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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 22, 2025 9:01 am

So sad that "Big" George Foreman is gone :roll: I never seen that Foreman Biopic movie yet but it looks pretty good. I'm not a big Tarantino fan either, when it come to him, I just recommended that you see Reservoir Dogs & Pulp Fiction and that's it. Yes, Farina was very good and I may have seen The Case of the Hillside Stranglers long ago with My Grandma but I'm no sure about that. Yes, I mentioned he was in Unsolved Mysteries.

OK, here's the next Gene Hackman movie on My mind. It came out during the year of change which was 1996...a huge movie's called Extreme Measures :!:


It's kinda like a horror movie and really, one of the most unique & intelligent roles Hackman has ever played. It's really one of his most underrated movies as well and quite frankly, one of My faves of his :!:


Wait until you find out who did the music in a few moments, your gonna wanna hear this :shock:


Hackman is a brilliant & famed Doctor along with fellow emergency Dr. Hugh Grant.


Grant is about saving lives while...


Hackman is about "the Cure" and he goes to extremes by doing so :!:


Their pretty good together as opposites


David Morse is an FBI agent & the late great Bill Nunn is a rugged Detective on the side of Hackman's scheme.


Sarah Jessica Parker is Grant's co-working nurse and love interest. Keep in mind, this predates Sex and the City :shock:


In brief appearances, THE David Cronenberg (The Fly & Nightbreed) & Paul Guilfoyle (Howard the Duck & CSI: Las Vegas) appear.


J.K. Simmons is one of the student Doctors of Hackman (Pic isn't from the movie).


The scenes in this film is really cool. you can sure tell it's 1996 :!:


The hot Elizabeth Hurley was big time behind the scenes of the film with her "then" boyfriend Hugh Grant.


Here's the iconic Trailer :!:

Now, the big moment as to whom did the music for this spooky & gritty thriller. It was Danny Elfman :shock: Elfman had a huge year in 96 scoring Extreme Measures as well as Freeway, Mars Attacks!, The Frighteners and Mission: Impossible replacing Alan Silvestri who just came off the heels of composing The Quick & the Dead (really, how in the world could ever replace Silvesti :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: :o The score get's a bad wrap but that's mostly critics who only listen to it ionce :roll: Thanks to the late great Shirley Walker as she usually did the conducting for Elfman :wwwink: Elfman's score is brilliant and matches so much what is going on in the movie including it's eerie atmosphere. Here's these three Cues of the very short, 10 track score.

Here's the brilliant Main Title and the theme. If you know Elfman's sound then you'll know this right away ;)

Here's the Cue for the Elevator Madness scene :blbat:

And here's the totally awesome End Credits. Gosh, at the 2:05 mark it's super-duper fun :blsm:

That's it for this one, I got a few more on My mind to go so another Gene Hackman feature is coming tomorrow :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Mar 22, 2025 10:12 pm

Don't recall seeing that one. I remember the title, but don't think I watched it.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Mar 23, 2025 7:25 am

Desperate Measures is a terrific movie. When you get the chance, see if you can watch it, Its always one on My mind. I never got to Funny Farm yet but I know the legendary Elmer Bernstein (Airplane! & Ghostbusters) did the music :)

OK, here's the next Gene Hackman movie which is a continuation of what you posted a while back PB;)

packerbacker180 wrote:I don't recall seeing that one either.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:The Package is a very good movie, really a must see :) I've seen Absolute Power before it, was pretty good.

So, without further adieu, Absolute Power came out in 1997. I recall Us renting this over at Star Video. It got big hype like Unforgiven five years prior but the times were sure different when you compare 92 & 97.


This is another great movie that Eastwood directed.


So, this is the second movie that Clint Eastwood & Gene Hackman were in together. They were good friends in real life. Notice in these pictures, their about the same height at around 6 foot 3.


Eastwood is slightly younger by only a small 5 months difference so he is about 95 as well :shock:


So, with seeing the quoted trailer above, you see that the movie is quite dandy. However, the plot of the movie strongly reminds Me of NO WAY OUT (go back and see that for a refresh). Strangely, that great movie came out in 87...Absolute Power came out a decade later in 97 :shock: Hackman is a very powerful person...he's way more powerful in this because he's the President of the USA...President Richmond :shock:


He is really good here.


Remember about Sean Young in No Way Out :?: Well, a fine looking Melora Hardin plays Hackman's mistress. Things really get's out of hand because their both drunk and of course bad things start to happen.


Eastwood was already in the mansion before they got there because he's a master thief, one of the most notorious the world has ever known and this is the way the movie starts out :!:


He's stuck in the mansion thus becoming a witness of the whole hot night gone wrong :o


Judy Davis plays The Chief of Staff and takes care of it :!:


Scott Glenn plays one half of the Secret Service :!:


Dennis Haysbert is the other half :shock:


This was nearly a decade before he became the spokesperson for Allstate :o


His mistress was his mentor's wife played by E.G. Marshall (Christmas Vacation) ...strange you posted Chevy Chase :?


Laura Linney of Congo, The Truman Show & The Mothman Prophecies plays Eastwood's daughter.


As always, she very nice :batwink:


The good detective is played by Ed Harris. Yes, that's right, he was also with Hackman in 83's Underfire :shock:


Like Unforgiven, the really good score was by the late great St. Louisan, Lenny Niehaus whom was Eastwood's composer friend :)

I'm kinda getting to the nitty-gritty of Hackman movies as I only have a few more, the one will spin-off into something else, you'll see what I mean when I get to that :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Mar 23, 2025 3:19 pm

That one I recall renting when it came out.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Mar 24, 2025 8:30 am

Oh good, then you know what that's all about then :) I've never seen any of Monty Python movies, one of these days I'm going to see about it :shock:

Okay, the next Gene Hackman movie is a big blockbuster that came out in the big year of so many great things of's Enemy of the State :!:


It's directed by late great Tony Scott, the youngest brother of Ridley Scott. He directed Crimson Tide :!:


He collaborated with Jerry Bruckheimer a lot since at least 1990's Days of Thunder. 1995's Crimson Tide however, set trending standard of movies in that style the way their filmed, the actors within them and especially the musical scores. If you know Bruckheimer then you already know this.


Will Smith is a lawyer and is a marked man...


all because of his friend played by Jason Lee :?


Unbeknownst, he has the video tape of Jon Voight killing an uncredited Jason Robards (Robards was in Crimson Tide too) :o


Smith goes on the run after many obstacles & debacles. He encounters a man named Brill played by Gabriel Byrne. He's a false flag decoy & basically an impostor.


He meets the real Brill which is played by Gene Hackam :!:


He's Smith's only ally here but don't cross him :!:


This team is pretty good and yes, they do have chemistry together. It's not exactly like a buddy cop but it works.


This was over 2 decades after Hackman's The Conversation yet this looks familiar :shock:


Remember what I said about Hackman and his Cat in Loose Cannons :? Well, the same thing happens here as he has a cat and his home gets destroyed :shock:


Regina King plays Smith's wife and she has long hair...


while Lisa Bonet plays an insider client that Smith has feelings for.


A uncredited late great Tom Sizemore is in the movie. It's like is this the same handsome detective in 97's The Relic because he really let himself go here that quickly too :shock:


Now, check this. Will Smith talks about video tapes. Oddly, he mentions about the ADOLF HITLER/NAZI-XXX SKIN FLICK :o Remember 1990's Loose Cannons...the plot surrounded that :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Grant Heslov appears, yet another one from Congo (Delroy Lindo & Laura Linney were the other two).


Phillip Baker Hall is here (Pic isn't from the movie)


Larry King appears as himself.


The many goons that's in this movie is Barry Pepper, Jack Black, Jake Busey, Scott Caan, Jamie Kennedy & Seth Green (what a lineup - some pics aren't from the film).


Bodhi Elfman also appears as a goon. He's Danny Elfman's nephew & Jenna Elfman's husband (Pic obviously isn't from the movie) :o


And making a cameo is Tony Scott's great looking wife, Donna W. Scott (Pic isn't from the movie).


This is one heck of scene here :!:


Here's the Trailer, note when you see the kids briefly, their playing Playstation 1 so you can tell what cool time this is from

Like 89's The Package, this takes place around Christmas time, Here's the cool Lingerie scene, check out the women there , babes in the 90s looked so good ;)

Excellent :batwink:


The music was great. Like most if not all Bruckheimer & Tony Scott films, the composers are from Hans Zimmer's Media Ventures. The two composers here are Trevor Rabin & Harry Gregson-Willimas. Here's the superb main title :)

Here's these two good Cues :)

Another Gene Hackman movie is coming tomorrow :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Mar 24, 2025 10:11 pm

Now that I saw. That came out in my prime movie renting years where I probably rented multiple movies a week and usually went every weekend to the movies, so I saw a ton of films from '95 to 2000 or so.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Mar 25, 2025 8:04 am

I never seen Support Your Local Sheriif with James Garner before, that looked good. Well then, you know cool the times & movies of 95 thru 2000 were then. There will never be another time frame like that ever again.

Here's the next Gene Hackman movie. It came out in 2001 which was a major year of change. It's called Heist and it was very good :!:


Gene Hackman is a master robber. Weird that just a few short years ago in 97, Clint Eastwood was in Absolute Power and was a master thief :?


Hackman was about 71 here, he was such in top notch shape here :shock:


Danny Devito is a big mob boss that he deals with. Devito fills this role very well.


Weird that he is with Hackman again, the first time was in 95's Get Shorty :shock:


Hackman has a big team that consists of:

Delroy "Stop Eating My Sesame Cake" Lindo. What, him too :batconfused: Another Get Shorty actor and another one that was in Congo no less :wwhuh: :smhuh: He was something in Heist.


Rebecca Pidgeon is Hackman's number 1 & love interest.


Sam Rockwell is part of his squad and as always, there's gotta be a troublemaker within the ranks :roll:


Also Ricky Jay is part of his crew.


He's the backbone of the team and takes a lot for it.


Patti LuPone makes an appearance in the film.


Here's The Trailer.

Here's these two great Cues by Theodore Shapiro :!:

That will do it for a big list of Gene Hackman movies, however, the next two will be something special, just wait and see what those are in time ;)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Mar 25, 2025 8:04 pm

Don't recall seeing that one but not exactly the genre I seek out.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Mar 26, 2025 9:46 am

I've expanded about genres. ones I wasn't big on years ago is pretty cool now. Now, that you posted the Hillside Stranglers with Dennis Farina & Richard Crenna, it doesn't ring a bell now so I didn't see it before like I had originality thought. I would have been like holy crap, that's Billy Zane & James Tolken because both are in Back to the Future :shock:

OK, now this Gene Hackman movie is a huge one. It has an all-star cast. It's called A Bridge Too Far and based on true events. It came out in 1969 and it's a 3 hour WWII epic :!:


The movie is directed by the late great Richard Attenborough.


Yes, that's John Hammond from Jurassic Park :shock:


Here's My selection of the cast because there's no way I could post everybody here. Keep in mind, these actors play real war heroes & personalities .


Gene Hackman was already beginning to be the great character actor here that he would become in the not so distant future. When you see him here, he has a very powerful presence.


The late great Sean Connery was a household name as he was 007 for years already :shock:


A young Michael Caine


A young Anthony Hopkins


James Caan. Keep in Mine that his son Scott was in Hackman's Enemy of the State decades later :shock:


Alun Armstrong (Pic isn't from the movie)


Maximilian Schell


Ben Cross (Pic isn't from the movie)


Denholm Elliott from the Indiana Jones Franchise.


Paul Maxwell. Also from Indiana Jones as well as Aliens :!:


Laurence Olivier


A very young Robert Redford


Dirk Bogarde


A very young Ryan O'Neal


John Ratzenberger (Pic isn't from the film)


There is a lot of stock footage of actual people from WWII including Dwight D. Eisenhower & Adolf Hitler :!: Here's the big Trailer :!:

The music is by John Addison, it's pretty darn good :)

Here's this video of EA's Battlefield V. I play the game all time time. A while back when I saw the movie with My Mom, I was telling her all about it and how the BF5 game was inspired & modeled after the film & real events. I showed her this video and she was pretty astounded about it. She was like yeah, it looked like they took those scenes straight from the movie and put'em in the game. I was like, yep. You can just browse thru the video. Make sure you see the parachuters jumping out of the plane in the beginning and the bridge later on, you might be amazed how much it looks like the scenes in the trailer :shock:

I got one big Gene Hackman movie left that is part of a franchise.He was only in the first one however I'm going to do the the whole property over the next few days :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Mar 26, 2025 8:34 pm

Heard of it, didn't know much about it. But wow, that's a great cast!

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