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Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 4:07 pm
by packerbacker180

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:18 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Oh man Crystar. those were awesome. I was only a year old when they came out so I wasn't in time for them :roll: They had some great features too! REMCO was so good, thank goodness I was in time for their DC Battle Beasts & U.S. Forces Defenders :) If I had the money I would get these Crystar figures, believe you PB :)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:40 pm
by packerbacker180

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:47 am
by BrandonDaCollector
That was a nice K-Mart ad despite them & Sears were pretty much out of the picture and 2010 was really the last year before the tone down the next year in 2011 :roll: Cool PB ;)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:35 pm
by packerbacker180

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:18 am
by BrandonDaCollector
That was a cool Wendy's Commercial, I never seen that one before.

A few days ago I showcased My Weird Ball Wrestlers that I've crossed-over with My M.U.S.C.L.E. I couldn't find any commercials about them because they're very obscure but I did them great Justice :)

Now I just got done with an enormous showcase that I was working on for a while. I didn't split it up as I wanted everything together. It's My Playing Cards Games! Now see My Weird Ball Wrestlers first because this will take you a while to read and look at which you can see it a little a time. So whenever you get a lot of time check'em out, it will be absolutely wonderful to see My great Vintage Playing Card Games with a lot of stories ;)

To coincide with it here's this Vintage UNO commercial from 1981, the year I was born :o I have A LOT of history in My showcase about Mattel how they acquired UNO plus I show a ton of other amazing things as well!

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:16 pm
by packerbacker180
"Yuno"? Lol.

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:22 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Yeah, that was Australian. It's UNO as in the Spanish word one for 1! I loved to play UNO when times were simpler and I showcased My collection at the link I provided yesterday :)

Cool commercial. I loved to Put-Put. I'll never forget the great time when Me, My Mom, her boyfriend Jasper and his big son Giuliano all went to the Lake of the Ozarks and played Put-Put there in the Summer of 1991. It was a cool time, I recall it like yesterday, I love the Missouri woods and how the lakes looks. I was looking for Bigfoot in those beautiful dense woods, it was so scary and I was in awe about it :blbat: I caught 15 Bluegill (yes, it was 15!) which is all I could catch for some reason. We watched Star Trek: The Next Generation at the Motel and on the deck there was a huge web of nesting Black Widows at night. Oh it was some trip and I never had one like that since ;)

As a side note Giuliano was a big kid, over 6 feet and about 270 pounds and years older than Me. He was a wrestling fan, not a major one like Me but he watched it unlike his dad, I couldn't get him into anything because that's how he was. We played with My Hasbro WWF Figures together and We wrestled physically somewhat now and then too but he was actually quite gentle with Me as I was about 10, he was about 18 or so. He was a fine young man :)

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:25 pm
by packerbacker180
Nice story. I still remember that Putt Putt song to this day. We drove by a mini-golf place yesterday and I started singing that song. That's what prompted me to search it out.

Re: We'll Return After These Messages...Toy Commercials

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:47 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Thanks. Oh, when I came home My Grandma surprised Me with two new kinds of Mattel Hot Wheels but I don't recall which ones but I know they were motorized with a pull back feature. Yes, some music you just never forget. Well that's cool, sometimes things go by like that. I never seen the TMNT Mini Gulf & Basketball Hoop before, that looked really fun, I love all kinds of TMNT PB :)