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Re: My Odds & Ends: Hard Justice VHS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:40 am

As you know, I'm a huge action film fan, I have been ever since I was a youngster. Wrestlers, Action Stars, Martial Artists...I mean look how many Action Stars & Martial Artists has been in Wrestling and look how many Wrestlers has been Action Movies...I saw that it all went hand in hand long ago, it was really a no-brainer situation and it's so fun too :) So with that being said, as you just saw My very special Cyborg & JCVD showcase, I'm continuing a bit more of Action Movies, here's one of THE LAST great action movies ever of all-time and it's...


Yes, its Hard Justice...really and truly the Ultimate actioner :!: It's by New line Cinema & Turner Home Entertainment as you saw above. It came out the great year of 1995 and released in 1996 on VHS. I saw this long ago and I just loved it so I had to buy the VHS online. It stars David Bradley whom is one of the most underrated Action Hero Martial Artists there is. Also Charles Napier is the villain which is very apropos. So here's My VHS. I have always loved how it looks with its dark natured Box Sleeve and those Raised Chrome Words :batsmile:


Here's a close-look at the back of the Box with it's pictures & story/plot-line :)


Here the VHS Label with the New line Cinema & Turner Home Entertainment Logos there plus the 1996 Copyright. Like I say, always, always check those Copyrights out to check who made it and when ;)


Now since I originally got this used from eBay, I had no connection with the place this came from which was ET Video but I don't want them falling to Oblivion so here's their Sticker :)


I looked them up and apparently their still around or at least their web site is. Here's a sample of it ;)


I've always been a person that liked visuals and I will always talk about it. Like I said before just a moment ago, I love the Raised Chrome Words on the VHS Box Sleeve. In fact this is one of My most favorite Boxes of ever of all-time :batwink:


Soon I plan on spotlighting this great action film in PB's Movie Trailer Topic in time so be sure to check that out when the time arises :shock: Well, I hope you enjoyed My unique Hard Justice VHS Tape showcase. Next up will be a different kind. It will be a special flashback showcase that is also from 1995-1996 I did in the General Discussion section that I felt needed to be within My all-crucial Odds & Ends which this will have new material and will be much more exciting as well, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Hard Justice VHS!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:45 pm

Can't say I ever heard of this. At first I thought it was a Steven Seagal film, but that was Hard to Kill.
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Hard Justice VHS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:48 am

As you know I'm about obscurity and things that nobody talks about and that I never want to fall in Limbo and to Oblivion. Yes, I know Seagal's movie was Hard to Kill, that was his second film. I own that on VHS and have a collection of his as well as other action stars. As you saw I did a very special JCVD Cyborg presentation and I'm going to continue that with MOTU later on in the future here within this very important topic of Mine. Like I said one day I'll post Hard Justice in your Movie Trailer Topic PB once we're done with the Godzilla & Kajiu movies and when I get to talking about action movies which I don't want to rush that...I'll talk more about Hard Justice then in time ;) Thanks for checking this out PB...more will be arriving soon so stay alert :)
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Broadway Comics & Fatale!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:38 am

So here I go with a special showcase that I presented in over in the General Topics Section a while back but I kept on thinking I should have put it in My Odds & Ends and well after that amount of time I'm finally doing it :)


Yes, it's Broadway Comics, one of My favorite comic companies and one of course that nobody talks about as it has fallen to this Limbolic era which I really, really dislike. So what your going to see here is My original showcase via a quote then after that some new materiel just for this presentation. I'm one of the so very few people that does what i do, heck possibly even the only one which is very pathetic how this age has become to show the past whether it was great or not. So these are some of My most favorite comics of ever of all-time starting with My quote :batwink:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:So I have been thinkin' about this all year, about the 25th Anniversary of FATALE :!: She is one of My most favorite comic book babes of ever, of all-time :o

OK, so first off, I originally posted this topic way back 2013 with only 1 reply from somebody that doesn't even post here anymore! I originally thought that this topic was gonna be a top one but it got lost the shuffle for many years until now all thanks to Me :D I had edited My first posts as I believe the pics needed to be updated and it needed a few tweeks here and there so I suggest you go there first then come back right here because there is gonna be some great stuff to behold!

Here's the the Broadway Logo and it's founder, the legendary Jim Shooter :!:


Here is all of the history to know so click dem links below!    

Here is Broadway's WIKIPEDIA PAGE to find out all the info!

To find out all of the info go here!

So if you went back and seen it, you already know that I originally discovered Fatale in the January 1996 WWF Magazine that I got in December of 1995! It was an ad of one of My most fave pics of her which I will talk about in a bit. When I first saw her I thought oh My gosh, she's incredible! I was only going on 15 but gosh, decades have gone by and I still love her :smgasp: I have always thought for decades it pays so much to be into wrestling because you'll notice so many things and if your not then I can't help you there. Here is the front & back covers of the mag. Pics are not mine, just edited ;)


First, I have a huge collection of WWF & WCW magazines but their in storage and really hard to get to. Wow, I loved that magazine, the feel of it and everything :batshock: 1990 - 1996 was such great years for those especially 95-96. Oh and them Karate Fighters by Hasbro. I got them when they first came out. I remember that they were the WWF's sponsor for many months and I may showcase them in My Great Vintage Action Figure Topic whenever I get to the 90s.

This is the pic that got Me attention 100% :o I had seen many classy & hot women in DC & Marvel among other comics before but she was 1 of a kind to/for Me :batgrin:


A while later when I was doing My research here & there after her second comic, I saw her third issue and I was absolutely wowed with her cover with this one :batshock:


So technically she was introduced in 1995 but was officially introduced in 1996...25 years ago...this year :!: OK, if you clicked the links then you'll know who Desirée Hopewell is and what Broadway was. I must say she was My fave but she wasn't the only hot & awesome one however :batconfused:

Also, in the comics, they did advertise WWF Magazines & WWF In Your House PPVs! plus great video games :smgrin:

Here is a few pics of her within the comics :)


I really digged the Babes of Broadway. It was the 90s particularly 96, things were changing, I was changing, and women were changing and this book was a treat that clearly showed that!


I digged Fatale's arch-nemesis Layil Ogun, yeah, she was a true bad @$$ and was also a hottie!


So, I wanted to show off My entire collection of Broadway Comics that I got long ago. During My pics I will commentate just a bit here. NOTE: I do not have the hardcover version as it was very expensive & hard to get :roll:

1ST EVER Broadway Comics & The Babes of Broadway: yep, that's the one and Babes of Broadway is so cool. I loved Blood S.C.R.E.A.M. Darn shame they never made a second edition of B.O.B.!


Shadow State: Yep, the first ones!


Fatale: Desirée's own story arch which she originally appeared in the Shadow State series! Her stories were so fun to read and of course to look at. She was such a playful yet dangerous beauty :batsmile:


Star Seed: Unfortunately the overall story arc of Shadow State and The Powers that Be was basically over as they chose Star Seed as their last major character which is such a shame :batsad:


The Knights of Broadway: This was the last they ever published. Because of poor sales & criticism, Broadway went under fast and had only existed about a year or so, I have thought this was so pathetic and disgusting that this happen :batsmh:



Black & White editions: Even though these were the same ones I already had, I had to get these promo titles and they gave Me an extra #1 of Fatale so I have a duplicate of that one :smgasp:


So there you have it. It always pains Me about the demise of Broadway. I supported them all the way but what can you do :smsmh:

These comics are just one of the many countless things that was great in the 90s that I miss. The comics were so great in detail, story and quality. The covers were shiny & raised. The women were awesome to look at & could kick @$$ all the fact IMO the women of the 90s real & fictional are My favorites of any decade!

OK, that's it. So there is the 25th Anniversary of Fatale plus bonus stuff as I showcased in My collection. If your just now looking at this then please go back to the beginning cuz if you don't your not gonna get the excitement of this comic presentation. I hope you enjoyed this. Comments please and thanks for looking :smsmile:

So there's that and that should have been quite wowing for at least somebody. Now I'm going to take a good gander at some selections of these fine, extremely underrated & unappreciated comics so get ready for another wild ride :batwink:

This was actually Fatale's first appearance and arguably the best she looked. These really rocked as like I said before, the best looking women were in the 90s and that goes for all media & platforms including Comics :batsmile: Also notice Jim Shooter, the man that left Marvel to create his own company which was Broadway Comics give's "his word" there in a special forward. As always click My pictures for massive details :)


This came out in December, 1995 and I recall that like it was yesterday. Look how wonderful she looks there and there's a look at Overstreet's Fans on the back Cover :)


This was her second appearance and boy she was great here :batshock:


I just loved how she'd tease and stuff. She was so remarkable with his big assets then and she is still smoking hot now :batwink: Notice at the bottom right, it says Fatale #1 is on sale now so by this time she got her own Comic series and man-o-man it was a dandy to say the least :batsmile:


So now moving on to Till Death Do Us Part. First there's a skit by comedian Jeff Jones. We see Wendi Hickenbottom who is really hot looking. Soon she grows and becomes Afterglow and her boyfriend Zach says how weird this is and he runs away into Superion whom is her true love. I loved how realistic it was when she changed with her bikini coming off because it was now too small for her. That's one thing they could have done with The Incredible Hulk and especially She-Hulk but of course they didn't. I'm always for realism and this is still great in My book :batwink:


I love Afterglow's physique, she has some really great boobs :batwink: Also it's really cool how he got rid of Zach as well I mean when he hit the concrete it was fatality time :smsmh: :wwshock: :batwink:


Here's a special Your Word Section with a bit of Desirée Hopewell. I love her look with the tank top bra & jean shorts, that's a look that seriously needs to come back now as it was such a cool fashion for women :batwink:


Here's an Advertisement for Fatale #1 in January, 1996. Gosh that was such a great time. now as I mentioned earlier, I first found about this in the January 96 WWF Magazine. Well, there was some WWF Advertisements within these very fine Comics. It was so cool during these times as two very different worlds were coming together but hey, this was late 95 - 96, the WWF was getting edgier and still people aren't seeing how it was before the Attitude Era just like Broadway Comics is so obscure but with such a low amount of people like Myself actually doing things like trying to prevent this great stuff falling even further in Limbo and trying to help it return, people can look back and see so much good stuff that they missed :) Now one of the Advertisements was for subscribing to WWF Magazine. I just loved these days of WWF Magazine and as plain as this ad appears with My favorite WWF Logo of all, it's actually arguably the funnest WWF Magazine Ad that they made IMO :)


Now they also Advertised WWF on America Online/AOL for Early/Mid 1996. This was one of the sole purposes I wanted to join AOL. When I saw these ads I thought it was so radical and next level material which indeed it was. The year of change 1996 was really when I got back into PCs and things really changed since I last used Computers. One thing about today's society is that it really lacks like people My age that they don't talk about their first experiences with the Web and talk about the old Net. I mean last year I deeply expressed how it was for Me about Peer-to-Peer Sharing in My great Composer Topic and it's like nobody knows what that was. I see so very few videos & people talking about Napster, WinMX, BearShare, TCP among other stuff and I'm like has all of this fallen in Limbo plus it's not good for this Generation of all of the things they could know from the past :roll: See, when people don't talk about stuff and do things about it...that's what happens and that is what I've been trying to prevent from happening within My great Topics :) So the options here was Trivia, TV Zone, Main Screen & Shop. I liked how they chose Jim Cornette, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jake" The Snake" Roberts & Shawn Michaels which still to this day I adore how this whole setup was designed...such classic Internet times :)


Also I love the Beyond the Pages because you got an inside look before the actual magazine hit the newsstands and putting magazines on the web wasn't an option as stuff like that digitally really wasn't even a thought yet :shock: That's a really good iconic picture of HBK from his "boyhood dream coming true" at WWF Wrestlemania 12. Also I really like the picture they chose of Marlena because I had a crush on her as much as I did Sunny :wwshock: :batwink: :smwink: That Bodyslammin' Gallery was so exciting because I loved looking at the pics & video clips but most of all listening & downloading Wrestling Themes. That was arguably the biggest and most exciting part of this whole time on WWF on AOL for Me. In fact since I was already a movie score listener veteran by this time, this became an added hobby for Me because like I said before, there is little to no difference in a movie soundtrack & movie score and wrestling themes..if you can hear a wrestler's theme in the can hear the musical score in a film or vice's always been that way with Me :) Of course I expanded to get other wrestling themes on the web like from WCW & ECW and Independents. It was quite fun really for many years and the days that we know of YouTube really only happen about a decade ago or so with the big bang of Social Media in the tone down year of 2011, cause in the mid to late 2000s YT was very different place and not about likes, subs and making money. Really I miss the old days of the web and again, people really needs to starting talking about it once more because I'm only one person. There's the Phone Number and the 1996 Copyright :) Yes, it says "you had better be prepared and call for 15 Free Hours"...times were quite different back then but they good ;)


So now we're going to have a brief look at Fatale #1 with that awesome raised front Cover that came out in January, 1996. I always say that 1996 was a year of change but it was starting before that and there's Overstreet's Fans with a hot looking set of legs in high-heels during a blue hot night :batwink:


Here's a great look at various selections throughout the Fatale-Inherit the Earth Series, Here's a close look at Desirée Hopewell in her very hot looking silk nightgown doing one of the great things she knows how to do and that is...fighting :!: I've always loved this look about her...she's still one of the hottest female comic characters ever seen IMO :batsmile:


After she recovers she's in bed looking even hotter :smwink:


She's into more fighting and look, she's wearing those custom cut blue jean shorts. I've said it before, gosh I miss that look on women now...that is one of so many things that is lacking in this modern pathetic day & age :roll: There's a lot that is kinda random here that I selected that is kind of out of order but it still looks mighty darn decent :)


I love this picture of Hopewell, she is so awesome. Here's a great look at her nemesis Ogun. She's a beauty too. She's blonde with shorter hair, more slender but she is busty as well as in great shape. The 90s had such great looking blond women :batwink: She's insane and wants all the power to herself to fulfill her immortality :wwsmh:


I love how she is shown nude here in the shadows, only one of the many reasons why I love this series and Broadway Comics in general :batsmile: Here's a great look at Hopewell kissing her love as this is how she becomes one of the most powerful forces ever known :!:


She looks terrific in her army clothing..I love a huge boobed babe in military gear :)


Here she is displaying her great Martial Arts skills and looking great in a long white buttoned shirt :batwink:


Here's a Word from Jim Shooter then Layil is getting ready to sacrifice Desirée and while she is successful..the power of the Dragon was too much and just like that Hopewell is resurrected and ends her battle with the hot villainess :o


It's time for her to "Inherit the Earth". Now here's a very bittersweet Advertisement with her pointing her finger like "come over here" :wwwink: It's an order form to get all of the Fatale Comics. It says they were hard to find even then :shock: Smash is there as it was your first Web Magazine. Now if you seen My fantastic restoration of BijoiuFlix whom were the first streamers online before streaming was even a thing here within this very crucial Odds & Ends then you know how important it is for Me to show how things once was that nobody ever talks about anymore in this distantly lacking society because without these forerunners this great digital age would be nothing without them :!: One day I hope this generation & kids today will understand this. Now if this wasn't bad enough, the deadline of ordering these was on November 6, 1996...sadly Broadway Comics was already out of businesses :o :batshock: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Little did they know that was going to happen :roll: I hope that I wasn't the only one that ever appreciated the sheer beauty of their comics and pure fun that they brought overall :)


So here's an Ad for a FREE Newsletter which unfortunately I never was able to participate in. Here's another look at the WWF AOL Ad and even the SNES Game of Todd McFaralne's Spawn by Acclaim. I look back on how darn cool all of this was and I'm like man-o-man, how times are now :roll:


Like I've said before many times, the 90s had some of the most absolute best comic art and of course some of the most stunning women as you've just seen above :batwink: Now this is arguably My favorite issue of them all and the most anticipated to showcase because it's The Babes of Broadway :batwink: :wwsmile: :smgasp: The front Cover is just remarkable with Desirée "Fatale" Hopewell on it. I just love her pose showing her wonderful skin wearing her red lingerie-esque bikini but still wearing her gauntlets. She has wonderful hands with red fingernail polish on. She looks like she would fit right in with Duke Nuke 3D that came out the very same year of 1996 :o Shame that never had a chance of happening :roll: Next is an ad for Robert M. Overstreet's Comic Book Price Guide from Gemstone Publishing with Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, NIghtwing, The Terminator & Dr. Doom then there's the Index with them women that made this possible :wwwink:


This came out in May, 1996 and was only $2.95. Really IMO this should have cost more than that because the Cover feels so good and the artwork is so darn cool as this is like a superb edition :batwink:


Now I'm not going to show the entire book but I will show most of the great stuff :) First off there's an ad that Broadway Comics is going to the Chicago Comicon. I hope there was some good fans there really appreciated them as much as I do because Broadway Comics was almost there to hangup their short-lived tenure of a great comic company of not even being in existence a year...that is way, WAY too short in My book I mean if you met these people that created these awesome comics and was able to get their merchandise from them in person...that was one heck of a milestone there so again I hope them people that went there still tell their stories today of how radical that was then :) Next up is a very special section with two of the Editors whom are both female. I spoke how remarkable the front Cover is...well whats even more so is what their talking about the differences in Pinups and that it all has to do with Attitude :batwink: Now this is 1996, the year of change. When I say that I really don't think people know where I'm coming from. I know there's people out there that don't pay attention to the details no matter what the size they are but I've always been a very observant person and over time I've learned you gotta pay attention to things far more then ever before. So keep in mind of the all of the WWF I showed from the beginning of this great showcase till the end here. By this time The New Generation was in it's last days really because WCW was getting ready to bring the very first times of the The Attitude Era with the nWo. It just wasn't in wresting...movies were changing and as I said before about Twister & ID4, women was really changing...sure they were starting when the great year of 1990 was a-go but they slowly were getting there especially in the great year of 1995. Sports, Video Games, Music and more was changing. Metallica even came with a song on their superbly fun Re-Load called Attitude in 1997 before the name of The Attitude Era was even coined and the guitar of Carpe Diem sounds like the DX Theme :o What I'm saying is The Attitude Era IMO is just not in wrestling, it was all over the place starting in 96 and Broadway Comics was the first that I noticed talking about "Attitude" and if these women see how today's pathetic androgynous modern era has become, I'm sure they would be ashamed and never thought it would be this way like an alternate reality :roll: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So the first entries here is Afterglow who's almost seven feet all and four hundred pounds of beauty. Like I said before she has wonderful breasts that are shaped really good but heck even before she became this ultimate babe, Wendi looked fine at five-foot-five and one hundred, twenty-five pounds then and her boobs weren't that small either :batwink: Next up is her superbabe group called Blood S.C.R.E.A.M. which they are Afterglow, Sacristy & Harlotte. They are totally awesome women. Their enemies are lead by the Dominator which is called The Dominatrixes. All six of them women looks fantastic and I really like all of these extreme babes :batwink: :wwshock: :smsmh:


Here's Emerald, she's a stripper that is making money for her crippled son. While she doesn't like her profession, she a great one and has one heck of a great look with her big boobs & thick body :batwink: Here's Natalie Cushlin which is one of Fatale's foes. She's got a fine physique and is very slender but in great shape :) Ah now here we go with Layil Ogun who I featured earlier. She is Hopewells nemesis and wants the Dragon Spirit all for herslef seen above. I love this picture of how dangerously sexy she is :batwink:


Now this is My favorite of's Desirée Hopewell. I love how she's looking at the viewer with her beautiful green eyes in almost a similar pose as to how she looks on the front Cover but this time she's naked doing a handbra on her massive boobies :batshock: She's a got a box of chocolates and I just love inviting & playful women :)


Next up is two of Tammy Neil's Knights. First is Joan aka Sizz, the Knight of Fire and Marie aka Shady the Knight of Naught. Both are very good looking. Then is FUTURE TECH's DeeLacey & Rave and then Black Annis whom is very unique to say the least and is drawn very distinctively compared to the rest of most if not all the illustrations of Broadway's entire history :shock:


Here's some words from the Publisher & Executive Editor and yes their women too...such a different Era then compared to now :roll: Next up is an Advertisement for Broadway Comics. I really like this picture. It's one of the earliest pictures depicting Cyberspace and the Internet/World Wide Web. Again like I said before, I love to see how it was back then and it's a shame how people just don't look back and think how it was :roll: The teenager at his Computer sitting in his Broadway Comics Chair is blown away as his visited and saw Desirée Hopewell on the front Cover of The Babes of Broadway :o I know kids & teenagers are so different now and could careless about this stuff now but back then teenage boys & young men like Me were pretty wowed about that sort of thing and still after all of these years I think it's great not to mention seeing it now as close as possible to reminisce like this in My collection in hand is pretty prodigious :) The female stuff just wasn't it I mean seeing Wrestling, Video Game, Baseball, Kaiju, Comic, Movie stuff was really surprising back then especially with BijouFlix that I posted a while back here in My All-Crucial Odds & Ends of My restoration of their Web Site as well as My special VHS Tapes as they were the first streamers long before streaming was a thing today and way before YouTube existed with their spoiling thumbnails. Gosh I miss this age but again, seeing it how it was like this in My Comics is a pleasure and I'm grateful about it :)


Here's an ad for Knights of Broadway, Cutting Edge Broadway Newsletter, WWF Magazine Subscription Ad and a back Cover featuring Rise 2: Resurrection video game that nobody ever talks about during this current day's age. This was so awesome back then in 95 & 96 and with Me it's just as cool now as it was then :)


Here's two selected back Covers of video games both by Acclaim. The one is the same above which is Rise 2: Resurrection and the other is D. Both titles are severely obscure to today's society which is such a shame how it has allowed itself to become. I complain all the time how nobody talks about Acclaim anymore when they were the biggest video game company in the late 80s, entire 90s & early 2000s and made some of the most fun video game titles. It makes no sense yet it's still happening and it really irks Me. I mean if your My age and you played Acclaim games for a very long time...did you think they'd have that fate years later :? I think not and this generation seriously needs to look back and see what a real video game era was like :!: With that being said D had a very remarkable poster which was a precursor to many games & even movies that would come out years later such as Shadow Man & The Grudge. Rise 2: Resurrection was a great fighting game that was far ahead of it's time which was co-made by Mirage Studios.


These games were on Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation & PC.


Here's the 1995 & 1996 Copyrights...always's check those Copyrights no matter what type of collectible you have :)


So the majority of My Broadway Comics Collection I got at aka Lone Star Comics long ago. Last year I showcased them when i showcased My Dark Horse Comics in a very special presentation for Halloween :blbat:


So that will do it for this extremely special showcase of Broadway Comic and My favorite which is Fatale. Maybe you never seen these before or perhaps I sparked a memory or two :?: Either way i hope you liked this and were surprised :) I have a lot of stuff that I have planned for My Odds & Ends but I'm not sure what I'm going to decide of what is next...I shall see what will be the next update, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: PHANTOM FIREWORKS Special!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:30 am

Here we go with a cool short entry here for the Fourth of July and it's a second time I've featured...


Yes, I showcased Phantom Fireworks a couple years ago here within My Odds & Ends Topic which is a very imperative one of Mine. A few weeks ago, My Mom got the mail (the USPS situation really sucks now or at least it does in My area :x and she told Me that I got a cool Phantom Fireworks Advertisement. She also said that I'll like it because it's smooth and feels good. She's saying this because she knows I love to feel Magazines and stuff which I have said about how I love to feel My WWF & WCW Magazines, surely, I'm not the only person that ever liked to do this. I don't know because nobody around web ever says about it. I've always been like that since I was a youngster. So here's the really cool Front & Back of this very nice-looking Phantom Fireworks Advertisement :)


Here's a close-up of some of the Fireworks. In My previous one, they were pushing the Illuminati Triangle Fountain before, notice how this year their pushing the alien agenda with Mars Retrograde along with a Wolf Pack & Raptors :!:


Now I've complained many times about the prices of today's market are so much with such high inflation yet so many people don't compare how yesterday's prices were :roll: Now plebeians are going to spend hundreds of dollars if not a thousand or more for these things that is only going to be used for seconds and that's it :roll: Imagine how many Vintage Action Figures you could be getting or other stuff you've wanted/needed :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I know I would be getting a lot of stuff I missed out on when I was younger instead stuff that will be disposed of in no time :roll: I thonk of this a lot. I've been saying that for years. With that being said here's these Coupons[b] that is present on this cool looking [b]Flier :)


Here's a close-up of the Phantom Fireworks Showroom information :!:


Well, that's it for now. I have a ton of great content within My all-crucial Odds & Ends and all of My showcases are worth a second look plus you may have missed some cool and important stuff too and My showcases are always historical & informative, you might learn something too ;) I'm going to be showcasing some more rad items in My collections soon. Have a Very Safe & Happy July 4th :)
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Disney Adventures Special!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:20 am

Here we go with a special Anniversary showcase. This is a feature of the great Magazine called Disney Adventures :o


IMPORTANT NOTE: I planned this well in advance a long while ago but I have been really slow getting to My new content due to many obstacles. Recently in PB's great Time Travel or a Trip to Canada? (Bonus Drive-In Trip) there was some great talk from us both (big coincidences which there has been a lot of that going around lately for the both of Us). Well, if you seen & appreciated what he posted and My very apropos replies, in this special showcase, you'll see that there is some stuff here that was spoken about in Packer's great Topic. As I've read & saw that and am proofreading this I'm like holy heck, there's is a lot the same stuff I was talking about that is in these Magazines :shock: Things have been really strange these past few months but it goes beyond that however :shock: As I said, I've been really slow at posting and I kept on thinking I better get this posted before the Anniversary date is up and so I can get to My next ones :!:

For years & year I was searching for them in My storage and only a few short years ago I finally found them :o I only have two of them and I got both of'em over at Schnucks on Iron Street from My Grandma way back in the Summer of 1992, 32 years ago this year :!: Their about l the size of a TV Guide if you recall the size o them, in fact I have a few of'em that I plan on showcasing in time :shock: Here's the first Disney Adventure Magazine that I got. This is July, 1992, 32 years ago THIS MONTH :!: Now this really caught My eye at the newsstands and I would think it would have to any young boy that would have been excited about it. I was only 11 at this time. This is when things were really cool. In fact I have always loved 1992 for many reasons because of the way the movies were. Batman Returns was absolutely enormous for Me. Wrestling also was great, the WWF SumerSlam 92 event is still one of My all-time faves and despite all the events & decades that has gone, there still hasn't been anything like it since :!: I loved the way music was and in fact 92 a big bang for Me because this is when I really got into MTV when it was still "Music Television" and didn't have all of this realty bum-steer. This when I discovered Metallica and their totally awesome "Where-ever I May Roam" music video. I featured a lot of this in My great Music Videos of Yesteryear. There was many great times during this year of 1992 and I have shown & talked about 1992 previously here in My all-crucial Odds & Ends so there's a lot to look back on :) This first issue og Mine has such a superb cover with Wayne's World on there which really this was the big attraction for Me because I was really getting into stuff like that on MTV and so forth but man-o-man I was really excited about what was within and downright surprised at some of the content :shock: First here's an ad for Talespin for the NES :!:


Here their already telling you what the next issue will be plus there's an Advertisement for Hook for the NES, yes, the NES was still going strong, many people including Myself didn't have a SNES yet as I didn't have one till about August or so of this year of 92 when My Grandparents got Me one over at K-B Toys in Crestwood Plaza when they needed to go to Lenscrafters but I did know how it was though because My Grandma had rented it for Me over at Schnucks on Iron Street for Easter as well as the Holly Hills Blockbuster Video which was incredible :)


Here's the Table of Contents and a cool M&Ms Ad about the Planets of which ones start with the Letter M...I find it funny because one of them is Mars and coincidentally Mars is the company name that makes the Candy :blmm:


Here's the Jammin' July Calendar with many important things such as 4th of July, Birthdays of Sylvester Stallone, Fred Savage, Arnold Schwarzenegger and more :)


Here's a special with 90210's Luke Perry (Jungle Jack Perry's Father), they talk about Buffy the Vampire the Slayer :blbat: Here's a special article with Staci Keanan from Step by Step (Packer knows all about this :!:


Here's an article with the music of Wayne's World and DC's Detective & Dark Knight comics as well about MC Hammer :!:


Here's the return of the original, 1940 Pinocchio is it makes it's big screen return plus a little bit about A League of the Their Own, Vanilla Ice & Bat that is superb :batwink:


Now here's the featured article of Wayne's World. This is really cool, you thought that Vlad, the WWF/WWE Superfan was something else. Well check this guy out. Meet Dwayne Ramble, he's a huge Wayne's World fan, he saw the film over 27 times since it came out and he never took off his Wayne's World T-Shirt :o See how cool things were for people back then during this really cool times :)


I wonder how many more times he seen the film after 92 and how many times he see the upcoming sequel the next year in 1993 :?:


In response here's Wayne's World :shock: I was in awe when I first saw this Toys 'R' Us Advertisement of Batman Returns by Kenner, it was 1992 & HUGE, it still gives Me a cool feeling there :batsmile:


Here's a radical Disney Channel Summerlong Shopping Spree [b]Toys 'R' Us Sweepstakes. Now this is totally tubular as this was really in the heyday of TRU :o


Here's a closeup of the coolest items to win which was a SEGA Genesis & Sega Game Gear as well as some of Tiger Electronics' Handheld Games...gosh that was so good :)


Here's a close-up of the important info :)


Now here's this great section of Villains. This was great. Whether people want to admit or not, Disney has always been dark, very dark. Here's The Wicked Witch of the West & Captain Hook...


Here's Darth Vader which amazing less than two decades later they would own him & Star Wars in general :o This was the early days when Star Wars was making it's grand comeback (see My great SW Collection Topic as I talk all about that and so much more), there's The Joker, amazingly how the 89 Batman film was three years prior yet still being talked about and there's The Sheriff of Nottingham from the great 1991 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves movie :!:


This was so darn radical here for Me when I first saw this mean I totally flipped out about it...


there's The Penguin from Batman Returns which before I got this little Magazine I had had seen Batman Returns twice at The Kingsland on Gravois, there's the Klingnons from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock starring Christopher Lloyd and their's Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze which was so awesome...I saw that twice as well at the Kingsland in 1991. Now what I was surprised about and I MEAN REALLY SURPRISED ABOUT is that they featured a little bit of Jake "The Snake" Roberts here...I'm like what...holy Toledo I can't believe that. Jake had already left the WWF plus in school I tried to get My classmates to get into it which it seems like when your into something really fun, it's nearly impossible to get others into the same thing your into, they turn their heads the other way or it just goes over their heads, unfortunately people is still like that today so I mean I was really astounded because since when does Disney have anything to do with wrestling :? It's usually tear jerking films and/or musicals. So still really, after 30 years of seeing & knowing this it still surprises Me because that feeling is there with Me and it just kinda felt like it was for Me :) Also I was a little surprised that Wart from Super Mario Bros. 2 was here and not Bowser aka King Koopa :shock:


Here's another look at Jake, Lex Luthor plus the Winged Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz (don't forget last year as a special Anniversary I posted a prequel special right here in My all-crucial Odds & Ends)) :!:


Now this was also a surprise. They have a little special segment of some of the villains of Dick Tracy then again, the great 1990 film is Buena Vista which is Disney. I thought it was so neat that they did this because this was huge for Me only two short years previously and also they got the T-1000 from the 1991 epic Terminator 2: Judgement Day :o


Here's some fun activities and a cool SCORE Baseball Advertisement as well :)


Here's this ad of Disney's Beauty and the Beast Tiger Electronic Handheld Game. Now I took a close of the the upcoming page because as I said, it reveals what the next issue is and it features Honey, I Blew Up The Kid...


and here it's the August, 1992 so count this early for the Anniversary :) There's an Ad for Capcom's Gold Metal Challenge and yes this is for the NES too :shock: There's the Table of Contents.


Here's the Awesome August Calendar with B-Days of Madonna, Christina Slater, Macaulay Culkin, Michael Jackson among others.


Oh man, look at that, a Music Survey and Kriss Kross :!:


Here's a Survey plus the feature article of Honey, I Blew Up The Kid with Rick Moranis :)


Here's Wing Walker...


a special comic of Darkwing Duck...


Secrets of the Jungle which this is really neat :)


Dream Cars :!:


Now this is really tubular, this is an Art Section that kids would send in. If today's kids only knew how it was to be a kid then :roll:


Here's this great Roller Coaster Section (don't forget, last year, I showcased a great 1993 Six Flags Looney Tunes Booklet for it's 30th Anniversary) :)


Here's special comics of Talespin & Space Mickey :o


Here's a look at the next Issue which I don't have, I just didn't want anymore of these Disney Adventure Magazines. Here's an Ad of Gitano Kidswear, again, if only the kids today knew how cool it was to be a child then in the 90s :)


Here's a great little Advertisement of Basketball (look in My Video Game Collection Topic, I have been showcasing some great Basketball Games with more to come soon) and the back Cover features the same Beauty and the Beast Tiger Electronics Handheld Game :wwwink: :blaq:


So I had mentioned that I got these at Schnucks on Iron Street, I recall getting them at their great Newsstands like it was last week or so. I had previously showcase this once great store in My Vintage Wrestling Collection. Here's a brief look at what it looks like in recent times....


as I said, I showcased this in My Vintage Wrestling Collection because I had great times there, you can see the entire showcase and all of the important info that I posted here -->

Now, here's both of My Disney Adventures Magazines together....look at that :)


So that will do it for a special July & August 1992, 32nd Anniversary and I hope you liked this and maybe were a little surprised :) Next up will be a good local one that will set up some Baseball, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: Imo's Pizza Baseball Card & More!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:40 am

Now as as I closed out My Disney Adventure Magazines Showcase that featured a ton of can't-miss surprises, if you missed it for whatever reason, go back to My previous showcase, you'll be so glad that you did :) I said about My next showcase will be a great local one so here I go with a special local showcase of Mine that just about any Missourian knows and that is IMO'S PIZZA :!:


As you see their great logo above. Notice their iconic slogan..."The Square Beyond Compare".


Last year I showed them for Christmas/New Year's but really that wasn't a proper introduction for a special place like this because there's so many other posts and the good stuff always, always get's overlooked & never said about so watch the video & listen to Imo's theme in the background as this maybe this will jingle a bell :scbat: :scww: :scsm: :schal: :scmm: :scbaf: :scaq:

I've saved this showcase to do for a very long while because I do so much other stuff that so little other plebeians do and because this year marks the 60th Anniversary of them plus the 10th Anniversary of this wonderful Baseball Card I got from them back in 2014, 10 years ago this year :shock: Now while this Baseball Card is the main attraction for this big spotlight, there's some other stuff including history that I must present. If your outside of Missouri then you may not know of Imo's which is a shame that other States cannot experience the good stuff that Us in St. Louis do. You'll know more of the info in few short moments when you see My Baseball Card. This isn't the first Pizza place I've showcased. A long while back I showcased Louie's Pizza Co on Page 4 of My all-crucial Odds & Ends who specialized in not only St. Louis Style Pizza but also Chicago Style as well. They were on Hampton Avenue and unfortunately, they never had the success of Imo's but they were quite good though :)


Now, I've known Imo's Pizza since I was a youngster. We lived just a couple blocks from one on Morgan Ford Road which My Father Buddy lived right next door to this location. It was convenient and I still recall Us getting Imo's there and & at My Grandparents' house just a few blocks away :)


Now, there is another location, and this was on Hampton as well so Louie's was competing against them...


however, also on Hampton (I said before what a great place of My childhood this was and even to My adulthood years) there was Stallone's Pizza and More. I'm quite glad that I saved these pictures of Stallone's Pizza many years ago because they are also no longer in business for a very long time now, like a decade or so ago :roll:


St. Louis Pizza & Wingsp/b]. Note that [b]St. Louis Pizza & Wings is kinda similar to Imo's. They used to have a nice female mannequin in the front window and dress her up for Halloween, I liked looking at her as she was really cute & neat to witness :blww:


Pizza Hut & Bono's Pizza which Bono's specialty is Firebrick Oven Pizzas like the old days.


Here's Bellacino's Pizza & Grinders[/b] in Hampton Plaza which is where Schucks is and where Johhny Brach's Halloween Dungeon & B.Dalton was. Gosh their good, I love their A.1. Bombers & Cajun Chicken Grinders which are oven baked sandwiches :)


Also Jet's Pizza is a bit further from Bellacino's in Hampton Plaza, in fact their past where Peaches/Sound Warehouse/Blockbuster Video Music/F.Y.E. was that I greatly showcased here in My all-crucial Odds & Ends :)


Now, the Imo's location that We usually ordered from is on Spring & Delor which their still going strong. Their not too far away from where I went to school. There was an ear-piercing place next to them and My Grandma Mimi would sometimes go there. Here's an old picture of Imo's building from the good 90s :)


Here's a close-up of it from around the same time period :)


As a bonus here's a look at how their building looks in recent times, what a difference two decades makes :shock:


Now, I'm going to show you some stock photos by Imo's themselves as you see some actual products by them. First, here is their iconic Pizza Box with their famous Logo, many a time We got these delivered to Us :)


One thing that makes St. Louis Pizza different than most states is the thin crust. I can relate to other states Pizza's because over the years I've had Louie's Chicago Deep Dish, Jet's & Little Caesar's Detroit Style Pizza and of course I've had Domino's New York Style Pizza so surely other states has had St. Louis Style Pizza and can relate to this :?: If you haven't then if you had Frozen Pizzas such as Tombstone & Jacks among others similar like them then the crust and overall style isn't too far off then however a major difference is the sauce & especially the cheese because Imo's uses their' exclusive Provel Cheese not to mention their sauce. I've said before here that My Auntie (you can meet here in My special Family Topic in the Special Events Section) that she was absolutely crazy about Imo's...We used to have a tradition of ordering Imo's for Christmas Eve every year and she'd visit all the time and she'd be a happy camper however many times for My Birthday I'd want somebody else like Marco's Pizza or Elica's Pizza (I've spoke of both before here in My Odds & Ends and in fact on the first page I showcase a Keychain I got from Elicia's]) and I'd always get "the face", she was a her little mind if it wasn't [b]Imo' wasn't good Pizza or Pizza at all :!:


Don't forget their iconic slogan..."The Square Beyond Compare" as here's a picture of a Bacon & Cheese Pizza :!:


Here's Imo's Great Taste of St. Louis Box as it has a 14" Large Pizza, Provel Bites, Toasted Ravioli & Cinnamos as well as a portion of their Marina Sauce :)


Here's a great commercial of it :)

Now, have you ever had Toasted Ravioli before :?: Well if you have then congrats because you had one of the finest foods that was invented in St. Louis :shock: It's such a fun Appetizer :)


Here's an example of their Pasta, Garlic Bread & Soft Drink :!:


Now Imo's just doesn't do Pizza & Pasta items, they have some great Sandwiches too :shock: My fave is their Ham & Cheese and especially their Chicken Sandwich. Every time I order them I say I want extra Mayo till it comes off the bread...oh boy I love that :shock:


Here's their wonderful Boneless Buffalo Chicken Wings, ah man they taste so good with such great tasting Sauce and tastes even better with Ranch...look at the picture for all of that :)


I don't know if other States have them but Imo's actually makes Frozen Pizzas :o We've gotten them from Schnucks many times and their very authentic so look in your local grocery store in the Pizza isle because they just might have'em...if they do then thank Me for it later :batwink:


Also, they sell home kits to make your own as well which is also great :!:


Okay, now moving on to some items that I got a long while back. Here's My special Imo's Pizza 2011 Magnet :!: I got this when We asked if they had anything...a word of advice if your a collector like Me...always ask places to see if they have some memorabilia to remember them by ;)


Now here's a special Menu that I kept from the Early to Mid 2010s. It's really cool. Most people won't think twice of keeping it but I'm not like most people. I love the feeling of it as it feels like a nice feeling Magazine because you know I love to feel stuff like that. Here's the front of the Menu...


and here's the back of the Menu :)


Here's close-ups of all the info :D Their prices has gone up a lot since this time since the Plandemic :roll:


Now here is the big part you've been waiting for...My Imo's Baseball Card that celebrated their 50th Anniversary :D


I got this as a special offer. It was extremely limited and I'm one of the few St. Louisans that has this. They advertisement it and immediately it caught My eye...I would think it would have everyone but not everyone isn't a collector and unfortunately not everybody thinks of history & future, so We called Imo's right away and We ordered Our food and requested the Baseball Card and their like We only have a few left, you called just in time :o So here it is in it's original Packaging :!:


So, as you're going to see, this is no normal/regular Baseball Card, this is actually a Card of Ed Imo whom is the Founder of Imo's Pizza. I really like below his name it says St. L. Pizzamen CEO :)


Here's a close-up of the many imperative feats of Ed Imo, as with all of My pictures, open in a new tab to read it all very closely :)


Now as you just read there, Imo's won an Emmy Award in 1977 for TV Campaign with Bob, King of the 10-second Commercial...this was before My time but hey, it's never too late to catch-up and know that important stuff. Here's the commercial that won that 1977 Emmy Award :o

Here's a close-up of the Pepsi Promotion which is something because they had Coca-Cola for years & years prior as you saw in the pictures above :shock:


NOTE: In the background of these two videos, listen to the Imo's Theme, it's the same one as the first video i posted above plus the sloganL "The Square Beyond Compare" ;)

Now for a while during these times, Imo's did some other Baseball stuff going on, here's St. Louis Cardinals' David Freese as he shows how good local St. Louis is :)

Freese LOVES the Canadian Bacon Topping. If your a Canadian & love Baseball then don't miss this :!:

So that will do it for this special Imo's Pizza showcase and I hope you liked it and were surprised. Next I will start some Baseball stuff for a while for the Post-Season which there's going to be some surprises as there is a few items that I just located in My storage :o Until then which will be soon, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: BASEBALL P6: Specials!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:47 am

Happy Friday the 13th :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf: :blaq: I hope you seen My special Imo's Pizza showcase and all of the history that I presented with My extremely limited Imo's Pizza Baseball Card. I love to talk about that local stuff and especially My local Pizza Joints. So here we go with Part One of My special Baseball presentation. While I did My others a bit earlier last year, it's better late than never plus I love the days of the Pre-Postseason/Post Season :)


This is actually My 6th Baseball Showcase within My all-crucial [b]Odds & Ends :o First up is this Baseball Glove that I recently found. Of course it's of the St. Louis Cardinals :!: I believe My Mom got it for Me in the late 80s. It has the Velcro Strap :)


Here's a closeup of the The Red Birds' Logo.


Now the following pictures is that I'm wearing it :? I bet your like IT STILL FITS YOU after after 30 years :shock: Yes, If you've been following My showcases I reveal things here and there...everything I post is dandy and you never know what I'm going to say and show, that's why it's very important to check out My showcases :) As I said before in previous showcases, I got bad sick in 94, I was only 13 and it changed My life forever and you never ever forget something like that :roll: I never did grow after that so My hands basically remained the same size :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Still, I was a bit surprised that this Baseball Glove still fits Me because had I not got sick this Glove would have been busted in half :shock:


So here's a special group shot of My Glove with My previously seen St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Helmet that I showcased last year...look at that :)


Next up is these fine Drinking Cups that I recently found that were all together down the basement.


First is this Theater Cup. It's decades old probably around 1996. There is no indication whom it was from but I suspect this is from the Crestwood AMC Theater...look at this :)


Here's this Coca-Cola Cup. I'm not sure where this came from either.


At the bottom of the Cup it says Louisiana Plastics, St. Louis, Mo. Again, as I always say and I hope people heed My advice to always look for the Copyrights & Info on your Collectibles, it's so very important :!:


Now here's these two 1989 Pepsi St. Louis Cardinal Baseball Cups. I had no clue about the origins of these. I recently asked My Mom about them so I could have a conclusive story and she told Me this. Her, her boyfriend Jasper and Joe Hicks, their Manager at Venture in South Town all went to a Cardinals Game :shock: She told Me how they were really good friends with Hicks and that that they watched stuff over at his place...he had an extensive Collection of JFK Documentary & Conspiracy VHS Tapes :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I was surprised about that and I'm sure glad that I asked her :), See how crucial it is for parents to tell their kids tings of the past...this is what I've been talking about and I'm an adult getting this very imperative Family information :) Here's Pepsi Cardinals Baseball Cup #1...


and here's Pepsi Cardinals Baseball Cup #2 with the 1989 Copyright, 35 years ago this year :o


Here's all Four Drinking Cups together :)


Here's this Mercantile Bank St.Louis Cardinals Button that is part of My Button Collection. I believe My Grandma MiMi got Me this from a local Mercantile Bank back in the day as she would usually get Me little things like that especially if I wanted it :)


Now here's this very special Kenneth Field Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Sears Button. I just found this too. I recall this whole thing. It was in the super fun year of 1991, As you know, My Mom worked at Sears for over a decade at Crestwood Plaza. She got discount tickets to the Circus that was presented by Sears since she worked there. She, her boyfriend Jasper and Me all went there...where was it held at :?: It was at the original Bush Stadium and that's why I'm including this here now :o Here you see the great picture and the button for the light-up feature which the battery has gone out due to it's age :)


This was actually My FIRST TIME EVER I went to Busch Stadium because I wasn't a Baseball fan then. Isn't it incredibly that My first time was at a Circus and not a Ballgame...weird huh :?: I recall they had a ton of animals like Elephants, Lions, Tigers & Bears and yes, oh My I met & spoke to some of the Clowns there. I wasn't afraid of them because I liked Bozo the Clown from WGN Chicago which I posted a special about him before plus I thought The Killer Klowns from Outer-space, The Joker & Pennywise were really neat :batgrin: Here's a close-up of this really cool Logo :)


Here's these 1995 Colonial Bread - Ironkids Baseball Milk Caps :!:


Remember when Milk Caps were the thing back then :?: Kids today probably don't even know what they are..gosh they gotta learn what their elders did :!:


I'm not sure how I got these. I may have got them at St. Louis Children's Hospital because Tom Pagnozzi is featured here...I met him along with Bernard Gilkey in 95 after I woke from My coma (I explained the whole thing last year when I showed My Autograph Cards, if you missed that then I seriously suggest you go back and see that important showcase of Mine soon in My all-crucial Odds & Ends). Also featured here is "The Wizard" Ozzie Smith, Brian Jordan & Scott Cooper. Look at that 1995 Copyright :)


Gosh look at that Ironkids Bread :)


Last but certainly not least is My 1998 Jack in the Box St. Louis Cardinals Antennae Ball :shock: Remember when I was talking about these :?: Well, I was able to only find one of'em. We had a ton of'em but stupid pricks kept-on stealing them off of Our car so no more putting the there, they were collectibles now :roll: These were free back in the good ol' days. We got this at the Jack in the Box location on Bates & Grand which We went there all the time :)


I recently showed that location in My Journeys Topic here --->

This is what My Jack in the Box St. Louis Cardinals Antennae Ball looks like :)


As a custom display stand, I used one of My Grandpa's Golfing Tees from long fits perfectly as you see in the pictures :)


So that will do it. I hope you liked this special Baseball Showcase and were surprised. I will have a lot more special Baseball stuff coming very soon for September & October that you don't want to miss...until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Odds & Ends: BASEBALL P6: Specials!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:33 pm

Brian Jordan was a two sport athlete. One of the SEGA baseball games I used to play back then I liked to be the Cards because of young guys like him and Bernard Gilkey. I have to say though, the name Scott Cooper is unfamiliar to me and I was pretty invested in the MLB back then. He was a two-time All-Star with Boston, too but the name just isn't ringing any bells for me.
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Re: My Odds & Ends: BASEBALL P6: Specials!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:01 am

Yes, the St. Louis Cardinals has been like THE team to watch on TV & in person and to play as in Video Games. I'm proud & grateful that I have been a part of that experience locally :) I didn't get to see Scott Cooper, by time I got into baseball he was no longer there and I don't ever recall seeing him on TV either. I knew about Brian Jordan being a football player when I becmae a full-fledged Cardinals fan which it's so fun being one. I was like so's like Bill Goldberg :shock: While I never met him, I had the the chance to see him in person and up close many times. My Mom loved to get the bleacher seats next to the Cardinals Bullpen near HOMER'S LANDING. They were cheap plus you got to see the pitchers warming up and to see them come out to the field...really fun times. Well, Brian Jordan was an Outfielder and he'd usually be in Centerfield. I got a good look at his legs and they were really big I mean his muscles were just ready to bust thru his pants. I was a amazed about that and My Mom was too. There's a lot of stories I could tell about so much.

Keep looking here, I'm going to try to post part 7 soon. Thanks for your reply PB :)
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