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Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Topics include figures inspired by Batman the Animated Series, the Justice League Unlimited figure series by Mattel, the Young Justice action figure series, Beware the Batman and much more!

Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby amos brearly » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:45 pm

i really cannot fathom it? hasbro manages to get series after series of spider-man lines out at retail. the latest being the awesome looking new SPIDER-MAN LEGENDS INFINITE SERIES.

its just such a shame that mattel cannot do something similar with batman, animated or dcuc stylized.

one of the biggest missed opportunities with dcuc was not having a 2 wave batman classics sub line like they did GL classics. Baman classics would have been the biggest home run of all.
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:13 pm

I think there was an attempt at this with Batman Legacy but it didn't go that well which is weird because I thought the figures were great. I really liked the Barb Gordon Batgirl we got. Maybe it got too extreme with two Golden Age characters in First Appearance Batman and Catwoman in one wave. :aksad:
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Anarky » Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:15 pm

Ok, so a 4" beware the batman figure was placed in the top retail shelf, alongside batman power attack figures in that scale. I did post a question on the DC retail Matty board but my guess is that we'll get an announcement at comickaze or toyfair as to whether BtB will continue via the power attack line or get a dedicated line. A 6" BtB Anarky was announced at this year's toy fair, so I'm incline to think the figure will be shown soon in the 4" scale soon.
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:32 pm

Yeah, like Acid said, they've attempted a "Batman Classics" line a few times, and he and his extended family (including villains) make up more of the extended DCUC family than any other subset, save for maybe Green Lantern.

Also, Mattel has just about constantly had a batman kid's line in some form or another out since they aquired the lisence.

The current "evergreen" line has been going almost since BatB line ended.
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Freddie: » Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:40 am

I'm assuming a Beware the Batman line would have to be shown at Toy Fair first to ensure there is a retailer willing to carry it. SDCC and the other conventions seem to be a way for the toy manufacturers to show the fans new figures for existing toy lines. Since they haven't "shown" Beware the Batman to buyers yet it would be foolish to show the fans a line that may or may not get picked up by retailers. Maybe? :wwhuh:
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Anarky » Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:50 am

It's not that simple. Two 5" BtB figures were announced at toyfair earlier this year, only one of which came out. And the 4" BtB makes me think the line is transferred to that scale. I wouldn't rule out a comicaze announcement, since there's got to be behind the scenes stuff at work too. Look how far GLTAS toys got: ... eries.html
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Freddie: » Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:49 am

I'm guessing here but I'm certain that the GL line was scrapped because of the glut of GL product left over from the failed movie marketing campaign and the fact that Young Justice had recently flopped as well.
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Rex Mason » Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:45 pm

I'm hearing that Beware the Batman isn't doing so hot with ratings. Hopefully the Happy Meal campaign has helped a bit, as I'd love for this show to continue and for us to get an entire toy line from it.
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Freddie: » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:11 am

The ONLY positive thing about Beware the Batman not doing well in the ratings is that MAYYYYBE they will reconsider computer animation for future projects. Sorry, I'm ol' school! :batlol:
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Re: Fate of the Beware the Batman toyline

Postby Rex Mason » Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:47 pm

Looks like they're pulling next week's new episode, and no repeat, either...

Really bad sign.
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