But first please keep in Mind I only have one DCSP and that is Superman, I had featured him earlier on in My great Vintage Action Figure topic, please visit that link that I have provided to see him and tons of other great stuff that is frequently updated. Anyway, here is a previously posted reason as to why I only have him.
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Often I think about the DC Superpowers line. I remember way back in the 80s at a local store called Ben Franklin's (they were a great one as they had tons of great toys...went out of business years and years ago) and I saw the DCSPs in their special section and I WASN'T wanting them! I was a foolish kid let Me tell yaI kinda made up for it however when I got some of the ToyBiz "bootleg" DC/Batman 89 cross-over figure series (got them at the out of business K-Mart). I loved the Kenner Batman 89 & Batman Returns series as well (got them at the out of business Venture).
So with all of that being said I still regret not getting the DCSP as well as other Kenner/Hasbro DC figures after Batman 92.
I think the DC Superpowers artwork was and still is the best of all ever seen even to now IMO and of course they are My faves to this day!
So with that being said and known, here is My guide with some bonus content!
Kenner's DC Superpowers and ToyBiz' DC Super Heroes series'!
Unfortunately I have misplaced My DCSP Superman's cape so that is why there is only one present but they were nearly identical.