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My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

The toy line from a galaxy far far away! The section for fans of the movies, comics, vintage and modern toylines (Kenner, Hasbro Star Wars Black, etc), the Clone Saga, the WOTC miniatures game and more!

Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed May 08, 2024 7:29 am

Thanks :) Oh yes, Me too. Sometimes that's the only to see and know certain characters, creatures, events etc. I have at least one comic that I'll show when I get to Attack of the Clones which I have a special story about that. Soon I will get to Part of The Phantom Menace :!: Thanks PB :)
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - GI SPECIAL!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:10 pm

So, here's this special update. I posted a lot of cool stuff in My Topics that had anniversaries and so forth. One I did greatly in My Video Game Collection Topic. It was the 25th Anniversary of My 1999 Game Informer Magazine that featured Star Wars. If you recall, I featured a bit of GI within My great Topic here previously about Rouge Squadron and the anticipation of The Phantom Menace which again, it's really cool going back seeing such classic stuff. Here's My quote from My recent showcase back in December of last year :!:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:25th Anniversary of these Game Informer Magazines featuring Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Stone Cold Steve Austin & Capcom's Dino Crisis starring Regina in 1999!!!


If you somehow missed this and want to see the entire fantastic showcase in its entirety then go here as you don't want to miss this :)

More coming soon :)
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Re: Star Wars Variety Pins!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:41 am



I know I'm behind on a lot but hey, I'm doing stuff ;) So, today will be a different one. I wanted to present this on this very day. This showcase is a special Variety Star Wars Pins edition :!:


As you see above, the Copyrights are 2011 & 2013 which as I always say, check them Copyrights, not even the "supposed" experts tell you to. I've been doing it since I was a youngster. You'll be glad that you headed My advise :) Now, I got these pins as a charity donation items at My Wehrenberg theater long before Marcus took them over. They were only a $1 each from different times a-piece. Here's a special quote from Me from Packer's Drive-Inn Topic :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Well that's some cool memories you have there too PB ;) Oh yes, it is a darn shame. The only Drive-In that We really have in Our area is the inspired one at the Marcus Theater that's inside the building that actually has a screen, I've watched many Cardinals Games as well as other sports & stuff on there eating My food and/or waiting for the next movie to start. It's really a Diner to eat at but it's the closest thing to a Drive-In We have despite it's inside the building. It's been there for a long time in the Ronnies Plaza Building ever since I've known it long ago that I showcased in My all crucial Odds & Ends a long while back.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here is the pics that I made long ago. This is My favorite location to go to. It's in South County at Ronnie's Plaza. Its one of the largest in Missouri. It is still known as Ronnies 20 Cine st least! Here I put together their logo, the way it was inside with the classic inspiration of a drive-inn restaurant with such excellent food and their wonderful arcade room that I absolutely loved going in :batsmile:


Now, I never opened these. First up is this one of C-3PO & R2-D2 from the Phantom Menace 3D - CGI Yoda edition.


Here's this one of Master Yoda.


Here's this one of Lord Darth Vader :)


Here's all three together in their fine packaging :)


That's all for this short showcase and I hope you liked it on this Valentine's Day :) Don't forget to see My 99 Game Informer Magazine that features The Phantom Menace from My previous update, there's nothing like seeing great stuff from the past that someone like Myself works hard to bring back :) Soon, I have more special 99 TPM coming up, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES II SPECIAL!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Feb 28, 2025 9:52 am

Make sure you see what I posted for Valentines' Day :wwwink: :batwink: Before I continue more great stuff of 99's The Phantom Menace, I wanted to post a bonus of Star Wars Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight :!:


I recently found this in it's CD Case which was on My shelf hidden in plain sight and honestly, I forgot I had this as I haven't seen it in many years which is a shame that I did that, but I did find it after all :)


I'm really not sure how I got this to begin with. It's a Shareware Video-Disc/CD-Rom. These were a major thing back in the day in the 90s that a lot of society will not acknowledge or even know about which is a shame how things are now :roll: These were basically Demos/free to play games samples. I loved this way because it was it a free way test out Computer Games. I know I played Dark Forces 2 and fell in love with it so I had to get the full version that I already greatly showcased a while back here in My SW Topic. There was only three levels which was superb, after playing it countless times..."I wanted More" :!: Look on the CD for the 1997 Copyright, always look for those Copyrights regardless of what your collectibles are :batwink:


This great Shareware was possible because of Diamond Multimedia Hardware.


Here's a clear look at the cool looking CD with no Cover.


Here's a comparison of it with the Disc 1 of the full Video Game.


Like Sega CD Games, SW: Dark Forces 2 was "a true video game" because it actually had video. Here's a look at My small but awesome Dark Forces II Collection :)


So there's that gem that I just found the other day. I have more Dark Forces II coming up via special character entries & more that I will post in time. Next, will be some specials from 99's The Phantom Menace, until then, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 22, 2025 9:30 am

So, continuing more of My Episode 1 Collection. I know I'm way behind on things but, at least I'm doing stuff :) Here's this special from 7-11 :shock: If you don't know this then your in for a treat here. :)


7-11 had special Cups promoting the new & long-awaited prequel. I got all of them. Included is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, C-3PO, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Sebulba & Watto. I just love the Darth Sidious one which that picture is My fave of Palpatine of ever of all-time :)


Here's an example of the bios on the Cups.


There was a scratch-off game to play like good ol' 7-11 used to have for a long time. I'm not recalling what it was called or what you'd win at the moment however. Here's a tiny example of that, look at that date :shock:


Here's the Lucasfilm & Pepsi Copyright :!:


Now, here's the important part as to what location I got these from. I recall it like it was last week when Me & Grandpa PoPo walked down the street to Our local 7-11 on Gravois & Bates late at night which We walked a lot at night around the neighborhood especially after We watched The X-Files, WWF Raw & WCW Nitro which I miss this dearly but I'm grateful to have these moments so here's a picture via Instant Street View of My local 7-11 that's still there :)


More to come soon :)
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Mar 23, 2025 3:21 pm

I don't recall those though I wasn't exactly going to 7-11 back then. In fact, they may've been gone from the area around that time because for a quite a few years they all closed up around here. Those make me think of the old 7-11 Superhero cups that I loved as a kid.
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Mar 24, 2025 8:35 am

Oh what a shame that your local 7-11s were gone even by then :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Some of Our's is gone too but as you saw My location, thank goodness it's still there :) 7-11 is great, you just never know what they have plus I love their Hot Dogs and especially their Nacho Cheese & Chili as I have expressed before. I'm like the late great "Big" George Foreman, I love food :) Yes, I believe these were similar and some of the last that 7-11 made like that, it was during really good times.

Thanks for checking this out PB, more is coming soon :)
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Mar 25, 2025 4:12 pm

Wow, you don't have 7-11s? That's crazy. It seems like such an American thing!
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Mar 25, 2025 7:52 pm

Oh no, we have them now. But there was a time in the late 90s or so where they left the area. I don't recall exactly when they came back, but it's been a longtime.
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Re: My Miscellaneous Collection - 7-11 EP1!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Mar 26, 2025 9:56 am

I know what you mean about stores leaving the area then they come back many, many years later PB. It's a shame that some states & countries don't have the opportunities as others do. You guys missed some great stuff then because how companies didn't choose to be in certain locations :roll: But as you saw, those 7-11 SW Cups are so excellent and at least you can experience them with Me showcasing them :) More is coming soon so be alert for it in time ;)
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