Mattel should have never allowed that to happen in the first place. Mattel's mindset really screws them up and makes Me really really disrespect them especially after what they did to Me (see My WWE Deal for more on that - I don't forget crap & disregards things like most of society does). If Mattel wouldn't have had "the frugal budget" issues and the density of ToyGuru (don't think I have forgotten the days of Matty Collector because it still seems like it was last week - there was bad times and there was good times and I miss a lot of it especially with the MOTUC but it always seemed like Mattel wanted things to be negative). Maybe things would have been different with the DC line and things in general had they not been like that. This whole Mattel vs. McFarlane scenario reminds of the great deal way back in the 80s when Kenner lost the rights to DC and then Marvel's own company ToyBiz snagged it up right away (see My great history & showcases of that, you'll see so very few people on the entire web ever acknowledging & showing that great stuff) then when their brief deal expired, Kenner hurried up and I mean they wasted little to no time getting the licence back in the great fun year of 1990 (look for a special about that from Me in time) and they kept it to the very end of their days in the late 90s until those corporate locusts Hasbro retired the great company & name of Kenner
Now, I'm glad that your very excited about this Acid but like Packer said about his wallet, I feel the same because the prices are so darn high and I've talked about that time & time again. You can get Vintage figures for the prices that they charge for these modern ones that have little to no history. I wanna get the get the things that I couldn't before a long time ago. If you saw what I got for My Christmas, I got some great stuff including Kenner's Action Masters, one of them is the Legends of Batman. I have always wanted that version from the 90s as it's My fave version, it was 30 years in the making for Me. Now, as I have said about variants, how many varietals of Batman & John Cena do we need

I've never been like that of "what sells". My mindset is always different for the rare & obscure and never been done before. Once Mattel get's it going, I'm sure there's going to be wasted slots of Batman and the rest of the JLA that's been done so many times. It would be cool if they would make their own version of Legends of Batman or even the Legends of the Dark Knight, if they would do that then I would give them kudos. Now, if Mattel is actually going to be different approaching the line, they should continue where they left off and not reboot the line. As I say, this generation needs to look back on so much, it's already there in the past plus it will help for the older people & veterans that was collecting the DCUC to get where they left off provided the bittersweet taste has left their mouths. As for Me, I don't have the funds nor the space to collect these again. What you saw in My great showcases is what all I have though I might find something else stashed in storage here & there and post it/them whatever that maybe in time. Best bet is do what Packer did when he got those really cool re-imagining of Sectaurs for only $5 each on clearance. Now that is affordable and what action figures should cost, Mattel's as well as others excuses of limited resources is ridicules and I've been tired about that for many years now. It makes it so hard for a person to get a whole set if their really serious about collecting a whole series.
Thanks for posting this Acid