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The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:00 pm

I am going to be a day late with my Halloween activities, as I was transferred to third shift effective last week. One of my coworkers finagled the night off with HR when she told them she is a pagan and is observing her religious holiday, Samhain. Oh well; because Halloween falls on a Thursday, and because of crazy fanatical celebrations in Boston, a lot of the cool stuff is happening tomorrow night. Halloween in New England is awesome. I will be wearing my The Beyond shirt at work tonight, though.
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:28 pm

OK, well, can you believe that Halloween is over with already and that is is the first of November? Here is My Halloween experience, I'll do some brief commentary and make it like a little event.

It kept on poring down rain throughout the entire morning and till about 6:15 PM, for a long while I had thought of Me not being able to do My Slugger act at all but I was able to do it for about 2 hours. I kept on watch the radar on The Weather Channel, I was amazing we had a Tornado watch till 1 AM :shock: Here we go 8)

There I am with My newer look!


Ah, a bonus!


There I am, ready to rock and hit some heads!


I had to My sweet Baseball swing after knocking somebody's block off :lol:


The Slugger wants you!


Well, My new mask idea was nice but I really had a hard time with it so I quickly went back to My old one and it not only was better fro Me but apparently it was much scarier as well cuz right after I put it on I scared most of everybody compared to the new new mask!!!!!!!


LOOK AT THIS: I stayed on the porch bench and acted like a mannequin or or dummy, I would then hurry and get up and freak everybody out then chase them with My bat :!:


OK, here is the highlights of the night!

1. I scared two young football player into the street after their parents let them out of their van!

2. I scared a young mother and her 3 kids! I banged My bat on the ground near them and the mom was actually more afraid of Me than they were. I finally gave them candy but then one of the kids said I wasn't scary then I said oh yeah, I then went on the porch then got My knife then scared them even more as they ran down the side as I chased them far down the street:shock:

3. There was a group of teenage girls with their mom. They were saying how frightened they were of Me (I knew they were on the sidewalk where I could get them!) and then I hurried up and stood up on the porch for a few seconds and they were shocked!!!!! I then ran for them and they were running and I still chased them down the street! One of the girls' dress hat flew off of her. I didn't want to feel guilty so in My deep monstrous voice I said hey and she turned around. I pointed to her hat and she said My hat? I picked it up and walking fast to her and she is standing still being afraid. I put her hat on her head and I said I'm not a bad guy then before she knew it I banged My bat on the ground and I said now get out of here!!!!!!

Oh wow this was so much fun, I love Halloween and I was so glad that it wasn't a total rain out. Oh I can't wait till the next time:)


Look what My Grandma got Me for Halloween, more things by Accoutrements and even Zombie Planet! I will talk about this sometime in the future so stay tuned:)

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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:00 pm

Hope everybody had a pleasant Halloween!! :batgrin:
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby Avalon » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:14 pm

I had a great halloween. Just watched some horror flicks with some friends. Knocked back some energy drinks. Ate junk. Saw Evil Spirits, Halloween 3 and Amityville Horror 3-D with a weird appearance by a very young Meg Ryan. The last two flicks were just terrible but it was fun to rewatch them since I remember them from my childhood.
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:05 pm

hope everybody had a great halloween.
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:19 pm

Hey Bo, did you get up to anything cool for Halloween?

You need to rake those leaves, Brandon. :batwink:
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:34 pm

AcidDragon wrote:Hey Bo, did you get up to anything cool for Halloween?

You need to rake those leaves, Brandon. :batwink:

Nope, the wind will do that for Me :)
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby Caleb » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:44 am

I had an awesome Halloween, although I'm really sick of these confusing "sexy" costumes. A sexy nurse makes sense. So does a sexy mermaid. Heck, I can even forgive sexy Batgirl. But a sexy Ninja Turtle chick? Sexy Chewbacca? C'mon, son. There's even a sexy Gizmo costume! WTF?! Still, it was pretty awesome. I hit two parties with the wife and kind of roamed the bar scene for a bit on Thursday night. The Gremlins costumes (Billy and Kate, not that horrifying Sexy Gizmo suit) went over pretty well - I'm sure the Medicom Gizmo on my back helped. And, to further affirm my faith in humanity, only two people (both dressed as Miley Cyrus, oddly) asked "Who are you guys supposed to be?"

She already has our couples' costume picked out for next year, and apparently I'm "going to really hate it". That's okay. Wait'll she sees what I've got planned for Comic Con.

And man, what was with the whole Miley Cyrus / zombies thing this year? I kind of get the zombies, but there were SO many wandering Chicago on Thursday - kind of cool in a surreal sense. But Miley Cyrus? Here a Miley Cyrus, there a Miley Cyrus, everywhere a Miley Cyrus? Okay, I get it, that whole twerking business made headlines. What the hell? I get that the ladies like an excuse to prance around in their undies, but c'mon. I saw more Mileys here in Chicago than I did in the closeout bins at Wal-Mart when those crappy Hannah Montana dolls were $5 a pop.

Personal favorite costume of the year: My boss - a tall, sorta chubby, very bald dude with a huge nose - dressed up as the dude from Despicable Me. That costume was spot-on. I'm pretty sure his kids were the little yellow guys.

First Halloween in Chicago, and I'm still reeling from all the crazies coming out in force. My morning train got accosted by guys dressed as zombies, an oddly spot-on Progressive Girl (Flo?) rode the elevator with me AND tried to sell me insurance, the Walgreen's nearby was staffed by bums (costumes, but it was jarring to see), and the wino who hangs out near work - I call him Hennessy Dave - was selling Halloween safety tips for money. I handed him a dollar and he told me that silver kills werewolves. I call that one wasted dollar.
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby beastovjudgement » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:58 am

Most of my Halloween - more accurately, day after Halloween - activity this year must remain classified. I can say I made a very awesome paramilitary Satan, though. I don't know what to do with myself, now. Third shift schedule has me wide awake when everyone else is winding down.
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Re: The Halloween Thread - My favorite time of year!!!

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:34 am

AcidDragon wrote:Hey Bo, did you get up to anything cool for Halloween?

You need to rake those leaves, Brandon. :batwink:

I have just recently moved to a different state, so it was just me and the lady this year. Sad, I know. This is the first year I havent had a party in so long. So intsead, I enjoyed a huge horror marathon, ending with Halloween 1-2.

Hopefully Dragon, you had a more noteworthy Halloween than me. :smgrin:

P.s. We took a walk in the morning, and I almost stepped on a Snake!! I know that mite be kinda normal for some people, but Im a city kid from MI, Ive never almost stepped on a snake in my life!!! It was a good Halloween scare for me.
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