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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 18, 2021 7:22 am

Superman vs. Doomsday!

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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 18, 2021 7:22 am

Doomsday vs. Marvel's Grey Hulk: Look for Marvel Select's Grey Hulk along with other Marvel figures to be featured soon!

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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 18, 2021 7:23 am

All Mattel Comparison!

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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 18, 2021 7:33 am


Back in 2013, I wrote a deep, dark an dtwisted story about the Batman & Darkseid from the DC Unlimited action figure series. I was writing stories & fan fiction a lot back then. I came up two, short coinciding tales for Darkseid & Batman crossing over with the Masters of the Universe since MOTUC was My #1 series of all. It was quite a different time back then as the MOTUC was still in full force still about three or so years left to go before the end of the original line. I originally posted this on MattyCollector back then but time went on, things changed but it is now time to represent this extraordinary story again in all of it's super-cosmic blood & guts glory! Yes their will be blood :!:


Birth name: Uxas

All-Powerful Evil Deity of the Universe!

During a battle of the ages of the Cosmos, Darkseid battles his son Orion, after betraying his father literally ripping his heart out of his chest, Orion was declared "the" new god of ApokolIps! His body laying there motionless, Darkseid's reign was now over, Orion rules the planet! Lightyears away on planet Earth, Superman has just ended the tyranny of Lord Zodd. When The Man of Steel slammed down Zodd's body with uncanny rage, it shook the Earth and sent shock-waves through the universe so far, it reached other worlds including Apokolips! Upon these waves, it shocked the carcass of Darkseid thus resurrecting him to a greater power than he previously had! With this new, unbelievable power and unthinkable ability, he destroyed everything on the planet, his peoples and got his much anticipated revenge on Orion! Now, having psychotik-psychic gifts, he knew one planet was in trouble, a planet he had been to before and that planet was Earth in the center of the universe! Years after Superman had disappeared, he returned to Metropolis, reunited with Lois Lane and the Justice League of America. After many questions and trials to Kal-El, he was accepted back as a savoir. Now, far off in outer-space within a prison shell on a space vessel, "The Ultimate" had landed on Earth, a beast of prehistoric alien origin bent on annihilating anything Kryptonian and anything in his way! He was able to brake free of his containment and immediately went on a killing spree. Sometime later the JLA knew about this and fought this new threat to Earth. In only a matter of minutes, the Ultimate killed them! Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, the Flash, the Atom, the Green Arrow and the Green Lantern, Hawkman and Aquaman were all slain! Wonder Woman, Powergirl, Hawkgirl and Shazam were severely injured. He now has his sights on the greater Metropolis area, he is now being called Doomsday!!!!!! Lex Luthor watching on, he sees no force can stop him! Superman taking his own risk at this huge, ten-foot tall plus alien, he quickly realizes that this monster is his equal, even more powerful than himself, he cannot believe this is happening! Superman and Doomsday fight and fight and fight, their big battle turned into a huge war taking up several days destroying each other! Finally after all of this time, both became so worn & torn and weak, both thinking of a finishing maneuver, they collided one last time, super-punching with all their might knocked off each other at the same time thus killing one another! Doomsday's mission was accomplished, the Man of Steel had been broken, Superman was official deceased! Lois Lane had become an emotional wreck and Metropolis' superhero had been defeated. Not too long after this extraordinary ending, a huge light appeared forming a vortex miles away in Gotham City nearly destroying it. It was Darkseid entering Earth! He saw that Batman had just been swept up within the vortex and that Doomsday had just killed Superman, the humans were not worthy of Darkseid's rule. He then decided to follow Batman because he knew he was going to land on a planet called Eternia, a planet he could overtake because in his all mighty psyche, the Eternians were more worthy than Earthlings and easier to dictate to become his followers. Little did Darkseid know the Dark Knight gladly made Eternia his home and that there was a great war with Eternia's Champion and its Masters, the Council of Evil, the Snake Men and the Horde Empire! During this war of all wars, a Mysterious Heroine in white with a White Panther appeared, apparently as an omen. A huge stormed brewed, a large bodied alien came crashing down to the planet, it was DARKSEID!!!!!!!!!! Though it seems the enormous entity is outrageously out numbered, Darkseid no longer chooses to take over the planet and rule its beings, instead he chooses to destroy it by making his presence known to the universe quoting to all of the respected factions: "I am your lord, your master, your conquer, your destructor! Kneel before your destiny, I shall give all a death worth countless genocide, this is your end!" Then he attacks and kills a number of Snake Men warriors and Horde Troopers. Knocking out He-Man and She-Ra at the same time. Darkseid then has a fight with Batman, it became apparent that this is The Dark Knight's last stand! Within a face off with Hordak, suddenly The Unnamed One makes an extremely shocking appearance distracting Darkseid. The Horde sees this advantage and with all their might, wits, tech and fire power, they aim at Darkseid, finally with power of a 100 nuclear bombs, it still had no effect! After Horde Prime made an unexpected return through a portal full of rage, Darkseid fell! Eternia became Darkseid's graveyard! Skeletor was glad of this, Darkseid's death helped him win the war against the Masters and to be new ruler of the Universe!


Birth name: Bruce Wayne

Heroic Crime-Fighting Superhero

A human from the planet Earth, he has a story like no other human-being known. Taking the name Batman and becoming a vigilante bent on crime, billionaire Bruce Wayne took care of justice his way. After defeating the Joker and The Penguin once and for all, he had to deal with other crime. He defeated the Riddler, Two Face, Poison Ivy, Cat Woman, and "the super human maniac" Bane! Imprisoning the Scarecrow, Killer Croc, The Black Mask and Harley Quinn in the asylum, this was truly the beginning of the end for Batman. Batwoman had disappeared, The Huntress and Nightwing suffered horrible deaths at the hands of Ra's Al Gul, and Alfred had passed. Batman's last hurrah was getting revenge on Ra's Al Gul and his daughter Talia. After this, Batman had been broken down and decided to hang up the cape and "retire" from crime fighting. Many months had gone by as "a permanent" Bruce Wayne. ABOUT a year later of rest, new gangs of unknown thugs had arrived in Gotham city wreaking havoc and terrorizing its citizens! The police and even the army was really no match for these thugs. Everybody was questioning is The Batman going to return, is the Dark Knight going to stop this carnage? Though once a hero and an ultimate icon of his beloved Gotham, Bruce had been thinking of the passing of his parents, his failed relationship with Vicky Vale, a fantasy relationship with Catwoman/Selina Kyle he could never have, the death of his childhood friend Rachel Dawes and all of his friends who he had lost, "a life" didn't matter much to him anymore. He became a person he didn't know in his own mind and just wanted to go away having a nomadic yet mysterious existence something that was completely off the grid. However, Bruce had been sitting at Wayne Manor watching the newscast and after many times of watching this senseless war, he finally came to a conclusion as he couldn't take it anymore. He started training and once again donned the cape & mask and was the Dark Knight once more! In a matter of days with a little help of the cops and an ailing Commissioner Gordon, before you know it the gang had been stopped and the Batman had been hailed a hero of Gotham! A while later during a press conference of Commissioner Gordon, an extremely rare weather storm was forming and a vortex suddenly appeared destroying the city with wind far greater than an EF5 Tornado! Luckily, Batman was able to save some people from this unnatural disaster but he couldn't overcome the winds, they were too strong for him and his gadgets, he was sucked up the vortex! Amazingly, he was conscious traveling through the now known worm hole, he couldn't believe he was in outer space! After a few hours he was going down which shocked Batman. He landed on an alien world countless light-years away from the known Solar System, a planet within a galaxy he nor any human never knew that even existed! After he landed hard on the Eternian ground and wandered around some harsh lands, he made his way to Slave City, after rescuing a few women from a number of Kobalds, he made it toward some dark forest and met some of the Eternia's beasts like the Manticore, Dragons, and even some unclassified animals, he ran for safety, he couldn't believe what just had happen. Tired and worn, he walked in a direction he shouldn't have.....The Dark Hemisphere! He was curious as to what the giant snake on the mountain was. Going toward it, he heard some moments in some rocks, he was ready to fight. There it was Batros, Eternia's own real "Batman and former Dracula"! They fought each other and The Dark Knight was victorious. He made it out of there and never-minded Snake Mountain. He was running out of there the other direction. Hours later he made it toward a palace, thinking 'oh no, guards' this place is really bad. Duncan and Prince Adam were working on a vehicle, Orko told them there was an intruder that the guards had spotted. Adam says, 'this is a time for He-Man' so he transforms into the "the strongest man in the universe". After that, he notices a large man who looks like a bat but knows there is something off about him. The Dark Night had defeated the guards. He-Man doesn't want to fight him, he says to this stranger, 'who are you'? He replies and says "I am Batman! Duncan arrives and says, you must be a new minion of Skeletor. Batman says "who is Skeletor and where am I? He-man says your at the Royal palace. Batman says where is this located? He-Man says in the Light Hemisphere...on Eternia. Batman still doesn't know  what to think. He says OK strong man, where is this on Earth? He-Man says "Earth"! You are from planet Earth!? Batman is shocked saying you must be joking here, this has to be Earth. He-Man says no, you are on Eternia, why are you here? Batman just can't believe this but he begins to realize this is real and not a hallucination. He says I don't want to hurt anyone, I was transported here from a vortex and I would like for you to show Me the way back and how do you know of Earth? He-Man says our Queen is from Earth, she might be able to help you! Duncan whispers to He-Man to watch in case this mystery caped crusader is a fraud. After this, Batman met Queen Marlena, she explained all to him. He had heard of an astronaut who was lost in space long ago, he couldn't believe that he met her! She also told him that Skeletor had invaded Earth and Batman said he had heard rumors of an alien invasion is Los Angeles, California but he thought is was just a coverup. Queen Marlena and Batman actually bonded as they could relate to one another. Before long, he proved that he is a good and honest man. Knowing the truth and that for sometime he will be stuck on this alien world, he decided to prove his honesty so he told the Eternians his life history, took off his mask, told them that he is Bruce Wayne, fought mobsters and crime in Gotham and so forth (Only Marlena, He-Man, Duncan, Cringer and Orko were present). Batman said what is next for Me, what am I to do? Having faith that he is a good man, he was declared a citizen of Eternia and an ally of the Masters. He then knew of the wars with Skeletor, the Snake Men, and the alien invaders known as the Horde Empire. He couldn't believe this but followed suit and became The Dark Knight once more. Several members of The Great Rebellion including Castaspella and Glimmer had a crush on him, even Teela did at some point but Batman never did accept any of them simply because of his past. He confronted Lord Dactus thinking he was something like Man-Bat but after an altercation all was fine. Nearing a final war, The Dark Knight would help the Masters and the Great Rebellion fight against the armies of evil but when a mysterious heroine with a white panther would suddenly make an appearance as an omen, a "New God" would suddenly come from the skies and arrive on the planet, this would forever change Eternia. Batman knew this was Darkseid (as he and Superman had fought him previously on Earth), this was completely an unexpected encounter and caused nothing but pure destruction. Sometime time after King Hiss had resurrected Megator & awakened Serpos, the Snake Goddess revealed she is Lady Slither and she betrayed the King, killing him. She-Ra and her great Rebellion fought valiantly against the legendary reptilian army. The Princess of Power confronted their new queen and beheaded her ultimately defeating the Snake Men at last, She-Ra thought she wiped out Horde Prime earlier as he had vanished, Teela kills Shokoti before she could bring Lord Masque back ending her reign as the true leader of the Council of Evil, this terror was over which now is back in control of the old skull-face. Many of the guards including its new captain Clamp Champ, Ram-Man, Meka-Neck, Man-E-Faces among many others were captured. He-Man had just surrendered to save all of their lives! Skeletor's evil warriors had just won against the Masters! Entering Castle Grayskull, Skeletor had just found out all of its secrets but had to fight Prince Adam (thinking he had to do it this way). After this battle, he found out who he really is after Adam was forced to change into He-Man! While doing so, pulling out his power sword, the power of Grayskull completely electrocutes Skeletor! All fried up in a lengthy battle, he quickly knockout He-Man, repaired himself with cybernetics and made it for space as Eternia's victor. He-Man had no choice but follow him but he knew The Dark Knight was fighting Darkseid. After an epic fight, Darkseid had just killed The Batman! He-Man says, farewell good friend and true warrior. He went up in a shuttle and followed Skeletor near the planet Primus. Mean while. After defeating the Great Rebellion, the Horde had now had to fight Darkseid! Many Horde members fell including Vultak, Entrapta and Multi-Bot. Suddenly, Horde Prime emerges from a portal with a new ultra-form and fights the new god in rage. After a very long and brutal battle, Darkseid fell to Horde Prime. The Horde no longer had an interest in Eternia as they had other endeavors. Since Serpos was came out of hibernation thus destroying Snake Mountain, Jitsu rules what is left of the famed structure with Ninjor being his number one guy, the remaining members of the Masters and Rebellion are nothing but rebels. After a very emotional funeral pyre for Batman, there is hope now that Dare, the Son of King He-man and Queen Teela can restore peace on Eternia against the son of Skeletor & Evil-Lyn...Skeleteen and his minions of evil!

BONUS GALLERY of older pics!

Darkseid confronts Hordak and Skeletor!


Batman is unmasked using the Icarius/Flipshot head. My inspiration of My favorite Batman movie of all-time Batman Forever!


The Dark Knight with New Adventures He-Man: A bash I out together a while before an official version was released some time later.


That's all for now, who knows, I might update sometime in the future :?: I hope you have enjoyed all of this :batgrin:
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Postby Idiot Savant » Tue May 25, 2021 8:17 pm

Sorry Brandon, I didn’t even know this post was up...

Nice write up on it. I sorely miss those days of hunting for this series and I also agree, that it looked great from the start, ESPecially when they switched to DCUC.

Funnily enough, I wasn’t as “into” the DC SuperHeroes line as much, due to the lack of articulation; for I expected better or at least equal to Toy Biz Legends. But as soon as they went full DCUC, I was all in. Felt great too, because it gave me something to hunt and “collect them all” mentality. Not since Super Powers and vintage Star Wars was I in on such a line.

I also loved how deep they got into the DC Universe with their expanding assortment of characters; I’ve already had my fill of Superman’s and Batman’s by that point already.

I was able to collect all the C&C’s as well as every line, including the Green Lantern waves, exclusives and the Club Infinite Earths too. I’m missing a small variety of variants and the LoSH.

I have since switched out some better figures to replace a few of the DCUC figs in my main collection; but I still have them!

This line will always be special to me, as it is the greatest versions of my favorite comic line as well as the last line I aggressively collected for completion. Sometimes I’ll jus the downstairs and stare at them in wonder; just like I was as a kid.
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Postby Idiot Savant » Tue May 25, 2021 8:41 pm

Also, you have a very nice and engaging story going there; nice job!
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed May 26, 2021 3:17 am

That's ok dude, just check the section or just My profile and you can easily see My posts & topics :)

Yes, this line was great and arguably the best, most complete compared to most despite some issues within the series to put it mildly.

Seems like you collected the series "agressivly" as you said (I like that phase, I use that a lot) like I collected MOTUC, I had to get all of them but there are some that has eluded Me which I will post that in time. I was like this about them because how I treated My original Masters. I too regret how I was about the DC Super Powers (see about that in My vintage figure topic, I just posted Superman from that series) and I think I kinda made up for it but then again like I said previously said, I do regret not collecting the DCUC more, it was because of money and room.

I still think however the DCSP was the best when you talk about inconic action figure series'.

Thanks a lot for comment, likeing My showcase and especially My stories :batgrin:
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:51 pm

Just found these Batman/DC/MOTUC Unlimited cards that I saved in storage a little while ago and thought I'd show them off in a little update :batsmile:

Image :batsmile:
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Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:02 pm

See…I thought (was hoping) that this would be the next evolution of DCUC and it had potential for sure; sadly it didn’t last too much longer
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Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:15 pm

Idiot Savant wrote:See…I thought (was hoping) that this would be the next evolution of DCUC and it had potential for sure; sadly it didn’t last too much longer

Yeah I know, Mattel was/is so foolish with their ways and never ever thinks about how it will/would be in the future for their lines and what their customers would think later on whether it be months or even years no matter how lackluster or wonderful these series' are :roll:

I just found this old coupon, obviously I never spent it but i thought i'd just share this and archive it as a part of My topic :)

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