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Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:31 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Oh wow, I never seen that McDonald's commercial...absolutely amazing how different Ronald McDonald looked then, he got better as his aged ;)

Here's the ECW Hotline in 93. ECW really begin in 93, another reason why 93 was so good :)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:16 pm
by packerbacker180

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:31 am
by BrandonDaCollector
As I said in the other Topics, I'm not familiar with that but it looked really fun. I sure can tell it was during the days when families would go out and have real good times :)

I'm going to see about posting Wrestling Album commercials now. Continuing from where you posted of Piledriver PB, here's The Wrestling Album. unfortunately like Piledriver, I never got this one either, I didn't realize how cool it was to get wrestling merchandise till later as I had explained before. There's some cool stuff here plus a great LJN Commercial as well :)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:10 pm
by packerbacker180
One of the few I owned as a kid.

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:51 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Oh that is good. I recall a bit about that Milton Bradley/Hasbro Catnip game, gosh that was pretty big & deluxe there but looked like a lot of fun :shock:

Okay, I couldn't find a commercial of what I was looking for which is a shame because I recall the commercials a lot back in the day. Oh well. I found this so just pretend that it is an ad and just as good ;) WCW came out with their own Album in 1992/1993 scale WCW Slam Jam Vol. 1. They never made anymore than that. I was never able to find it in the the stores and how stupid of Me never wanting to buy it online later on much like the previous two albums we shown :roll: Here's these pictures of them from a Yahoo Asian Auction Site. I chose these pics because their to My liking because I can relate to them because their kinda similar of how I take My pictures for My showcases. You can pretty much see all the details including the wrestlers & themes that is featured on there during these cool times :)


Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:22 pm
by packerbacker180
Wow, didn't know there was a WCW cd as well.

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:12 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Yes there was :) I'm not sure if I recall that Garfield commercial or not or them fruit snacks in general. I was mostly hooked on the Shark Fruit Snacks...oh no pun intended there :shock:

Okay, next is WWF Wrestlemania the Album from 1993. Same thing. I couldn't find a commercial. There's talk and stuff on WWF Programming but I'm skipping that. I'm doing a similar thing like I did yesterday but this is all Mine however. I'm quoting Myself from My grand showcase of My Wrestling Album collection from a while back so just pretend that this a promotion too :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:
Wrestlemania the Album: This album was absolutely huge for Me to get in 1993. 1993 was a huge wrestling year and a crucial one at that. It had so much to offer I mean this is when WWF Monday Night Raw debuted and Yokozuna became world champ and Hogan returning to Japan:o Soon there will be a huge 1993, Yo, Do You Remember and I will show how darn fun this year really was :) So during WWF Programming such as Mania & Superstars where they were playing the music videos to these cool songs and in fact they released a cool Coliseum Video with "Macho Man" Randy Savage in the WWF Mania Studio playing all of the videos. It was huge and I was quite euphoric when I got this. Here is the Front & Back Covers, I've always loved how this looked having all of these guys together :)


Here is the Track Listing, it has 10 of'em and their all so fun. The first two are most used & famous ones and really are My favorites. I loved that "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith is there cause they cut him out in some of the video versions yet I am really surprised that they left in Tony Schiavone & Jimmy "Jam" Garvin. The Nasty Boys is really My fave of wrestler's songs but listening to Macho Man's is so sad for numerous reasons. I have listen to this countless times since I got it, it goes by so fast and it's still as fun now as it was then :)

1. "WrestleMania"
2. "Slam Jam"
3. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - "USA"
4. The Nasty Boys - "Nasty Boy Stomp"
5. Bret "The Hitman" Hart - "Never Been A Right Time To Say Goodbye"
6. The Undertaker - "The Man In Black"
7. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - "Speaking From The Heart"
8. Tatanka - "Tatanka Native American"
9. Mr. Perfect - "I'm Perfect"
10. The Big Boss Man - "Hard Times"

NOTE: International versions had "Kona" Crush on the cover and had his own song too titled Cold Crush and it was a pretty decent song. I believe they opted out on it because Crush turned heel and it wouldn't have made sense. It also had an alternate 12" version of Slam Jam 12" as well. Shame they did that but this wouldn't be the only WWF album that they made decisions like this for. Continue on with the showcase to find out more :)

Here is what it looks like when it's opened. I just adore the color scheme here, so cool :)


The Booklet folds out to be a nice poster of most of the wrestlers that is chosen for this special.


Here is a ton of information within the cool Booklet.


Here is another look at the CD, it looks really cool. Companies were starting to experiment making CDs more colorful. Compare this to 1991's Suburban Commando's CD above. Oh look at the RCA Dog Nipper at the phonograph and the 1993 Copyright of Titan Sports, RCA, BMG & Eurodisc, so darn good :batsmile:


I found some more of the videos on YT, I just posted one in the Theme Topic plus something that goes with it in the Promo Topic as well :shock: Now, the next one I know has at least a few advertisements/commercials, that will be tomorrow ;)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:06 pm
by packerbacker180
Yeah, I was no longer paying attention by that one.

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:42 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Huh, that's weird, I don't recall that Muppet Babies Commercial nor the Plushes :shock: That was very good. So far I just recall the McDondald's ones that I showcased for Christmas a while back :)

Shame, it was so cool. Okay, now the next one I found some Commercials which will span for a bit because I want this to last :) This is WWF Full Metal the Album :!: First, here's a partial segment of My showcase :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:WWF Full Metal: This is arguably My favorite wrestling album of ever of all-time :!: It was supposedly released in 1995 but I never could find it anywhere locally. Peaches/Sound Warehouse never had it nor did Best Buy. However they started showing ads for it in 1996 and I'm like holy crap I gotta have that :o So TRU was having a blowout-sale on Sega Genesis CD & 32X games in around September. I said to My Mom & Grandma that is what I wanted for Christmas & My Birthday. So one day soon after they kinda hinted why they were going out together one day soon after that and I said see if they or Best Buy has WWF Full Metal: The Album. Well that night they gave it to Me and it was so darn awesome opening it up and playing on My Grandpa's custom made stereo. Such a great time :) Here is the great looking Front & Back Covers. :)


Okay, here's this classic WWF Full Metal the Album Commercial featuring "Classy" Freddie Blassie of all guys :o It's really cool that Todd Pettengill talks it over like he did with most of the WWF PPVs and stuff during these fun times of the 90s. It just kinda soured when he left and Michael Cole took his place and slowly but up to where we are now :roll: This Commercial came out in 1996. It was advertised a bit on TV as well as the WWF Magazines. At the very climax they briefly play Goldust's First Theme with the organ...that IS NOT the version that's on the CD as I've noted in the Themes Topic a while back :o Here's the rad commercial :)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Commercials!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:57 pm
by packerbacker180
Ah, good to see Classy Freddie Blassie!