I have the Holiday DVD (it has the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas episodes) an still watch it every year. I know the words to all the Halloween songs as I used to have them on a Halloween collection CD I made myself. When I was a kid we taped it off CBS and I'd watch it ad infinitum, often putting it in slow motion to watch the animation change (did that a lot with Transformers, too!).
If I'm being honest, Garfield would be my choice as well. I haven't really seen the new movies, but the cartoons are something I'll always hold dear. Here Comes Garfield was another I really remember, even though I probably haven't seen it in 35 years. It's a shame the specials don't still air on TV.
To this day I swear Garfield dropped the F bomb twice in the Halloween Adventure!
The word is he says, "Ah rust bucket!", but I say otherwise. Yanny/Laurel all over again.