BrandonDaCollector wrote:
OK, here is My bit on Body Slam. It was out in 1987. At the time I really didn't care about the actors, I wanted to see the wrestlers. I knew most of'em then. Here is the VHS cover. I first saw this of at Verna's Mr. T's. I have spoke about her many times. She was so wonderful, I gotta make a special about her soon. I admit as a youngster I digged that cover I as gawked at it many times over there As young as I was I knew who I was and liked females unlike the stuff today that people don't know who they are and all of the bum-steer, I'm quite proud who I am and I'm using that word proud of its true meaning, not this abusive stuff in this androgynous day and age. However, this was actually kinda of a form of click bait before there was such a thing because that scene IS NOT IN THE MOVIE... The cover with the blonde babe pulling off her bikini top distracting the wrestler IS NOT IN THE was exclusive...YES CLICK BAIT before it was a thing You spoke of Running Man, I'll do that one too and yes Deepfakewas in it before it was a thing too!
BrandonDaCollector wrote: I had commented on the Wuzzles on your toon topic before. This is really cool, I only had the figures from that ad and still haven't located them yet I'll tell ya again, My Grandma took Me to her great friend's shop, her name was Annie Burke (she was a wonderful person) and she had the Wuzzles figures and I was interested in them and My Grandma got Me all she had (big stores like Venture, K-Mart & Target didn't have them) and they were fading out elsewhere like TRU. This brought back them memories
BrandonDaCollector wrote:
SPECIAL NOTE: So as you know, I have been off and on trying to bring back old stores of My time in My local areas of what once was anyway I can within My topics. For a long time I have been thinking of Televideo so please allow Me to reminisce of this great video store from a cool time. So I believed they opened in 1990, cannot be for sure. They were in our great and convenient K-Mart plaza that I have talked a lot about in My topics because I had so many good times there and got so many important items from there. Televideo was a huge place for a video outlet, I mean it was nearly the half the size of K-Mart! It was owned by an Asian fella, he was nice but seemed like he was grumpy on busy days. He had a lot of stuff and exclusives that many of our other great video rental stores didn't have such as Mr T's, Movie King & Star Video (I also must mention Movie Mogul & Rainbow Video here because they were special too). I have briefly mentioned some of these in the past and plan to more in great detail in the future. I mean he had tons of movies, his store was in the similar CALIBER of the likes of Blockbuster & Hollywood Video that would soon reign, it was fun times. I remember back in 92, wow 30 years ago this year when We searched all over town to rent the WWF Survivor Series 92 and nobody had it...oh but Televideo did! I was so thrilled about that day, it was incredible! Also, in My great Beetlejuice showcase I posted for Halloween last year in My Vintage Acton Figure topic, the VHS of that also came from Televideo. So what happen was things were changing and getting really bad in the neighborhood not to long after this. The plaza was dying and sadly he went out of business as did Radio Shack among other stores there. K-Mart lasted until about 2000 and that once awesome & fun plaza was gone forever. It was completely changed in the early to mid 2000s and today it is completely unrecognizable only to be forgotten by so many and anybody that's young in that area knows nothing of it's history. I am very thankful I once knew and experienced it
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here is My first actual installments because these were My FIRST official Wrestling tapes in the sleeve (My Grandma used the 2 VCR Gold head trick and got Me tons of'em that way for a long while before). She got these for Me not too long after We moved in Our new house in 1990 at the Schnucks on Iron & Grand. That was a great store, We'd take turns of that one & National. I distinctly remember how cool this was. They had a great Video Club there and We joined it. There was 1990's Total Recall, Darkman, Dick Tracy, Arachnophobia & Gremlins 2 all together to buy and she got Me them as well. Around the corner of the movies for sale there was a large wrestling display with 3 wrestling tapes there, it was like it as just for Me. I was just in awe about it, I said to her I need these and she got'em for Me. I was the most happiest 9 year old youngster in the building I'm sure. The three tapes was in a set of 6 (they never had the Macho Man, Andre the Giant & Rock 'n' Roll Rumble with TMD & JYD nor have I ever seen them in person, only online) in a line called The World's Greatest Wrestling Series. It had nothing to do with the WWF nor the AWA, NWA/WCW, it was all basically in the days when independent contracts was still a thing during the early 80s. These were some of My first looks in live action of "The King" Jerry Lawler & The Rock 'n' Roll Express and even features Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo as a tag team and Hulk Hogan's debut match as Terry "The Hulk" Boulder which was so cool cause I really never seen "The Hulkser" young like that besides Rocky III and his Japan tenure via wrestling magazines. It's presented by Terry Clanton. I had always seen'em in the books but not on TV. These tapes were wondrous for them youngsters & elders alike that wanted to see outside of WWF & WCW. Look at these boxes that has such great art on them, to this day they are still one of the best I have ever seen
Look at the matches that these have, they were unbelievable back then cause many people didn't know that they happen, click the pic in a new tab, like most of My pics its huge and you can read it very close
Here is the VHS example, look at the Copyright of 1989
So I have talked about Schnucks on Iron & Grand for a long time, well I have decided to finally present where it used to be. Here is the street sign and the entry/drive way
Here is a closer look at it in recent times. After this Schnucks moved on Loughborough & after Schnucks took-over National that became Our main grocery store but on occasions We'd go to the ones on Hampton, South Grand & Arsenal (the latter was/is My fave) and would remain until the destruction of the location (see My recent B-day Recent Acquirements for more on that) which the others would be Ours then plus We'd go to Save A Lot as much as well as Shop 'N Save (they went under and taken-over by Schnucks thanks to the P!amDemi!) across the street from where National was on Kingshighway & Chippewa. So back to Iron Street, after Schnucks moved on, a new store moved in called Holly Hills Market Place (possibly look for a special on that in My Odds & Ends) but as good & fancy as they were they went out of business sometime later (I don't know when cause We didn't shop there often if much at all) then years later architects split the building up and a Family Dollar & Planet Fitness was placed in (I got a bit at that FD). Like the Family Dollar next to Big Lots! & Burlington Coat Factory (where Venture once was in the 80s & 90s), it was replaced by a Dollar General (like Walmart they were only in the counties now their coming in and taking over stuff in the city) and thanks to the PlamDemic! Planet Fitness is no longer there (I went there a lot). It's so amazing how stuff like this changes So back to how it used to be back in the better times of the early 90s. As you read above I'd get a lot of movies over there include Suburban Commando later in early 92 but this place also just didn't have movies oh no, they had video games over there too to rent as well like Our other places like Movie King & Star Video (see My great Glory Days of Video Rentals in My Odds & Ends for all that great history & more) and this location was where My Grandma rented Me the SNES for Easter in 1992 which is the very first time I ever played it and they had some great games to chose from such as Konami's Contra III & Super Castlevania IV and others such as Capcom's Street fighter II (I just played the arcade mere months prior at Crestwood Bowl with My Mom & her Boyfriend Kevin!) and this all was such great times This location had a great newsstand as well which I got a lot of WWF, Batman, Mad & Cracked Magazines and oh gosh I loved those Banquet Western TV Dinners with those BBQ Beans and them delicious TMNT 2: TSOTO Fruit Pies One day I didn't go with My Grandma in the Fall or Winter of 91 or 92, while she was there checking out, a very large & mature Buck Deer with Antlers came busting through the glass of the front windows and ran all over the store and he finally went out the way he came. It was all over the news channels like Fox 2, KMOV 4, KSDK 5, KPLR 11 & ABC 12. It was really incredible seeing that on film, I really regretted not going with her that day cause that was AWESOME
So now in the great year of 1995 My Grandma won Me 2 great WWF Wrestling Tapes from the Missouri Lottery Scratch-offs over at Schnucks on Loughborough over a decade before the destruction She was really lucky back then with Scratchers. These 2 great tapes are WWF Wrestling Superheroes & WWF Greatest Hits. Here is the cool VHS Boxes
Here is the Back of the Boxes with the matches and more, look how classic that is
Here is a look at the VHS Tapes themselves plus the 1990 & 1991 Copyrights, I love it
Now in the early to early mid 2000s I got WWF SummerSlam 92 & Survivor Series 93 in their newer relocated video department in the last days of not only the department but also the store itself. I saw'em and I'm like gosh, I gotta buy'em and so I did. The Boxes weren't in great shape but they were ok for Me especially for the prices I got them for, I'm not that picky when it comes to things that were used and being acceptable. I have always loved these covers and how they felt. The big box look was gone by 92 but these still looked good especially the Coliseum Video Logo Tear that was a trend for them for a while. If you have really followed Me on the board then you know that SummerSlam 92 is My favorite one. WWF Survivor Series 93 is also one of the best ones also, like the year, it's extremely underrated & unappreciated but thank goodness I have come to realize that
Here is the Back of the Boxes and notice the $2.49 prices, can't beat that
Here is the VHS Tapes and the Copyrights of Evart Enterprises 1992 & 1993, amazing this WWF SummerSlam 92 was over 30 years last year and this WWF Survivor Series 93 was 30 years ago this year Notice the Schnucks Video Club Stickers there. Now there is one astonishing thing there and in My view it's so imperative & crucial to My mission. The one Sticker there says National Video Library. What this means is that this VHS Tape was actually part of National, THE SAME NATIONAL that I have been talking about off & on for quite some time and showcased as best as I could in My Vintage Action Figure Topic They used to have a cool video library way back when and We rented many movies there and I especially recall this special & superb Three Stooges documentary that was hosted by the late great Steve Allen that My Grandma rented Me back in 89/90. Now how is this possible you may ask I have explained it all before, it's possible because Schnucks bought them, took over their stores. Like Vinnie Mac did to WCW, they wiped out there competition and either moved in their buildings or let some other lesser company move was really fruit because they just let them fall to oblivion In My Vintage I explained how much I loved National and it was My favorite grocery store to go to. It's always been a big part of My life
Around that time period, possibly even the same day I also got this really cool b]WWF Ultimate Warrior VHS[/b] as well. There's no way in friggin' heck I'd pass that up Look at the Front & Back Covers, so awesome
Here is the VHS & Copyright of 1992 when The Ultimate Warrior returned
Here is the Schnucks Video Club Label
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Now this is My favorite of wrestling themed films and arguably the biggest & most important part of this huge entire 5-Parter showcase that I have presented thus far Here is My No Holds Barred & Suburban Commando VHS Tapes I have greatly spotlighted them in PB's Movie Trailer Topic a long while back and I have expressed My love for them both deeply. No Holds Barred was such a huge event for Me, 1989 was so great and there will never ever be another massive event like this again mark My words I will never forget when I opened Verna's Mr.T's door and saw the new releases and No Holds Barred was right there looking at Me on her shelf and immediately I picked it up so nobody would before Me cause wrestling was My life then like it is now, I'm sure I was the biggest fan then of it at least in My area. It seemed like there was always problem with people with so much I like and really the same goes for this moment as well that I'm such an outlier Everybody I knew, kids at school especially I tried get them into it (see in Part 1 when I talked about Jacob, that was so uncalled for and so darn pathetic!) one year I believe in was 91 I got some really nice WWF Valentine Cards and handed to most of the class but handed the special ones to My Girlfriends. I was really bummed either they didn't know about them nor cared to or just didn't like it. I always try to get people into exciting things nobody ever listens to Me and hey, it's tuff-$h!t when this hive-minded & hominginized society finds out how great something is when I already told them so Anyway I talked about Verna in Part 1 and featured her greatly in My Glory Days of Movie Rentals, she knew I was a huge wrestling fan and understood it thus is the reason why she was so nice to Me, why I liked her so much and I really miss her I was unable to see No Holds Barred at the show but seeing the film on tape was awesome and I just loved it. Now only a couple short years later in the cool year of 1991 Suburban Commando was coming out and while it wasn't as big nor hyped like No Holds Barred, it still got plenty of publicity on WWF Prime Time Wrestling and all of WWF's Programming during this year. Unlike No Holds Barred, the film was playing at Our Wehrenberg Kenrick Theater that I showcased in My Vintage Kenner Star Wars in My Vintage Action Figure Topic and I boy-o-boy I wanted My Grandparents to take Me there cause they watched wrestling with Me all the time cause they watched it long before Me as I have said before and knew as much current stuff as I did so they were interested in it too, My Grandpa really got a kick out of it. I was quite happy with the film and I recall it like it was yesterday. There really has been few times since I have had much of a cool time especially when wrestling was involved one way or another. Here's the Front Covers I have always loved the posters I love to feel the boxes as well
Here is the Back Covers and again I love how they look and to feel them
Here is the VHS Tapes themselves...
and here is the No Holds Barred 1989 Copyright Label...
as well as the Suburban Commando VHS 1991 & 1992 Copyrights
Here is the Side of the Boxes. Columbia always had two different sides which was a cool feature for a display
Here is the RCA/Columbia 1989 Copyright as well as the 1991 & 1992 Copyright of New Line Cinema and it tells you that the Soundtrack is available on Rhino CDs...more on that near the climax of this showcase later
Here is the Columbia Hologram Logo. I always loved these and in fact Columbia was always one of My faves when it came to movies and how they designed their boxes
Now here is special look at where at got these. I got them both at Schnucks but at two different locations. I actually got Suburban Commando first over at their location on Iron Street in their cool video bin (see Part 1 for that special) in around late 1991/early 1992. You had to wait for them to put newer releases up for sale and I was impatiently waiting for them to believe you Me As one might think I didn't get No Holds Barred from Verna's Mr. T's but the Schnucks on Loughborough which see Part 1 for that too. I got that around 1997...I saw it for sale and I immediately grabbed it, there was no way in Sam "freggin" Hain I was going to let somebody else have it before Me, no way You can clearly see how the Labels differ as they changed their style & emblems over the last several years of time between the two
BrandonDaCollector wrote:If your a wrestling fan and love "Hot Rod - Rowdy" Roddy Piper you gotta have at least one film of his in your collection. I have the 1988 They Live VHS and I saw it over at the Schnucks on Loughborough and I had to get it. Now this isn't My favorite John Carpenter movie which that is 1986's Big Trouble in Little China, in fact it;s one of My favorites of all-time. This film is quite a great dark one that everybody must see for a truthful purpose. Piper said it best, it's actually a documentarySpoiler:
So here is the Front & Back of the VHS Box. It's hard to believe this year marks They Live's 35th Anniversary
Here's the VHS Tape's 1989 Copyright Label which is when the tape was released. Here's the Schnucks Video Club Sticker as well
Now My final entry in this extravaganza is none other than My 1999 Universal Soldier 2: The Return VHS. I recall it like last week when WCW was hyping up Bill Goldberg being in the sequel to the fantastic actioner 1992's Universal Soldier. It was awesome that he would be the villain along with Jean-Claude Van Damme & Michael Jai White. It was so cool that Megadeth performed their new hit Crush'em and Goldberg going on the stage in a unexpected return an dthat said song would be the theme for the film The film was pretty cool and had some really good moments. It was a must have to buy. Here is the Front & Back Covers as well as the VHS Tape itself
Here is the VHS & Columbia Tri-Star 1999 Copyright Label as well the Schnucks Video Club Sticker .
Now it's possible that I got this at Schnucks on Loughborough (see Part 1 for the location) however I cannot be certain cause there's a part of Me that says I got it from Schnucks in Hampton Village
I have showcased Hampton heavily within My Odds & Ends Topic when I showcased B. Dalton & Johnny Brock's as well as Almost Everything Sports Store & Louie's Pizza Co., Movie King and Peaches Sound Warehouse/Blockbuster Video & Music plus don't forget My classic & current Target too and recently in My Vintage Action Figure & Video Game Topics. It has always been a great area of life for decades. this Schnucks is still there but they too have followed the rest of them as well as so many others of no longer being open 24 hours and accompany the trending curfews since the emergence of the PlamDem!c which is so darn frustrating I had many good times there and really was My fave location for a while but again the one on Arsenal will always be the one. You can see that in My great Marvel & DC ToyBiz Batman Showcase here ---> So here is a beautiful look at Schnucks on/in Hampton Village, it's truly a great place to be and one of the most historical areas of St. Louis
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here's SNES: Super Bases Loaded (Jaleco - 1991) & Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (Nintendo 1994): Both are great. I first played Griffey at My Mom's Boyfriend Alan's house with his kids around September & October 94. It was a pretty fun time, they had Mortal Kombat 2 as well which I recall this like it was yesterday
SNES: Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run (Nintendo 1996), Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (LJN -1991) and Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (1995 - Acclaim): All of these games are superb. I would love Thomas when I got to know him when I became a major MLB fan in 1998 and it was awesome seeing him stand next to Mark McGwire. Now My favorite of these is Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball, I have played this tons of times and it has these really cool feelings of the Autumn & Post Season and really it's the only sports game I've played that felt like that
So moving on to Sega Genesis, here's 1992's Sports Talk Baseball that was made by Sega, it's really a good one and was kinda revolutionary at the time Notice on the back of the Case the Price Sticker says it's property of Schnucks in Hampton Village so you can clearly see where i got this one at
Here's the 1995 Sega Genesis version of Acclaims's Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball.
Here is Sony's 1993 EPSN Baseball Tonight for Sega Genesis & Sega Genesis CD. My Mom got Me the CD version from Funco for Christmas in 1996 or My Birthday 1997 when they had a ton of clearanced games because of newer systems and changing times. Me & My grandma MiMi played the CD version the most, it was just so much cooler and hearing Chris "Boomer" Burman commentate is quite fun See, Sony was always wanting to be in the Video Game Industry, back in the early 90s look where they were and look where they are now since 95 with Playstation These great games are celebrating their 30th Anniversary right now as I speak from 1993
[/b]Here's My SNES Addams Family that I got used over at Loughborough Schnucks, I loved to play this as it was so fun Notice the stickers on there. I know it't quite unattractive but it it one way of knowing whom you got it from which really that's ok with me and besides, there's enough of the Game's Title to see what it is
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Before I began I just want to say Our local BK is in the Loughborough Commons area. I have talked about some of this before. The same place Our cool Schnucks used to be. Well the braniac corporate heads of this whole region decided to tear it down and EVEN PEOPLE HOMES to make a new plaza in 2007, oh it was devastating for the people that lived there, it as all over the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and elsewhere So come 2008 it was all opened with even more on the way. Me & Mom went to that BK a lot for years and some at the Lowes as well which this years marks the 15th anniversary of that era Here is the newer Schnucks, My Grandma really disliked it back when We were doing Our rounds, things just wasn't the same I mean every isle was messed up & uncategorized and they got rid of the all of the vending machines, if your a Capricorn like Us then you know YOU HATE CHANGE
Now Schnucks in Hampton Village is pretty much the same minus their video club of course. All Schnucks discontinued it in at least the mid 2000s because ya know, times were changing during the first stages of Red Box & Netflix basically annihilating the fun times of Video Rentals Now I've showcased this area a lot in My great topics. just recently when I showcased My Accolade Hardball III I showed that good but very brief Video Game Store. I have also showed in My all crucial Odds & Ends Almost Everything Sports Store which was the absolute cheapest place you could go to and it was so nice. Hampton is such a good area but in recently times it is really getting some crime which is a darn shame. Now here's a recent picture of Hampton Village's Schnucks. The little building that is connected to it used to be B.Dalton's. Also look to the far right, there's the newer Target. Now to the left is where JCPenny's was plus where Johnny Brock's Dungeon was next to it. His family has major history with the St. Louis Cardinals. I've showcased all of this in My very imperative Odds & Ends, check them out soon
Brian Gross
Wish there was some pictures of the Loughborough Store. I practically grew up in that one.
Star Video
Brian Gross I'll see if we can dig some up
Brian Gross
Star Video that would be awesome
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Ghostbusters Sega Genesis Game: Oh gosh, this is one of the most underrated games of all-time IMO. This was one of My favorite games to play on the Sega Genesis and it came out in 1990! Like many games that are inspiration or even coincide with their movie counterparts, there is some elements of all kinds like characters, locations, music, etc. that wasn't in the films and this great classic has a lot of that cool bonus stuff! My Grandma got this for Me in the later part of the 90s before our local Star Video went out of business thanks to Blockbuster Video down the street & Hollywood Video literally taking Star Video's place Another thing I loved about Sega's games was their protective cases, this is something Nintendo really lacked for decades! In fact, Nintendo was quite behind on certain things till later...I consider Sega like Kenner & Nintendo is like Hasbro, Hasbro "borrowed" so many concepts from Tonka/Kenner and the rest is history!
BrandonDaCollector wrote:So it was sometime in around 1993 so about thirty years ago this year. I was with My Grandma making the rounds and checking out Our great local Blockbuster. On their shelf they had a VHS tape I had never seen there before nor anywhere else and it was for sale. I really liked the looks of it so She got Me WWF Even More Unusual Matches. It has one of Bruno Sammartino's last matches, Lanny Poffo in Knight's Armor and the infamous match where "The Hulkster" injured "The King" Harley Race It has the old stylish VHS case that opens up which I really loved these kind. Take a gander at this classic as well as the VHS Tape itself
Now as I said I never seen it there before, We rented all of their wrestling tapes previously. I believe that this was a secondhand shipment and was placed there either by mistake or they just wanted to sell it cause there was no Blockbuster stickers of any kind there, instead there was one of Screenplay Video in 80th & Wadsworth Arvada Colorado which to this day I never knew them. Even though I didn't, I didn't want them to be forgotten as well cause unfortunately I'm sure there's people there that gives a rat's@$$ about them or doesn't even know about them so if somebody from that area is actually seeing this and knows of this Movie Rental joint and is like Me that you don't want them to fall to oblivion in this limbolic androgynous day & age then give Me a holla, I would really appreciate that
So along with that I also got WWF SummerSlam 90, it's one of My favorite SummerSlams. In around middle/late July, I got a WWF Magazine which was the August 1990 edition hyping up SummerSlam 90. I remember going down the street to My Grandpa's bike shop and showing it to him and telling him about Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's horrendous accident and him being replaced by "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich. While PoPo was sad about Beefcake, he was glad about Kerry cause he loved him and glad that he won as well. This event IMO was one of the best of the entire decade. The box is still big like the other one but lacks the case option however it feels really smooth & nice kinda like the WWF Magazines. I have always loved the Front, Back & Side Covers of the match ups and all that great stuff
Here is the VHS Tape itself as well as the lovely classic Blockbuster Video Labels & 1990 Copyright I have always loved the quality of Coliseum Video. The old/vintage WWF Magazines & Videos were really My fave to get back during these good times and IMO really were the best you could get regardless of genre, if they weren't tell Me otherwise
BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here is Sega's World Series Baseball 95 & World Series Baseball 96 that I got from Blockbuster. These were so revolutionary at the time with the graphics & camera angles. These also sported the newer sliding Boxes that took the place of the harder Protective Cases. While I really don't prefer these types, these are fine too. These are still some of the best Baseball games you can play and Notice Manny Ramirez is the coverboy of WSB 96
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