Anyway, My first DC Direct figure ever was Gorilla Grodd. I loved the character previously so I had to have him and expected such greatness for this line but again, I was so disappointed with the pathetic standard of the company. So I got him (I remember Me and My Grandma @ Rally's thinking oh boy, I got this great food plus when I get home I get to open Gorilla Grodd

Now, the sculpting, color scheme and paint wash is dandy, don't get Me wrong about that. That was one of THE MAJOR factors and important aspects of thinking about collecting this line is the first darn place!

He is made of a rather thin plastic that I am not a fan of whatsoever. Grodd's POA is extremely limited, he is supposed to move at the neck, shoulders and hips via cut joints and has hinged elbow & knee joints but they are so tight I can barley move them. As it is, I am afraid to move him so I just got him in a decent and acceptable pose so his he is basically like a statue

I love his huge belly and overall gorilla physique

The Copyright on his left foot

Here is a comparison of him with Mattel's DCUC Killer Croc V2. I featured him in My huge great showcase DCUC: DOOMSDAY IS HERE! So, He came out about five or so years later after Mattel got their licences to make DC figures after Hasbro's ran it's course. When I originally got them I thought maybe this would make up for the DC Direct disappointment of the past and it kinda did despite some quality among other issues with Mattel. As you see, with exceptions, he...along with other DCUC could fit within the series or vice versa.

DC Direct The Dark Knight movie Deluxe The Joker. So moving on, here is Heath Ledger's The Joker from TDK! As a collector of 1/6-12" scale figures, I wanted to get this figure despite My issues with DC Direct years prior. All is fine with POA, the sculpting, paint and clothing. He has a good likeness. His body is OK quality and has many POA that you would expect but he isn't ultra articulated that avid 1/6 collector's would desire. He is kinda larger than some 1/6 figures when you compare him to the likes of Sideshow & Hot Toys among others. He is actually about 13" tall

Here is a size comparison of him with Mattel's Movie Masters The Joker and also with Mattel's oversized 14" Batman Begins figure. You can see how large The Joker is next to him!

Well, that's all, this all of My DC Direct figures. Just them two and My Cover Girls of DC Statues at that link. I hope you have enjoyed this, comments and questions please