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Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

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Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Apr 16, 2019 4:55 pm

Just giving a heads up to everybody, for the first time ever, Jim Starlin's entire sci-fi fantasy epic Dreadstar is going to be available via Kickstarter!!! It was funded in under 12 hours and still available for another 30 days!

Ominous Press is proud to announce the Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar Omnibus Collection. Featuring more than 1,500 pages of classic Dreadstar action, each page has been meticulously remastered by Jim Starlin himself, making this the definitive Dreadstar collection. The three-volume hardcover Omnibus Collection will gather the complete Dreadstar stories by cosmic master Jim Starlin. Volume 1 is a 512-page collection of Dreadstar’s journey, from the original Metamorphosis Odyssey presented in Epic Illustrated magazine, to the Dreadstar Graphic Novel, The Price graphic novel, the Epic Illustrated short story, and the first eight issues of the original standalone Dreadstar comic series. As an exclusive bonus, Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar Omnibus Volume 1 also features the original painted Metamorphosis Odyssey Portfolio, as well as a four-page bonus story, The Prayer. Whether you’re a longtime Dreadstar fan, or this is your first introduction to the acclaimed series, this volume is a massive, must-own masterpiece.

Dreadstar is the comos-spanning tale of Vanth Dreadstar, a powerful warrior and the lone survivor of the Milky Way Galaxy. Joined by his crewmates Oedi, Syzygy Darklock, Willow, and Skeevo, the team finds themselves in the middle of an ancient stalemate war between two forces of evil: The Church of Instrumentality, led by the all-powerful and misguided Lord Papal, and The Monarchy.

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Re: Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

Postby Avalon » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:17 pm

Thank you for the heads up. I actually bought the Dynamite omnibus for the first volume but then they cancelled my pre-order for volume 2. Looks like I missed out of the early bird offer but I wanted the slipcase anyway. I'm glad I can finally complete my collection but it is sad I have to double dip and that this wont be at the local comic book shops unless I guess they order them in.
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Re: Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:40 am

Yeah, I managed to score the early bird but it sold out in under 12 hours.
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Re: Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

Postby Doctor Fate » Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:44 am

AcidDragon wrote:Yeah, I managed to score the early bird but it sold out in under 12 hours.

My LCS had acquired 8 sets on preorder and they were gone in 5 minutes upon announce ... the early bird. :batsmh:
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Re: Jim Starlin's Dreadstar Omnibus Collection Kickstarter!

Postby Avalon » Mon Apr 22, 2019 7:05 pm

I tried a few stores to see if I could score a similar deal to the one on early bird in the kickstarter but there is already significant markup so I ended up getting the slipcase one for 300 directly from the kickstarter which was still cheaper than the ones offered at the stores and they didn't come with the case anyway. I was also told Dynamite is doing another collection but its prereleased material again so I gave that one a pass.
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