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Postby Idiot Savant » Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:36 pm

Just got home from seeing Thor 2 and though I won't reveal any spoilers; it's a damn fine movie.

The only thing I will say for the moment is this: stay for the 2 end of movie credit scenes...1 after the main actor credits role and the other after ALL the credits are done...

We can discuss this later....
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Avalon » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:57 am

Crap, I knew there was something I forgot to do this weekend. :batlol:
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Re: THOR 2

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:53 pm

I'm actually pretty excited to watch this film. The trailers remind me of the story where the Asgardians, both good and evil, team to battle Surtur. That was one of my favourite Thor stories of all time.
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Freddie: » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:39 am

Without spoiling anything, I really enjoyed it, far better than Iron Man 3. IM3 needed to use another member of the Avengers in the film instead of the kid. Coming off of the ensemble Avengers and misusing the Mandarin hurt that movie. I like Thor's supporting cast a lot. Loki always steals the show. I really hope they use Jamie as Wonder Woman in the Superman/Batman film. She's tough AND beautiful. Good stuff, GO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!! The 3D doesn't really enhance the film.
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:25 pm

But thankfully, 3-D didn't distract me from it either...which I was a little surprised at; still not sold on 3-D
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:43 pm

I usually watch movies in 2D even when they offer a 3D alternative unless it's a movie that I feel like I absolutely need to see in 3D. I thought the movie was great. I enjoyed it a lot more than the first one. In truth, I didn't enjoy the first one a great deal.
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Caleb » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:07 pm

I wanted to go this weekend, but my Marvel Movie buddy wasn't free until last night. Unlike every single episode of The Walking Dead, NO ONE spoiled this one on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else - at least not that I was aware of. So I could go into the thing completely fresh, which was awesome!

I'd put The Dark World about even with the first Thor. I definitely liked it better than Iron Man 3 as far as the Phase 2 movies go. I don't like Alan Taylor's style as much as Branagh's grandeur, but I guess it fits the story a little better. Tom Hiddleston, as expected, stole the whole movie (well, him and Kat Dennings, who was hilarious). I know some people are tired of Loki at this point, but - like Hugh Jackman's Wolvie - I'd be okay if he showed up again. I love how they handled Svartleheim, and it's nice that Rene Russo had something to do this time around. The banter between Hemsworth and Hiddleston was a highlight of the movie for me, although the final battle was pretty darn awesome. Way better than Iron Man's overblown Mechs Vs. Exploding Men battle.

What didn't work for me...Natalie Portman. I know she was upset that Kimberly Peirce got canned off the project and wanted to walk, but she just didn't seem into it this time around. It definitely felt like she was phoning it in or bored. When her sidekick (Dennings) pops off the screen more than the leading lady? Sad. I also wasn't as impressed by Chris Eccleston's Malekith. He was good in the part, but he didn't really have a whole lot to do - Hiddleston's far more menacing, even in an antihero role. It didn't help that they just NAILED Kurse's look, which kind of made Malekith pale in comparison. And Taylor's bland direction was just kind of a let-down for me - he's easily the weakest of Marvel's behind-the-camera talent thus far.

As far as the 3D goes, I'm with Amethyst here. I usually just stick with 2D, especially with (non-animated) movies that are post-converted, which Thor 2 was. Post-converting sucks. Darks that are way-too-dark, blurry movement, less dynamic coloration. Seriously, 3D is a rip unless the film was made with the drawbacks in mind (Gravity, Avatar, Resident Evil 4). Don't waste your money with Thor 2 in 3D, guys. Any scene in Malekith's ship or Svartleheim is just going to look way, way too dark.
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:32 pm

I'm glad I'm old...I have no need for twitter or the book of I rarely get "spoiled"

But yeah...2-D is the way to go with almost every single movie; until they start making "full sensory movies" (wind, smells and such...zombie movies would probably smell a little...) then ill start investing more in those fancy movies
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:33 pm

Apparently, with that previous post, I'm now a bonafide hero! Costume to follow....
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Re: THOR 2

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:04 am

I hate 3D (seriously, im not impressed in the least by avatar's 3D). Sadly, i love imax, and the local theater rarely shows imax that arent 3D.

Finally got to see it today, and I quite enjoyed it!
I didnt know there was a second stinger on it, though. Kat Dennings needs a bigger role.
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