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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:06 am
by BrandonDaCollector
I see. Well that's good its not a wasted system cause it had some great titles. I loved the Punch-Out with actual gloves and Mortal Kombat game for it was the biggest ever made. Shame how Nintendo just dumped the Wii U (you can still do everything on there as you did for the Wii, I may talk about that more later) as I mentioned before for the Switch, the Wii/Wii U had so much more life to it but companies just wasn't making games for it and people started not buying the Mario games and so on and Nintendo had to do something since they were losing a lot of moolah. Despite I knew this, I got mad at Nintendo and didn't play anything of their's for a long time, I do that with video game companies also, its just a different side of Me when they PMO :roll:

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:37 am
by BrandonDaCollector
BrandonDaCollector wrote:I didn't get much for Christmas but I'm quite thankful for what I got however. The Playstation had a Black Friday/Cyber Monday Week/Holiday Sale last month. Here is what I got Ascendshaft and Endless Shaft Combo pack, One Strike, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans, Super Cyborg, Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: Saturday Night Slam Masters plus bonuses and last certainly not least cause I wanted this the absolute most the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection all for less than $35. I'll post more info about these in My regular Video Game Topic.

That was a quote from My MERRY Christmas: Show what you got for Christmas!! Topic. Now as I said I would do, here is a brief look at those new games of Mine :batsmile:


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection: This was a must, I love the side scrolling beat'em ups like Double Dragon & Final a huge TMNT fan, I played most of the classic games on the major systems back in the day. This Konami collection is similar like their previous ones of Contra, Castlevana & Gradius but really they went all out with this one. It has every title from the late 80s to the early/mid 90s from SNES & Sega Genesis and even Game Boy which I never played before. Like the previous collections, their is options to play the Japanese versions which has the Famicon TMNT Tournament Fighters and it sports Aska's alternate booty look :batwink: It even has the actual Arcade Games as well which it has the one that I talked about many times that I beat over at Chuck E. Cheese in 94. I was waiting for this to be on sale for Black Friday and it was and I got it :!: I would hope this generation would be interested in this wonderful collection but I believe most of us 80s/90s gamers will dig it the most so if you love classic TMNT or just classic fighting games in general I strongly recommend this game :batsmile:

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium: Saturday Night Slam Masters + free SonSon DL: So as a huge Capcom/Street Fighter & Final Fight fan from way back in the day, I played SNSM countless times on My SNES & SG and I have been wanting SNSM on PS4 for awhile and I saw they released a version in their Arcade Stadium. I wasn't wanting most of the other titles cause I have'm already which I'll just get the ones I want later. This is one heck of a version of SNSM, I'm just hoping they'll finally release the 2nd one soon as it's never had a major console release. SonSon is ok, I was really never familiar with this title.

INDEPENDENT TITLES: I really like Indie games, some of'em can be quite good and fun.

One Strike: This was really a cool looking title, it reminded Me of 8-bit Konami titles among others. Its rather simple and has some great characters. It's gameplay & contact is quite interesting and is really exciting.

NOTE: Trailer is for Switch, only one I saw on YT.

Ascendshaft and Endless Shaft: I saw this combo pack for only 24ยข and I had a bit left to spend so I was like what heck. These are ok and will take a bit to master.

Super Cyborg: Now as huge Contra fan, I was looking for a recent game that was similar cause I'm a sucker for those types of games, I have been ever since I played the first one on My NES. I saw this one and I'm like oh wow, this is exactly what I'm looking for. It's so amazingly done and the first map is remarkably uncanny as it resembles the NES/Arcade first stage. The music is superb and controls just like a Contra title. It has really weird enemies too. For any Contra & side scrolling shoot'em up fan, this is a must :!:

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans: I was looking for a another beat'em up game and I saw this title that was regularly $9.99 for only $1.49. I thought it looked realistic with some really cool stuff in it plus I loved the FPS Redneck Rampage back in the mid 90s so this was kinda like a fighting version of something like that IMO. It's really cool.

Well there's more detail on what I got for My Christmas. I'm quite happy with it all. Any questions ask Me. I have many other titles I could share here that you may not be familiar with for PS4 as well. Tell Me and talk more video games guys :)

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:53 pm
by AcidDragon
Nice haul, man. That's also some very cool throwback gaming. I might get some of those myself. The first thing I thought when I saw Super Cyborg was how much it looked like Contra as well and I have that in my recent memory since I marathoned it a while back. Great stuff.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:41 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Well thanks a lot Acid. yeah, Super Cyborg is, in fact it might be the closest thing to a classic Contra game ;)

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:59 am
by BrandonDaCollector

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:56 am
by packerbacker180
Lol, what??????

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:12 pm
by AcidDragon
LOL. That's nuts.

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:14 pm
by packerbacker180
Imagine calling that into the credit card company, "Um, this charge on my account smells a little fishy."

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:23 pm
by BrandonDaCollector
Indeed guys :batwink: :wwwink: :smwink:

Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:23 am
by BrandonDaCollector
So we were talking about Pool the other day. I thought this would be a good apropos place to briefly talk about Virtual Pool 64 that I mentioned previously.

I posted this pic in My Grandma's tribute cause this is one of the cool games We'd play on My N64 for a long time. The pic has many of the games We'd play together plus her games that She'd only play. She was so serious about Tetris Sphere and always got to the last level but never beat it, I'm a big game veteran and I couldn't even do it :shock: The New Tetris was My fave of the two, I loved that music. It was so fun playing Mario games together especially Dr. Mario & Mario Kart. The New She loved Busta-A-Move and Fishing Games as well :)


I couldn't find a commercial but here is gameplay of Virtual Pool 64, it was really fun :)