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Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

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Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:49 am

What do you think those original 9 remaining figures were going to be before Damian was shuffled in at the last minute?

Here are some factors you may want to consider before making your guess.
1) The Fwoosh poll was a nice guide in predicting what was coming. Batzarrow was a wild card, but that is addressed below. Considering the Fwoosh thing, you can rule out a lot of possibilities. Ravager, for example, didn't have a shot at all.

2) The sub. was a dumping ground for already made figures that had no home. We know that is how Black Mask got there, they admit to it. There is no way Batzarro wasn't a similar situation. And we know Damian was moving that way. We know Superboy & Phantom Stranger were dumping ground figures. I don't think they own up to it, but come on Saint Walker, Larfleeze, and Atrocitus were most certainly a wave of GL Classics figures. I like to think they did crank out some figures made just for the sub, but I think it's a lot less than some of us may realize. Fire, Ice, Huntress . . . sure maybe. Starman, Jay Garrick . . . come on that is Wave 19 stuff. Heck, I personally believe the Metal Men had all been fully tolled back when the first one was sold in stores. I can't prove it and they say otherwise, but I do believe those suckers had been made in proto type form before the sub. was planned.

3) For whatever reason you want to state, Mattel was/is cheap. Bottom line is the money wasn't being used to really put a lot of bells and whistles on these figures (and maybe they were justified in that). So, you can probably assume something fancy like Dawnstar wasn't gonna happen.

4) We also know some stuff like they were going to have a civilian and a pack in figure.

My guesses for those "on paper 9" are as follows (and note that even though I have 9, I think Damian was slated for that 9th spot a lot sooner than they allege and that the 9th character may never have ever truly been planned for 2014).

Havok1891's guess of the 2014 figures:
1) Aqualad: I've seen rough patterns of three in the sub (or think I do). We got Ocean Master and Aquaman was coming, I think Aqualad would have been coming as well. Maybe Mera, but I'd sooner bet on Aqualad.

2) Scarface & Ventriloquist. He was high in the polls, would be the pack in as well.

3) Kyle Rayner (90s). I think he was coming.

4) Commissioner Gordon. He had the votes, and he'd basically be another Constantine with a different head. He was so happening. That is also the "civilian." Getting him would have been nice, but at the same time . . . I can live without him for $30.

5) Vixen, could be wrong about that but they were looking like they had run out of slam dunk JLAers. I really wish I could have seen if they would have passed over this character yet again with 9 more slots of opportunity.

6) Liberty Belle. Almost forgot about her. She would have been easy enough, had the votes well more than most characters, and would have been that attempt to help golden age fans.

7) Dr. Light (male). Yeah, I think he was coming. Bout as easy to do as Ocean Master, or easier, similar ranking in the polls.

8) Mon-El

9) Scandal Savage? But seems like a long shot despite the votes.

Just playing around with the possibilities and knowing the trends, I don't think Mattel really wanted it to go any further. Most of those choices don't seem quite so "solid" to me and I am a fan.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby S. Griffin » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:00 am

Seems like a good way to dredge up hurt feelings. Why play if there are no winners? The only thing I think that would be worse for people than guessing what the remaining figures might have been would be for Mattel to actually reveal them and rub salt in our proverbial wounds.
Seriously, all these could have/should have lists seem downright masochistic to me.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:11 am

Honestly, Im sure the list would be the "easy" figures. I cant see anything too amazing for the rest of the year.
Havok, I agree with some of your picks, but Here what I would guess.

Weather Wizard
Mad hatter
Liberty Belle
Dr. Light

Where the pack in figure goes, IDK. I am just not convinced about the Ventriloquist/Scarface rumor. I couldnt think of a way to do the Ventriloquist except with an all new sculpt (which they dont do) or use the suit buck, which in my opinion woulda made a pretty gumpy Ventriloquist.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:14 am

I knew someone would say that. I agree, but I wonder what others think. Now it's been a while and I wonder if thoughts and feelings may have settled to an extent so that people can really guess. I also think it's interesting to see where people think Mattel may have been going with this because it may show how some collectors still gave Mattel too much credit. Like a year ago, weren't there people that thought really off the wall possibilities could happen?

Like I said by the end of my initial post, the more I look at the line up (while considering realistic contenders) . . . I think Mattel knew this was a done deal without having to look at probably poor sales records. I actively wanted Fire, Ice, Huntress, etc. But what we are left with is stuff like Liberty Belle in one of the highest ranked slots with guys like Aztek, Zauriel, Prometheus, Scandal Savage, Dr. Light, Mon El, Dawnstar (and some others) . . . not saying those characters aren't cool . . . but they don't sound solid from a sales view. Know what I mean?
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:20 am

Bo-rilla Grodd wrote:Honestly, Im sure the list would be the "easy" figures. I cant see anything too amazing for the rest of the year.
Havok, I agree with some of your picks, but Here what I would guess.

Weather Wizard
Mad hatter
Liberty Belle
Dr. Light

Oh yeah, I forgot that Mad Hatter may not have been too difficult to do due to the Hector Hemond GL Movie Master figure! Personally, Mad Hatter would have been one of the next 10 or 5 figures I'd have picked to have made, but I don't think they were gonna do him in 2014, if for no other reason than he lacked votes. Course, if he was gonna be in Batman Unlimited that is another story . . . but he isn't a variation of Batman, Batgirl, Robin, or Joker . . . so I don't think he was in the cards.

Weather Wizard is how they should have approached things sooner. Sure, Heatwave had more votes . . . but chances are that anyone that wanted Heatwave also wanted Weather Wizard, so why not make the easier figure first? They should have done this with a lot of Legion figures too. I mean, how difficult would it have been to make Sunboy (just one example)?

Geo Force was a strong possibility.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:28 am

I just thought weather wizard instead of heatwave cause they could just repaint Deadman with a new head. (im not saying I wanted them too, Lol)

I agree with them being able to make the legion guys very easily, with the exception of maybe dawnstar. They coulda pumped out another LSH 12 pack. Sunboy, Polar Boy, Mon el, Element lad, Dream girl, they all real simple to do.

Man, I woulda took a Dream Girl in a heartbeat. :( lol.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:19 am

I wouldn't propose another 12 pack. I suspect that thing turned into a nightmare for them quickly, but they'd green lit it and had to stay the course.

I do not think that was as profitable as some like to think. If it was, why wouldn't they make an effort of a 6 pack or something?

Oh and I'd also have listed Miss Martian as a strong possibility for 2014, but maybe not since the Superboy we are getting was originally slated way back during the Trigon wave. Course, who is to say more Teen Titans weren't also slated back then too. A Cassie Wondergirl variant during Donna Troy's release is very easy to imagine.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Truwe » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:06 pm

Havok1891 wrote:Havok1891's guess of the 2014 figures:
1) Aqualad: I've seen rough patterns of three in the sub (or think I do). We got Ocean Master and Aquaman was coming, I think Aqualad would have been coming as well. Maybe Mera, but I'd sooner bet on Aqualad.

2) Scarface & Ventriloquist. He was high in the polls, would be the pack in as well.

3) Kyle Rayner (90s). I think he was coming.

4) Commissioner Gordon. He had the votes, and he'd basically be another Constantine with a different head. He was so happening. That is also the "civilian." Getting him would have been nice, but at the same time . . . I can live without him for $30.

5) Vixen, could be wrong about that but they were looking like they had run out of slam dunk JLAers. I really wish I could have seen if they would have passed over this character yet again with 9 more slots of opportunity.

6) Liberty Belle. Almost forgot about her. She would have been easy enough, had the votes well more than most characters, and would have been that attempt to help golden age fans.

7) Dr. Light (male). Yeah, I think he was coming. Bout as easy to do as Ocean Master, or easier, similar ranking in the polls.

8) Mon-El

9) Scandal Savage? But seems like a long shot despite the votes.

1. Don't see it. Ocean Master was a fluke in my opinion because he was a major (I use the term loosely) villain with the Justice League 52 and we didn't really get a lot of Aquaman villains.

2. I can see it and I can't at the same time. Sure it would be a new headsculpt on the suit body but that would look bad for Albert. I also don't see Mattel paying out to tool Scarface.

3. Without a doubt. We got the 90s Aquaman and with this one, we complete the JLA team from the Morrison run.

4. I can see it, it's a Batman character and all you need is a headsculpt tooling.

5. I can see it, pretty much the Cheetah body with a new head

6. Meh, not popular enough but anything is possible with Mattel's poor decisions.

7. Justice League villain so I can see it.

8. Yeah, fans are always begging for more legion characters

9. I'm conflicted with this choice. Personally, I would have bumped my subs from two to three if he was in. Doom and JLU made him a little bit more known but not sure if Matty would see it as being popular enough to make. I would also be scared that they would just put him on a plain suit.

Not a bad list here...
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:11 pm

I put Scarface & Ventriloquist in there due to their high fwoosh vote rank and Guru's claim that a pack in would be included. The pack in, if you ask me, was either Thunderbolt, Ganthet, Mr. Mystiplix (spelling), Kyrpto, or Scarface. Of those, I think Scarface would have been most likely due to the vote power and easy reuse of the Penguin buck for Ventriloquist.

Mr. Mystiplex has a strong chance due to the similarities to Batmite's sculpt. But I am not sure who they'd have included him with. Someone Superman related. I'd want to say Zod, but I do not think he would have been closely connected enough to make the duo make sense. Maybe a Super Friends Bizarro?

I think Aqualad was coming due to his decent presence on the Fwoosh votes and his presence in the late 60s cartoon. It's sort of nuts that they never made him or Tempest.

Chronos could also have had a shot, but I think his paint applications held him back.
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Re: Who do you think those 9 figures were on paper?

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:13 pm

Oh and note that I said Scandal Savage, not Vandal Savage. She was very very high in the polls.
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