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Jetty's art megathread

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Jetty's art megathread

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:22 pm

I decided that I'd put my artwork up on here.
All my stuff, and usually full notes about the character or the piece can be found on my two art sites: (FA is easier for me to access, so usually gets updated before here or DA)
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Re: Green Lantern

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:24 pm

My most popular art project:
Green Lantern- Tales of Sector 721
The Virtuous Spectrum

Star Sapphire- The Violet Light of Love
For hearts long lost and full of fright
For those alone in blackest night
Accept our ring and join our fight
Love conquers all...
With violet light!

Name: Talana Krynn
Species: Toh'Banian
Homeworld: Toh'Ban
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Natural flight for short distances via insectoid wings. Antennae have special electro-magnetic receptors. Natural compound eyes are capable of viewing a greater range of light and colors than many races.
Even as a child, Talana was filled with joy and compassion, and filled her diaries with her dreams of raising a family, and love everlasting. However, when puberty arrived and the time of Chrysalis came upon her, such dreams were crushed. When she shed her cocoon, and unfolded her newly grown wings or the first time, she found that they were flawed. In a society that judges the worth of a woman upon the quality of her wings, meant she would likely never find a mate. As years went by and the loneliness grew, she even turned to online dating to try to find even simple companionship, only to find herself rejected upon meeting. Eventually the pain and solitude of the crushed dreams of a little girl became unbearable for her, and she decided to give up. On both love, and life.
Sensing the pain of her broken heart, she was approached moments before a horrible deed, by a Star Sapphire Ring. It promised to fill the hole in her heart with it's violet light, in exchange for her becoming a universal Champion of Love.
Since that day, she has been filled once more with the joy and compassion of the little girl she once was, as she fights for life and love. Happy that she has found love and companionship in the warm embrace and light of her fellow Star Sapphire.
Special Note:
Only Toh'Banian females grow the magnificent butterfly-like wings. Males, when they enter Chrysalis, grow smaller, non-functional insect-like wings.


Name: Stephanie Winters
Species: Human/Werewolf
Homeworld: Earth
Sector: 2814
Special Abilities:
The Gravity and light effects caused by the peek of the Earth's Lunar Cycle triggers a mystical transformation, transforming her into a savage, aggressive wolf-like monster. In this state, Stephanie has heightened strength, speed, thicker skin, sharp claws and fangs.
Despite the curse that she and her sister were born with, Stephanie was happy with her life. She had a husband that she loved very much, a beautiful newborn daughter, and they had settled into the deep Australian outback, where there was little danger of her or her sister hurting anyone when they transformed.
But they underestimated the threat to themselves. They were eventually found by a dedicated band of Slayers, vowed to rid the world of all arcane creatures.
They captured Daven first, hoping to draw the wolf sisters out. Steph went to his aid, only to find him dead. She hurried back, only to be too late. She found Sarah dead, having given her life to protect her niece. And she was just in time to witness the slayers kill her child. Faced with the loss of everything, a mother's lost turned to blind fury and pure, unadulterated rage. in one leap, she killed two of the four slayers that had destroyed her life. And it wasn't long before she dispatched the other two. She didn't care about the five bullets they put into her. It didn't even slow her down.
Once after they were gone, did grief consume her once more. She collapsed next to Vanessa's crib, and awaited her painful, death, longing to be reunited with her family.
The pain in her heart of love lost attracted the ring of a Star Sapphire, having just lost another grieving mother to the rage of the Red Light. It offered to heal the pain, both physical and emotional. And it showed her that while her loved ones may not be there, their Love is eternal, and up to her to carry it and their memories.
She accepted the ring, and transformed into a Star Sapphire, and now spends her time nurturing anyone in need, and protecting everyone with the ferocity only a mother could understand. Even Carol Ferris has come to call her "Momma Wolf."
Special Note:
The Power Ring she wears stabilizes her transformation into a halfway state, and focuses the aggressiveness and rage of the werewolf into pure love.

Indigo Tribe- The Indigo Light of Compassion
Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur,
Ter lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok...
Formorrow Sur!

Name: Todd (Real name is unknown)
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
Sector: Unknown
Special Abilities:
Todd has great natural strength, thick hide, and strong claws.
Little is known about Todd's past, as very few are as old as he. It's rumored that at one time, he was a merciless warlord, who commanded a vast empire across an entire galaxy.
What is known, is that he is very, very old, and very, very kind. And he cannot sit by and watch a child cry. If the rumors about his past are true, it's unknown exactly what caused this change in him. But he will not stand idle, and allow someone to suffer. And he will never turn down a child who needs him.


Name: Serenity
Species: Stennah
Homeworld: Ralex IV
Sector: 33
Special Abilities:
It is said that the girl now known only as Serenity was once a Princess to an island nation, ruled by a cruel dictator. She watched her father use and abuse the people of the nation. Growing wealthy while they toiled to bring luxury to the King.
Then one day, a Priest stood up. Demanded freedom. Demanded a new government. He was immediately apprehended for public execution. The Priest was allowed to be displayed in misery for a week, until the day he was to be beheaded.
And when that day arrived, the priest walked to the gallows, with his head held high. He demanded once more for freedom and new ruling. The King ordered his execution to begin. But before it could happen, the Princess stabbed him in the back, and kicked the King aside. She ordered the Priest to be set free and the fallen King to be taken prisoner.
The priest walked to her, and bowed, saying "I knew the Gods would not allow my words to fall on deaf ears. My Queen, what will you have of your people?"
When he looked up, he saw that the Princess had knelt before him, and she said, "I will have nothing, for I am born of violence, and your people need a leader of peace and love, my liege. I give the Kingdom to you, for I am not qualified to know what is best."
And the princess exiled herself for the crimes of her family.
But on that day, the Indigo Tribe was watching, and rewarded her act of sacrifice and compassion by accepting her into their fold.
She has since taken a new name for herself, and created a new life. Her life as a Princess no longer has any meaning to her. Though she still looks in from time to time to see how they have prospered since.

Blue Lantern- The Blue Light of Hope
In fearful day, in raging night
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite
When all seems lost in the War of Light
Look to the stars...
For hope burns bright![/font]

[color=Blue]Name: Kar'n Kunz
Species: White Martian
Homeworld: Mars (Resident of Earth)
Sector: 721 (assigned)
Special Abilities:
Natural unaided flight, Heat vision, Ability to control molecular density, shape shifting, superhuman strength, invulnerability, telepathy.
Special Note:
Like Green Martians, White Martians have an irrational fear of fire. Whether this is a weakness in their physiology, or a psychosis, is unknown.

Green Lantern Profile:
Kar'n grew up, having assumed the identity of a young girl that was murdered by her birth parents. Determined not to fall into the psychopathic tendencies of her race, she grew up idolizing the heroes of earth. Especially, the Martian Manhunter- Fellow Martian, and the very last of his race. As well as the legends of the Green Lantern Corps, spending countless nights daydreaming of a ring finding it's way to her. Believing it would never happen. But Hoping against all odds that it would.
During the Sinestro Corps War, thousands of Green Lanterns fell on that dark day. But her eternal hope paid off, as a ring did find it's way to her.
Drafted into the GLC, Kar'n had a tough time of it, struggling against the stereotypes that comes with her race. Where once she hoped, she found only strife and anger. Even other Lanterns who believed she was on the up and up, still feared at any time she may snap and attack them all. Depressed, and with very few friends beyond her assigned partner, Kar'n finally graduated. But only time will tell if she has what it takes to make it in the GLC.

Red Lantern Profile:
Kar'n and her partner were trapped and cornered on a derelict ship by her father, the Sinestro Corpsman who now calls himself The Martian Mankiller, after responding to a false distress beacon. S'tyv separated the two before producing a red Power Ring he'd procured, and forced it onto Kar'n's finger, forcing her to become a Red Lantern.
Now as a Red Lantern, S'tyv has turned his daughter into his personal attack dog.

Blue Lantern Profile:
Outmatched, Kar'n's partner was forced to retreat and find help. She found it in the form of Saint Walker, of the Blue Lanterns. With his help, they managed to corner Kar'n, and force S'tyv to retreat or be taken to a Science Cell. Walker managed to break the hold the Red Ring has, and replaced it with a Blue ring. But the emotional damage had been great. Kar'n was rejected by the Green Ring, and not permitted back into the Green Lantern Corps.
Sensing that the hope that once was inside her as a little girl was still present, but deeply buried, Walker took Kar'n back to Odym to help her find herself again. After some time, with the gentle love of Walker, the guidance of Sister Sercy, and the wisdom of Ganthet to guide her, Kar'n came to embrace the Blue Lantern Corps. She rediscovered what it means to have Hope, and she learned that the ending of one journey is always the beginning of another.


Name: Aquillah Tu Halah
Species: Yaylin (Tulah Tribe)
Homeworld: Fevelah
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Evolved for a completely arborial existance Yaylins are the best climbers in Guardian Space. Long limbs allowing for greater reach, two thumbs on each hand and foot, and a prehensile tail allow them to climb and move through dence foliage faster than most races can run on a flat surface.
Life was good. It was not easy, but it was indeed a good life. Aquillah had accomplished much in her short existance. She is fast, strong, infinitely kind, and brave, with a curiosity so deep that drive her every waking moment, that it positively annoys most around her. What's on the next tree? Why does this rule exist? What's on the ground? Where do the Greater Drallans nest? Every question has an answer, and it's her calling to find it.
As such, she is the forrunner of many firsts for her tribe. She is the only female to ever become a warrior and hunter, treated as an equal by the male warriors. She is the only one in recent memory to be brave enough to actually touch the ground, let alone face down and kill a savage mogwaller. She has earned many honors that females have never achieved, showing males and females alike new boundaries, becoming a wholey new type of leader, inspiring girls young and old to break traditional boundaries. Even becoming the Chief's most trusted adviser... At least when she's not off on some unimaginable adventure. It was a hard life, but a good one.
That changed when the Sinestro Corps arrived. One in particular, named Tok began abducting members of the Tulah Tribe. Following the calls of distress and hopelessness, Blue Lantern Kar'n arrived to render assistance, only to find her father as one of the attackers.
She distracted St'yv to allow Aquillah the time she needed to get aboard Tok's ship and rescue her people.
Once all was said and done, Saint Walker felt Kar'n was ready to choose the next Blue Lantern. Sensing in Aquillah a dep sense of love, and the ability to inspire great hope in everyone she meets, Kar'n knew she had found the next Blue.
It's a hard live... but All Will Be Well.
Special Note:
Fevelah is a heavily forested planet, the size of Mars. Trees there grow to half a mile or greater in height. This has influenced everything about Yaylin societies, a race so well adapted to arborial existance, they never even see the ground, let alone walk on it.

Green Lantern- The Green Light of Will
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power...
The Green Lantern's light!

Name: Se'reen Nekten
Species: Soridian
Homeworld: Serna
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Arboreal in nature, Soridians are excellent climbers, and have a natural gliding ability.
Se'reen was always smaller than average. No one ever expected that he would ever be able to take a mate, and have a family of his own. Growing up, he was a constant target for bullies, and usually ended up being rescued by his eldest sister, Renda. Even still, he never backed down from a challenge. No matter how large the obstacle, or how strong the bully.
But things only got more difficult when his parents died in a tragic accident. In order to protect the family, this forced Renda to finally marry her longtime boyfriend. The only male left in the family, this often put Se'reen at odds with Teth, the new dominant. And usually, on the losing end. After a few years of constant headbutting, Teth finally evicted Se'reen, forcing him to leave the only home he'd ever known.
Thousands of lightyears away over Earth, the Sinestro Corps War raged, and the Lantern of Sector 721 fell. No one would have ever imagined that small, insignificant, and now homeless Se'reen would be chosen to be the next barer. But true to his nature, he did not back down. And now he makes it his purpose to stand up for everyone that cannot stand up for themselves.
Special Note:
There is no one Se'reen is closer to, than his sister Kindle.


Name: Juniper Ivy
Species: Flowering Wystinians
Homeworld: Wystenia
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Can unwind and stretch the three vines that constitutes as each arm up to twice the length of her body. Can communicate with plants and others of her kind through chemical fragrance.
The individual who would become known as Juniper Ivy was never one to back down from danger. With a tendency to stand up for those less fortunate, and extend a vine to those in need, it came as no surprise when the second ring for the two GLs of Sector 721 chose her, after they fell in the Sinestro Corps War.
Going through Bootcamp with Kar'n of Earth, Kar'n, as well as others found it difficult to understand how a race can communicate with chemicals over other means. After some time, Kar'n nicknamed her Juniper Ivy after the signature scent that identified her.
Upon Graduation, Juniper quickly took to her new job, becoming a model Green Lantern. Elegant, Brave, and kind, Juniper almost possessed the demenor of a heroic princess, righting wrongs wherever she found them.
But no one took it harder than Juniper, the day she failed to protect her partner, Kar'n from Kar'n's own father, the Martian Manslayer of the Sinestro Corps, from enslaving her by forcing a red power ring on her finger.
It was only with Saint Walker's help they were able to defeat S'tyv and rescue Kar'n.
Now with her new partner Se'reen, she wears the nickname Kar'n gave her as a badge of honor, and is determed to do the best she can to protect the rookie.
Special Note:
Flowering Wystinians do not have genders in the way most races do. She refers to herself as a female to make it easier for others to relate to her, since her personal form more closely matches most female forms.
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Re: Green Lantern

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:41 pm

Green Lantern- Tales of Sector 721
The Vice Spectrum

The Sinestro Corps- The Yellow Light of Fear
In blackest day, in brightest night
Beware your fears made into light
Let those who try to stop what's right
Burn like His power...

Name: S'tyv Kunz
Species: White Martian
Homeworld: Mars (resides on Earth)
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Natural unaided flight, Heat vision, Ability to control molecular density, shape shifting, superhuman strength, invulnerability, telepathy.
M'el managed to protect his small family, and hide them on Earth. Largely undetected. They passed themselves off many years as the Koontz, raising their young daughter amongst this disgusting race. Watching her grow up and play amongst the pathetic children.
When Kar'n reached 8, it was time for her to be blooded. To take the life on another. S'tyv kidnapped her closest friend, and told Kar'n to dismember her. When Kar'n refused, he had no choice but to kill her himself. Upset, Kar'n ran away, and not knowing what else to do, feeling responsible, she took the girl's identity and returned to the girl's family.
Furious, S'tyv was forced to flee from the authorities before being discovered, and vowed one day to destroy the daughter who had turned on him.
Drifting from town to town, S'tyv survived by killing and robbing. Many years of this miserable existence passed before the Sinestro Corps War made it's way to Earth. S'tyv saw a golden opportunity he could not pass up. He cornered a Sinestro Corpsman, and killed her, stripping her of her ring for himself.
And he set his sights on Kar'n. Knowing how she practically worshipped the Martian Manhunter, he altered his shape to pervert the image of the well known member of the Justice League. And he's made it his mission to make her as miserable as he can, before killing her.
Special Note:
So little is known about the culture of the White Martians, that it is unknown if the "Blooding" of one's offspring is a cultural ritual, or a family ritual.


Name: Tok
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
Sector: Unknown
Special Abilities: Unknown
There are few things more mysterious than the 10th level genious known simply as Tok. Countless cultures, across thousands of planets, across dozens of sectors all have a long mythology surrounding reports of abductions and experements performed by creatures not unlike Tok. It is also unknown if these are all him, or if he simply stepped into the role to help perform his experements. Or if even it's a coincidence.
What is known, is Tok is a scientist with no sense of morality. Nothing will stop his boundless curiosity, and he'll perform any experament if it will yeild results. His methods render his hapless victims traumatized and nearly paralyzed in fear.
When he received his sinestro power ring, it seemed absolutely nothing could slow him down, or stop his experaments.

Orange Lantern- The Orange Light of Avarice

Name: Simon Smith
Species: Toy Collector
Homeworld: Earth
Sector: 2814
Special Abilities:
Uncanny ability to find Chase figures before anyone else. Able to bribe store employees for five finger discounts of rare figures before they get put on shelves.
Simon prides himself on his extensive toy collection. He makes his living by selling and trading rare figures, and will travel across country to multiple conventions, in an effort to acquire every exclusive or rare toy he can. He's managed to cheat many people out of their places in line, or their toys.
Until one day at SDCC, he unknowingly out competed Larfleeze. And even worse, he tried to take the Orange Lantern. It was the last mistake he ever made, and was soon absorbed. And his new Avatar was ordered to bring his entire collection to Larfleeze.
Special Note:
In life, Simon was not terribly bright.

Red Lantern- The Red Light of Rage
With blood and rage of crimson red
Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead
Together with our hellish hate
We'll burn you all...
That is your fate!

Name: Riku Mashta
Species: Icthomorph
Homeworld: Revin
Sector: 721
Special Abilities:
Limited bioluminescence, eyes adapted for extremely low light levels.
A famous model across eight dozen star systems, Riku was used to the high life. She loved the attention she received. She loved the credits she made, and the unbelievable places she'd get to travel to for her holoshoots. The only things she loved more than her job, were her fans, and her Son, Chardon. She took him everywhere with him. And she never passed up a chance to show off to, or be with her fans. Especially children. More than half the credits she made, she would give to charity.
During an extended vacation on her homeworld, tragedy struck. A group of Tumarian poachers had taken to the ocean world, and began fishing for prized catches. Icthomorph fins go for high prices on the black markets of Hepta.
Quite by chance, they managed to spear Chardon. Riku hurried to the rescue, but arrived all too late. As she held her child in her arms, grief and fury consumed her as he slipped away. She attacked the poachers, but was unsuccessful, losing an eye in the process.She only barely managed to escape with her own life.
Sensing her heartache, she was approached by the ring of the Star Sapphire, promising to mend the grief in her heart. But only seconds before she was able to accept, she was taken by a red ring. Now filled with Rage of crimson Red, she mercilessly slaughtered the poachers who killed her son, and disfigured her. And now she turns the unbridled fury of a hurricane on anyone, or anything that crosses her path.
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Re: Green Lantern

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:43 pm

Green Lantern Blackest Night

The Black Lantern Corps- Death
The Blackest Night falls from the skies
The darkness grows as all light dies
We crave your hearts and your demise
By my Black Hand...
...the dead shall RISE!

Mitsy Brown of Earth....riiiiise.
Chardon Mashta of Revin....riiiiise.

Sara Tillman of Earth.... riiiiiiiiiiiise.

The White Lantern Corps- Life

Sara Tillman of Earth.... LIVE!

Mitsy Brown (Name may change) is the little girl who was killed by s'tyv and replaced by Kar'n.
Chardon is Riku's son.
And the Orange Lantern is beyond my current abilities to color.
Aside from the humans and White Martians, I created and designed all the races represented.
Sarah Tillman is the deceased sister of Sapphire Stephanie. I currently don't have a profile for her.
GL Scraps-
Kar'n when she was a green lantern:

And Talana's original art:
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Re: Young Justice

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:43 pm

Young Justice
My Young Justice OCs, season 1 and season 2:


Accessing personal files of The Watchtower.

Downloading, please standby....

Download complete. Displaying.

Recognize: Star Sapphire.

Name: Stephanie Winters
Identity: Confidential
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Human/Werewolf
Nationality: Austrailian
Mentor: Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewert
Assignment: The Team

At fourteen, Stephanie Winters watched her family killed before her eyes by werewolf slayers. Stephanie herself was rescued when a power ring belonging to the Star Sapphire Corps sensed her distress.
Once she was inducted into the corps, she was approached by Green Lantern of Earth, Hal Jordan. Following bad encounters with the Star Sapphire Corps in the past, Jordan did not want a rogue Sapphire running around earth. Particularly one who is a 14 year old werewolf.
At first he tried to take the ring from her, but gave in to feelings of sympathy after hearing her story. He decided to take the young Sapphire under his wing. Since the Star Sapphire Corps do not have any formal sort or training regime for their recruits, Jordan eventually decided to sent her to Green Lantern Kilowog for training.
Kilowog did the best he could, given how differently a Sapphire's power ring works from a Green Lantern's. And once the Guardians discovered what Jordan and Kilowog had been doing, further training by the GLC had been strictly forbidden.

Sent back to earth, Stephanie took up residence on the streets of Coast City, until Batman formed the Team. Jordan took her and brought her to Batman for induction.

Star Sapphire continues to serve with her new teammates.

File Closed.

My reimagining of my Star Sapphire for the Cartoon Network show Young Justice.
Unlike previously, I made her costume a physical one, feeling like Batman wouldn't allow a teenage girl to run around dressed like the typical Sapphire.
The reality is, I followed a lot of the rules for costume design the art directer employs.
And yes, her arms and hands are large, I did it on purpose to make her less human in profile.

Young Justice: Invasion


Accessing personal files of The Watchtower.

Downloading, please standby....

Download complete. Displaying.

Recognize: Star Sapphire.

Name: Stephanie Winters
Identity: Confidential
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Human/Werewolf
Abilities: Gifted with a Violet Power Ring, Stephanie has all the powers and abilities of the Star Sapphire. As a Werewolf, Stephanie has enhanced senses, above average strength and durability. Trained by Black Canary in hand to hand martial arts.
Nationality: Australian
Mentor: Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewert
Affiliations: The Team, Justice League

Star Sapphire has proven herself to be a valuable member of The Team, serving many years with valor and distinction, making many great personal sacrifices for the good of the Team, and the good of humanity as a whole. Her tireless efforts have earned her a promotion to The League. As a new member of The Justice League, she operates along side them, as well as on her own. And even operates as a liason for The Team.
Working for the League, running missions for the Team, operating as the Star Sapphire for Sector 2814, being mentor for the young Indigo Lantern known as Serenity, as well working for Ferris Air in her personal time as Stephanie Winters keeps a lot on her plate. But those who know her best know that this is all a cover for the emmence weight on her heavy and broken heart. Five years ago, she was unable to rescue her love from drowning. And unable to resuscitate him, in pure desparation she encased him in Star Sapphire crystal, hoping that it's unknown properties will someday restore him. Now Stephanie moves forward because she has no choice. Living only for the day when... and if her beloved Brenden will be revived.

File Closed.

Recognize: Indigo.

Name: Serenity Winters (Adopted name, real name unknown)
Identity: Confidential
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Stennah
Abilities: Gifted with an Indigo Power Ring, Serenity has all the abilities of the Indigo Tribe, and the ability to harness the complete emotional Spectrum. The Stennah are natural empaths, capable of sensing the emotional states of other beings. Trained in Stennan martial arts.
Nationality: N/A
Mentor: Star Sapphire Stephanie Winters
Affiliations: The Team, Indigo Tribe

A noble and compassionate princess in her own culture, the being now known as Serenity had a fateful encounter with the mysterious and little known Indigo Tribe. They gave her an Indigo Power Ring and accepted her into their ranks, for the way she cared for her people.
The Princess traveled with the Indigo for some time, before she eventually departed in order to study and learn from the other points on the emotional spectrum. Unable to approach the Green Lanterns, the Princess was eventually attracted to the powerful love she felt emanating from the Star Sapphire known as Stephanie Winters.
She followed her back to Earth, and carefully observed her for some time, before stepping in and aiding the violet lantern.
Having nowhere else to go, Stephanie eventually took the young alien girl in, and brought her to her coast city apartment.
After time, The Princess, who is now known as Serenity, proved herself trustworthy, and Stephanie sponsored her admittance to The Team. Here, Serenity is learning more about the Emotional Spectrum than she ever was able to on her own, and recently has begun to show the ability to harness strong emotions from others without the presence of other lanterns.

File Closed.

Notes: The time span between season one and two is five years.
When I decided to add another character, I was torn between Talana, Aquillah, and Serenity. Aquillah may be problematic being a blue lantern, and not knowing if other star sapphires exist, pushing a second one in may be problematic. Given the original origin of the Sapphires, one would be easier to explain if YJ came up with something potentially contradictory.
The Indigos though, given how mysterious and little known they once were in the comics, would be easier to use Serenity.
Sapphire: An adult now, the rules for costumeing shiftfs. So I decided to go with a more traditional Star Sapphire outfit, only using the Green Lantern uniform as my base. This time it's ring generated. Five years later, I had to make her look a bit older, so I changed her hair, and beefed her up a bit.

Indigo: drastic redesign from the main version. The South Seas Islander theme I wanted didn't really work here, so I decided to embrace the secondary elven princess theme.

Over all, adore Serenity. Steph came out aweful and only shows why I hate trying to do two characters on one piece.

In YJ, most of the kids had bot stealth, and arctic camo colors for their costumes. As such, I did the same for Steph:
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Re: Jetty's art megathread

Postby Avalon » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:10 pm

Those are cool drawings Jetty! I like the Sara Tillman black lantern the most. It looks like it could be a cool TMNT character!
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Re: Jetty's art megathread

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:15 am


I do have a TMNT character that I rolled up for a game Acid started a while back. Will have that up eventually.
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Re: Jetty's art megathread

Postby Avalon » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:34 am

You might remember my avatar from the Archie TMNT Adventures comics: Jagwar. :D
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Re: Jetty's art megathread

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:53 am

Aye, that I do! The archie comics of TMNT and Mutanimals is how I remember the turtles. If anything I prefer the Mighty Mutanimals over the TMNT.
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Re: Jetty's art megathread

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:40 pm

Sorry, just a bump to move onto the second page, so I don't have more pictures on one page than I can handle.
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