the film, the song is by Aerosmith :!:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun May 07, 2023 10:24 am

Mrs. Doubtfire is such a good movie, it still holds up today. We saw it in the theater as kids. Our favorite part was always the run by fruiting, lol, and also when they sing Matchmaker. Wish Robin Williams was still around, so sad. See, now Pierce Brosnan I knew from Remington Steele, a show my parents often watched. Though I never realized until watching the theme back just now that Doris Roberts from Christmas Vacation and Everybody Loves Raymond was in it too.

Just for you I looked it up and the theme was done by Henry Mancini.

If you've never seen it here's a brief synopsis:

Remington Steele's premise is that Laura Holt, a licensed private investigator (Stephanie Zimbalist) opened a detective agency under her own name but found potential clients refused to hire a woman, no matter how qualified. To solve the problem, Laura invents a fictitious male superior she names Remington Steele. Through a series of events in the first episode, "License to Steele", Pierce Brosnan's character, a former thief and con man (whose real name even he proves not to know and is never revealed), assumes the identity of Remington Steele. Behind the scenes, a power struggle ensues between Laura and Steele as to who is really in charge, while the two carry on a casual romantic relationship.

It was a decent enough show, I was too young to really follow or care much about but I must've seen it enough to remember the theme, lol.

And now, back to our shows...

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon May 08, 2023 6:55 am

Well that is very good trivia there. I think I heard of Remington Steele but really never knew anything about it. I don't recall seeing Doris Roberts in much before Christmas Vacation. I know of Henry Mancini. He did a lot like the Pink Panther theme, a few Universal Monster films, Peter Gunn, Tom and Jerry the Movie and My fav of his was Life Force. Thanks for that theme and that plot detail :)

I never seen What Dreams May Come, another from 98, 25th anniversary. It's just one of those that I never did but I'm familiar with score. The legend Ennio Morricone who I recently introduced you too in the Dollars Trilogy wrote the score and it was completed however when the production team saw the film with the score they weren't happy with it so his score was rejected and then they hired Michael Kamen and he only had a few weeks or so write his version. Why they chose him I never knew but he was a great one. Here's a suite that this YTber put together with his pictures. He looked like a classy rocker which he was best friends with Metallica so keep a look out for that :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon May 08, 2023 7:50 am

It was a pretty good but dark and sad movie. Saw it with my wife when we started dating back then.

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