Oh man-o-man, I have been waiting to showcase this for quite some time. It's My huge

Now it's quite special how I got them in many ways. First I must explain that I am NOT a classy guy dressing up and all that jazz...nope, I have always dressed very casual and usually never wore jeans and belts so Belt Buckles were not My thing as I didn't require them. However, that would change in a different and unexpected manner and this is how it changed Me. So I always went to the grocery stores with My Grandma, always have since I was a youngster. We always played the vending claw machines and nine times outta ten we would always get something out of them no matter what location we'd go too. For example, there was this one time at My local Big Lots (the same one I always mention) she grabbed a huge
18" Marvel Incredible Hulk and he knocked in several plushes in the hole and then he fell in too

Oh we did this stuff on a weekly basis, for years, it was tremendous times and I have a ton of stories to tell like that but they will have to wait. Over all of this time the owners of the machines at multiple locations throughout our neighborhood like at Schnucks on Loughborough (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!) & Hampton and Arsenal (Arsenal was My fave) and even the now defunct Shop 'n Save (it's unbelievable their are no more due to the P!demic) would "FIX/RIG" the claw by untighting the screws of it and putting things here and there where they THOUGHT WE COULDN'T GET IT oh but we outsmarted them time and time again! My Grandma was just great at it and I was ok. We both would take turns and put our money in and a lot of it was for Me but occasion she would want something to but not often. See, the owners of the machines OWNED all of them at every location in our area (we studied hard and researched them!) and countless times they just got mad at us. First it was by an older lady then a Mexican fella. We did this from the mid 90s to the early 2010s until things changed. We weren't perfect, there was times when we struck out for a while or when they never even filled the machines. There was countless times the machines would act up and brake while we were playing them and an gosh were we disappointed when we were anticipating saying to each I wonder want they got new in the machines now

Then the machines would be out of order suspiciously...we always theorized it was most likely on purpose just so they wouldn't lose their money and items. We always had a small audience watching us which sometimes we didn't prefer cause we just wanted it to be us so we could concentrate as much as we could and get out as much as possible. We did have some competition however at the time. Sometimes there was a guy that looked like Aaron Eckhart/Christoper Lambert that got out a ton of bean bags out of the small plush machine that we sometimes played and he'd come over to the other machines and wasn't after what we were so that really wasn't a biggie but there was this tall older guy who always went after what we wanted and usually got it and he cost us many times more than I can count... he was nothing but a darn spoiler to put it mildly

During the early 2010s the Mexican guy was finally wise to us cause it was pretty much a mystery who was basically robbing him getting all of these Looney Tunes, Disney, DC & Marvel and cartoon plushes and much more outta of all of the vending machines because we never truly "encountered" each other. We always saw him pulling up in the parking lots and filling up the machines but never let him see us until one day at the South City Schnucks that we didn't go to that much. He finally knew who was behind all of this "prize winning" for years! Shockingly, he actually took it well and was pretty nice to us and even put things here and there so we could get'em (he put in some awesome Ghostbusters plushes in while we were watching him (it was fun to be honest) and we got all of them but Winston...never had him in any machine - maybe one day I will showcase them in the future). After that, times were changing, things were winding down and stores were changing their ways and were getting rid of the machines to fit their own convenient brilliant corporate ideas and so fourth. I complained to them many times but it did no good and so that is was it and our time at the machines was over but man it was such a wild ride
So with My big journey down memory lane down pat, its quite unbelievable reliving this after all of this time as I haven't talked about it in so long. I am very thankful that Me and My Grandma got them during them times! Now how we got these beauties is we hooked them through the loop. There was only a few that was actually on a card with a ribbon on them for advantage but more on that is a bit. They are made of pewter & metal and some are even painted and they are still in great condition as I have took good care of them! Of course We had misses too, there was many more Belt Buckles in the machine that We just were unable to capture but this is gonna be one heck of a run from 1997 to 2008! Here is ALL of My
Belt Buckles that we got out of the jewelry machine most at the Schnucks Loughborough location with select commentary & notes and by the way, My case of them together weights nearly
American Flags: I'm a proud American and these were a must have!
Nature: I love animals and nature so I had to get them. The sculpting is superb!

Old West & Culture: I've always loved that sort of stuff, they caught My eye and we got'em!

Trains & Oil Workers: Again, love that stuff!
War: While I like to watch war in movies, video games and stuff, I don't like it for real. With that being said, I had to get these because I honor our troops who paid for our freedom so this is one of My little ways of showing that
Bikers: While I do not not agree with the overall style of Biker clubs, I do like them and one of My Grandpa's passions was bikes so this is to him
Fishing: I loved fishing, I always catched and release!
Racing: I was never a race car fan but didn't have nothin' against it so I wanted these for the collectablity!
Sports: Never got into these sports much less teams so the same as above.
St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago Bulls: Oh these were an absolute must have! I loved the Cardinals (My home town team) so this is so crucial to own! Now the Bulls on the other hand, I never followed basketball faithfully but I knew a bit of their history then so it was a must too and besides, their state is just next door!
Pro Wrestling & Triceratops: These were My MOST WANTED out of ALL OF THEM! I was so euphoric when I saw the Wrestling one, it looked so classic and old school (the Attitude Era was in full force and I was missing the classic stuff already). I believe it was an inspiration of Hulk Hogan vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton. The Dinosaur buckle was really My thrillzone here because I loved the design, sculpting and especially the paint of the scenery! Oh I remember about 25 years ago this year as to how it was for back then
WCW: WOW, I was extremely surprised that they had more wrestling in the machine (as you saw in My Vintage Wrestling Topic, We got out plush figures of Goldberg & Sting from there!) and it was all WCW

One is of
Goldberg because he was THE MAN! The others are both
nWo - 1 is Black & White and the other is The Wolf Pack Black & Red. I think we got them of different days, I'm not sure. When I got these I was so happy to add more to My already big WCW collection
St.Louis Rams: Now this the bittersweet one because it was THE LAST one we ever got

Notice I left it on the card with the ribbon. When they were like that it was kinda easy to get them out provided they didn't "rig" the claw too much because if they did then the it just couldn't handle the wait. I loved the detail and it was like all of the other sports themed ones I have it is all official and authentic. Every time I look at this one it just reminds Me that was the last one I ever got

Here is also a pic of it out from it's card back

Copyrights & Logos: As you know, I love copyrights. Here is a great gallery of them with the years and companies that made them! It's so amazing when I see stuff like this

SPECIAL BONUS GALLERY!Cardinals & Rams: Yep, the two teams of Saint Louie at the time (Rams are longer ours) so I wanted to put them together as it should be!
Scale: Here s My
OSTM Hollywood Hogan & Goldberg action figures that I showcased in My Vintage Wrestling Topic, I thought they were very apropos to show the size comparison!
All Together Now: 2 more shots of
My Belt Buckle Collection concurrently

Well, that's it for this one. I hope you have enjoyed it. My collection is worth a mint especially the
WCW ones, most of these are extremely rare and hard to come by. It was truly remarkable showcasing My huge
Belt Buckle Collection! I have much more in store to present, until the next one I'll see you around