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Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

In 1984, Kenner produced some of the most popular DC figures, ever! With a huge roster, each character was equipped with an action feature and provided hours of fun! Relive your childhood and discuss this cool line here.

Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:06 am

So here is a very special guide that I came up with a while back and thought I'd make it a reality. This guide is to simply show you the difference between Kenner's DC Superpowers and ToyBiz' DC Super Heroes series'! Now, the DCSP line original came out in around 1984 while the DCSH series came out in 1989 around the time when the 89 Batman film did at theaters. Many people have compared ToyBiz' DC lines over the decades was a bootleg/knock off Kenner's beloved series. This maybe the case but whatever is your opinion I will show you how to tell the difference as to how to identify one whether you already have it in your collection and need to research it, just found a gold mine on the bay or just looking for fun. Whatever your case is, here is My simple guide.

But first please keep in Mind I only have one DCSP and that is Superman, I had featured him earlier on in My great Vintage Action Figure topic, please visit that link that I have provided to see him and tons of other great stuff that is frequently updated. Anyway, here is a previously posted reason as to why I only have him.
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Often I think about the DC Superpowers line. I remember way back in the 80s at a local store called Ben Franklin's (they were a great one as they had tons of great toys...went out of business years and years ago) and I saw the DCSPs in their special section and I WASN'T wanting them! I was a foolish kid let Me tell ya :roll: I kinda made up for it however when I got some of the ToyBiz "bootleg" DC/Batman 89 cross-over figure series (got them at the out of business K-Mart). I loved the Kenner Batman 89 & Batman Returns series as well (got them at the out of business Venture).

So with all of that being said I still regret not getting the DCSP as well as other Kenner/Hasbro DC figures after Batman 92.

I think the DC Superpowers artwork was and still is the best of all ever seen even to now IMO and of course they are My faves to this day!

So with that being said and known, here is My guide with some bonus content!

Kenner's DC Superpowers and ToyBiz' DC Super Heroes series'!

Unfortunately I have misplaced My DCSP Superman's cape so that is why there is only one present but they were nearly identical.

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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:15 am

One of the most underrated aspects of viewing action figures IMO as I have featured in many of My collections is the "Copyright & Company info! It's usually sculpted on the bodies' legs or bottoms of their feet but sometimes they are printed as well. Mattel lacks this option severely over time but Kenner/Hasbro, Toyiz/Marvel and Playmates are great ones for this. Again, not every company does this, however, it became more common in the 90s for both the figure company and franchise company to be both on the figure despite it was seen rather often in the 80s. I have always been like this since I was little always looking for it to see whom made what plus it's fun to find and read it :)


The Action feature :batsmile:

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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:18 am

Now, here is a special bonus but I believe it is necessary to present. Here is ToyBiz's DCSH Penguin and Kenner's Batman Returns Penguin. I cannot compare their umbrellas as I have broken them long ago sadly. So, instead of getting the likeness of the actual movie character, Kenner went back to the past and got their original sculpt back with some enhancements. Here is a special comparison between the two.


Copyright and company info :!:


So there you have it. I hope you have enjoyed this special presentation :D Stay tuned as I will being showing off My ToyBiz DC Super Heroes series, Kenner DC Batman & Swamp Thing collection, My original ToyBiz Marvel & X-Men collection and so much more in the near future :o
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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:36 pm

These are nice. I was out of toys for the 90's, having become "too old" for such kiddie things, so my DC experience went from DC SuperPowers to dormant for twenty years until one night I was working overnight at Walmart and opened a brand new case of DC SuperHeroes by Mattel. I had to wait til the street date before I could buy that Batman, and though he hasn't aged well, hes still pretty neat. And thus began that slippery slope of, oh, I'll just get the big seven JLA, to, oh, I need these JSA guys too, to oh, the Legion of 300+ figures counting customs, lol.

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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:36 am

packerbacker180 wrote:These are nice. I was out of toys for the 90's, having become "too old" for such kiddie things, so my DC experience went from DC SuperPowers to dormant for twenty years until one night I was working overnight at Walmart and opened a brand new case of DC SuperHeroes by Mattel. I had to wait til the street date before I could buy that Batman, and though he hasn't aged well, hes still pretty neat. And thus began that slippery slope of, oh, I'll just get the big seven JLA, to, oh, I need these JSA guys too, to oh, the Legion of 300+ figures counting customs, lol.


Thanks Packer :) Shame about the really long hiatus but cool that you got back into DC and yes that is one slippery slope ain't it :shock:
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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:29 pm

Nice topic and good job with the details on those lines.

I remember going through my ShopKo weekly to get the Super Powers line…I remember opening them and just playing til I fell asleep then doing it again on repeat. I loved those figures (and still do) and they are prominently featured in my collection when you first walk in the Nerd Rage Room. The endless hours I played with these works of art are inestimable; the epitome of my childhood wrapped in colorful plastic.

I also recall seeing the Toy Biz attempts and although I didn’t jump at them because I knew they weren’t the same; we’re still pretty good and came with some decent accessories to make up for it.
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Re: Kenner DCSP vs. ToyBiz DCSH: A Visual Guide

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:57 am

Sounds like a whole lot of fun there Idiot. I see but like I said the ToyBiz was like My second chance to get'am. Thanks for the nice comment, I appreciate it :)
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