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My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: JRNY to K-Mart Plaza!!!

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Go-Bots & Rock Lord

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:17 pm

Woah, I remember those Golden Books for Go-Bots. I definitely had those. Cool to see them again after so many years. I remember the Rock Lords movie but most of those figures don't strike my memory beside Sticks and Stones, I know I had him, but overall I didn't get as many Go-Bots as other toylines. I remember more having the MOTU rock guys.

And again, it's super crazy but super cool that you still have all the card backs. I can't say saving them was ever anything that crossed my young mind. Even Joe file cards wasn't something I started keeping until the 25th Ann line.

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Go-Bots & Rock Lord

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:01 am

Well thanks PB ;) Cool you had them books. OK, like I said, Stick'n Stones is probably the most known of all the Rock Lords. Yes, the Rock Warriors in MOTU is yet even more rock characters in the 80s, see what I mean :o Well, I always liked info, stats & pics so I never wanted to get rid of something like that. Thanks for your reply PB ;) Soon My next MAJOR showcase will be My Kenner Star Wars and it's going to be at least 3 parts...until then :batsmile:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:40 am


Oh holy Mynok, after talking & talking about it throughout the board, the time has finally come to showcase My entire collection of My vintage Star Wars by Kenner from the early to mid 80s :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: This showcase will be filled with great bonuses as well. Now if you have followed most or everything I have showcased elsewhere on the board then you already know how I got into the franchise and what it means to Me. I will repeat one crucial moment that is THE ORIGIN of Me loving Star Wars. A long while back I had showcased My Star Wars: The Arcade Game in My Video Game Collection Topic for My beloved Sega Genesis 32X, there I had explained that I was quite fortunate and actually played the original arcade game over at Showbiz Pizza Place (I had showcased them greatly within this VERY TOPIC as well in My great Odds & Ends) which had the cabinet and the whole 9. I was such a youngster, I was only about 3 or 4 years young. I got some tokens with the help of My Grandparents, I saw that game and right away I wanted to play it. When I did I just loved flying the spaceship which was an X-Wing. From there it became a love of knowing & wanting Star Wars...I found out about the toys some way, I remember seeing E.T. very early, the great AVON E.T. figure My Mom got Me that I have showcased very early on within this topic as well as My miscellaneous Star Wars Collection Topic and seeing Indiana Jones, this is WHY I posted ALL of that in My miscellaneous SW Topic, at this early junction in My life I associated it all with each other and one thing that helped Me further connect this is that the same guy that played Han Solo played Jones with many SW Easter Eggs within the franchise but most all and the most biggest factor for Me is that the music was by John Williams, if you have "TRULY" followed Me about My times & movie music then you'll understand these imperative moments of Mine. So with all of that being known, I wanted the figures and anything possible to have of Star Wars so My Grandparents did what they could, My Parents which My Mom & Dad (Buddy) was still married (obviously this is before the horrible incident I recently revealed in My Go-Bots Herr Fiend entry) but this is actually a good this time by My Father believe it or not. I will present this near the climax of the showcase. So the thing is, it just didn't spark My interest in SW but it also got My attention of sci-fi in general such as Star Trek among others, it was certainly a "learning curve" for Me and would help Me become the space, alien and universe lover that I am at this very moment :batsmile:

So this line of toys was nearly ending when I was getting into it as A New Hope & Empire Strikes Back was already in the books but thanks to Kenner re-releasing previous figures that this trend would eventually become Power of the Force/POTF 1, it was getting difficult for My Parents to get Me all of the figures of the past. However, My Grandparents especially MiMi knew this and tried extremely hard to get Me as much as she could find from stores such as K-Mart, Venture, Target, Ben Franklin, even Woolworths & Toy Chest (I just showcased Toy Chest in My Rock Lords showcase). She was surprised of some she was able to get Me and a couple of these figures will have very special stories to be told soon and they still astound Me to this very moment :batsmile:

Now as usual with My older stuff, they are a bit worn and their accessories have been misplaced, I took a bit of care for them thank goodness. So this isn't the biggest vintage collection of SW but it's sure great and is purely a magnificent example of sheer vintage 80s and even 70s fun & goodness and when Star Wars was still fantastic :!: I will categorize these into groups as usual which there will be a bit of randomizing here so here we go :batsmile:

NOTE: The great backgrounds you about to see is of My great Random House books of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi that My mom got Me when I was such a youngster. I feel that they are the most apropos books when these properties were so good and it looks so fantastic :!: You can head over to My big SW topic in that respected section as I show them is major detail plus even more great wonderful vintage Star Wars items plus much, much more NOT shown here :batsmile:


Luke Skywalker & Pruneface aka Orrimaarko: So here is Luke, our hero of the Original Trilogy. He is from Return of the Jedi like many of My figures. He has his green lightsaber &. My Grandma MiMi made a tiny clasp on it and it's still on there after nearly 40 years :o He looks ok considering I beat him up a bit :roll: So here is Pruneface (no not him from 1990's Dick Tracy), this a great Rebellion character very briefly seen in the film that would later be known as Orrimaarko. He has a little E.T. vibe about him appearance wise.


Princess Leia Organa in Boushh Disguise, Han Solo & Chewbacca: So here is three of our other main heroes. They look really good, Chewy's figure is actually the version with the back net from ESB, My Grandma was really lucky finding him for Me because I do not believe he was a re-release :)


C-3PO & R2-D2: Oh now here we go with the two main droids of the franchise. Like Chewy, this C-3PO is from the ESB because he is the vac-metal version with removable limbs to go with the Wookie :o R2 is still decent despite how worn he is. His antennae still works and both of these guys are wonderfully in scale with each other, I am so fortunate to have these :)


Nien Nunb and Lando Calrissian: Ah, here we go with the coolest duo of all in the SW universe. If you have experience with EA's Battlefront 1 in 2015 then you'll know that Nunb isn't just a great crackpot pilot but also a skilled soldier and such a fun character. I do not recall if She got Me him through as a mail-away special or at retail. Lando is equally fun. During this young age of Mine I had no prob he was was a black man an dI really didn't know about the racial stuff I soon know later on, he was one of the first few black people I knew next to Winston Zeddemore & Apollo Creed, & Michael Jackson, again at this tender age I didn't understand the racial stuff cause I thought they were neat and cool and I am still like that as I love diversity, to bad other plebeians cannot be the same :roll: I love his blue & gray color scheme and he has such a tremendous likeness, in fact it might be the best of the entire series not to mention still holds up even by today's standards :!:


Admiral Ackbar & General Madine: So here is a couple of the leaders of the Rebellion's sky-fleet. Madine was always just ok with Me, I'm always for secondary & obscure characters to add more to the ranks. Ackbaris really good and looks so much like the Mon Calamari character, I always thought he was a humanoid goldfish :)


B-Wing Pilots and Rebel Commando: So I a got a couple B-Wing Pilots, I guess I wanted a couple for an army builder, you rarely saw these guys in the film. Also here is Rebel Commando in Endor gear. I often pretended this was Luke Skywalker in the forest. All of these figures look good :)


Sand Person/Tusken Raider, Old Ben - Obi-Wan Kenobi & R5-D4: Amazing, My Grandma was able to get Me two more older figures but these were even older because they were from the first line :o Even though that The Sand People are nomads, neutral and usually only belong with their own clans, it's always good to have one around. You cannot have a SW collection without Kenobi, he looks so good. I have no clue how she did it but she looked into getting Me some really vintage classics here, gosh she was lucky :) :( Oh but here is My favorite astromech droid and that is R5-D4. I know most of everybody loves R2-D2 as well as I but I have always loved R5's design a bit more. I just find him cuter. In EA's Battlefront 2015 he is acquired via a power-up token and like the Empire's Viper Probe Droid can be a little menace to players. He is depicted there really good and in fact My vintage figure looks nearly other words My Kenner figure looks like he came right from the screen in either movie or video game form and that's saying something since he's as young as I am :)


Yoda & Anakin Skywalker: Here is the master himself Yoda, he looks so great & cute. I love his Muppet-self. Like others within the series he has real clothing. He was arguably the most popular character as well as figure during the entire existence of the whole series. It was Yodamania Runnin' Wild :batsmile: Despite how great he was in the future prequel trilogy, he didn't have to be CGI, have a lightsaber and be a whole mystery for over a season to get over with the crowd like today's Disney storytelling making people so obsessed with it like "this is better" all over social media :roll: He was simple during a simple time. She was able to get Me the mail-away figure of Anakin Skywalker. It was really cool back then to get figures in the mail when you were a youngster. Today's younglings can get stuff online from their parents but it doesn't even come close as to getting points and sending away for a figure that is a special offer. The likeness of him is quite remarkable.


Logray, Chief Chirpa, Wicket W. Warrick, Paploo & Teebo: So here is all of My Ewoks. I loved the Ewoks, My Grandma thought they were so adorable. These guys were so fun in the ROTJ and they are in figure form as well. They have removable attire and they can look like teddy bears but keep in mind these guys are sentient. Their likenesses are superb especially Wicket :)



Yoda & Ewoks accessories found: Oh man just recently I found Yoda's Pet Snake which is the brown variant and some of the Ewoks accessories...LOOK AT THAT :shock:



Y-Wing: So here is My only starship of the Rebellion. Its one of the most iconic of the all ships however as it is the Y-Wing. It's not complete as I didn't take care of it much but despite that it still looks pretty darn decent. I always put one of the B-Wing Pilots in it and usually R5 but sometimes R2 but I really prefer the former over the latter. The sculpting of the ship is truly uncanny with all of the gadgets & gears protruding out most of everywhere on it. The stickers are still intact and looks rather marvelous. The cockpit opens nicely which is arguably My favorite part of the toy to put the figure in. The legs/pods are good but are loose. Like now, even then as a super youngster I wasn't a huge fan of the vehicles to collect however I would want & get certain ones with exceptions and this Y-Wing is a tremendous example of one of those exclusions as I always found it to be a fun looking ship and it's quite fun to play as in the recent Battlefront games by EA as well, really one of the coolest ships in SW as a whole IMO :batsmile:

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:42 am


Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine & Emperor's Red Royal Guard: The likeness of Lord Vader is great. Like Chewie, he is quite tall & slender. Like Kenobi, he has a sliding lightsaber action feature in his right arm and his cape is vinyl rather than cloth. The Emperor has a tremendous likeness. It's arguably the best till Hasbro would make Darth Sidious in their great 1999 Phantom Menace Series which that version is My fave of all, My Grandma MiMi sent away for him in Kenner's great mail-away offer when the times of old were simpler, calmer & just plain fun. Now his Red Guard is totally really cool with cloth clothing which I so prefer that over the plastic capes. Like many character designs of the past, he has the 1 slit-eye helmet that looks so authentic. This is such a great trio of the Darkside :!:


Storm Troopers & Biker Scouts: Oh boy, here is a special story, something that really nobody knows. I have duplicate Stormtroopers but you'll see that they both look different. The second is My original Storm Trooper. The one on the left with the yellow torso is actually one that I got very serendipitously because I was shopping with My Grandma over at Kroger which was right next K-Mart. However I was only about 2 or 3, I was still small enough to be in the cart's baby seat but gosh do I remember this grand moment like it was yesterday. In one of the isles there was a LOOSE STORM TROOPER on the floor, as MiMi always called Me "Angel" (she did until here last days :( she said look what I found and handed him to Me and I was so happy :( This moment has been with Me all this time...this is without a single doubt one of My most prized & cherished action figures I have regardless of what collection it's in :) I will discuss this even further in a special location section later in future installment. Now the likenesses of these are really good and even has the different boot tops below the knees. The Scout Troopers are wonderful too and have a very authentic appearance as well. In fact these Troopers are some of the most significantly sculpted figures of the entire series :!:


Imperial Commander, Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot & AT-ST Driver: Now the Imperial Commander is really good. I remember it like it was last week, he was My absolute LAST Kenner Star Wars figure I got in the original 80s lineup as I was with My Grandma MiMi at Woolworths' location #1. They had one last batch of'em which there was very few and most of what I already had except him so I don't know whom was My first figure I got but I do know who was My final :o Look for a very special Woolworth showcase coming soon within this topic :batshock: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Ah man the Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot, I have always loved the design of these guys. He looks really cool. the AT-ST/Chicken Walker Driver/Pilot looks tremendous. I love the big helmet & goggles.


Boba Fett & 4-Lom: So here be Boba Fett, the most known of the entire Bounty Hunters Guild and sometimes I feel he is a bit overrated as there is other bounty hunters just as cool as him. My figure looks superb and I still have his blaster :o 4-Lom is such a visually stunning figure, I have always adored his insectoid design. I am fortunate to still have his blaster rifle handy with him :) He really stands out even to this day, look for a special Bounty Hunters Guild display coming soon within Kenner/Hasbro's POTF2 :o As a quick note, for the longest time many people knew him as Zuckuss because that's the name that was on his blister card and people knew Zuckuss as 4-Lom and vice versa :? It was a factory error of Kenner being careless. People wouldn't know their true names/identities until it was confirmed sometime later :wwsmh: :batsmh: :smsmh:



Jabba the Hutt, Salacious Crumb & Bib Fortuna: Now here is the trio that I have always loved. I will talk about Fortuna in the next entry. Jabba is one of My most favorite of all the SW characters, I absolutely hate it when Leia chokes him :roll: :x :( When My Grandma got Me him in the special set I was so excited. I took good care of him thank goodness. He is one the best figures that Kenner has ever made regardless of series & year and is truly one of the most impressive figures ever made. I love his eyes and his action feature is really cool how he moves his arms & tail. His little lackey pal Salacious Crumb is really nice and looks so much like the actual character plus the scale is very decent too. He sits nicely on Jabba's throne. I am so thankful that I have this wonderful set :)


NOTE: Never mind about the old stain, I couldn't get it out. His base is really rad with his smoking/eating pipe, the cyclopsian busts all the skeletons & bones within it.


Bib Fortuna, Squid head, Ree-Yees and 8D8: Jabba's male Twi-Lek servant Bib looks really good, his face is sculpted excellently and he still has his staff. Squid Head looks superb, I have always loved this Quarren's cloth attire and he also has his blaster pistol. Oh gosh I remember I was with My Grandma & Mom at Venture when they got Me Ree-Yees and and this Gran still has his weapon. 8D8 looks really decent and quite bad, he is one unfriendly looking droid, Kenner knocked it out of the park with him :!:


Lando Calrissian in Skiff Guard Disguise & Rancor Keeper: Oh man I have always loved this version of Lando, now this is when variants are "truly necessary" as he was such a crucial part of the Rebel's journey of freeing Han Solo plus briefly he could be considered a new character. the likeness is great. "The Rancor Keeper" Malakili is also a superbly sculpted figure with a new type of heavy body. His headdress is removable and he looks really authentic.


Klaatu & Gamorrean Guard: these guys are two of Jabba's palace guards. I have 2 Klaatus here as a soldier builder. The Gamorrean Guard is excellent and is really plump, even more so than Malakili. He looks really porcine, they did good with him!


Nikto, Klaatu & Weequay: So here is more of Jabba's palace guards. Nikto is really cool, I always digged his color scheme. Now this Klaatu is different than the other two I have with a cloth loincloth and the Weequay is so realistic. Both the Nikto & Weequay has been chosen by EA as Rebels in the Battlefronts over in recent years, I've thought that it was odd considering most people know these species/races as Jabba's goons from ROTJ :?

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:43 am


Dewback: Oh My gosh, MiMi got Me this wonderful creature at at Our aforementioned beloved local location at K-Mart, they still had the Dewback from earlier on :o I was so young but dang I remember wanting him so bad. Like the Wampa, these marvelous lizards had deleted scenes and they were barley present in the original film. Kenner did such a fantastic job with little material that they had to go on. I usually always place My miraculous Storm Trooper from Kroger next to K-Mart inside My Dewback as he is discolored and looked like a Sand Trooper. This is such milestone for Me, one of My most most prized in any of My collections and I am so fortunate to have him because he's from ANH which I wasn't even born yet not so it was purely a miracle that My Grandma MiMi got him for Me someway, somehow :)


Wampa Ice Monster: HOLY WAMP :o My Grandma Mimi was actually able to get Me the Wampa from ESB, I don't know how she was able to do it but I know back in the day she knew people in high places and could makes deals like you wouldn't believe whethere it would be a local video rental place or a big department store :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: He looks so fantastic and is a very large action figure like he should be. I have always loved his frown expression. The reason why Kenner chose this rather than the monstrous face we know today is because his scene was mostly deleted due to special effects that would be seen in 1997's ESB - Special Edition Trilogy (I have shown a special AVON card I have of him in My great SW topic so go there if you haven't seen it already) so Kenner made their own depiction and this is what we got. I have no prob with him whatsoever. Kenner's effort for this creature is full of history :!:


The Rancor: My Mom got Me this guy, I think at Venture, possibly at Toy Chest whom I just showcased in My Rock Lords presentation. He was such a must for Me. I loved him in the film too. He is such a tremendous figure. The sculpting is superb, he even has ears :o He moves pretty good too with ball-jointed arms, swivel wrists & v-hips. I've always loved his bulldog-like face, huge clawed hands & feet and his little cute tail. He is truly one of the most impressive and largest figures in the entire line :!:

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:43 am


COPYRIGHT: Now here is some wonderful copyrights. Look at that, 1977 & 1979, unbelievable that these figures are older than I am like the Dewback, Tusken Raider, & Chewie.


Here is some other fantastic Copyrights. As I have said in many of My showcases I find Copyrights to be so crucial, I never hear nor read anybody saying anything about them like ever, just another thing that makes Me a proud Outlier :batsmile:


Star Wars Scale: Now this is one of the most imperative parts of the line I have always liked is the scale. Seems like it isn't a big deal to most people but for Me I want My figures to be in scale, I have expressed this importance many times in My wrestling figure among other showcases but it is never acknowledged so it only makes Me question what others think of this matter. Take a gander at this remarkable size difference here I mean Master Yoda is actually smaller than Wicket :o Boba Fett is of average height yet is dwarfed by Lord Vader & Chewbacca and Vader is only "slightly" shorter than the mighty Wookie :!:


C-3PO & Chewbacca Features: Here is the feature I spoke of when I first introduced Chewie. He has the netting which is of a vinyl material strapped around his shoulders that is removable for the badly damaged C-3PO to depict the emotional scenes from the ESB. Like I said before, these figures were from the ESB series, reissues were standard after this thus spawning the POTF. See how you can remove his limbs and put him in there on Chewie's back :?: It looks marvelous I loved to do this when I was a youngster yet it is still quite fun to do :)


Wampa Ice Monster size compared to Scout Trooper: Here is the Wampa's size compared to a Regular figure. I chose the Biker Scout because he's mostly white and is something you don't see often except maybe in the Expanded Universe or some creative fan creations ;)


The scale of the Rancor is quite great too. He is quite massive and one of the largest figures Kenner ever made. Look here as I put the Gamorrean Guard & Luke Skywalker in a attempt to duplicate their scene together :)


So that will do it for this part. I hope you saw the entire showcase, if your just now seeing this then stop and go back to the beginning of this most anticipated & spectacular showcase of Mine and see how it started. If this wasn't enough Vintage Star Wars goodness for Me head over to My big SW topic in that respected section as I have even more great wonderful vintage SW items NOT shown here :o Next up will be part 2 which will deal with a very unique entry, specials & group pics and more, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:08 pm

Wow, cool that you still have so many of these. I don't think I ever owned a dewback, but the majority of the rest of these I remember owning. For some reason I always was drawn to the AT-ST Driver and Crix Madine as a kid. Outside of the main characters, that is. I'm not sure what it was about Madine, I mean, the hair color and the clothes aren't even screen accurate, but I always dug him. I'm actually working on a Madine custom, amongst others. Mail away figures was always such a cool concept. As I said before, I remember having several Emperors and that Anakin. Pretty cool to see them all again.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:17 am

Well thanks for your reply PB. Cool you had these guys. I may have a lot but like I said before, I feel very fortunate just having one Emperor and especially the Dewback like I said in My showcase.. Yes, Crix Madine has a great color scheme with that blue & gray tone, I believe that's what it was with you. Part 2 will be up soon. Thanks again PB :)
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:38 pm

I don't know why I had several Emperors, I guess my parents must've bought a lot of figures around that time and figured why not? I wish I still had a lot of these. I took my toys for granted as I got a little older and didn't need such kiddie things. I guess that's why I buy so many action figures nowadays. But even that is getting to be too expensive.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Star Wars Part 1!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:24 am

I guess so PB. Kinda shame it wasn't a trooper or something though, oh man that soldier builder would've been awesome :o Yeah, shame, a lot of people do that I'm afraid. I am grateful for Mine and yes, maybe that is why you are, your making up for the past without truly knowing it, sometimes stuff like that happens to Me and I'm like dang after I just realized it :? Of course prices don't help at all when your on a role, complete set or want to do something like that :roll: Thanks PB ;)
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