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Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:40 pm
by packerbacker180
32 cartoons and this is the first, and probably the only Adultswim...

The Venture Bros. debuted on Adultswim 17 years and two days ago on 8/7/2004 (damn, had I know I would've done the writeup Saturday!) and ran for seven season scattered across fourteen years, and always worth the wait.


I'm not even sure how to describe it so I'll just let wikipedia do the work for me, The series chronicles the lives and adventures of the Venture family: well-meaning but incompetent teenagers Hank and Dean Venture; their loving but emotionally insecure, unethical and underachieving super-scientist father Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture; the family's bodyguard, secret agent Brock Samson, or his temporary replacement, the reformed villain and pederast Sergeant Hatred; and the family's self-proclaimed archnemesis, The Monarch, a butterfly-themed supervillain.


I've never been an Adultswim fan, by the time it came on I had little interest in cartoons on TV, but a friend of mine when I worked overnights at Walmart knew we had similar interests in pop culture and comics so he convinced me I needed to check the show out and let me borrow his season1 DVD. After just a couple episodes I was hooked. Rusty Venture's dad was the epitome of the 1960s action cartoon alpha male Race Bannon/Dr. Quest ultimate super-scientist, while Rusty is basically Johnny if he grew up to be a miserable failure but lived off his father's wealth and fame.

To watch over Dr. Venture and his two sons, is Office of Secret Intelligence (OSI) agent Brrrrrrrrrrrock Samson (and if you read that in Paul Heyman's voice give yourself five extra points) voiced by Patrick Warburton best know for his critically acclaimed, a financially successful run as the live action version of The Tick (Spoon!)--hey, in my universe it was.


But the real star of the show for me, and often the most hilarious episodes, involved The Mighty Monarch and his quest for Vengeance on Dr. Venture, alongside his girlfirend.wife, Dr. Girlfriend/Dr. Mrs. the Monarch, Henchmen 21 and 24

The show was popular enough that it spawned it's own line of t-shirts of the week from Adultswim that coincided with each episode. I had a Henchmen 24 shirt that used to fit :(.


And a line of Mego-esque figures


Hell, they even released yearly Christmas songs, that were amazing (but you'd have to follow the show to recognize the voices and really get the humor)!

But it wasn't all zany action, blood and voilence combined with foul language and lewd conduct. Oh, no. It was also a learning experience. Thanks to the Venture Bros. I now no the horror of testicular torsion.


The cast would grow overtime to include Doctor Orpheus (a Dr. Strange caricature), an albino computer scientist Pete White, a former college friend of Dr. Venture's; hydrocephalic "boy genius" Master Billy Quizboy; and Dr. Jonas Venture, Jr-- Dr. Venture's former parasitic twin brother who has succeeded in all of the areas that Rusty does not. Surviving members of the original Team Venture have also appeared as well as Dr. Orpheus's teammates in the Order of the Triad. There's even OSI which is a combination of SHIELD and GI Joe.

I can't recommend this show enough. At the time of it's airing, sporadic as it often was (81 episodes over 14 years isn't a lot) it was my favorite show and something I looked forward to weekly. I was saddened when I found out it was cancelled but while doing the reading for this write up I found it that there's a movie in the works to tie up any loose ends!

"Doc’s latest invention will either bankrupt the Ventures or launch them to new heights, as Hank searches for himself, Dean searches for Hank, The Monarch searches for answers, and a mysterious woman from their pasts threatens to bring their entire world crashing down on them."


Hell, one of my earliest customs waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2012 was of the Monarch (and sadly, my photography skills sucked)


The humor was lewd, topical, and skewered just about any action cartoon you can think of from Johnny Quest to Scooby Doo.


So, if you've never seen it before, and want something new to watch, I'd recommend giving it a go,


There's way more then this, but here's a video someone put together...

But don't just take my word for it...


Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:52 pm
by BrandonDaCollector
Hey Packer, just wanted to let you know that I have just been busy with My work and projects for the board, catching up with wrestling and with life and that I'm not ignoring you or the board itself. I will post to your other replies and so forth in time. I have lots of cool stuff in store for the wrestling section as well as for the near future.

As for your posts in this topic. First off Acid PMed and said he'll check out the video error. I can't say I'm familiar with that stuff except Bones, The Tick and Baby Yoda. With that being said once again you put a lot together really well PB :lol: :D

Later dude ;)


Hey Dr, Poison: I don't recall ever talking to you so HI :) There is so much content all over on the board from Me and Packer himself has contributed tons of great stuff as you looked through his great Stay Tooned topic here! We are always updating out topics within the sections. If you can stick around look at out topics. Except fro AcidDragon, everybody else seems to be MIA :roll:

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:26 pm
by packerbacker180
No worries. I'm hoping to get a few more before I leave for vacay next week, but we'll see. I hope you figure out the video issue because I feel like that's half the fun of these posts, especially when they go off topic.

Is it only this site? I'm wondering if it might have something to do with your youtube settings? I don't know. Just spitballing. I'm computer dumb.

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:16 am
by BrandonDaCollector
On PB, I know what you mean and your posts seem kinds incomplete without seeing the vids.

Yes, it's only here, everywhere else is fine.

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:54 pm
by packerbacker180
I'm probably not going to get to anymore of these before I go on vacation next week so if anyone besides one person is actually reading and enjoying these maybe stop in and say hi. I'd love to see more people posting everywhere on this site, but here would be a good start. Until then, keep tooning in.


Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:15 pm
by BrandonDaCollector
Yeah, I might look back on your topic and see what I missed later on. I'm sure there is some cool stuff that I didn't catch before.

Yeah people, where are you :batconfused:


Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:42 pm
by packerbacker180
Cool, hopefully you get the video issue figured out.

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:56 pm
by Idiot Savant
The Venture Brothers is hands down one of the greatest cartoons in the history of history! Art is beautifully done, story is bonkers beyond all thought but yet spectacularly contained in its own universe and the humor is truly me!

I shall also through The Tick and Archer into that mix too…these are the places where my mind lives

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:57 pm
by Idiot Savant
Crap…South Park too, although I am about 12 years behind this one

Re: Stay Tooned!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:14 pm
by packerbacker180
I hadn't watched Southpark since season 4 or so, but thought the first pandemic one was pretty funny, but the second one with vaccinations wasn't as much. Or maybe it was the other way around. I can't remember. There's pages and pages of toons, browse through and lmk what you think.