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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: S.T.O.P. vs S.C.U.M.

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:43 am


OK, here is a special "REPOST" of these great action figures I got in around 2012. I had posted these cool figures back 2014 but like so much of My stuff, it get's lost in the shuffle and and it ain't search for nor looked back upon again and I thought that this set was way too good for that :roll: :?: Since My style had changed quite a bit since then, I will update these to current standards hence the logo above and new elements but will leave some "original material" as I was happy with that. Please NOTE: the bios and stories that is present here is from the actual wiki S.T.O.P. vs. S.C.U.M. which when I found a while back I was quite euphoric about it because this series extremely obscure and as rare as you can get :!: So here it is!


Well, it has already been two years since I got these cool little figures of a supposed knock-off series called S.T.O.P. vs S.C.U.M. (Special Tactics Operation Control vs. Street Coalition Urban Militia! We were shopping for Halloween decorations at our new local Dollar Tree near The River des Peres. Whenever I'm at a Dollar Tree or a Deals I always look at the toy aisle even though most of the stuff is for little children but sometimes they do have really cool bootleg figures and when I saw S.T.O.P. vs. S.C.U.M. it was a must have! They were only a dollar - 1 buck - $1 :o :shock: They had all but one :( I searched all over and had the cashier call the other store on Kingshighway with no luck. So then I'm like well, I am a completeist so I gotta have that last guy so I had decided to get them and HOPE that I could find him online and thank goodness I was able to but more on that later in a while.

Now, these figures are about 3 1/2" tall and in 1/18 scale and in scale with G.I. Joes and others. The sculpting is very nice. Their paint isn't the greatest which I had to check each figure thoroughly which was a pain but I do love their tattoos. Their articulation is quite decent for the price and they are very durable. Their limbs are removable at the elbows and knees. They all have guns, however, they are molded/sculpted into their hands so they are not removable. They are Homieshop's own creation and made by Greenbrier International Inc :shock:

Here is the brief synopsis:

After Armageddon and the collapse of civilization, the world fell into the hands of evil warlords known as S.C.U.M.; Special Coalition Urban Militia. In this chaotic world, S.C.U.M. prospered; infiltrating cities and leaving death, destruction, and despair in their wake.

S.C.U.M.'s mission is total anarchy on a global scale. City by city they slice through urban lands, stealing & profiting from the chaos & terror that they bring.

In time people revolted, forming their own security force code named "S.T.O.P.", the Special Tactics Operative Patrol. S.T.O.P. is tasked with freeing the world of the evil S.C.U.M. forces that have taken the world by storm. Each member of S.T.O.P. has a unique military skill & was selected to maximize damage to the enemy.

Can they survive the fight for freedom? Will they rid the world of S.C.U.M.? Only time will tell... the fate of the world is in your hands.



The card front & back: I like the artwork, story, and bios. Actually a lot of thought went into this IMO!


S.T.O.P. (Special Tactics Operative Patrol): Following the collapse of civilization after the Armageddon Wars and Cartel Narco Wars, massive collapse of world governments, soldiers ether deserted or formed into bands of thugs and mercenaries. In the chaos, a ruthless force known as S.C.U.M. emerged and filled the power-vacuum through tyranny and brutality. With peace and freedom at stake, a resistance group formed. Special Tactics Operative Patrol - codenamed: "S.T.O.P." - is tasked with freeing the world of ruthless depots like S.C.U.M., and to reestablish order on the streets.

S.T.O.P. is mostly made-up of veterans of the Armageddon Wars and Cartel Narco Wars, with the rest being younger cadets. Each member has a unique military skill, and is teamed-up for the best tactical advantage. Their experience with fighting terrorists and underground criminals allows them to identify subversive elements within a group or community.

For the cadets - called "Scrubs" - the training required is grueling on all levels (mentally, physically and emotionally), and the washout-rate is high. The training is more than just to get the men in fighting shape: it tests the character and resolve of potential members.

They operate in small numbers, and patrol a large area. A team would usually be about 3 to 6 men, and they operate around a vehicle - typically a second generation HUMVEE, with some motorbike to serve as outriders. They could easily patrol an area the size of New Mexico - going from one settlement to the next, observant of any unusual activities. Their high-command operates from a command truck, and is supported by two advanced recon teams and a combat support team. The importance of this unit requires they they stay mobile (covering a greater area then standard patrol teams), or else they become an easy target for S.C.U.M. forces. Their M.A.S.H. (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) teams operate in an area typically about the size of California and Nevada, and they are supported by their own advanced recon teams.

Like a lot of rogue military units, the founding members stole army supplies, or raided old bunkers. The organization has a good supply of equipment, but they leaned early to use their resources sparingly. Beyond some personal effects, all equipment and vehicles are owned by the organization, and the members maintain good care of S.T.O.P. equipment.

Meany members of S.T.O.P. have family, but the patrols usually mean that the members spend a lot of time away from them. On top of that, their dangerous lives means that their spouses have to keep the member's profession a secret and the children are left out of the loop. When S.T.O.P. members leave their families to go out on patrols, they would usually say that they are out to look for work or to find new resources. A major drive motivating S.T.O.P. members is the desire to build a better world for their kids.

Reco: Alpha Team Recon Specialist! He is arguably My favorite of the team!

Codename: Reco
Real Name: Ricardo Ramirez
Position: S.T.O.P. Recon Specialist
Unit Name/Type: Team 'Alpha'; Patrol Group
Military Training: Ex-Mexican Special Forces (FES) and former Gatallones De Comandos Anfibios (Amphibious Reaction Force).
Specialty: Assault and Special Reconnaissance Operations.

Official Biography
Reco prides himself in becoming virtually invisible during recon missions. Able to speak over a dozen languages proficiently, he saw heavy action in the Cartel Narco Wars of 2015, infiltrating the enemy and taking several high value targets. After the Armageddon Wars in the Middle East, he joined forces with S.T.O.P. to help re-establish order in the streets and battle the anarchy being spearheaded by S.C.U.M.


Patriot: Alpha Team Special Tactics Specialist. He is just plain cool!

Codename: Patriot
Real Name: Patrick O'Malley
Position: S.T.O.P. Special Tactics Specialist
Unit Name/Type: Team 'Alpha'; Patrol Group
Military Training: Ex-Irish Army Ranger (ARW).
Specialty: Unconventional Warfare, Counter Terrorism, and Counter-Insurgency.

Official Biography
Patriot trained extensively with the US Army Green Berets and US Navy SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) Teams. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat and holds several advanced belts in Jiu-Jitsu and Kuidondo. Patriot saw heavy action in the Armageddon Wars in the Middle East arena. After the subsequent collapse of world government, he joined forces with S.T.O.P. to help re-establish order in the streets and battle the anarchy being spearheaded by S.C.U.M.


Tank: Alpha Team Support-Weapons Specialist. A really awesome looking dude!

Codename: Tank
Real Name: Tanaka Bear
Position: S.T.O.P. Support-Weapons Specialist
Unit Name/Type: Team 'Alpha'; Patrol Group
Military Training: Ex-US Marine Copes Special Operations (MARSOC).
Specialty: Heavy Weaponry, Explosives and Demolitions.

Official Biography
Tank saw extensive action in both the Cartel Narco Wars and the Armageddon War of the Middle East. Descending from a long line of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, his Native American warrior blood runes strong in his veins. An incredible tracker, hunter, survivalist and master of guerrilla warfare, he whats to be the first to go in and the last to leave. Tank joined forces with S.T.O.P. to help re-establish order in the streets and battle the anarchy being spearheaded by S.C.U.M.


S.C.U.M. (Street Coalition Urban Militia): Following the collapse of civilization after the Armageddon Wars, the western world struggles to rebuild. Without any centralized government, a ruthless force known as S.C.U.M. - or Special Coalition Urban Militia - poses to fill the power-vacuum through tyranny and brutality.

They are led by an evil cyborg known as Cyclops, and his forces are controlled by an enforcer known as Skull Hawk. Members are expected to be utterly ruthless and loyalty is ensured through fear and harsh discipline. Those who are not members are seen as little more than slaves, and are treated as such. They are free to take whatever from them, and treat them in any way they want. They are generally brutal and self-indulgent.

They have a strong sense of social-Darwinism - or "might makes right" - and believe that power comes to those who are strong and crafty enough to hold it. They pity weakness, compassion, and helplessness to the point of frowning on anyone who takes a handout or receives medical treatment. They do have a physician in their ranks, but he is an unethical scientist who supplies S.C.U.M. members with drugs, and uses captives as expendable lab-rats for his "research." They see no value in history, literature, medicine, or science: save for what they can do to help a man become stronger.

They gain territory through military conquest, or failing that: the use of S.C.U.M. Infiltrators. For those who have been conquered, life is harsh. For them - the "Dregs of SCUM" - the only way out is to become a S.C.U.M. Raider, with hopes of surviving and become a S.C.U.M. Soldier. As Soldiers, they can stand equal with other members, and can treat their former kin in any way they please. S.C.U.M. has no formal system of rank for its members, so the "pecking order" is determined by those who can demonstrate the most power, be it skill, strength, firepower, powerful allies, etc.

Since they only conquer, and do not contribute to the world in any meaningful way, they stand posed to plunge the world into anarchy and barbarism. Their brutal methods are effective, and only thing that stands in their way is S.T.O.P.

Skull Hawk: Supreme Commander. A really cool 80s inspired character!

Codename: Skull Hawk
Real Name: [unknown]
Position: S.C.U.M. Enforcer
Military Training: Advanced Infantry Training by Military Sub-Contractors.
Specialty: Heavy Weaponry, Urban Warfare.

Official Biography
Coming from the German Goth Underground culture, Skull Hawk was one of the most ruthless enforcers for the organized crime operating in the area. Having suffered though a server burn incident, he took to wearing a skull mask. Offering his service to the highest bidder, he worked as a hied mercenary during the Cartel Narco Wars and the European Final Solution. Skull Hawk prides himself at never missing as assignment and is determined to profit from his deadly mercenary skills. He teams up with others that share in this belief that the strong should always rule the weak and that might makes right. Skull Hawk joined S.C.U.M. to help destroy S.T.O.P. and it's efforts at establishing rule of law on the streets.


Lady Lead: Assassin. Another really cool 80s inspired character, I love it that she has 2 guns and I love how she has tattoos on the side of her head like a female inspiration of The One Man Gang :batsmile: Her artwork makes her actually a rugged looking beauty!

Codename: Lady Lead
Real Name: [unknown]
Position: S.C.U.M. Assassin
Military Training: None
Specialty: Espionage

Official Biography
A ruthless hired assassin, Lady Lead earned her bones contracting for mobsters worldwide. Incredibly athletic and possessing lethal fighting skills, it is wise not to underestimate her will and ability to destroy an opponent or target. Having a deep-rooted hatred and disdain for all men, Lady Lead fancies herself as an Amazon warrior and has dedicated her life to becoming stronger and more macho than any man. In her relentless pursuit of power and domination, Lady Lead pledged her services to S.C.U.M. - Street Coalition Urban Militia, and has sworn to destroy S.T.O.P. - Special Tactics Operative Patrol and its tireless efforts at establishing rule of law in the streets.


Cyclops: Enforcer. He IS THE ONE that I had to get online :o Not on eBay or Amazon but a small independent action figure web store that I do not recall the name of nor do I know if they are still in business :!: :?:

Codename: Cyclops
Real Name: [unkown]
Position: S.C.U.M. Commander
Military Training: Given pre-programed tactics and instructions related to known Special Forces manuals.
Specialty: Counter Terrorism, Counter-Insurgency & Urban-Warfare Tactics, Heavy Weaponry, Explosives and Demolitions.

Official Biography
Cyclops is a hale-human half-machine cyborg who was created in a in a laboratory in Brazil by a ruthless science and robotics engineering corporation. Its goal was to build an army of mercenary super-solders that could be haired out to the highest bidder during the Armageddon War. The project was scraped when their corporate headquarters was destroyed during the Cartel Narco Wars. Half-human and half-machine, Cyclops eventually became self-sufficient, and is now intent on making the world that created him pay by founding S.C.U.M. It is their goal to establish total anarchy on the streets, and create a situation where the world would establish him to rule with an iron fist. The only thing standing in is way is S.T.O.P.


Group Shot: Really cool display!


Size comparison: There is Reco with Mattel's DC, Hasbro's G.I. Joe and Mattel's Avatar (already posted DC & Scarlet but maybe My huge Avatar collection in the future)!


I hope you enjoyed this :) So as I speak, S.T.O.P. vs. S.C.U.M. is a very obscure series and the last time I checked (which was very recently) at the bay there was none available. While I think these guys would go great with your "official" Joes and other 1/18 figures hence My scale comparison pic, if collectors are looking for these guys I would look at small, independent stores provided there is still some around as there might actually be a chance that they might have them. That's it for this "REPOST" showcase. Who knows, one day I revisit this great series in the near future with some new ideas, ya never know :) Until the next showcase I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: S.T.O.P. vs S.C.U.M.

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:56 am

Hmmm, they kind of look like The Corps figures from Lanard, at least that's what the logo makes me think of of. They have some very bulgy eyes. Those guys have seen things, lol. Things they can't unsee.
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: S.T.O.P. vs S.C.U.M.

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:02 am

They do resemble them and possibly others a bit. Yes, they have SEEN some THNGS :? :o :shock: :!:
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:05 am

NOTE: I had posted this in the Transformer section long ago which got no attention and I thought it would so I wanted to archive it here with a few updates :)


Well well, here be a various Transformers showcase of mini figures  + a special "unexpected bonus" that I thought would be really apropos for this topic. All of these guys are from the decade of the 2000s. What is here is a couple figures from the cool Heroes of Cybertron" series, a couple from the Transformers 2007 Movie and a Fox Football Robot!

First off, I'm not gonna bash the corporate locusts that is Hasbro like I have been doing so their getting off easy this time. Now, I am a fan of the Transformers but not a big one. I loved the original cartoon and got some vintage figures in the 80s and 90s but I never collected them faithfully. I was more into various lines including other properties like Go-Bots, M.A.S.K., MOTU, Alien, Predator, Terminator and of course wrestling figures...stuff that a lot of other people wasn't into However, there was a time when (I'm still kinda like that) when I would want only the main characters if there was like 2 or 3 of them and skip the rest of the series if I wasn't really interested/couldn't afford collecting the other figures within their respected series'. That goes for the Transformers in the 2000s. I got all of these figures at My local Walgreens as I always looked there because they usually had something I wanted despite it would be slighter higher than at a big department store and in fact sometimes you could find things there that other stores do not have. OK, here is some brief pics of them, get ready :batsmile:
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:05 am


Heroes of Cybertron made by Hasbro: Optimus Prime the Autobot & Megatron the Decepticon! Now, the series came out in about 2001 so I got them I think later in that year possibly in 2002. I do kinda regret not collecting the series. Of course they are made by Hasbro. They have several POAs and their limbs & parts are removable and swappable if you like.


Size comparison with Hasbro's G.I. Joe's classic Scarlett seen previously.

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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:06 am


Transformers the Movie (2007) made by Hasbro & Basic Fun: Optimus Prime & Megatron! OK, I wasn't huge on the movie. I was excited about it yes but I really had to get used to the dark & vulgar humor that I still feel should not have been in the movie IMO (I was used to the 80s TFs where you didn't hear things like that in that franchise). With that being said, Rise of the Fallen was coming out in 2009, with mixed feelings about the first film, I really wanted to get over it and give the sequel a chance and if that was a bummer then I would be done with the franchise. So I saw the film on the IMAX and I thought it was much better. So around the time I saw the movie I saw these action figure "key-chains". I thought that they looked great and really movie accurate. The sculpting is so top notch. I am OK with Prime's design, you can clearly tell who he is supposed to be but Megatron's movie design is nothing like his previous incarnations anywhere (I have always questioned why he was changed so dramatically) that I can recall though I am just really familiar with Gen 1 & Gen 2 and the film franchise of TFs. These guys move at the head, arms, waist & legs. You can remove the key-chains you want to.  


The Cards & Copyright!


Comparison with The Heroes of Cybertron

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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:13 am



Cleatus the Fox NFL Sunday Football Robot Mascot made by Foam Fanatics/Actionheads! I was already familiar with this guy only by seeing commercials and seeing ads of him as I am not a football fan. I was also aware that there was figures of him available as I saw a much larger version of him @ MWC around the time. So, when I saw him at the store I thought gosh, he would go great with My Transformers so I got him! His POA are at the head, shoulders, waist and hips. He too is a key-chain but it is removable and can act like a regular action figure! His sculpting is really good and looks very much like the real character!

NOTE: I recently seen him on the premiere of WWE Smackdown on FOX when he was in the board room in 2019!

Comparison with Transformers Movie characters!


Here he is in an Fox intro!

That's all for now, I hope you have enjoyed this :) If your just now seeing this then you missed the rest of the showcase, make sure you go to the beginning where I showcase the Heroes of Cybertron :!: I may revisit Transformers here at a later date (Vintage Transformers are coming soon in My Vintage Action Figure Topic so be on the look out for that) :o I also may archive some other modern stuff that I posted years ago that got lost in the shuffle as well. More great modern action figures and much more coming soon, until the next update I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:33 am

I don't pay much attention to modern Transformers stuff. The Michael Bay-like designs are just so visually busy and unappealing. I do dig the newer G1 toys though the only TRA stuff I've bought as an adult were the G1 R.E.D. stuff and a talking Optimus Prime I got on clearance when I worked at Walmart. I do have a Green Bay Packers Cleatus somewhere.
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: Transformers & FOX!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:47 am

Thanks. I see. Yeah, their so-so to Me too. The originals are much better IMO. Congrats to all of that PB :)
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Re: My Miscellaneous Modern Collection: CROC HUNTER!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:17 am


So it was in around 2007-2008 My Grandma MiMi got Me a special electronic The Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin action figure set for Christmas. I totally wasn't expecting this and I believe I never showed her any appreciation for this like a lot of great stuff she got Me over the years especially in the 2000s & 2010s for the holidays :roll: :( She knew I really liked The Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin cause We watched him all the time on Animal Planet. I thought he was hilarious but she always said he was that way because he's very childish. I loved how extreme he was without care for his own safety and caring about the wildlife. Now that's A GOOD MAN :!: This figure set is made by Wild Republic aka K/M International. She got Me this this set at either Annie's Attic or Things You Never Knew Existed. They were both sister companies and had great catalogs. For many, many years she would order stuff for Me for Christmas & My Birthday from them. They had tons of novelty items and action figures like NECA and really obscure ones like this Croc Hunter gift set. In the mid 2010s she was really disliking them because they were putting in "adult s3x toys" in the catalogs she'd get every month. After this, their business was going down hill and she found alternate stores to order from.


The Packaging: I absolutely love the box, it is so unique and everything. Similar like a 12" figure box with the fifth panel from this era in the mid 2000s when action figure companies were being really creative, you can clearly see what's inside and what your getting right away. When My Grandma MiMi gave Me this special set for Christmas I was quite surprised to see The Croc Hunter looking right at Me, I had no idea anybody made a collectible figurine like this then. It wasn't on any of the major figure news pages at the time and collectors sure weren't talking about it :roll: I love his packaging so much I have kept him & his Croc in it to protect them as I got them on day one!


There is a number of quotes what he says on there and a great picture of him with a little crocodile in his famous pose & look to the camera.


Here is a look at the Australia Zoo, The Home of the Crocodile Hunter. And how this packaging is Phthalate free. Also the Copyright 2006 and Wild Republic's info.


Instructions: Here is his little instructions that is in the box. Yeah, companies still actually did this then. It's a big plus for Me cause I hate it when companies and people don't include the necessary requirements of how to do things as they expect the consumer to know everything, if we did we wouldn't be in the unfortunate state where we are currently in this androgynous era :roll:


Steve Irwin: Now here's the thing that this is all about, the actual action figure of The Croc Hunter. He has one heck of a likeness. He is still one of My best and authentic looking figures in My entire collection. He has tremendous sculpting. Notice the background, his Packaging serves as a great background, I love it when action figures' has some that is usable! Here he is with his Croc. He is about 6" tall or so and has basic articulation which is cut shoulders & hips, hinged elbows and wrist swivels.


Here is the back of him where you can see his speaker. When he talks he is quite loud vocally :o


Here is his head, he has a superbly done sculpted face, I mean it's up with the best such as McFarlane, NECA, SOTA & Sideshow. The paint is pretty good too. It's a little dim but not sloppy which is always a big plus there.


Here is a closeup of his watch, on/off switch & speaker. Also his concealed Buttons which is actually his Pockets,, this was such a clever touch on Wild Republic's part :!: Of course one important aspect for any action figure and especially for Me is the Copyright, it's sculpted really nice on his bottom side as it says Steve Irwin 2006 K&M Intl :)


The Crocodile: This animal is sculpted really good. He's not a cheap looking figure that you get in a dime-store animal bag, no siree bob. I mean he's sculpted to the nine and painted really well too. His jaw opens up at a decent amount of height. He is actually one of the best designed animal figures I have seen, even as great as the likes of Safari, Schleich and dare I say it...Papo :o


The Crocodile Hunter got his Croc: Here they are together, I dig it that Steve can hold his Passion within his big arms :batsmile:


The Comic: Yes that's right, there's a brief comic that is also included. Unfortunately it's kinda beat up more than I'd like it be :roll: The illustrations/art is done remarkably wonderful. The story is very short & sweet. Its such a cool piece to have :)


Size Comparison: Oh man, Steve meets a Wolverine...make that Wolverine from Marvel Legends (NOTE: Look for a ginormous Marvel showcase in the future :batshock:


And here is his size comparison of Wolverine and the previously seen G.I. Joe Classics Scarlett

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