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Re: My Video Game Collection: Horror Selection!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:43 am

Now here we go with My spooky games for Halloween hence this good Logo I made :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blaq:


Here's a special Logo for all of the systems that they are for like I did previously for My great Baseball Collection ;)


First here's a quote from Page 10 of My Vintage Action Figure Topic located here --->

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Ghostbusters Commodore 64 PC Game: Now if you saw and read My special G.I. Joe special not that long ago then you'll know I gave big a hint that another one was coming up and it was gonna special. Well this IS IT :o In a very close tie to My G.I. Joe game, My Ghostbusters game was My absolute favorite game to play! I bet I played this hundreds of times and I was only like 4 or 5 years of age and I was already a big gamer! My Mom got it for Me as she knew how much I loved Ghostbusters and she paid big bucks to get it then because back then in them days, PC games & VHS tapes were extremely high priced but she done well getting Me this along with many other titles. Now there was a version for the NES (plus GB II) later on but it was no where near as classic & fun as this one. I just the loved graphics, the stages and the shops especially building your Ecto-1 (I actually preferred the blue car though) and oh, I especially loved the voice you hear in the beginning as he laughs :lol: :!: Here is My special pics that I took of the famed box, oh that was also one of My most favorite aspects of the whole game as well and the fact of the matter is, this is the only Ghostbusters game that had an awesome box like this! I loved this stuff as this was from a time when companies weren't cheap and put the extra mile into their products and you actually felt that you got your money's worth!


The Disk & Insert!




Ghostbusters Sega Genesis Game: Oh gosh, this is one of the most underrated games of all-time IMO. This was one of My favorite games to play on the Sega Genesis and it came out in 1990! Like many games that are inspiration or even coincide with their movie counterparts, there is some elements of all kinds like characters, locations, music, etc. that wasn't in the films and this great classic has a lot of that cool bonus stuff! My Grandma got this for Me in the later part of the 90s before our local Star Video went out of business thanks to Blockbuster Video down the street & Hollywood Video literally taking Star Video's place :x  Another thing I loved about Sega's games was their protective cases, this is something Nintendo really lacked for decades! In fact, Nintendo was quite behind on certain things till later...I consider Sega like Kenner & Nintendo is like Hasbro, Hasbro "borrowed" so many concepts from Tonka/Kenner and the rest is history!


Now here we go with new content for this presentation! Here's My 2 Ghosbusters NES games that I got a while later after the C64 version but before My SG version.


I'm not sure where got GB1 at but I know for sure I got GBII at Verna's Mr. T's Movie Rentals...


which I have greatly showcased her in My all crucial Odds & Ends in My very important Glory Days of Movie Rentals here---> :) Here's GBII from Verna's Mr. T's Video Rentals and you can see her Label on there, she was nice but very serious so if you broke that Label you pay full price for that item...Verna meant business :shock: Stuff like this is as imperative as Copyrights on Books as I always say and I hope that people is taking heed about this just not for Mine but for their own items as well because it can help you in many ways ;)


Here's all of My classic GB video games together, that is pure video game history right there if I do say so Myself :batwink:


As a super special bonus here's My GB video games together along with My GB VHS Tapes, wow that is so gorgeous :)


Now, here is a continuation from last year where when I posted My scary Commodore 64 games, so here's Ghostbusters joining Mail Order Monsters, Realm of Impossibility & Archon in this Spooky C64 Special :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf:


BrandonDaCollector wrote:So with the talk Jaws thanks to PB starting it in his Movie Trailer Topic ;) I thought let's do one last thing of Jaws. As you see the cover above, the video game for the NES is Jaws. It was great game. Now I told the story before in My Video Game Collection Topic which I'll say it again. Back in 1987 or so I wanted the really cool Activision Ghostbusters game for the NES because I adored the version on the Commodore 64 which I greatly showcased as a big special Halloween Bonus in My Vintage Action Figure Topic with My Kenner Ghostbusters & Beetlejuice collection a while back, if you never seen it I suggest you do especially around the spooky time of the year :blbat: So My Grandparents took Me to Crestwood's K-B Toys to get the GB NES game and I was really excited about going I mean I still recall it quite vividly :) When We got there I was really disappointed because they were sold out of it then I had to decide which other one I wanted in it's place. I saw they had Jaws on the shelf pegs behind the counter and I'm like I know Jaws and hey it's JLN who were like THE best video game company and My favorite at the time and quite frankly they still are so (if you follow Me faithfully then you know how much I talk about them and Acclaim!) I chose that game and in My little youngster mind I was really being a brat as I was unhappy with the game and I didn't play it. Now as I said before in PB's Topic, My Grandma loved the Jaws movies and Sharks in general. So she tried the game out and she got HOOKED RIGHT AWAY and really the game became her's :o :batshock: :wwgrin: :smgasp: She played the game quite often and mastered it. She became an expert at it like My Grandpa did at Tetris which I have expressed before about that. I bet he could beat many experts, he was that darn good :!: So I would watch her play Jaws and even join in a little bit but I wasn't as good as her and I saw her defeat Jaws more times than I can count and she still played this great game even after they got Me My N64 and really she continued to play it till the darn tech changed to what we know now. See, we played together and watched each other and shared the systems which is a good thing to do :) Thank goodness I grew out of that mindset of being too greedy and unappreciative of what I get and how a game is and all that jazz ;) So in My Video Game Collection Topic I showcased My NES games (which I showed that I eventfully got GB I & GB II) and in one of My Cases was mostly LJN games and one of'em was Jaws, look at that classic NES, gosh I miss these times but I'm so glad I was able to experience it cause there was no time like being a kid and gaming in the 80s & 90s :)


So that was on Page 14 of My other Video Game Topic which you can check out here ---> and obviously you just saw that I got the NES Ghostbusters anyway ;) So here's My Grandma's LJN Jaws game and here's My LJN Friday the 13th game. I loved to play the FT13 one and really Jason scared Me when he'd suddenly appear which is weird cause he never scared Me in the movies, I think it's the sound effects and graphics that did the trick so LJN made the impact rather well if ya ask Me ;)


Here's a brief look into their Instruction Booklets. I always liked looking at them and really it's really impressive how they resemble something like Konami would do like say for Castlevania :blbat:


Here's the really cool NES Master Blaster & Demon Sword. My Mom got Me Demon Sword for Christmas in 1990 :)


Here's NES Rare's Cobra Triangle. I have always loved this especially when the Sea Monsters appear :o


Here's NES Ghosts 'n Goblins and SNES' Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, such great fun spooky atmosphere they have :blbat:


Look at that, Capcom's ad for Final Fight :o


Here's My SNES Addams Family that I got used over at Loughborough Schnucks, I loved to play this as it was so fun :blww: Notice the stickers on there. I know it't quite unattractive but it it one way of knowing whom you got it from which really that's ok with me and besides, there's enough of the Game's Title to see what it is ;)


Now in My previous showcased, I presented FuncoLand, well the following Sega CD Games My Mom got Me them for either Christmas 96 or My Birthday 97 when they were really cheap :blbat: First up is a Night Trap which is actually a property owned by those corporate locusts Hasbro :o I originally wanted the 32X version but FuncoLand only had it for SG and in generic cases. It was actually like a movie with Sega's TruVideo with some gameplay and it was devolved by Digital Pictures. While people didn't like them back then and still think they are boring, I loved this type of video game and really for those that thought it was boring really never thought of this of being an actually real "video" game :blhal:


Here's a special 2-pack of Bram Stoker's Dracula & Mary Shelly's Frankenstein that is based on the movies that came out in 92 & 94 respectively. They were promoted & bundled together as Double Deal. Buy 1, get 1 Free :!: Now the other is Dracula Unleashed. it's another one of Sega's TruVideo and this one here is very authentic like an actual movie :blbat:


Next up Corpse Killer. This is by Digital Pictures as well and one of their last games because they went out of business in 1996 which they weren't that old as they first started in 1991 :roll: Stuff like this just makes Me sad however it makes Me appreciate the past even more and I hope it is making others do so as well because there is nothing new in this modern age that is as historical as this and so much more of yesterday ;)


While this didn't include an Instruction Booklet, it did however have some cool ads and you know how Sega was, they could really put out some crazy-fun advertisements :blsm:


Now I'm moving on Personal Computer/PC with this classic from 1994 called Isle of the Dead which is by GoodTimes Entertainment aka GT Media, Inc. I have showcased them previously in My Vintage Action Figure & Vintage Wrestling Topics and explained their history because they were huge and a very important company. Now this game is pretty good. Notice how cool the cover is as it has a man and his babe...something that is really missing in this day & age :roll:


Here's a cool look at the CD, it actually looks like a Musical CD and not one that is a Video Game :shock:


Here's a close up of this great looking 90s Babe art :batwink:


Here's Sega's House of the Dead III, this is the only one I've played of the franchise and it's so cool that it's very much like an Arcade Game :blsm:


It's distributed by the U.K.'s video game distribution company Sold Out which hence their name would bring back many games that were well..."sold out" :o


Here we go with great video games for the Nintendo 64/N64. My chosen entries are Banjo-Kazooie, Nightmare Creatures & Shadow Man. My Grandparents got Me Banjo for Christmas and My Mom got Me the other two. These games were all anticipated by Me in 98 & 99 and I played them a ton especially Banjo as it was in a similar style like Mario 64.

Now Gruntilda the Witch is actually My babe on My special Header Logo but this id when she transformed herself after she used her "Beauty Transfer Machine" to drain Tooty's youth and beauty thus transferring it all to her own-self. When I first saw what she looked like I was quite wowed of how busty & hot she was :blww:


Rare came up with another great one for Nintendo which their other great one was Cobra Triangle that I did just showed a few short seen moments ago, that other one is Banjo-Kazooie and has elements of all kinds that is seasonal and it really has such a fantastic spooky map called Mad Monster Mansion. It's very scary 60s like with the way everything is and especially the music too and has always been such a top favorite of Mine. Now Nightmare Creatures I original played on the PC and when found out that Activision was putting a port out for the N64 I was stoked because I loved how scary it was with it's landscapes, eerie atmosphere and it's monsters. Now Acclaim's Shadow Man is terrific and really is a great spooky game of it's own and really like I had expressed in My Baseball Video Game Collection just recently it pains Me how nobody talks about Accalim and all of the great games that they made. Everybody was talking about them then in the 80s, 90s & early 2000s :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:


Here's inside of their spooky Instruction Booklets.


Now in Nightmare Creatures is one of the hottest video game babes ever that nobody ever talks about and that was Nadia. She's a busty Latina and she's such a great example of how women were in gaming in the 90s and again, this is such a fun thing that is so missing in today's pathetic modern age and yet so many people are doing nothing about it but with Me I don't let things slide like that because I'm all about the past & history :)


Now before we get to the spooky video games of the 2000s & beyond when gaming was really changing here's some pages from My Game Players & Game Informer Magazines that I meant to post in My Baseball Video Game Collection but I didn't. Now I plan on showcasing these Magazines in time so for now here's this great content when gaming was darn fun ;) So first here's Game Player's review of Ken Griffey Jr's Major League Baseball & ESPN Baseball Tonight. Gosh look how cool that is which it was so fun during these days of when Games were Games & Baseball was Baseball :)


Here's a fun ad of ESPN's Baseball Tonight :)


Here's a contest to win the great video game consoles of the fun 16-Bit era and where you can buy Saturday Night Slam Masters, ESPN Baseball Tonight & Mortal Kombat plus video game books including Super Star Wars :shock:


Here's a close up of SNES's Super Star Wars plus SG 32X's Star Wars: The Arcade Game which I have greatly showcased them both. Look there's Sega's Jurassic Park which this year mark's it's 30th anniversary :shock:


So above I showcased SNES' Addams Family, while I don't own this game here's a rad ad to the sequel :blbat:


Here's cool section of Game Player's little write up for Night Trap's Cover Art :blww:


Here's a cool special to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Mortal Mombat I posted last month ;)


Now here's some great stuff from Game Informer. To coincide with My Baseball Video Game Collection I posted earlier, here's their review of Triple Play 2000 and a preview of All-Star Baseball 2000 :)


Here's a preview of Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest and here's FuncoLand's ad for Eido's Strategy Guides including the original hot Lara Croft :batwink: Now to coincide with My Horror Games here's Shadow Man :blsm:


This is a cool section called Classic GI. Now it was amazing that even back in 99 systems like the NES, SNES & SG was considered to be classic. Here's their entries of Blaster Master & Cobra Triangle that you just saw above in My Horror Video Game Collection. Looking back at this is truly something else and it's a shame that this generation has no idea how gaming was back then but I'm fortunate to know how exciting it was :)


OK, so fast-forward when gaming was really evolving and most of My entries just a few short moments ago were already either considered to be classics or sadly forgotten which I hope the majority of plebeians did the former. So these entries are for XBOX 360 and first up is is BloodRayne which is a great vampire babe game that is really bloody. She was so hot during this time and the game is extremely fun. Next is Dead Island which I got the Game of the Year Edition with all of the DLC & Features. It has some really cool stuff & characters including Xian Mei whom is really great looking. You saw her in My special Header Logo at the very start of this showcase :batwink: The survival game is an excellent FPS :blww:


Here's an ad within the Booklet of Jaws the Game, amazing you just saw My Grandma's NES Jaws prior to this :o


Next up is for My Wii U and it's none other than ZombieU which is an incredible FPS and it's so cool the way of how you control it with the option of doing it on your gamepad which I've never understood why people were the way they were about the Wii U I mean it's arguably the best system ever with all of the options & ways you can play the games.


Now here's Call of Duty: Black Ops II. I bet your like that's not spooky but it is because it has ZOMBIES :o


Now I have Call of Duty: Black Ops III for My PS4 which is also really good and features ZOMBIES :!:


As a bonus here's both COD Games together :blbaf:

IMPORTANT NOTE: I've said it before, I like COD but I love Battlefield way more as I find that franchise so much more satisfying with all the huge landscapes and the true battling of teams & squads. COD seems way more overrated as you always see commercials of it, you never see Battlefield :roll: I just don't get the feel and excitement from the COD series that I do from Battlefield :)


Here's the all important Copyrights :)


Now a sweet bonus, here's many digital titles I have on My systems. On My XBOX 360 I have Ghostbusters: The Video Game and its wonderful and actually serves as the sequel to GBII which is awesome :) GB: Sanctum of Slime is quite different but good. The Evil Within is a good alternative to Resident Evil.


Also on My XBOX 360 I have Darkstalkers Resurrection which is Capcom's other fighting property that has crossed-over with Street Fighter and also BloodRayne: Betrayal which is great but way different than the other game.


Here's Escape from Dead Island on My XBOX 360 and Dead Island Retro Revenge on My PS4. Both are actually Beat'Em Ups rather than FPS like their predecessor above is which I love those types of gaming as well ;)


Also on My XBOX 360 I have the great indie game Ghouls 'N Gals which is kinda inspired by the anime High School DxD which has some nice fine looking busty females. Well this game does too and it's really like a RPG in a way but it's quite scary with the sound effects and how the zombies pop up at you when you choose the wrong path. I love big & huge breasted women which this has been lacking in this day & age so much but these characters look rather nice :batwink:


On My Wii U I have some Indie games. Zombeer is a FPS that also has busty babes and is really kinda on the adult side. Rock Zombie is great and it's a Beat'Em Up that features an all women rock band and the other is Zombie Defense which is quite the unusual one. I really like Indie games, sometimes I find them as fun as the mainstream editions.


On My PS4 I have Bloodstained 1 & 2 which is extremely like Castlevania and also on My Wii U I have two versions of Citadel which is also very much like Castlevania which I really love games in that type of platform.


Wow, that will do it for this special Horror Video Game showcase of Mine and I hope you liked it and were thrilled. Now many titles are missing here, that's because they will get their own showcase soon :o Next will be a big Resident Evil one that will be not only be the games but figures as well. Until then I'll see you around :blbat:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Resident Evil Spectacular!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:11 am

So here we go with a huge special post-Halloween showcase spectacular and it will deal with...


Yes, a very long awaited showcase to say the least and if you love Resident Evil then this will be a dream come true for you as I'm one of the only people of 9 billion + that is doing anything like this which is beyond pathetic, it really shows you how people & times have really changed over the years :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Now I have presented RE within this great Topic of Mine previously so you can go back and check them out plus so much more. Starting off first is My January 1999 Tips & Tircks Magazine that I've showed before however this is a little different as it solely focuses on Biohazard: Code Veronica which is the original Capcom Japanese name for Sega's Dreamcast. Of course I cannot ignore how Lara Croft was then. I've showcased her hotness earlier on which they want you to forget how great she was back the 90s & early 2000s for this Generation which this is her third game and I love her arm under her boobs pose :batwink:


Here's My September 1999 Game Informer Magazine which is a thicker edition that most which was is very good :batwink: will focus on RE & bonuses. Some of this from other GIMs as special inserts & excerpts to make this look even more grander & complete :blbat: This one of the news bits about Nemeis :!:


Here's the Previews of RE: Code Veronica for the Sega Dreamcast, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for the Sony Playstation as well as Resident Evil 2 for the Nintendo 64 :!:


Here's their Video Game Awards as RE 2 is the Playstation GAME OF THE YEAR :o


Now here's this great section called Defining a Decade with many revolutionary games of the 90s including Street Fighter II, Super Mario Kart & Doom which is some of My all-time favorites.


There's Night Trap that I showcased in My huge Halloween Horror Video Game Selection Showcase which like I said, Sega CD actually had REAL VIDEO games yet plebeians didn't like them as they thought they were boring and all that bum-steer which I so beg the differ as they were so unique, creative and fun :batsmile:


Here's Mario Kart 64, Resident Evil 1 & Tomb Raider which yes, they all were game-changers to say the least. Also there is 007: GoldenEye which is one of the best FPS ever and it too was so remarkable. It also says about the next decade which would be such a seesaw match-up of greatness & bitter-sweetness :roll:


Here's the RE Cover Story Section as it delves into it's history, review of RE 3: Nemesis as well as how to survive it :blaq:


Now there's a great ad of Capcom's Dino Crisis which is like a horror deuce-mixture of Resident Evil & Jurassic Park which is totally awesome. The game babe there is Regina, a female character that's really cool that nobody talks about anymore like so many things ...


the special thing here was with the Playstation version there's a bonus RE 3: Nemesis Demo Game included...yes back in the day when there was free bonus stuff to get :wwwink: Look for a special about Dino Crisis in the future :o


Here's a RE 3: Nemesis Ad saying it's coming in November 99. I always loved looking at these which I think the majority of the population forgot how fun it was...


as here's another great one featuring Jill Valentine...


and last but certainly not least is a great Ad of RE 2 for the N64 :blsm:


As a bonus here's the preview & review of Shadow Man for the N64 that I showcased before.


Since I showcased Nightmare Creatures 1 & House of the Dead III for Halloween, here's a small preview of Nightmare Creatures 2 & House of the Dead 2 :blsm:


Now in My great Baseball Video Game Collection Showcase I presented FuncoLand as big sweet bonus. Here's a Funcoland Ad of RE 3: Nemesis, 007: The World isn't Enough, WWF Wrestlemania 2000 & Donkey Kong 64. Also is Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.


Here's a close-up of the great looking big breasted Lara Croft and how busty she was...gosh I miss that and the Back Cover of My Game Informer Magazine with Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for the Playstation :blww: :blbat:


Now here we go with My RE video games that I own :o


First up is the very first one I got which was RE 2 for the N64. When I first played this I couldn't believe how cool it was :blbat: My Mom got it for Me for Christmas when it came out, I wanted it really bad :)


Here's the back of the Box, the Booklet & Cartridge itself which getting this was really huge to Me :blbat: :blww:


Here's inside the Booklet. There's not much details like enemies and all that but's it's colorful :blhal:


Now here's Resident Evil 4 & 5 for the PC. These are My two favorites of the the whole franchise which 4 is My favorite of the duo. I just love how different they are compared to the previous entries and how the stories connect after the other, it was quite clever how they did it. Here's the fine looking fronts & backs of the PC DVD Cases :blbaf:


Here's the inside of them...


Here's a brief look at the inside of the RE4 Booklet, look how creepy that is, I love it :blmm:


Here's the inside of the RE5 Booklet. First here's a look at the new female character Sheva Alomar. I find her really great looking with different kind of hotness. It's a shame that she really didn't get the attention she deserved I mean she's only been in one game but what counts is that I like her ;)


Now this is a great part of the RE5 Booklet as it tells the whole history of RE in brief fashion, now this is rad :batsmile:


Here's RE6 & RE: Revelations for My XBOX 360. Both are great. RE6 continues after RE5 which I love good continuity in a great story. RE:R is a spinoff title from those. I love RE6's raised Boxed :blbat:


Now this RE6 version is a special one as it is the Archives edition with DLC Games & CGI Movie, here's the inside...


Now here's a closer look. IMO this is one of the best sets ever released :!: You not only get RE6 but also DLC video games of RE: Code Veronica X HD, RE4 HD, RE5 :Gold Edition as well as the first epic CGI animated film RE: Degeneration :!:


Here's a look at the Fliers & Ads that was included with this wonderful set, this is totally awesome :blbat: :blww: :blsm:


Here's a look at the inside of RE:R. It's fairly basic, no Ad, Booklet, nada but hey what do you expect during these times when companies take cheap routes when they can :roll:


Here's My RE: Origins Collection for the PS4. This is a double feature of RE0 & RE1 of how it all began :blbat: :blww: Here's the front, back & inside of the Box :blww: :blbat:


Here's many of the Copyrights from 1999 - 2016. Again as I always say, check those Copyrights on your collectibles ;) Yes, LucasArts played a part there along with Angel Studios & Factor 5 in 99 for N64's RE2 :o


OH boy, here' all of My Games with My Game Informer Magazine all seen above, now this looks outstanding :!:


So before I get to My new content, here is a brief item that I posted a while back which is a RE5 2011 Calendar :blbat: :blww:


Also, I posted in My Ginormous Spooky Figure Collection to remind one that I posted My whole Palisades Resident Evil collection a couple years back as well so head on to My showcase to see them in all their gory glory :blbat:


Now here we go with new content :!:


So Halloween has already been over with for about two weeks already which is hard to believe but it really isn't for Me however, it's never too late for horror :blbat: I love spooky stuff all year round :blhal: So this presentation will deal with a special figure set that I posted about a decade or so ago that got lost in the good'ol shuffle which I don't know why nobody ever looks back for things that't already been done, its a debacle that's on every board I've been too for who knows how long :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So the pics will basically be the same with little added details here & there including the dreaded Photobucket Logo is NOW GONE :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

I was going to guest review these over at "Captain Toy" Michael Crawford's @ MWC long ago but things was changing so it was a review never to been seen over there a lot of his viewers really missed out because of that :roll: So if you can tell, I got this set long time ago on eBay in the mid to late 2000s. Off & on I would get things from the Orient and the Land of the Rising Sun that the States doesn't have like Kaijus & Dinosaurs, 12" figure Bodies & Accessories and much more. I absolutely loved getting special sets of mini figures that were part of blind packaging and getting everyone with no duplicates and even the chase figure. They cost a bit but back then it wasn't really much and there is no comparison to today's pathetic market & insane prices which I really miss how it was then as it felt so good getting a small box from Japan in the mail and seeing all of these little rare figures in your grasp and knowing that you got them for a good price and that they are yours :batsmile:

So here is the special set of Resident Evil 4 by Japanese company Agatsuma, I am overly pleased with the character selections. They are about 3" tall so take a gander at all of this horrifically great Resident Evil collectibles :blmm:

Leon S. Kennedy, Ashley Graham & Ada Wong: All of them look really good. Leon's jacket appears super, Ashley looks like a teenager with the school girl attire on with her large boobs as she looked in the game. Ada has a nice sexy pose with her gun which is quite apropos.


Osmund Saddler, Bitores Mendez & Jack Krauser: All of these guys look tremendous. The leader of the Los Illuminados looks pretty spot on, Mendez is really tall with his big long beard as he should and Jack looks tremendous in that pose.


Oscar & Maria the Villagers and the Merchant: These two Villagers look so game authentic it's uncanny :wwshock: I was kinda surprised that they made The Merchant, I mean really they should because he serves such a huge purpose when you play the game and he looks superb, I love how he is posed with his coat open :!:


Dr. Salvador - The Chainsaw Ganado & Bella Sister - The female Chainsaw Ganado: Oh man, these two are arguably the best of the whole series. I was surprised that they made a Bella Sister. Look at this awesomely grotesque duo :batshock:


Red Leader Zealot & Verdugo: Ah, now these two are great. I especially love the Red Leader Zealot with his skull and the Alien & Predator inspired Verdugo :!:


El Gigante & Leon (R.P.D.): Now here is the CHASE FIGURES of both series' :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: This Leon provides as an alternate version of him when he was a cop in RE2 which is a nice touch here but I'm always for extra characters if they serve well or is like a new one which he isn't but it's still good to have. However, El Gigante serves as a huge needed character. He is actually a sort of a Build-A-Figure/BAF as you do have to have assemble him. He isn't as big as he is in the game but that's ok. He looks fantastically authentic as he did in the RE4 game which it was so epic when you first meet him on that map :o



Front & Back of Boxes, Instructions and More: So here is how the boxes looked as they all looked identical thus making them all blind packaging. I loved that they chose Ada as the cover girl and Leon in the background. Notice the Back of the Box has the figure lineup but it also has a Question Mark :? Well, that :?: is for the Chase Character. If you never researched who it was nor ever lucky enough to get it, you would never find out. Its been an Asian tradition for decades now for this sort of thing. American companies took advantage with this concept long ago, ToyBiz for example astonishingly milked this money making, collector hunting strategy back in the heyday of their Marvel Legends when things was pretty good, fans and the like had good communication before the days of ignoring things, tweeting a few words & typing one sentence...I miss those days :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Also these guys came in little Plastic Bags like most Asian toys do. Notice the Capcom Copyright on the Ganado's Stand :batsmile:


Leon & Ada: Here is the two main characters together, notice the Capcom Copyright on Ada's Dress :smsmile: :wwsmile:


The Chainsaw Ganados: Yep,they looked superb together :blbat: :blww:


The Ladies of RE-4: One thing I have always loved about RE is the female characters. Here they all are together :batsmile:


Leon(s): Here is a comparison of both versions together :!:


RE-4 Series 1 Group: Wow, look at that scale, I love realism. This arguably the best of the two.


RE-4 Series 2 Group: Again, all is so great and really this is arguably the best looking one of the two.


We're All Together Now: Oh boy, here's the Agatsuma RE-4 Series 1 & 2 Group and ain't this sweet :batsmile: All of these guys look so tremendous far this is one My most favorite sets of anything regardless of genre :!:


Now here is a brief look at how some of these Agatsuma versions compare to their American counterparts by NECA in this RE4 Figure Comparison Group shot. Look at the similarities, differences and just plain video game action figure goodness of Resident Evil :blbat:



Now you just saw & read about My Agatsuma RE Set, here be My RE 5 figures by NECA :shock:

This also has a story like them because I was gonna guest review them on MWC but "Captain Toy" Michael Crawford kept on delaying My review and his excuse was he kept on loosing My e-mail within his junk mail and I kept sending it to him but I think otherwise because people's done this crap to Me before to Me so this is well over a over a decade ago...see this was gonna be a review that was never seen and plebeians that was actually interested in it would never even know about which you can thank him for that :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: He influenced Me at getting interested in 12" figures particular Sideshow's Universal Monsters in 2001 and some other stuff. I also enjoyed looking at & reading his reviews and I really appreciated him getting Me them SDCC MOTU Exclusives in the 2000s & 2010s but it was becoming a pain asking and asking him to post it with the same old answer. It seemed like he was kinda changing and when I notice people doing that flip-flopping crap I don't want no part of it so after he picked the SDCC MOTU Book up for Me (I paid him for everything of course) I just hung it up and I haven't spoke to him since :roll: I mean if there is something to say to Me, say it to My face, don't keep Me in question, it makes My really hate people's ways :smheat: People now everywhere is so darn flaky which makes Me really dislike today's society but the truth is it was going a long before this pathetic, androgynous day age we call this modern era :x

So NECA was already the McFarlane 2.0 basically when I got these back in the later part of the 2000s and while they were getting more & more licenses, they were improving their quality but still had a long way to go. They only included three in the series but they are the most apropos threesome to have and here they are :batsmile:

Chris Redfield: This was his first incarnation with this look all beefed up. I recall saying in My "never to be seen Guest Review on MWC how he looked like he took a ton of steroids and became something like "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner because he was quite slender in earlier games. His sculpting is superb, his physique is tremendous. I originally got these guys at the BBTS and Chris broke on Me right away but thank goodness they replaced him for Me :) He comes with a cool Shotgun that he holds rather well looking mighty dandy doing so :batsmile:


I love his huge Machete and how he can pose with it and as well as his Handgun.


Sheva Alomar: The fresh babe of the franchise & Chris' hot new partner. I really liked her and she was extremely fun to play as in the RE5 game. I love that she's African with Spanish origins. She has her great Guns and her Arabic Tattoo :blhal:


Her posability is kinda limited but you can get her in some cool poses however :wwgrin:


Mijini Executioner: Now here is the latest bad guy from the game. This Executioner is of the Mijini which is the African version of Las Plagas thanks to Albert Wesker. He is quite big & heavy like he should be. He is the prize figure of the set. I love his design of being hooded yet have black jeans with cowboy boots, he is so horrifying yet so neat at the same time. He is quite fragile with his spikes & nails and if your not careful you can break them and even hurt yourself. His guillotine is enormous and he can topple over with ease but if you have a McFarlane Stand handy he can stand up with no prob whatsoever which as a matter of a fact I showcased My McFarlane Stands as well as My Spawn Collection in My great Modern Action Figure Topic which I explained how imperative it is to have McFarlane Stands at your side. This guy is really impressive, he's not only one of the coolest monsters of RE, he also makes one heck of an action figure too :blaq:


The RE 5 Packaging is quite good. NECA would use the smaller & slimmer Clamshells that would look great on display and as well as to hold. ToyBiz was having a similar style like this before they went under while others like McFarlane & Gentle Giant were still using the much more wider & bulkier kind so I wonder if NECA "borrowed" this type from them :? It was cheaper too and the figure were still quite affordable. :batwink:



NOTE: Many of these contain COMICS that I made LONG AGO when I thought [b]MWC was going to post My guest review without all those probs[/b] :roll:

Chris & Sheva: Here they are together, arguably My fave duo in Resident Evil.


Chris & Leon S. Kennedy: Ah, the two heroes meet at least. I've always been Leon guy but I do love Chris' body upgrade :) This was NECA's first Leon they made from their RE4 series :o


Chris & Jill Valentine: They meet once more as it has been years. Jill is from NECA's RE 10th Anniversary Series :!:


Chris & Claire: The siblings are reunited at last :shock: Two years ago already I showcased her as well as My whole Palisades RE Series :) One thing I loved about the versions by NECA is that their scale was pretty good and convincingly in scale with each other. At first, I was iffy about NECA getting the rights to "redo" the series but they made enough new characters to make it grand and the scale really helped make it even funner so that concerned-iffiness went away and has become one of My favorite crossover toy-lines ever :!:


Chris through the Ages: This is what I was talking about earlier. Look at Chris' Palisades versions compared to his NECA versions. This is quite accurate to the games as well. NECA made their 10th Anniversary one but still he was quite thin. Like I said long ago, he really "roided" it like Scott Steiner back in the day :batshock: :wwshock: :smsmh:


Here's Chris vs. the Monsters from NECA's RE4 & 10th Anniversary which are some Human & Animal Zombies plus an Iron Maiden Regenerator which I love them :!:


Here's Chris vs. the Tyrant from their 10th Anniversary Series, I just love that scale :batgrin:


We're All Together now: Here is the RE5 Group that is the whole point of this section of this presentation :blmm:


And here they are in a RE5 Fight :blsm:


RE Women: Now there's a ton of stuff I love about RE and the females are one of'em. Here is Jill & Sheva with NECA's absolutely gorgeous Ada Wong :batsmile:


Sheva talking to My NECA Lara Croft from the first reboot when she was still hot. Take a gander at this :batshock: :wwlol: :smgrin:


Here is a special NECA Resident Evil display :batgrin: :wwshock: :smwink: :blhal: :blbaf: :blmm: :blaq:


Next up is My two Resident Evil 5 figures by Square Enix in their Play Arts series. I got these at the Big Bad Toy Store when they first came out as I pre-ordered them.


First up is Chris Redfield. He looks really good. I love his face. He has a lot of points of articulation and is sturdy. The sculpting is superb :batwink:


This is actually My second one I got of him. When I first got him he was broken but BBTS was nice and replaced him for Me ;) I love his Machete and how it has it's Sheath just like he does in the game ;)


He has some great Guns as well.


Now the other figure is Sheva Alomar which is his partner. She has great sculpting & POA, She looks more Anime-ish than realistic but she still looks good.


Her Arabian Tattoo is on her arm which is a nice touch. She is busty with nice shapely boobs which is always welcomed :batwink: She also sports her Knife & Jewelry as well. I like how her Boots are with the Rocker-Joint.


She has her Sidearm & Sniper Rifle.


Here's the Capcom Copyrights, gosh, no indication of whom made them nor when...I'm not a fan of that but oh well :roll:


Now the Packaging is nice as their in a large window box. Now I got these in 2010 which was the time when companies were really starting make more money when you purchase their items because it's all about the packaging. Around half of what you pay is due to the package which you know how much I complain about this how pathetic this market is today...well I thought it was ridicules then :x During the 80s & 90s we got tremendous figures that were affordable and we still got very satisfying Blister Cards & Packaging, in the recent modern times over the past decade or so has been ludicrous I don't know when people is gonna wise up about this :roll: Now with that being the said, the Box looks nice and I like the raised graphics. Now there is no additional info about them like Bios and/or actual Game Art of them which would have been nice :|


Now yes, this is THE SAME Square Enix that makes the current girly, so less hot Lara Croft games in the third reboot. There is a lot of Japanese writing on here.


Here's Square Enix's Sheva Alomar compared to My hot NECA Anniversary Lara Croft for size comparison :batwink:


Now here's a Resident Evil Size Comparison of Square Enix with Palisades & NECA, you can see the scale is way off :!:


Just very recently for Halloween I posted My great showcase of My 12" Resident Evil collection by Hot Toys, if everything you just saw wasn't enough RE for you then check that out too at this link here --->, here's a group shot of them all together :blbat: :blww:


Wow, I hope you liked that and were surprised. Be sure to check out all of the other great stuff I have within the Topic as well as My other great Topics. Next up I may have another big Video Game special, until then I'll see you around :blbat:
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Resident Evil Spectacular!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:45 pm

I never played any of the Resident Evil games. I tried watching one of the movies, the first one I think, and it didn't really do much for me. The figures look nice enough.
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Resident Evil Spectacular!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:02 am

Well their great games. Of course now their rebooting them just like the movies :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: The movies are really good. The thing is Alice is the main character of them all and she was never in the games as she's an exclusive one from Holliweird however there is many great moments in them that pays true homage to the games especially with Resident Evil Retribution as it has Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy, that was so exciting :blww: :blbat: Oh yes, the figures are fantastic, their so fun too :blmm: Thanks for checking this out PB, I appreciate it ;)

As a bonus I wanted to quote Myself here from a long while back on Page 4 with the Asian Sign Guy...what he says is still valid :blsm:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:So I wanted to post this that was on this week's WWE Monday Night Raw. I don't know about others but I always pay attention to the fans and there is one guy that always get's My attention is for years I have called him the "Asian Sign Guy". He is mostly seen at WWE events but very recently was at a AEW taping. Anyway, he is always seen on the isle side with a retro shirt and had many funny custom signs the usually has to do with vintage wresting and games.

Well, when I saw this sign I was like wow, thanks man, I'm not alone after all of these years!


Well, in time I will post A LOT more of Resident Evil 4
as I have many things of RE4 and ever since I played it long ago it instantly became My fave and to this day IMO it is the best RE game ever made. So that concludes My small update :batsmile:

By the way, that's "The Almighty" Bobby Lashley there!

I look back on that and look now and I can't believe I did it and I'm thankful for it ;)
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Unreal & Doom 30th!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:51 am

Here we go with a very special double entry...first up is the great video game...


Yes, Unreal :!: The Megagames & GT Interactive First person Shooter epic that almost seems forgotten. Sure you always hear about "The Unreal Engine" but how often do you actually hear and/read about the actual game series/franchise :? See how things go :roll: So My Mom got Me this PC Video Game for Christmas in 1998 when it came out 25 years ago this year...yes that's one of the reasons why I'm doing this now because this year marks Unreal's 25th Anniversary :o Oh I recall the hype on the web and when I got like it was last week, it was huge and a must for a FPS gamer like Me :) So here's the Jewel Case & Instruction Booklet of the set. Notice how large the Instruction Booklet is, this is the way they were back in the 90s, much larger Console Instruction Booklets which really I like how they were as you can see the detail better :batwink:


Here's a brief look at the Instruction Booklet, here's some items to help you in the missions and many of the awesome looking creatures which some are very tall reaching the heights of 30 feet :!:


Now here's ad for Heat...remember that :?: Like in My great showcase of My restoration of BijouFlix in My all-crucial Odds & Ends that predated streaming network services like Netflix, was the first major gaming community on the web that predates today's Steam. See how it was back in the day compared to now :?: Today's Generation and people younger than Me think that Steam is all that and that it was the first one...nope there was precursors yet of course today's plebeians don't know because they don't look back and check out the gaming history which is really a shame...if it wasn't for such a few amount of people like Me things would be even more limbolic :wwsmh: :batsmh: :smsmh: On the next page is an ad of AT&T WorldNet with a nice cool looking babe there...gosh the 90s was so fun :batwink:


Here's some great additional stuff you can buy for Unreal like Level Packs, Editors & Books :shock:


Last is the controls for the keyboard which I hated using keyboards for gaming...I always use a Controller and then there's the back Cover of the Instruction Booklet.


Now here's the Jewel Case as you see the unusual front Cover which you'll see why this is in a moment :blww:


Here's the great looking back Cover, there's a lot going on here :blsm: :blmm: :blhal:


Here a good look at inside the Jewel Case and the PC CD Video Game itself.


Now here's the reason why the front Cover looked so different because it's not an Instruction Booklet but rather it's a Merchandise Catalog :shock: It has a lot of stuff including apparel, a strategy guide, a soundtrack plus much more :o They were really expecting this game to go straight to the top as they went all-in here :!:


Here's the 1998 Copyright plus the Megagames, GT Interactive, Windows 95/98 Logos plus the Compete on Heat Emblem which like I said, the was precursor to Steam, heck even the names are similar...gosh the things that people either ignore or don't think about...there's the 3Dfx Logo and much more is is seen here :batwink:


UPDATE 2/6/24 :!:

Now When I originally posted My Unreal Anniversary special for last year, I knew I had a bit more to show and sure enough I did as I just found the gorgeous Box to the Game :o Now here we go with this special update :batwink:

Look at how cool this Box is. The Graphics is all raised in such a super neat & fancy fashion :smwink: This is really one of the most exciting Boxes ever IMO :!: Dang I recall it like it was last week when I opened this up for Christmas in that great year of 1998 I mean these were the times when you could get stuff in hand, hold it and say wow :batsmile:


Again like I said before, GT Interactive & Epic Megagames really went the extra mile here with this game...quite frankly further than any video game company before or after them but how many people really appreciated this and thought that this was one of greatest things ever :?: If you did then congrats to you because I sure did :) Here's the side of the Box.


Here's the back of the Box. I've always loved how big these Computer Games' Boxes were back then :)


Here's some close-ups of those pictures & info there :blmm:


Here's the cool Optimized For section :batwink:


Here's the rad Level Editor info and as you read that is seems a bit strange not to mention they say the game is not for sale in Japan which is a shame about that but they had their reasons.


Here's the bottom of the Box with the requirements which to Me was always a pain when it came to playing PC Video Games I mean if you didn't have one of those either your game would mess up or it just wouldn't play it at all...that's why I always preferred Home Console Systems even though the graphics wasn't as good sometimes and there was less features but you could just put your Cartridge or Disc in and play it with less hassle :)


Now one of the main features of the Box was the very front of it. Notice above how there was an empty slot there :? Well that's where the game was and would stay intact within it which was really unique as you could see the Jewel Case right there :wwwink: Here's how this came to be as I'm going to show you as you see the inside of the Box's large Insert as I put the Game right in it :shock:


Now look, this is the way it was originally when got it brand that is so outstanding :batsmile:


Here's the Unreal Game within it's Box along with it's Instruction Booklet :)


Now here it is all together in a wonderful Unreal display. Notice I put the Epic Megagames Logo & 1998 Copyright along with GT Interactive, Digital Extremes & Window 95/98 and even a quote/tagline from the Game as well :batwink:


Now we're moving on to the franchise that got Me hooked on FPS games and that is Doom :!: I previously showcased the 2016 reboot and it's Doom Strategy Guide plus recently an excerpt I did in My huge Resident Evil showcase that was part of Game Informer Magazine saying how it was a revolutionary game of the 90s but really that's not enough to warrant something as fun as Doom. So as I have said times before, 1993 was a great year and very important for wrestling & movies and it was extremely vital for gaming. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Doom which is huge for a person like Me. If you never played any Doom game then boy you've missed so much fun. I'm quite thankful that I got to experience it from around the beginning and have about 30 Years of Doom :) There's been a lot of games of this modern era that they try make it like Doom including Halo but there is is only one Doom and yes as much as a despise reboots for this generation, I really like the soft reboots of Doom 3 & Doom 2016 as well as their extremely stunning and with great mechanics gameplay :blbat: So here we go with a special spotlight of Doom's 30th Anniversary :batwink:


So this here is a special screenshot of the official web page of Bethesda who now owns id Software who originally made Doom and it's precursor Wolfenstein 3D. Notice I'm logged in at the top. Here's all about the 30th Anniversary of Doom.


So back in 2020 they remastered and released Ultimate Doom & Doom 2: Hell on Earth and even released Doom 64 along with Doom Eternal. For the first two original games they've been doing special free add-ons which first included Final Doom. Every so often us Doomers get these free games which I'm so glad that I'm a Doomite :) Just recently they released Sigil II so it is part of the Anniversary and is the sequel to the add-on Sigil.


Last year they re-released the remaster of Quake which was great as I loved it when it debuted in the year of change 1996. To coincide with Doom's 30th Anniversary they made a super special add-on called QDOOM which is a fantasy crossover of the first several classic maps of Doom with the options of having enemies from either game to be in it either singly or together. It's such a superbly fun experience and to be quite frank, I couldn't believe that they actually did this I mean people like Me waited years and years for this to happen :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


One day a few weeks ago I was with My Mom and were getting what We needed at Dirt Cheap which We go there a lot. Next door is Family Dollar, that's the same location I showed about the WWE Figures a while back. It's still a great fun store and one of the last of the types that's old fashioned. See the Church on the far right, Steve Goedeker was there a few months ago discussing how the Church is no more now on a news report :roll: Here's the really big Dirt Cheap in Affton on Gravois which this area is quite nice :)


Over at Dirt Cheap which is also a pretty good place by the way, in the front window area they have a lot of chips & snacks...I saw some Doritos and something caught My eye about them..something that I was very surprised about :?


What caught My attention was the Doom Guy/Doom Slayer was on the packages :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


I was surprised for a few reasons...1. It's Doom, a franchise that get's hardly any exposure in public and stores, for so many years I wanted it to get the attention and it really never did. 2. I'm surprised that this is actually on a food item and 3. Much less that this is from Doom 2016, not Doom Eternal :shock: I didn't get them when We went. Around a week or so later She was going to Schnucks on Gravois & Hampton and then Dirt Cheap by Herself. I asked her to pick Me up a bag of those Doom Doritos and she did :) Here's My Doom Doritos as they are unopened at this time. they are the Spicy Nacho flavor which is just the right amount of spice for Me as I can't handle anything hotter. They are are very yummy tasting. I was quite impressed with the package. It's such a great picture of the newer Doom there. Notice it says about XBOX there in the corner. I got the new Dooms on PS4 so those rewards there doesn't pertain to Me, I wanted this because it was Doom and I never tried that Spicy Nacho before :batwink: I saved this Bag which was My complete intention, it's going in My DOOM 2016 Strategy Book as a collector's item :)


Here's the back of the package with the XBOX info. This contest began on 10/09/23 and ended on 12/29/23 which was yesterday which really this time period wasn't long at all :o


Here's the 2023 Frito-Lay Copyright :batwink:


So there's that one...the 30th Anniversary of Doom as well as the 25th Anniversary of Unreal and I hope you liked this :) I plan on showcasing My entire Doom Collection in the near future as well as other great FPS games that I have always loved which some I associate with it. We shall see what is next for My Video Game Collection, until the next presentation I'll see you around :scbat:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Unreal & Doom 30th!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:59 pm

I never played Doom. Heck, never even saw the movie. I never really cared for horror/monster type games, and really, besides one Halo and Gears of War 2, I never really got into the 1st person shooter games except to mess around with friends when they were over. I remember hearing about Doom but never thought much about actually playing it.
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Unreal & Doom 30th!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:16 am

Dang PB, you miss a lot of fun then. FPS is really My favorite type of game. The Doom games are so good. Halo like I said was a good game but really they tried to make it like Doom but it just wasn't it. There's a lot to Doom. The 2005 movie was good but lacked the hell storyline and was more like the reboot Doom 3 however the 2019 reboot film had the hell storyline. Thanks for checking this out it PB :)
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Super Game Boy!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:14 am

Here we go with My FIRST showcase of the New Year, it will be an expanded upon continuation of...


Yes, a while back I had featured My Super Game Boy in My Nintendo Game Boy showcase but it wasn't a complete presentation of it as I misplaced My Instruction Booklet/Manual. My Grandparents got Me this for Christmas of 1994, 30 years ago this year at at Sears :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Well not that long ago I found it :) First off here's My Super Game Boy. Oh now here is arguably the most important aspect of the days of the original Game Boy. Nintendo made a SNES peripheral cartridge that you can insert your Game Boy games into thus making it possible to play your Game Boy games on your SNES onto your TV :o As I had mentioned before in the My spinoff game topic, Sega made a similar cartridge with "Lock On" Technology for their awesomely fun Sonic the Hedgehog games that I may showcase sometime in the near future. Sega's ideas were superb but they really didn't utilize on this much as they could have while Nintendo's idea provided nearly countless games to play, even in color was an option for some :batsmile:


I put My WWF Raw in the Super Game Boy because it was the one I usually played the most :batwink:


So now here is My Instruction Booklet. As you see Metroid 2: The Return of Samus is on the front Cover which is cool and I plan showing My Metroid Collection in time :o There it is alongside My Super Game Boy, this was a pretty big deal back in those days which were some of the funnest times of gaming :)


Here's a look at the inside of the Booklet.


Here's the 1994 Nintendo Copyright :)


That will do it for this continuation of My Nintendo Super Game Boy Cartridge, I hope you liked it. Next up will be another good one, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Another World!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:12 am

This special showcase is of one of the most creative, unique & excellent video games of ever, of all-time, it's...


Yes, it's Out of this World (US) aka Another World (International that came out in the fun year of 1991. It was designed by Éric Chahi and published by Delphine Software along with Interplay & Virgin Games. It's one of the most highest rated video games ever known :!: It's about a computer wiz-kid scientist physicist Lester Knight Chaykin who has built a Particle Accelerator to discover the origins of the Universe. A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies to contain them in well-defined beams. If you know CERN then you know what is really going on...if you don't I suggest you look in it, it will answer many questions about why time is going by so fast as well a seeing the unbelievable. CERN is really deceiving the public. Many movies are based are based on CERN & Particle Accelerators like Howard the Duck, Groundhog Day, 12:01, Cloverfield Franchise, Stranger Things, Happy Death Day 1 & 2 among others...whoa, is that why I chose to post this today on...Groundhog Day :? :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: :blmm: It's absolutely astonishing that this game predated most of them :o So he has a freak accident when a lightning storm hits his machine thus transferring himself to "Another World" :!: After surviving a chase of a endemic beast, he's captured by the simian alien soldiers. There in the cage he befriends an alien simian he just simply named "Buddy". After they unhinged the hanging cage and fall onto one the guards, their off running to escape in one the most difficult video games one could ever play :!: It has one of the best beginnings of any game, it's really in My top 10 favorites :batwink: Here's some screenshots I took from My 20TH Anniversary Edition :)


Now today's kids probably wouldn't like it and quit in less then 5 minutes unless their guardian taught them and showed them how darn radical it is or if they like old school stuff but back in My day this game ruled and I never wanted to stop playing it (shows you the difference in generations right there) :!: There was really nothing like it and that is still as valid now as it was then :o While I only own the compilation of it & it's sequel Heart of the Alien on Sega CD and the 20th Anniversaries on My Wii U & PS4, I do not have it on other systems which sometimes I ask Myself why didn't get it for the SNES and/or Genesis but anywho I wanted make a special gallery of this wonderful gem of a game of many of the systems it made it's way to, again, this was incredible back during arguably the best time of gaming which was the 90s before I show My physical Sega CD & Anniversaries in moments :!:


Look how darn cool these were and yes that's Buzz Aldrin :shock:


Here's the one on SNES plus Famicom. Look at this European Ad of Nintendo as there's Lemmings, Star Wars and one of the very first Ads EVER of Jurassic Park :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:



I never played it on PC, Amiga or any computer.



This is how I actually found out about the game. I'll never forget it seeing that great cover over at Star Video, gosh I loved going there all the time and renting games, movies & wrestling events...such fun times :) You can see them in arguably My most imperative showcase called Glory Days of Movie Rentals here ---->



I never played the Japanses SNES version.


Sega Genesis

I played it on Genesis which I believe I rented it over either Star Video, Blockbuster or even perhaps Schnucks, again see My Glory Days of Movie Rentals showcase here ----> :)


Sega Mega Drive

I never played this version.



I was never able to rent nor buy a 3DO but I wanted too :)


Atari Jaguar

Oh man I always wanted to get an Atari Jaguar. I recall Me & My Grandpa was at Venture in South Town and they had the system. He was very low on moolah so he was unable to get it for after the system was failing thanks to the plebeians it was discontinued after a short time :roll:


Now here we go with the sequel that I own and it is...


Sega CD

I found out about this game in one of My issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly in 1994, 30 years ago this year :shock: Before the web truly took over society, this is how you found out about games and stuff through magazines. I have showcased My Game Informer Magazines recently from 1999 and it was still so cool then. One of these days I gotta find that EGM because I looked at it constantly back in the day. So when it was time when I finally got My Sega CD Console, My Mom got this for Me along with many titles at FuncoLand that was on clearance for Christmas 96. This game is actually a compilation of sorts because it includes Out of this World I as Heart of the Alien is considered to be Out of this World II. I believe that's why I never wanted it for the SNES & Genesis because you get it with the sequel :batwink:


I have always been frustrated that they never re-released this great game. With all of these new games for this generation that has no history and all of retro remasters, you'd think this would be available by now :roll: I believe this game is very obscure because one of the reasons is thanks to that. This was exclusively for the Sega CD in 1994 so this year marks it's 30th Anniversary, maybe their smart and their making a remaster Anniversary Edition which I'm hoping they are :) Then again Chahi has said in several interviews that he has no intention of doing a sequel special as he had nothing to do with this...he wants the ending of the original game to remain ambiguous so fans could make their own conclusion to Lester's story which as reasonable as that sounds, I find this disappointing to say the least :roll:


Now here's My copy that I own :)


Here's My Heart of the Alien: Out of this World II Sega CD. It looks quite cool. I have always digged that skull :batwink:


Here's the 1994 Virgin, Delphine & Interplay Copyrights...always check those Copyrights :)


I introduced FuncoLand last year here in My great topic. As a bonus here's some good FuncoLand stuff from My Game Informer Magazines. First this was actually a subscription ending reminder cover of one of My GIMs. All of this is from 1999, that's 25 years ago this year :o


This Ad is of Zelda & Pokemon. Notice how cheap these items were :!:


This is one of the FIRST Ads EVER of Sega Dreamcast. Look how radical this was not to mention the FuncoLand one too ;)


As a special bonus here's three different kinds of FuncoLand Protective Game Cases/Sleeves with the first being for the NES of Pipe Dream, second is for SNES with the granddaddy of all FPS Wolfenstein 3D and last being Sega Genesis of Terminator 2: Judgement Day The Arcade Game and this is the first time I'm showing these and I will showcase them further in fcat look for a special showcase of Pipe Dream in My Star Wars Topic here ---> because this game was made by LucasFilmGames/LucasArts. Now seeing this FuncoLand display is really cool :)


Wii U & PS4

Now I have both 20th Anniversary Editions released in 2011. These versions are superb and really the most the ideal way to play this game. There is some minor differences between the Wii U & PS4 ports however it's nothing like the old days of SNES vs. Genesis when it was a must to have both versions of a title because of new characters and so on. However the game is as fun as it was back during it's initial release time :)


The game has a wonderful feature that is a great trend on many classic retro remasters and that is the option to have the graphics like they were back in the day or if you want them non-pixelated in HD :batwink: Also you have the option if you want the original soundtrack or the new remastered version. Like any movie, that is a big part of the game :)


Speaking of the soundtrack, also during this time they released a really awesome re-recording of the video game's musical score that is performed by a big symphony. As one of the few people here and really on this planet that loves & appreciates movie scores & soundtracks, this was a must for Me so I got the digital version of it and it's incredible. It's so short at only about 30 minutes, it goes by so darn fast and then you want more of it and play it all over again :)


So I hope you liked this showcase of Mine featuring Out of this World/Another World & Heart of the Alien and maybe you were surprised. Soon I'll post some videos of the game in My other Video Game Topic. Next within this very fine Topic of Mine I will be showcasing My one & only Football game called NFL Quarterback Club by Acclaim for the Sega Genesis 32X which is going to be an awesome one. Look for it to be on Super Bowl Sunday, if your a Football fan then your not gonna want to miss this...until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Collection: Another World!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:12 pm

Cool. I still have my Super Gameboy and a copy of that RAW game, too. I still think the best two WWF games I played on Gameboy were probably WWF Superstars and WWF Superstars 2, but RAW is comparable with Superstars 2. I just wish they had finishers. Especially by the time RAW game out, you would think it would have had finishers. lol. I would have rather they left out 2 wrestlers if it was a memory issue. We needed Yoko's Bonsai Drop!!!

Thanks for sharing your memories of Out of this World. I just picked up the Delphine Collection cartridge for Evercade and it had Another World on there. I didn't get to play it much during the 90s. I had a good friend who owned the game on the SNES but I was more familiar with Flashback which shared a lot of similarities and is also on the Delphine Collection cart. I'm looking forward to playing and hopefully completing both. I think the versions of the games on the Evercade are the Amiga versions. It also has two additional games, Future Wars and Operation Stealth, which were also Amiga games. The similarities kind of stop there as these two are actually point and click adventure games in the same vein as Monkey Island as opposed to Flashback and Another World which are more like action platformers sharing similarities to the original Prince of Persia games.
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