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Re: My Odds & Ends: Glory Days of Video Rentals!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:13 pm

Wow, that's a lot to take in. It's always weird to me when people talk about places like Walmart and Target in the 80s because we didn't get them up here until the mid to late 90s. You literally keep everything. It's amazing. I used to have a ton of VHS tapes but when we got married in 2007 we donated them to a senior living center in the area, lol. I don't even own a VCR anymore. I can't say I remember the 7-11s around here renting movies that long ago, but I spent most of my time at them back then either looking through the comic spinner racks, browsing the candy aisle, or filling up a Slurpee cup. Or checking out whatever arcade game they had. Sometimes I'd even play them, but most of the time I just liked to watch the demos because I had to save what precious money my grandma gave me for other things. It's weird to think now that back then kids as young 8 or 9 would walk to the corner store alone. I don't even like my kids walking to the bus stop at the end of our driveway alone.

Those Blockbuster blank tapes bring back memories. When I got back into wrestling after WM14 I had to find a way to catch up, so I would rent old PPVs from Blockbuster, cover that slot on the tape that would allow you to record off the tape, and I'd have two VCRs hooked up to the TV so I could make a copy for myself. Not the most honest of things to do, but I know I wasn't the only person doing that. Crazy the lengths you had to got to do something like that back then, now you can search it on the internet and find almost anything.

I remember Blockbusters in the area. I mentioned before Putt Putt rented games at one point. A grocery store called Wegmans had a video rental space, too. I'd often ride my bike to them to see what new stuff had come out. There was another place that eventually became a Blockbuster but before that it had another name I don't recall, but they had a popcorn machine you could fill up a little bag for yourself while you walked around and browsed, and I always dug that.

But all those places are gone now. There were a few Family Rental places in the area but they closed a year or so ago, maybe even before that, I don't know. The nearest was getting remodeled last Spring and we were excited at what it might become, but then they put up a Dollar General sign and, well, meh. They're everywhere, so that was a letdown.

That's a nice story about Kindergarten Cop. I know you said it meant a lot to you when I posted the trailer not that long ago. I now see why. Phantoms is a very underrated film. I went into with very low expectations and was surprised at how good it was. To this day I think of it every time I hear that Patsy Cline song.

Good stuff. It's a lot to take it but it obviously means a lot to you to have put so much effort into it and I can appreciate that!
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Glory Days of Video Rentals!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:36 am

Thanks for your lengthy reply PB, I really appreciate that :) I know its a lot to take in. When I do something especially if its super special and meaningful to Me I want to do it all, not just a bit. I think of it in a similar way like John Hammond: "I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them". I say I don't expect a person to see everything I did in one instant but I do expect & hope them to see it gradually sooner or later. Also like Chevy Chase said in Christmas in Vacation, "Wanna do it BIG and wanna do it RIGHT".

Yes, I do and it's what I do ;)

Shame about that but oh I had a Target, K-Mart, Venture and much more in the 80s & early/mid 90s as you have seen Me talk about in My Vintage Action figure Topic but I have said to you before I only knew about Walmart from Christmas Vacation and finally went to one far out in MO on that worthless trip of My Grandpa 30 years ago this year in 1992 with My Grandparents but because of that it turned out pretty good then in 96 Walmart moved in South County and then it became fun and all that. I was lucky and am fortunate for that :)

Well this 7-11 location was the only one that I recall like that. Yes, I did a lot at 7-11s too. Oh yeah, My Grandma didn't like Me going alone much anywhere. Even in My later years when I did a lot by Myself and I'd tell here what I was up to especially going to the show, she always got nervous over that because of nuts and stuff like that. I'm glad your like that about your kids PB, this day and age is quite dangerous.

I see you have had your experiences too. That is great what you said here and yes I have been disappointed with what I thought was going being going into stores many, many times :roll: I thought you got married long before 2007 :?:

Yes, My Grandma did that trick with the 2 VCRs and had the GOLD TIPS too that recorded everything. She learned this from some great sources. If you didn't have them some the movies/wrestling events/whatever would get light & dark and with lines going up & down particularly Warner Bros....remember that :?: I still have all the tapes she recorded for Me/Us.I know it wasn't the best thing to do legally but she did this for Me like with every film & wrestling event We'ed rent but there were times I wanted to own films too so. She did other deals that was even more than that if ya know what I mean. Yeah, sometimes this digital just takes away the fun of the past :roll:

I'm quite glad you responded about Kindergarten Cop, I was afraid you wouldn't catch it. I'm glad you see why now :) I always tell the truth as much as I can, certain things I just get really excited about. It's just the way I am. If that wouldn't have happen to Me I have no clue how I would be now :?: Yes, Phantoms is great, its one of the best really and I might do a little special on it as well as some of the other entries here one day for Halloween or otherwise. I really appreciate your reply PB, it means a lot ;) You can reply to this if ya want. Soon I'm going t have a few great items of Mine in this very topic for Halloween that is a spinoff in away from this one, until then :batsmile:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Glory Days of Video Rentals!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:06 pm

Nope. We'd been together since 1998 but wanted to wait to get married until we were both done with school and had some money saved up to put a down payment on a house. Fortunately /unfortunately, the year before JCPenney did an overall of their workforce and the position I had been working was going to be changed to part-time only, so they offered everyone the choice of staying on part-time or taking a severance package. Well, I was never looking for a career at JCPenney anyway, so I had a accrued enough time to get 10 weeks pay plus all the weeks of vacation I hadn't used yet that year, so I took the summer off and had a nice chunk of change to put away toward a down payment on our first house.

Funny that picked Kindergarten Cop for a trailer. I haven't seen it in ages, but I'll still bust out the "It's not a tumor!" quote in an Arnold voice.

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Re: My Odds & Ends: Glory Days of Video Rentals!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:35 pm

How about that. Now see, If I had the opportunely I would have wanted to be married much sooner, I don't think I could wait nearly 10 years, If it was meant to be I'd want her to be Mine much sooner. I had said it before PB, your a lucky man.

Yes, there is some coincidences here like I said before like Legend. I had already talked about it in My Go-Bots & Rock Lords showcase and written up My piece for Movie Mogul and then you post the trailer to it. I don't know what is going on here with these coincidences :? I almost didn't do Kindergarten Cop but it was one of the first ones I thought of when I was getting everything together about Star Video. Because of My situation and stuff but I'm like how can I NOT showcase it and tell a bit about it, it's one of the most important & memorable things I have. I may follow up on this grand showcase of Mine with additional entries and so on and may even write up a few of the films as well later on and yes KC was hilarious, one of the best action comedies ever IMO. Thanks PB :)
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:35 am

packerbacker180 wrote:My mom worked near a Woolworth's when I was really young. I remember getting baseball cards from there but not much else.

That's great. I don't want to make a competition as it iS no far but My Grandma worked at one, the one on Cherokee street down the way from Judy's Superstore which was My fave location of the 2 Woolworths I talked about often.


HOLY BATZ :o :shock: I don't think I ever saw that commercial before but I don't know if your gonna believe this or not but My Grandma actually ordered that FIRST Time-Life Enchanted World book :batshock: She was into that dark stuff and I don't mean just like read about it and watch scary movies I MEAN INTO IT...she knew how to read tarot cards and all that stuff. I had some scary moments now and then with her. She told Me lots of freaky stories too of her family. When I was a youngster she was careful what to and what to NOT show Me. She got that book wit the Wizard & Crescent Moon on the cover apparently seeing THAT VERY COMMERCIAL THAT YOU JUST POSTED :smgasp: commercial all them years ago. She NEVER, I MEAN NEVER wanted Me to look at it, she kept it away from Me till I was older and when I could truly understand stuff like that. Well, all these years later I took it from her room and "adopted it" as My own to go with My Mythological, Cryptozoological ones and all them I have in My collection :wwshock: It's a beautiful bleak book with a fantastic feeling cover.

I am not joking about this..I NEVER JOKE about this sort of thing. If your interested in it and seeing it I could showcase it in My Odds & Ends soon...Let Me know PB :)

packerbacker180 wrote:Oh cool, how about that. Yeah, it might be neat to see some pics of it if you're up to it.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:OK good. Yes I am. Holy crap, just when I was talking about this a big thunder storm just came outta nowhere, I mean it was loud and strange too and the lighting is really bright...weird :? I'm gonna get to it. It will delay what I had in store for My Odds & Ends but this is a very welcomed delay however :batsmile: Be looking in My Odds & Ends soon, possibly today, it should definitely be up within a couple of days PB ;)

packerbacker180 wrote:Uh oh. A lot of horror movies start that way!


BrandonDaCollector wrote:Indeed they do :?
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:41 am

OK, you just saw the quotes above that started or rather triggered this whole thing :? I never thought I was gonna showcase this like ever but off and on this was on My mind for whatever reason. Also a funny thing also happen which will be seen in a very special bonus showcase near the climax which you may flip out about as to how it came to be and what a opportune time to for this to occur, it's October which is spooky & Halloween time :shock:

So I don't know if you thought I was joking about having this or not like yeah, he's really got that book...well if you thought that think again cause I don't joke around and without further delay here it is :o


Ah man I have always loved that cover. Its kinda rough feeling. It has that magical look of fantasy that the great 80s was so good at having. Its rather spooky really with the Wizard & The Crescent Moon especially with the Creature & The Fairy there :shock: See even at this young at Mine things like this caught My attention and My interest. It was amazing that My Grandma was into this sort of thing, she had been for a long time already and she got Me into a lot of stuff which many things that has to do with Me is because of her.


Here is the eerie Insert of the cover and Table of Contents.


Here is the First & Second Chapters.


Now this one is arguably the creepiest of the entire book. Just look at that stuff. Now imagine being a youngster and seeing that :? Now I said she was quite cautious but there was times when I would have peeks and then I got a bit freaked yet quite curious cause back then I only knew Animals & Dinosaurs and stuff like that which i really never found spooky. Remember when I showed My Cryptozoology & Other Coloring Books a while back from Woolworths Location #2 on Cherokee :?: When she got Me them I was getting into much other stuff and beginning to realize there was much more out there and with movies like Legend, Willow, Harry and the Hendersons among others so I really developed a passion for fantasy and downright spooky stuff and even though I was into horror & alien movies and knew they weren't real even though I have always believed in extraterrestrial life, I really didn't know the true inspirations of some fantasy till I saw this book and so on :o


I liked these classic types of art too and I still do. Seeing stuff like this on My Grandma MiMi's Tomita' Ravel Bolero Album and at the great St. Louis Art Museum was like the start of Me being interested in it. Even thought a lot existed beforehand, it seemed like the 80s was THE year for this stuff as I was attracted to a lot of it.


Now here is a Chapter that is quite strange yet looks to be more in the realm of reality rather than fantasy as I have some similar art in My Cryptozoology books.


Here is some classic looking photos.


Here is the Acknowledgements and Info.


Again, here is the eerie Insert & Back Cover.


Time Life - Enchanted World Copyright: As always, here it is as it's 1984 :!: LOOK AT THAT :batsmile:



Walgreens Logo 1.jpg

OK, here is what I was talking about. I had to remove some of My Grandma's items away from the kitchen window. For weeks if not months I kept on looking at them and thinking about them and if I was meant to showcase them or not. Well, a couple days ago PB suddenly pops up with the commercial for Halloween time of Time Life Book's Enchanted World as I showed above in our quotes. Well, if that wasn't strange enough, I came up with an idea and conclusion of putting these special items together as a bonus with her book as I thought it was quite apropos to do so I mean it fit perfectly but what are these items and why the old school Walgreens logo :?: These are glass Pumpkins that I bought for her there a long time ago. It wasn't for Halloween, it was for her Anniversary as to when she met My Grandpa PoPo at a Halloween dance way back in the very early 60s :batshock: :smgasp: :wwshock: After they danced they hit it off until his last days :( So every now and then I would get her a special gift for that very special occasion :) I thought I got her more of these little guys but I could only find the three. I especially wanted to get her the The White Pumpkin, I love them kind :batsmile:


Walgreens Pumpkins Copyright: Well, it's basically a worn Price Sticker. You see how cheap these were. This is Walgreen's own company East West Distribution Co. in Deerfield Illinois. I bought plenty of figures and stuff from them over the years ;)


Now a special coincidence, here we are "returning" to Walgreens cause I just posted about them in My Glory Days of Movie Rentals so as a continuation here is a far out view of it as you see where the Untitled Video Rental Store, Zito's Pizza & Talayna's Pizza all used to be on the left. I haven't been to Our usual Walgreens for a few years now. Me & My Grandma went there for decades. I used to get a lot of action figures, magazines, candy, food & drinks and so much more over there. I used to love to look at the Halloween stuff too. It was always fun year after year. The last time I went there I saw Marvel Legends & WWE Figures for $19.99 a pop and that was about 3 or so years back and I thought that was ridiculously high then yet people are somehow getting these figures :roll: Walgreens was always a bit higher than other stores when it came to action figures but like I said before in My other showcases, they would have stuff that even Target & Walmart wouldn't have so I always welcomed a couple bucks difference rather then getting it online. It always helps checking out your local Walgreens, you never know what they have ;) OK, now I spoke of Red Box before. Well take a good gander at it there, there is THE thing that wiped Blockbuster off of the street and basically out of business period (Sling slightly brought the brand back but it failed) with a unhelping hand of this digital age as well and it even did the same (with the assist of the P!amDemic) Marco's Pizza & Family Video in Blockbuster's building. There it is :x

Walgreens & Red Box on Gravois 1.jpg

So here is My Grandma MiMi's Time Life Book: Enchanted World with her Walgreens Pumpkins :) I envisioned this and it came together purely like I had thought :) .


I find this whole deal amazing. I had no idea I was going to do this but maybe someway, somehow My Grandma MiMi saw to it that I would make a special presentation about some of her special items. I know she was a powerful woman mentally and spiritually. Even when I was little I thought she was like Queen Bavmorda in Willow, an older yet attractive lady that "knew" things. She could always read people and sometime I'd get a little peeved at her as she would say she doesn't like a certain actor/actress or wrestler or even some friend/somebody at a store and 9 times out of 10 she was usually right that there was something not good about them. Her favorite quote was from Garfield: "I'm not Always Right but I'm Never Wrong". She may have been the most ideal Grandma for Me as she always wanted to make Me happy but she sure had her ways and she usually had her way too. Like I said throughout My Glory Days of Video Rentals, she knew tons of people and made deals and how she made My days in 95 with WWF & WCW but that was only a sample of her nature :)

Well that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this rather weird and out of the blue showcase of My Grandma's Time Life Book: Enchanted World with her Walgreens Pumpkins :) I am now going to go with My scheduled showcases for Halloween now for this topic which I have a few of'em coming very soon and more for My other topics as well. Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:12 pm

I've bought quite a few figrues at Walgreens the last few years. They used to have a Rewards deal where you got back 10% rewards for your whole birthday month so I would buy a lot of stuff there and bank the rewards fro when I found a figure I wanted. I think at one point a couple years ago I was around $80 in reward points. Sometimes you get a print out coupon for like $7 back on $20 and if you get an email one for like $5 on $20 you can get away with double-dipping. A few weeks ago I spent about like $25 on household items and got back $17 in rewards because of coupons. Sadly, they stopped doing the birthday month deal last year.

Now that book is pretty cool. Some of the art is really neat. The cover makes me think of Byron Preiss' The Secret. Maybe there's a hidden map for a treasure in there, lol. I bet there's some good reading material in there.


Small world that I'd choose that commercial. I just saw Vincent Price and I remember all those Time Life commercials and I thought it was a cool combination. Who knows, maybe someone was guiding me. :)
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:08 am

Well that's really cool PB and who know about the treasure. I didn't want to get into the reading. Like i said, I think she may had something to do with this :? :) Thanks for the reply PB :)
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Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:26 am

Have you ever looked into The Secret? I didn't know anything about it until the Josh Gates Destination Truth episodes. It's all fascinating, but I feel like you really have to know the area well to even have a prayer to solve any of them.

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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:44 am

Yeah I have, anything with Josh Gates is disappointing. I had high hopes for him long ago with his Destination Truth show when he dealt with finding cryptids but he always debunked it so it was basically watching the same thing every episode every week so it was a waste of time. He's nothing but bum-steer IMO. I found people on YT that is less known with better personalities and better results including harder disclosure. Thanks for your reply PB :)
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