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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - Friday the 13th!!!!!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:33 pm

Yeah, you know what? I actually have the Glenn Strange version as well. It was less expensive than the other ones I got and I thought it was a real bargain and for me a must have as I loved the Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein. Glenn looked eerily a lot like Lon Chaney Jr.
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - Friday the 13th!!!!!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:50 pm

That's cool. Indeed he did Acid. I may showcase something special that will bring more justice to these great figures a little down the road as we go further down memory lane. Thanks Acid :scww:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - ST Stand Update!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 24, 2022 12:58 am

I just found this Sideshow stand and thought I'd show it. It belongs to the Wolfman hence the peg.


More 12" figure stuff coming soon :batsmile:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - The Aboyd Company SPECI

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 16, 2022 9:06 am


So it was a long while back, when I was still collecting Sideshow's Universal Monsters among other Sideshow figures back in the 2000s. I was searching for alternatives as I always did researching who's got the best prices. I loved buying directly from Sideshow but sometimes what I wanted wasn't in stock as most of their items were quite affordable (compared to this androgynous pathetic day & age's offerings insane prices) but who else to buy from? Ebay of course was an fair option but they weren't always the most convenient as they wouldn't always have what your looking for. So digging around the net very thoroughly, I actually found many stores which most of them were smaller, independent shops that was on Yahoo shopping (it was extremely fun finding and seeing Yahoo stores back then especially for Godzilla & Star Wars figures, there is nothing like that now sadly) and just on there own servers. So, one day I came across a nice looking web store called The Aboyd Company. I thought man, this store looks very different and quite old school which I'm liking right away. So I did My research about them and e-mailed them with questions and so forth to make sure items are in stock, prices are still valid and so forth. Not to long after that I was greeted by Mr. A. Boyd Campbell himself (the owner of the company) and he was very nice and polite...something that is so missing during these times we are in. So with everything he told Me I was convinced he and his company was legit. His prices were so low and he had the lowest prices anywhere :shock: So I had ordered many Universal monsters from him and in fact when I would place an order he would personally e-mail saying thanks for your order and it's on your way. I was always happy about this and thrilled whenever My order would arrive because it would always arrive within 2 days cause he was in Jackson, Mississippi and I'm in Saint Louie so it wasn't that far away. Of all the stores I've shopped at, his was the most enjoyable experience. So with much sadness and disgust, he went out of business long ago, I'm not sure when, I think around in between 2008 & 2010. Everything of his was gone, the web page, the domain, his history...ALL OF IT :roll: I have much regret about this because ever since this happen I feel it's a bit My fault because I felt if I wouldn't have gotten into other types of figures and stuff and still would have bought from Aboyd he might still be in business today :roll: This is one of many of My regrets that always haunted Me :x

However, he's not forgotten :shock: Maybe by most of his other customers and other people that just glanced at his store and doesn't give a rat's @$$ but NOT BY Me :!: He sent Me a couple, really adequate catalogs and I KEPT THEM BOTH :o By Me keeping these, this keeps his history alive and relevant to Me as I hate it when a nice store goes out of business and you personally know the owner and then their nothing but a memory...if can help it one way or another I'm NOT gonna LET THAT siree bob :!:

So here is them catalogs that Aboyd sent Me :!: See what happens when you don't throw away never know, you might be PRESERVING HISTORY so I advise anybody if their gut tells them NOT to throw it away...then listen to your gut and DON'T throw it away. I have found it astounding how much he had and how he specialized in vintage and modern monsters among Sci-Fi and Dinosauria among other great media items! His variety and choices were ideal and and his style old fashioned at it's finest :!: Every page isn't present, I have selected them to My liking and what is most important to showcase. With that being said let's get down to it :)

So we here go with the most apropos of the entire point of the matter. Here is the Sideshow Universal Monsters, many I got from him but one thing I always regretted was NOT getting them variants of Frankenstein of Lugosi, Chaney & Strange and Kaloff. I put them on the back burner for months that turned into years and it was all over :roll: They were only $30.77 each :!: I mean that was absolutely a baragin :shock: I also put off the Young Frankenstein set as well which was only $67.16! I screwed-up here but at least I have this history :!:


Now this stuff not so much then again in a different way. I have spoke about him before, there was a good comic shop on Hampton that I'd like to go too every now and then (I got a lot of great graphic novels and action figures there) and sometimes I'd just stop in there to see what's new and to check the bull$h!t level :lol: Darn shame I can't recall his shop's name. Anyway he had those very same X-Plus Godzilla statues that is in Aboyd's catalog. I saw them in person and while they were awesome I couldn't afford them as he wanted over $100 for'em and Aboyd wanted $93 for them. Anyway, I regret not shopping and getting more at My cool local comic shop as he also went out of business in around the same time perhaps a bit later which I will be talking about him more in time :roll:


Now while I'm a huge Kong fan and while much of these items were awesome looking, none of this stuff really interested Me then of owning, however, that McFarlane Movie Maniacs Series 3 - 1933 King Kong I already have, My Mom got him for Me for Christmas when he first came out back in the year 2000 when horror was still great and people still actually loved it (I miss those times of the Movie Maniacs, it was so fun and people were so thrilled the in the late 90s and early it just seems so distant and how deplorable the situation has become over time is just so depressing). Amazing Aboyd only wanted him for $14.15 and now this Kong goes several times that now :!:


Ah man, I really loved these Dinosaurs by Battat! I never got any of them however I showcased My Vintage Battat Dinosaur Set in My Dinosaur Topic long ago. These would have been sweet to have but I never got to obtain them. On the back cover he had some cool Lizards that I don't know who made them and that is the end of this book :!:


So moving on to catalog number 2, it's actually the first issue of his ultra-fun ZATSO! It was like Aboyd's own little comic :) Here is his small introduction, you can tell how nice of a man he was by reading it :(


Ah gosh, the Ray Harryhausen collection :!: I wanted them guys so darn bad when they first were released in around 2001. However, When I realized that X-PLUS USA was making them in different types of figurines such as vinyl figures, statues and even chess pieces, I had to choose which ones I was to collect cause there was no way in Sam "friggin" Hain I was skipping this series altogether because I loved those old movies that they were from as I grew up watching them. So I chose the awesome vinyl pieces because they were made in honor Japanese Kaiju figures and I saw that Toyzz (another great defunct web store) had them for only around $4.99 each! I had bought the whole set and at that price WHO WOULDN'T :? :?: :batconfused: :wwshock: :smgasp: This was a while before I would discover Aboyd however. His prices were still decent @ just $10.40 a pop and were the lowest when compared to most stores, its just that Toyzz was a place that would get in rare and new things at super, nearly unbelievable prices and if you didn't get them within a few weeks or even days then their stock was depleted and 9 times outta 10 they'd wouldn't get it back in and you'd never know when they would get the stuff in either as it was best to check them out frequently :!: That's the place I got My beloved Kenner Willow & Elora Danan set that I didn't even knew existed (see My great showcase on the first page of My Vintage Action Topic for My entire Willow collection!) :shock: I mean they were a great store and I loved their blue background. Anyway, these prices that Aboyd offered was great and even then I consider them by today's pitiful standards it's completely a different story. By the way, when I was a guest reviewer for MWC long ago I reviewed My great Ray Harryhausen set and you can SEE & READ IT HERE! I did showcase them in My Modern Action figure topic and briefly in My ginormous horror Halloween topic last year! Seeing these in Aboyd's great book just reminded Me of those times and how cool they were then :)


This page is something else, there's the GORT tin wind-up My Grandma got Me sometime ago (I briefly showed him in My Halloween topic as a preview) and there is R. Lee Ermey though as you already know I chose a different version and there is the Army of Darkness figures that My mom got Me for Christmas that I have showcased with My Universal Monsters. Gosh those prices were outstandingly low, see if you can get anything modern this good and this cheap NOW :!: :roll:


Here is some sweet Dinosaurs by Safari. I do not have these but I do have miniature ones in a great & fun tube set. With figures like them, they always ranged in different values but gosh Aboyd's asking price was quite decent. You could get all of them and still be much lower than most retailers were wanting at the time :!:


Here is a very brief look at Aboyd's comic, it was really cool and such a shame that it has been lost to most except for Me who is trying to bring the memory back from inglorious limbo :roll:


Basically the same kaiju items as before except for X-Plus' Gigan, amazing he had him and wasn't too high either :!:


Oh boy here we go :roll: This is arguably My most regretfully foolish non-obtaining of all of My stuff that I have gotten in the 2000s and that was Sideshow's Twilight Zone & Outer Limits :roll: Basically I did the same stupid thing with them as I did with the Frankenstein Monsters I previously stated. They were so cool and authentic looking and they were so darn cheap...gosh talk about a total bummer choice I made back then :x


Now these Sideshow Brotherhood of Arms and Bayonets & Barbed Wire were great looking but they were never on My list. Nice prices though!


I was never into Monty Python so I intentionally skipped Sideshow's great looking figures. I think it was a shame I didn't get the superb Dark Crystal figures however. Oh how about that, Palisades Muppet's! Unfortunately I never got any of them (MWC loved them then and as you know, I was quite high on Palisades then as well :)


Oh the Six Gun Legends by Sideshow! I have all of these guys that is on the page! They made them so fantastic! Gosh his prices were nice! Maybe one day I will showcase them. I also have the two first Bond 007 figures too as well as other Bonds by Sideshow and ya never know, I may showcase them as well in the future! Gosh, look at what he wanted for them, only $32...these figures were great and again, see if you get these for that price now or anything this good in current offering THIS AFFORDABLE :!:


About the same as the page in the previous catalog, I just wanted to represent it once more ;)


This is the back and the end of the second magazine. I still kinda find it surreal that these great figures were only $32 especially London After Midnight & Nosferatu whom were THE ONES that I absolutely had to get in the beginning when I was first collecting My extraordinary Sideshow Universal Monsters!


Well, that'll do it for this unexpected surprise showcase of Aboyd :cheers: I hope you have enjoyed it and if this was your first time seeing these great catalogs of his and know about Aboyd then I hope you were excited and amazed how it was back then in the 2000s or perhaps this brought back the memories of him and you were actually a customer of his as well. Either way. I thought that it was extremely imperative to showcase his great catalogs to relive them times and be excited once again about it but more crucially to bring back the existence of him and his great store that once was. IMO there isn't enough people that is doing anything to giveback or repay the homages of times of old of stores that was in local neighborhoods and/or online with their good experiences. By not doing that...sadly they are gone forever cause nobody is doing anything about it but I cannot say that about Myself as I feel I am doing a great deed here :)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are someway, somehow reading this Mr A.Boyd Campbell or anyone that is/was affiliated with him, I hope that you have liked what I have done and appreciate My effort of what I am trying to accomplish here :batsmile:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - The Aboyd Company SPECI

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:48 pm

Cool, story, and that's great customer service. It's always nice to feel like your money means something. It's crazy to think how much cheaper everything was even just twenty years ago when a Marvel Legends figure at Walmart could be had for $7.84, and now they're going up to $24.99. Not a hobby for the faint of heart or light of pocket.

As for not buying those figures, my saying is "you only regret the ones you don't buy". I've had buyer's remorse on occasion, but not so bad as when I passed up on something and never saw it again. Those are the ones that gnaw at you.
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - The Aboyd Company SPECI

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:08 am

Thanks PB. I know, the price issue is what I've been talking all along :x And this generation really doesn't know how it was yesterday :roll:

That's a good motto you have there. Sure, I regret it but My point is by NOT buying them FROM Aboyd I have always felt I could have at least helped him stay in business longer :roll:

Oh I have said it before, there was some figures and one of them was Evil Draxx of the Street Sharks, now that's one of the hardest figures to get that I haven't seen in years! I could have got him twice back in the 2000s on the bay but nope, I didn't go for it :roll:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - Jason update!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:31 am

OK, I just wanted to say this continuesing what i said earliry about Jason. I know Acid said about house, well, another reason why I thought by Big Ben was apropos is because he a Vietnam War vet, Sideshow was the doing Platoon Movie Figures (Oh did I just give ya a hint for the future?) around this time, one would think this was UP their ALLEY I mean he was a combination of the two but they didn't pull the trigger :roll:

Here is a pic I made of a comparison, it's not the best but it'll give you an idea what I'm talking about. If you were already familiar with House then you already know what I mean what a horror classic it is. If not then HERE IS THE WIKIPEDIA PAGE!


That's all for now :batsmile:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - POPSALUTE TERMINATOR 3!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:41 am


Well as you know, I'm a huge Terminator fan, have been since I was little, I got many of the original figures by Kenner way back in the 90s and loved'em, crossed'em over with Kenner's Alien & Predator, RoboCop, Swamp Thing & Batman, the 80s & 90s was so cool, the toylines allowed the youngster to do so much. The 2000s was good but it was kinda more limited in ways. However, with the sudden craze & emerging of 1/6 scale aka 12" action figures on the horizon from Takara Tomy & BBi's Cy Girls to Sideshow's Universal Monsters, it was was beginning to be a sweet time as I had found something new to collect that I thought was great, exciting and fun. After getting to know the new hobby since 2001, I was still learning a lot of things and as you have seen with My Reservoir Dogs collection and others, there was plenty of research and a whole lot more to be done and had. So since Michael Crawford aka Captain Toy over at MWC was an influencer for Me back in the day for 12" figures (whom I was a guest reviewer for years mind you) I saw that he had other guest reviewers as well which sometimes this is how I learned of other items out there available. One reviewer reviewed some Terminator figures from the new movie at the time which was Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines in 2003 and I thought they looked great and they were the only ones like it in that scale. I had already got the great Movie Maniacs series by McFarlane when these types of figures were still in demand and important by collectors (its so pathetic how people changed later on about this great stuff especially Movie Maniacs then again McFarlane kinda dumped the line and allowed SOTA & NECA to make their take it at but then people did it again...oh people :x ) So these 1/6 versions looked to be right up My alley but the thing is, they were made by a company I had no clue whom they were and they weren't available at stores like BBTS & Amazon and even little independent web shops didn't have them. The most common place to get'em was at eBay of all places and it's like of course it is :roll: So only one store had them and it was actually a store owned by the company itself :o They were called Popsalute which is one heck of a name and what a licence to start out with huh :batconfused: I mean forget about baby steps here, we're going for the gold our first shot :wwshock: :smsmh: So the bay store was ran & owned by Andy Thong during them days of the early to mid 2000s. He was Asian but spoke good English. So I researched him a bit and thought he was ok. His company was based in Singapore with French ties. I bought both The T-850 Terminator & TX-Terminatrix but gosh they were VERY expensive, they were like close to $150 for the set which back then was a lot, you could get several Sideshow figures for that price back then but in today's pitiful market forget about it :roll: I wanted them and I really didn't care how much they were and I've always thought if you really want it or need it and can afford it DO IT! I'm still like that as I speak but today's ways really forces you otherwise, again it's terrible and people just keep on giving in to Sideshow's remade deluxe figures that has already been made who knows how many times :smsmh: :batrage: :smsmh: What I mean is the Friday the 13th Jason that was released back in teh mid 2000s that was originally only about $40 is not being remade in deluxe form @ $200...are you kidding Me...I'll take the Jason that I showcased with this great topic of Mine over that one any day...many of today's things are so unmeaningful compared to yesterday's IMO. So I ordered Popsalute's Terminators from I Singapore and about a week or so later I got'em and I was really astounded by their realism. I was quite pleased, left Andy Thong great positive feedback and he did the same for Me and that was that. I never dealt with him again. Now as a side note before I get any further, later on I had read some very negative comments, complaints and reviews of just not the figures themselves but of Mr. Andy Thong himself about how he is a scam-artist and all of this bad stuff. Maybe I was lucky but he was nice to Me and I was happy with our business transaction. Is all I know after all of these years he has disappeared from the action figure scene and his cool company rarely get's mentioned by any 12" figure collector's anywhere which again is a shame cause you know how much I hate it when stores fall to oblivion :roll:

Now these are the ONLY 12"-1/6 scale Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines figures that any company has made, Sideshow & Hot Toys never pulled the trigger any time and I'm not sure why, I would have definitely got them I'm sure because I got their great Terminator 2: Judgement Day series respectively :)

So here is Popsalute's really cool logo and more and I loved their tagline which was "Never a Dull Moment" :batsmile:


Now unfortunately I have misplaced a lot of his accessories and stuff and cannot access the T-850's electronic feature so not everything is shown here but otherwise the figures look rather decent :)

T-850 Terminator: So here he is. He has an excellent & accurate sculpt of Arnold Schwarzenegger. In fact its one of the best I have seen by any company! It convinces you he is clearly older now. His clothing is top notch, most is all pleather. It is all removable but I do not prefer it nor do I recommend it. His shotgun is really nice and authentic looking. His joints aren't the best though as their somewhat looser than to My liking. He is quite decent to have even though his not My fave of all of the 12" Terminator figures I own in My collection.


Terminatrix aka the T-X: She was really the selling point for Me as I just digged her in the film. I mean a blonde, 6 foot tall, thick female Terminator, how could you NOT like her :?: The likeness and head sculpt is tremendous and looks a lot like the actress Kristanna Loken that played her. The buck they chose for her looks really good and shaped with her curves in her clothing though she is shorter than the T-850 which has always been an issue with Me here as I like real heights and as much accuracy as possible.


Her clothing is great, it's a tight fitting pleather yet is kinda loose for her to move in. She has a nice necklace that also looks authentic.


Her hands are removable and you can plug them in & out good with no probs to insert her weapons that morphs them into which is a Plasma Cannon & a Circular saw which both look like mini props if not the real thing from the film itself :)


Now this cyborg beauty's clothing is removable also. Let Me tall ya, she ain't no Barbie Doll as she is anatomically correct meaning she is detailed on her boobs, crotch & booty areas :o :shock: :batshock: :smgasp: :wwshock: She's not painted in them said areas mind you but she is sculpted in them places however :!: I must admit as a young man this was kinda a visual fun factor for Me back then as I never had a figure of this nature before. It was thrilling and amazing that they made her like that :o It's different now I as I am used to that over the years and such as this became a trend of companies making their figures humanly accurate like that. Now there is pics of her by the MWC guest reviewer that I had mentioned earlier and elsewhere on the net if you want to see her naked but you ain't gonna see it from Me so do it at your own risk :batsmile: There are actually many 12" customizers out there that do customize their female figures with painted details like but I like how they originally are. It is necessary to take clothing off both genders if you are a kit-basher like I am but for Me it's just nice knowing that My female figures are just a little more there if ya know what I mean ;) With that being said, here is few pics of her revealing a little skin, I must say her boobs are good shaped and look the right size for the character especially in "the seducing the cop boob-morphing scene". This should give you the hint of how she is :wwsmh: :smgasp: :batwink:


Scale: As I had mentioned before, I have an issue with the T-X's height compared to her rival, she should be at least his height especially with the high-heeled boots on. This is one aspect of Popsalute's versions that is questionable with Me. Now on the other hand as I said earlier, these are the only T3 versions in this scale ever made so I shouldn't complain about anything really, I mean if it wasn't for these then there would be nothing :!:

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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - POPSALUTE TERMINATOR 3!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:42 am


Size Comparison: Here they are alongside with their great Movie Maniac counterparts by McFarlane and also a size comparison of Sideshow's Star Wars' Storm Trooper (HINT, HINT THERE!)! You can tell that Popsalutle used smaller bodies than other companies which other Asian companies that is mostly on eBay would use these bodies for individual kit-basking a bit later on :)


Here is Popsalute's T-850 compared to McFarlane's electronic large scale T-850! As you can see the latter is much bigger and arguably more detailed but he isn't poseable that much as he is basically like a statue but I have always loved him too especially he quotes :!:


The Packaging: Now I could only find one of the boxes in My disastrous storage area so here is T-X's box she came in. As you can see, the cover is gorgeous with her a great close up of her face being half human, half cyborg that I have always thought looked extraterrestrial. The 5th panel opens up and she is looking right at you with another great close pictorial. Her insert is visible and provides to be a great storage case for her. This is one of the things I have always loved about 1/6 scale figures is their deluxe packaging :!:


The back of the box has the credits of the company's production team. Notice Andy Thong is first. Posalute's great logo & slogan "Never A Dull Moment" is there. Their web page is as well plus their sister site Frenzy World. None of these addresses are valid anymore :? :roll: :o :x


Here is the great insert that serves as an excellent background if you haven't noticed earlier on :batsmile: I love the blue tone this has very much :batsmile:




So, anybody that collects 12" figures as a hobby knows they need stands. Well, the Popsalute Terminator 3 figures did not come with any stands unlike Sideshow among others but even they didn't start the "stand included" trend till about 2005 or so. Because of this I had to look into getting some stands that were not only cheap but also to My liking. So looking around at various web stores I saw these really nice, translucent blue display stands and they were quite affordable too. I'm not sure where I got them at, possible Blue Box Toys or some other independent store. These stands are made by InToyz in 2000 hence the Copyright pic I show below, they specialized in all types of 1/6 scale items such as these stands, realistic weapons & clothing plus much more. InToyz has disappeared from the toy industry which they were around when the hobby was turning to be a new great one that many people were realizing how cool it was and it would be great until the market would change into what it is today :roll:


Here is an example of one with My Popsalute T-850 Terminator. The plastic is a bit brittle, more so than what I'd like but the clamp is pretty good and it's adjuster knob helps out a lot. Not shown but it also has additional height attachments as well. In a way these were kinda revolutionary but you won't see nor hear many 12" collectors mention these much if at all because many of them are quite disappointing to know to say it very mildly :roll: I have some other stands and while them are good I still actually prefer these stands just not because their more classic but also because they were My first and how you can make your figures fit to how you want them too.


So there you have it, there was My 12" - 1/6 scale Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines by Popsalute! I hope you liked it. If your just now seeing this then stop and make sure you get to the beginning of the showcase, you don't wanna miss it how this awesome presentation started! We shall see what is next for My great 12" figure topic, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My 1/6 - 12" Figure Collection - STARTING LINEUP!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Aug 13, 2023 6:46 am

So here we go with My next 12" Figure showcase and it's My 1999 Hasbro Starting Lineup. Yes, that's right, Hasbro's Starting Lineup. Back in the very late 90s they made an additional line of 1/6 scale figures after they retired and basically obliterated Kenner :roll: They have always done 12" inchers starting with the original G.I. Joe & Actionman series' many decades prior but they were more of a bendable type and this would continue till 1998 until they made their arms articulated like actual action figures though I have thought for a very long time 12" figures are true action figures and with articulation freaks I would think they would go crazy over for them because there's a lot of figures in 1/6 scale that has tons of POA like in the 20s or more :o I know people have gripes about the clothing and whatever else but there's been so many people that miss out on so much because of their reasons, you gotta give things a chance or you'll never have that fun time that you could have had and that goes for anything of any genre and/or any category, believe Me, I've been there and done that :!:


I had My Mom order them on eBay for Me because they were super cheap when I couldn't then I paid her back :) So I only have two of them and I chose the two main guys whom were in a special two-pack and that was "Big Mac" Mark McGwire & "Slammin" Sammy Sosa. This not My packages, I have put them elsewhere so this is a mock-up special I did of it. I have always loved this, there has never been a baseball duo/opposites like then since :!: These are such great pictures too, heck that's one of the reasons why I wanted this special set in the first darn place :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Now they are together. Keep in mind this is before Hasbro had to "up their game" in 2000/2001 for ultra realism in order to compete against the new standards of McFarlane & Sideshow as I have talked about greatly before in My other showcases in My other topics. Now these are team jersey specific, this is a special 1998 All-Star Game depiction which that All-Star Game was one of the greatest of ever of all-time. The background is of My Upper Deck Baseball Card collection that you'll see soon in My very crucial Odds & Ends Topic :) Now Mark is of The St. Louis Cardinals, My home team, I have explained how he was My new hero back then in My Modern Action Figure Topic. His jersey is read and looks great. Sammy is of the Chicago Cubs and his is blue. The teams's logos look so authentic. They have their Names & Numbers McGwire & Sosa - 25 and 21 and it's so cool that they have Socks & Rubber Baseball Shoe Cleats, what a nice touch on the part of Hasbro :batwink: They both included two different bats, one Wooden & one Black and two Baseballs. I could only find and locate Sammy's Black Baseball Bat & 1 Baseball. but I'm glad that I was able to fine what I could ;)


McGwire has a decent likeness and he's got blue green eyes like he's really got as he's a real redhead.


Now Sammy really has a decent likeness and his hair looks good as well. You can take their Baseball Caps and put'em on backwards thus making them Rally Caps and they have the MLB Logos on them too. The National League Logo on his right arm looks so fantastic. The Baseballs look good and are pretty much in real scale here as well :)


Here's Mark & Sammy taking their Hats off to each other. Now you see how their arms are and how their articulated. They have hinged shoulders, bicep cuts, hinged elbows and wrist swivels. Their hands are still of the same rubber that Hasbro used previously which is ok cause I like their hands. This was such a plus for Me back then :)


Now here's Mark in his iconic stance. Now unlike the arms, the legs are still of a bendable kind and really weren't' altered which really works out in a baseball player figure's favor. Now I've got him here in two different special size comparisons. 1. is with a cool McDonald's Cup I got back in 98/99 that I'll showcase along with it's counterparts and so much more soon in My Odds & Ends. 2. This is how his size is compared to My totally awesome 2002 McFarlane Big League Challenge McGwire and My standard Hasbro Starting Lineup Mark McGwire. You can see them along with McFaralne's Spawn & Hasbro's 2001 JP/// & POTA here --->


Now here is a cool size comparison of Mark & Sammy with Hasbro's Attar from their superb 2001 Planet of the Apes line. Now you can see him in the link I provided right above. Like I said before in 2001 Hasbro upped their game to compete with the others and when you see Attar you can clearly tell that they did. Today's generation knows nothing about how cool it was then when this was happening which is really pitiful, I'm glad I was around this time to know it and to experience how fun this was back in the late 90s & early 2000s :)


So that will do it. I hope you enjoyed this and liked it. I have posted a lot more of great 12" figures within this topic and more to come. Be sure to see My Starting Lineups & so much more in My Vintage & Modern Action Figure Topics here ---> & here ---> plus make sure your on alert when I showcase My huge multi-part Baseball special that will be like no other in My Odds & Ends :) Until the next update I'll see you around :batgrin:
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