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My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Featuring some of the most creative looking action figures, ever, He-man and the Masters of the Universe and She-Ra Princess of Power has garnered a huge following since it's creation in the early '80s.

Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:12 pm

Woo-hoo that’s a lot of awesome customs right there! Crazy nice of him to help lift your spirits during a tough time; great guy to be sure.

Thanks for sharing all that
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:56 pm

Idiot Savant wrote:Woo-hoo that’s a lot of awesome customs right there! Crazy nice of him to help lift your spirits during a tough time; great guy to be sure.

Thanks for sharing all that

Yes it is indeed Idiot :) Yes it was, he really is one of a kind guy and I was very lucky to have him as a friend and him there by My side all that time :o :( :D Thanks Idiot, I appreciate your reply :batsmile:
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:00 pm

Those are some pretty cool customs and a great story. He sounds like a good dude. It's neat to see what some customizers create using existing parts. Personally, I barely can find the time to fill my collection with customs of actual characters. I've never attempted to create a new character for a line. Maybe someday. Do you have any links to his sites? I wouldnt mind just looing around.
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:04 am

Thanks a lot packer, yes indeed. It is great to see that. Nope, he has retired years ago unfortunately :roll:
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:16 am

So here is an update, unexpected I'm sure but I saved this occasion on this very date of 12/10/23 and I will get to that in a moment. DarthHink (the other Brandon I personally knew ;) He was a Horror, MOTU, Star Wars & Wrestling freak like Me which I was quite lucky and very fortunate that I found him on eBay :) I wanted to enter this as I only showed it in My GINORMOUS Spooky Figure Showcase & More located here ---> This item is My Marvel Zombies Book that was given to Me by DarthHink in My Christmas Farewell Box with tons of goodies that I showed on Page 1. You can go back and see it all in it's entirety plus much more if you wish. So here is the picture I took over two years ago :blbat: :blww: :blsm:


Now here is the big reason why I am posting this update for this particular date. If you look at everything that I showcased within this Topic you will not see this. On that dreadful day (dreadful because I was so depressed beyond words of being in the hospital for over two weeks then I didn't want to come home and because I was scared). When I came home a package from the Mail was waiting for Me an dit was from DarthHinka nd within this package he included it with My Snake-Man Mercenary & Crystal Armor's none other than the DVD of He-Man & She-Ra Christmas Special :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I already had it on DVD when I bought the whole collection but I never wanted to tell him that because it was Christmas time and he did this out of the goodness of his heart so here it is still in it's CD/DVD Sleeve that he put it in and I don't think I ever removed it so it's still quite pristine :)


Now here is arguably the biggest aspect of this whole presentation. On the back of the CD/DVD Sleeve he personally wrote as special Note to Me. I remember it like it was yesterday when I got this I cried My head off because I was so depressed going thru all of that trauma and trying to get back track which I had major PTSD (you can check on the board when I fell & broke My leg in similar fashion like Sycho Sid was on December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, 2013...when this happen to Me, it was such a horrible time and nobody knows what crap is like till it happens to them!) so I mean I wasn't Myself to say the least. So here is his Note with his very creatively awesome signature, now take a good look at it as you see it's 12-10-13 as it was three days after My accident as he didn't hesitate in the slightest which it was so great of him to do this wonderful gesture for as I'm typing this right now is 12/10/23...that's 10 years ago on December 10th, 2013 of this year on this very date :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So here's all three that he gave Me together to reminiscent how it was 10 years ago on this day. Now this is pretty cool :)


So there's that and I'm thankful that I was able to do this. Even though this was under dire circumstances for Myself, I am also thankful that the guy I was doing business with was also kind, generous & considerate because I know there's others that wouldn't have been. That's all for this one and I hope you liked this unexpected entry :scbat:
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:37 am

A very touching story and I'm very glad you had someone who showed you kindness during such a dark time.
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Re: My Custom Figure Emotional Journey with Darthhink!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:58 am

Thanks very much Acid, I appreciate that a lot :)
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