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My Vintage Wrestling Collection: NO HOLDS BARRED!!!

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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: CD THEME COLLECTION!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:59 pm

I;ve never seen some of those videos. I did get the Best of the 80s and 90s DVDs when they came out. I I had the music vol 3 and 4 somewhere. I remember thinking it was pretty cool that all the themes were available on a CD like that. Kids have no idea these days, lol. I can search and find any of those songs in five seconds now. I don't really buy DVDs or CDs anymore.
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: CD THEME COLLECTION!!

Postby OneNineSix » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:16 pm

That is an epic wrestling collection dude.
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: CD THEME COLLECTION!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:41 am

PB - Well good you were surprised a bit. Well I hope you took care of your's, Yeah, don't get Me wrong about searching and finding it in 5 seconds but I'm old school and will always be. Kids don't know. I hope there's people out there teaching them this history cause it will be so far away when their grown up :roll:

ONS - Thanks a lot. When I say that I'm a huge wrestling fan, I mean it :shock: I'm one of the biggest you'll ever meet ;) Like I said before, long ago in school and so on I tried to get people into it and we could have done so much fun stuff together but nope, they went their own way :roll:

Thanks guys for the replies, I appreciate that very much :)
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: Final F4WNL!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 19, 2024 7:29 am

So it's been way too long since this fantastic Topic of Mine has had an update. I hate it when topics get little to no attention for whatever reason and just sits there waiting to be lost in the shuffle :x I was originally going to show My Wrestling Video Game Collection but I didn't but will in time. So right now I have an important showcase I was going to post back in May for it's Anniversary but I didn't but now I am so better late than never is the way I'm thinking. This will be the final showcase of My Figure-Four Newsletters as I found one back earlier on in the year serendipitously. I was like oh man, there's one more. So a while back I made big showcase of My F4 Newsletters which I got them before the web and it was the only way to find out backstage news & rumors in the world of Pro Wrestling. Since I've always wanted to know more about everything and always thinking outside of the box, these were right up My alley at a young age. So this Figure Four Wrestling Weekly Newsletter was from May 24, 1999, that's 25 years ago this year which 1999 was the last of the classic days before the new Millennium before so much would change in so many categories in the years ahead :shock:


My Grandma MiMi had cancelled My subscription in 1997 because of the almighty Web which as much as plebeians think the Net is the greatest thing ever, it really hurt in the long run as it changed so many fun things and made so much obsolete IMO but I will never be conditioned to be that way because the past is very important and what I'm doing now is only a small example of that. I believe they sent Me this one to sign up again but I didn't. Here's the front of it as it discusses ECW Hardcore Heaven 99. It all written as usual by Brian Alvarez. My pictures are detailed, as always click in a new tab to see & read the detail :)


Here's the Inside of the Newsletter.


Here's the back of the Figure Four Newsletter with a lot of the Info :)


Now here it is being put in My Custom Made Case that My Grandma MiMi made for Me that I've already shown before as this is very special to Me :)


Well, that do it. I hope you liked this this final update of My F4WNL. If you want to re-see My first F4WNL showcase or if you missed it go here to see all of that history --->

We shall see what My next update will be, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: Final F4WNL!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:44 pm

Balls Mahoney! Balls! Balls! Balls!

That's a cool case, I'm sure that's something you'll keep forever.
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: Final F4WNL!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:26 am

Oh, yes, you couldn't pay Me enough money to give that case away. My Grandma MiMi made that and she made it so well. I loved how she made the colors just like the actual colors that was in the WCW & WWF logos just like i wanted her to do. It's truly a one of a kind case. If you missed out on My original showcase, please follow that link I provided before, I did a size comparison and everything. thanks for checking this out and for the reply PB, I appreciate that :)
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Re: My Vintage Wrestling Collection: NO HOLDS BARRED!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:21 pm

So today will be a very, very special Anniversary. This year marks the 35th Anniversary of NO HOLDS BARRED, one of My most fave movies ever and arguably the best wrestling movie ever made :!:


A couple years back I made a special of No Holds Barred in Packer's Movie Trailer Topic. Only he ever said stuff about it then so I guess everybody else either overlooked it...when people never look back, they miss so much good content and I say this all the time so here's the link to it so you don't miss it again --->

Now, while people was doing this & that about and.or during 2020 (many still are), I returned to this great Forum and I posted about My Christmas Haul which you can see this here --->

Here's My Quote from My Topic...

BrandonDaCollector wrote:CHRISTMAS

The WWF No Holds Barred magazine/program: As you know I am a huge wrestling fan (more to come later on that subject!). I loved the movie No Holds Barred, (R.I.P. Zues :( IMO it is the best wrestling movie ever and when I little I asked My Grandma to get the book back in the day, she couldn't get it anywhere and it was sold out in the WWF warehouse/store back then. Well, fast forward over 30 years later she got it for Me on eBay and I am so happy about that!


Now with that being known, back then I didn't know where I was headed here because a lot had changed. When 2020 hit, I awoke and realized how important things of the past is. It hit Me when I got out My OSTM ECW Figures and then I realized how much better the past was and that I need to heavily focus on that...the urge was always there but the spark needed to arrive and then it did. If you have been faithfully following Me, reading and seeing My great visually stunning showcases, then you know that I have significantly evolved since then and I have showed an absolute major load of great stuff including Vintage & Modern Action figures, Video Games, VHS Tapes & DVDs, Movies Scores & Soundtracks, Books, Various Items and much more. I talk & show My own local stuff, past & present because I love it and seems like most of today's society doesn't care about any that which is a shame how that has become, however, it will never be that way with Me. Just look for instance what I've done in this very Topic of My Vintage Wrestling Collection...I go in-depth about so much not to mention My other types of Topics like My Composers, Horror & Kaiju ones. I'm one of the only people on the entire web that does what I do and once We're, gone...sadly that's it because I don't have the the confidence in this Generation doing what I do so things don't go into a Limbolic stage and fall to Oblivion...with My help that will not happen :) So with that being said, I'm about to present My WWF No Holds Barred Program Magazine in its ENTIRETY :o So your getting a big free look at this classic Book, see how many people online is doing this :o First of all, here it is in the protective Sleeve. This is great for Magazines & Comics. The eBay Seller named Security is a smart one for doing that because not all Sellers do it :)


Now, out of the protective Sleeve, here is the No Holds Barred Magazine...gosh that front Cover is so great looking, still one of the coolest wrestling magazines to date :!:


First, as you open up the Program, your greeted by an Advertisement of Acclaim's Remote Controller which I have shown & talked about elsewhere. This was revolutionary back then in these days of the NES yet how many people are still talking about this history :?: It pains Me how Acclaim was the number one video game company in the late 80s - early 2000s then they go out of business then society moves on like they never existed... kids today has no clue who or what they are & especially their sister companies LJN, Arena, Flying Edge, Sculpted Software & Iguana, gosh that's super sad right there...they were arguably My fave video game company of all. On the next page is a Poster Ad for No Holds Barred...look at that :)


Here's the 1989 Acclaim Copyright as well as the "Shane Distribution Company", 1989 copyright this was released by New Line Cinema on June 2, 1989, 35 years ago this year during a great lineup of movies such as Ghostbusters II, Batman, The Return of Swamp Thing, The Punisher, Star Trek V. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Burbs, Back to the Future Part II, Licence to Kill, Kickboxer & Cyborg, The Abyss, Deep Star Six, Leviathan, Godzilla vs. Biollante The Fly II, Warlock,Shocker, Hider in the House plus much more :o By the way, Shane Distribution Company was actually a sister company of Titan Sports after...did you guess it :? Shane McMahon just like Stephanie Music that was for WWF The Music Vol. 2 (that I previously showcased here within My Topic) was for Stephanie McMahon :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I've always loved history & trivia since I was a I always say, the more you now :)


Now as I said before, I wanted this great Magazine Program way back when it came out as I saw it advertised in the WWF Magazines and We never could find it at any store We went to. My Grandma MiMi went to order it through the WWF Magazine Warehouse Catalog for Back Issues one may have missed as she's done this for Me previously with success, but it was out of stock and they never did get it back in, so I never did get it. Quite frankly I never knew why the heck I never looked for it later on during the heyday on eBay...however, I feel the reason was because I was really stupid, following the trends and buying that & this that is new & modern in the 2000s - 2010s...most of the things (which is a lot) has already been disregarded by society especially since there's a new different Generation :roll: So again, 2020 came to be and I awoke. Come around November/Early December it popped in there about No Holds Barred...soon after that, I started thinking of the cool Magazine Program I wanted so darn bad when I was a youngster as I looked on "The Bay" and lo and behold there was only a few of'em available. My Grandma always got Me something for Christmas, I told her the story and she's like ok, pick out the best version and I'll give you my card number. So I did and I got it :) It was over 30 years in the making...I repeat...THAT'S OVER THIRTY YEARS IN THE MAKING :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Now think to yourself about that :!: This was really one of the last Christmas Gifts she ever got Me but I'm so thankful for this that she did this for Me :) Now I'm not going into details page-by-page, if you clicked the link above to My Spotlight of the Movie and/or if you know the movie as much as I do which I've watched countless times, as much as My Science Project, Ghostbusters 1 & 2 and Big Trouble in Little China which is a lot then you'll know what is going on here. If not, perhaps you're a noob, a novice or just need to be re-freshened, then you'll be surprised here because there's a lot to be seen plus when I got the Book, I was surprised because many of these stills I never seen before so here...we...go :batwink:

Here's the introduction about Rip Thomas & "The Human Wrecking Machine" Zeus...


while Mr. Brell played by Big Kurt Fuller wants WWF's Rip Thomas for his WTN - World Television Network. As I said before, this predated Ted Turner & The Monday Night Wars by years...again, as I always say, look back to the past as it's already there, this generation seriously needs to heed this :shock:


Notice the WWF Magazine Ads, I will show them in detail in moments.


I just loved how Zeus makes his first appearance in the epic film, it's one of the most exciting yet mysterious ones of a villain in all fighting films IMO :batwink: Look as he just defeated Neanderthal played by WWE Hall of Famer Stan "The Lariat" Hansen :o Mr. Brell just found his "Anti-Rip" :!:


This was great...


I've featured and talked about this many times on the board but really never gets acknowledged. This was the first time that Zeus played by Tom "Tiny" Lister Jr. encountered Jeep Swenson. In the film he plays Lugwrench Perkins in a boiler room of all places. Jeep was a wrestler on the other wrestling circuit such as WCCW, AWA & GWF. Hulk Hogan always said he has the largest arms in world with his 24" Pythons but that wasn't true because Swenson did at 26" :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: In the year of change of 1996, he became The Final/Ultimate Solution...he joined Zeus with The Alliance to Destroy Hulkamainia then in 97, Jeep was chosen to play Bane in Batman & Robin then unfortunately he passed away :roll: Coincidentally, years later, Zeus played a convict in 2008's The Dark Knight then years later he passed away, in fact, he died around the time I received this Book in 2020 :shock: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I'm one of the only people ever that thought that is was/is a strange yet big deal. Here's a close up of Jeep fighting Zeus :!:


Continuing the story :)


Mr. Brell has one of his goons attack the lovely Samantha played by the classy hot Joan Severance...


Zeus nearly kills Rip's little brother Randy played by Mark Pellegrino and Hogan shows great emotion here, honestly, it's darn near award nominee material :batwink:


The showdown between Rip & Zeus was awesome, one of the best climaxes of any movie thus far :!:


Here's this great profile of "The Hulkster" himself...


as it continues, there's a great WWF Magazine Offer page that features "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart...look at the coolness & fun of how it was way back in great 1989 :)


Here's the back Cover on this fantastic Program. Look at that, it's an Advert for WWF Wrestlemania V when The Mega Powers EXPLODED :!: Look at the VHS, it was $39.99 and you get a Free Wristwatch plus look at the Hulkster Marvel Comic Copyright:batwink:


As I said before, I was a loyal WWF subscriber for over a decade. I learned so much thru Magazines before the Web was even considered to be a thing. I always wanted to know things and I did it as often as I could. Here's a close up of the WWF Magazine Subscription Inserts :)



Here's My No Holds Barred Collection as you see My just now seen Magazine along with My previously seen VHS & DVD. Now look at that, it's not much to others but it's very much to Me because when this movie came out, it was a huge part of My world and really it still is :)


That's all for this special 35th Anniversary of No Holds Barred and the Magazine Program that was from My Grandma MiMi...30 years in the making :shock: I have some more great Vintage Wresting stuff coming up in the future so be alert for that, until the next showcase, I'll see you around :scbat:

SPECIAL BOUNS EDIT. I posted this to coincide with My special Showcase. Here's this from from the Wrestling Theme Topic :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:I just posted a very special showcase in My Vintage Wrestling Collection which is My NO HOLDS BARRED Magazine Program! It's the 35th Anniversary of No Holds Barred which is one of My all-time faves. You can see My great showcase here --->

So first, here's this short promo of "The Hulkster" hyping up his movie on VHS which you can see that very same VHS Tape in My Showcase once you click that link above :)

Now here's this cool segment of big Kurt Fuller being Mr. Brell on live WWF TV...this was awesome :o

Now, here's this great Tron of "The Human Wrecking Machine" Zeus :!: Gosh this is great and I love his super good theme too :)

It was such good times them :)

More to come in time :batgrin:
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