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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:21 am

Before I get to My post I wanted to say that Treat Williams got killed in a motorcycle accident, when I read this I was shocked :o He was a good actor and in some cool action films. My Grandpa liked him, he thought he was quite decent. My absolute favorite movie that he was in was 1998's Deep Rising :!: May he Rest In Peace :(

Treat Williams RIP 1.jpg

Treat Williams RIP 2.jpg

I was surprised about this from James Woods who really as late telling it like it is.

Treat Williams RIP 3.jpg
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:32 am

Look above to see the shocking news about Treat Williams :(

OK, now back to My regular posting. Oh I wouldn't doubt it. I never seen Key Largo, I never got to it.

So since over the past two days I have been surprised in PB's Zen Topic about Step by Step that Sasha Mitchell was in it as I didn't know him from comedy, I knew him as one of the best martial artists seen on film! The first thing I saw him in was 1991's Kickboxer 2: The Road Back. Oh I recall it like yesterday seeing the VHS Box at Star Video, I couldn't wait to rent it and I seen it countless times! While I'm moving a head before the first film, I wanted to show this because of Mitchell over the past 2 days. It continues where the first one left off as Jean-Claude Van Damme & his play brother has been killed off and Sasha is the third brother getting revenge on Tong Po who killed them :!:

Kickboxer 2 - 1.jpg

Tong Po is played by Michel Qissi who is reprising his role from the first film. He is one of My favorite movie bad guys ever. He is real life friend of Van Damme who has been in many of his films. Kickboxer 2's real villain however is played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa who is such a great Japanese villain actor and has been in so much. It also stars Peter Boyle long before his Everybody Loves Raymond days. Also Vince Murdocco has a major part as well who was an upcoming fighter and there's other appearances by familiar actors & fighters of the 80s. Also a nice looking Ring Card Girl as well.

Kickboxer 2 - 3.jpg

However, arguably the biggest surprise is the appearance of MMA Legend, Stunt Actor & Wrestler who was known as "The Godfather of Grappling" Gene LeBell who plays a referee. If you don't know him well he trained greats like Chuck Norris, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & "Rowdy: Rhonda Rousey :o Here he is raising Sasha Mitchell's hand in victory :o

Kickboxer 2 - 4.jpg

Kickboxer 2: The Road Back is one of My favorite fighting films and one of the last great ones. Here's the trailer :!:

The score was great but never available however here's a tremendous song that really fit the overall tone of the movie and was one of the last of it's kind.

OK, so there's how I originally knew of Sasha Mitchell. I love the action hero films, I started loving them really early in My youngster days, I know the action actors like I do wrestlers. I'll post a lot of action & fighting movies soon :batsmile:
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:24 am

See, I neve realized Sasha Mitchell was in the Kickboxer movies, but that would explain why the girls in the live studio audience always cheered when he came on screen, lol.

RIP Treat Williams. I remember my dad would always rent The Substitute films when they came out at the rental places.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:21 am

Yes indeed about about Treat, cool about your dad renting those :)

So there's probably more you don't know either PB ;) I guess so, good reason to cheer him cause he was 100% legit!
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:21 am

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:28 am

I never saw that Treasure of Sierra Madre with Bogey one either. I really haven't seen much of his movies believe it or not however that looked good.
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:42 pm

I got into Humphrey Bogart movies as a teen. There are some really good ones.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:51 am

Well that is good. He's one of a few I haven't got into as of yet. His movies do look good :)

You just posted a Final Fantasy video game commercial in your Toy Commercial Topic PB and I thought you might coincide it with the great CGI animated film from 2001 but you didn't so allow Me too ;) While I said I wasn't a fan of the games however there were so many great films in 2001 and this was one of'em. I never moved passed the film however like getting into the games. I still have the VHS unopened which I'll showcase in time :) Here's the trailer to Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within :!:

Now the music is totally fantastic. I bought CD long ago. I would hate to think that anybody on this board or anywhere for that matter has never heard the music or given it a shot. It's by Elliott Goldenthal who did the truly wonderful Batman Forever & Batman & Robin scores. I would imagine anybody who has heard that would recognize his sound because like Danny Elfman has his own unique sound and you just know its him. I have listen to his work for a very long time and I have listened to his Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within score many times as well so here's a sample of this greatness :batsmile:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:09 am

I remember that movie coming out, just never saw it.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:24 am

I see. I've seen Sinatra's The Detective before, it was a long time ago but I recall it very much so and it was a fine film and I found him a good actor as well.

So here is a BIG SPECIAL that is coinciding with My latest Vintage Marvel showcase seen here ---> Don't rush thru whatever you do ;)

Here is two vintage & classic Marvel movies...first up is...


Now as I had explained in My Marvel Topic & showcases I wasn't a Marvel fan nor really a comic geek till 1989/1990 so Howard the Dark didn't strike Me as a comic adaptation, it was another cool sci-fi alien film. Here is how Howard looked in the original comics and he's always got the luck to have some fine women at his side :batwink:


The film is written by George Lucas and he has some serious input in this one. You can tell he has pull here the way it's filmed. Back then when I found out I thought it was rad. Thanks to My Grandma finding it and renting it for Me over at Movie Mogul way back in around early/mid 1987 as she thought I'd love it and boy did I :) There's a scene in the beginning where an alternate reality version of Raiders of the Lost Ark to match Howard's World. I was amazed when I first saw this stuff because I'm like this is by the same guy that did Star Wars & Indiana Jones so this was huge for Me :) Here's a comparison of Raiders of the Lost Ark & Breeders of the Lost Stark... take a gander at that :lol: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So I've talked about her for a long while on the board. The film starred Lea Thompson. I first seen her in Back to the Future a while before hand. She was arguably My first major crush. At this tender youngster age of Mine when I was seeing females I wasn't horny or whatever about them yet till a long time later but I was like I want to protect them and I don't want nothing happening to them. I believe I developed that with the She-Ra cartoon. I found Thompson's character Beverly so pretty, nice looking and sweet she was like the first one I really cared for and still to this day I have those same feelings. I have seen very few women that compares to how good she was :)


Now as for the villain of the movie, it's the Dark Overlord of the Universe, a member of the ancient evil aliens that had been in the Howard the Duck comics as well. The embodiment/host is played by Jeffery Jones who was in great films such as Beetlejuice & Who's Harry Crumb. This is one of his best performances and I always liked how big he was and how he changed his voice. The special effects was truly incredible and I prefer this over just about any of today's CGI seen in these modern films. It was by Industrial Light & Magic/ILM which is Lucas's own special effects company :batsmile:


So here's the sweet teaser trailer with Lea Thompson aka Beverly :batsmile:

Here's the main trailer :!:

Now here is these scenes of the Dark Overlord. As you know I was a young horror freak seeing all kinds of spooky films in the dark with My Grandpa such as Alien & Aliens and I wasn't afraid of'em as I thought they were neat and all that but believe it or not I was actually afraid of The Dark Overlord in his true form :o I remember My Grandma saying to Me your afraid of this Angel and I don't recall My actual response but I'm like yeah I am :shock: Still I'm not quite sure why. It still kinda gives Me chills even after all of this time however I really think this specie is awesome :batsmile:

Now like Michael J. Fox played the guitar and sung his Johnny B. Goode song in 1985's Back to the Future. Well his co-star in the wonderful Howard the Duck film Lea Thompson really upped the ante a year later because she did too but she did way more however. They were written by Thomas Dolby...yes that SAME Dolby of Dolby Surround Sound :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Here's two of her great songs :)

Now the musical score was brilliant and it was by legendary late great John Barry of the James Bond 007 movies. The score just recently had a first major release however I bought the epic MASK Bootleg that was shared with Disney's The Black Hole which I showcased this marvelous set in My Marvel Topic just last week that you don't want to miss :shock: Here's a sample of his terrific Howard the Duck score :batsmile:

NOTE to PB: Remember when you showed 1998's Nick Fury: Agent of Shield and I said I have dibs on another Marvel film besides 1990's Captain America :? Well here's the other one :o

So the other great one that I showcased in My superb & visually stunning Marvel showcase was My Vintage Punisher collection. I explain a whole lot there. The Punisher live action film came out in the great year of 1989 and it starred Dolph Lundgren which I was really excited about because I knew him as Ivan Drago & He-Man and I thought he looked so neat with the dark hair and was such a great pick to play Frank Castle :batsmile:


I love how he rides motorcycles, just like My Grandpa used too :) Now there is a new villainess in the film and that is Lady Tanaka played by the great Japanese actress Kim Miyori. She's great looking yet psychotic crime boss of the Yakuza and she is one of the most memorable bad guys in all action hero films IMO :batshock: :wwwink: :smsmh:


Now in My great Punisher showcase I heavily talk about the film and how I knew it existed and all that sort of fun stuff including that the film came out in 1989 however it had such a limited release that hardly anybody saw it so it was no competition to DC's Batman 89 and it didn't arrive on VHS till 1991. This action film goes along with many of the great action & fighting hero movies of the 80s. Here's the teaser & main trailers to The Punisher :batsmile:

Now one of the funnest and most exciting aspects of the movie is the movie score. When I first saw the film and saw the intro/beginning of the film in way back 1991 I was truly in awe as I thought it was so darn good. I wanted to own it for years but it wasn't available and then FINALLY a record label named Perseverance Records made a special complete release in 2005 and I talked to the producer of the CD Robin Esterhammer for a long while too :o :shock: :wwshock: :smgasp: :batshock: I showcase it all in My great Howard the Duck & The Punisher Marvel Showcase :) Here's the beginning of the film with the awesome score by great composer Dennis Dreith :!:

Oh wow there's that, you can include The Punisher as a great action film of the 80s. Don't forget to check out all of the detail and so much more in My Howard the Duck & The Punisher Marvel Showcase here ---> but don't rush thru it because it's a great one I put together :)
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